2 research outputs found

    Colourful coexistence of red and green picocyanobacteria in lakes and seas

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    Hutchinson's paradox of the plankton inspired many studies on the mechanisms of species coexistence. Recent laboratory experiments showed that partitioning of white light allows stable coexistence of red and green picocyanobacteria. Here, we investigate to what extent these laboratory findings can be extrapolated to natural waters. We predict from a parameterized competition model that the underwater light colour of lakes and seas provides ample opportunities for coexistence of red and green phytoplankton species. To test this prediction, we sampled picocyanobacteria of 70 aquatic ecosystems, ranging from clear blue oceans to turbid brown peat lakes. As predicted, red picocyanobacteria dominated in clear waters, whereas green picocyanobacteria dominated in turbid waters. We found widespread coexistence of red and green picocyanobacteria in waters of intermediate turbidity. These field data support the hypothesis that niche differentiation along the light spectrum promotes phytoplankton biodiversity, thus providing a colourful solution to the paradox of the plankton

    Basaltic explosive volcanism: Constraints from deposits and models

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