373 research outputs found

    The role of the humanisation of smart home speakers in the personalisation–privacy paradox

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    This article examines the personalisation–privacy paradox through the privacy calculus lens in the context of smart home speakers. It also considers the direct and moderating role of humanisation in the personalisation–privacy paradox. This characteristic refers to how human the device is perceived to be, given its voice''s tone and pacing, original responses, sense of humour, and recommendations. The model was tested on a sample of 360 users of different brands of smart home speakers. These users were heterogeneous in terms of age, gender, income, and frequency of use of the device. The results confirm the personalisation–privacy paradox and verify uncanny valley theory, finding the U-shaped effect that humanisation has on risks of information disclosure. They also show that humanisation increases benefits, which supports the realism maximisation theory. Specifically, they reveal that users will perceive the messages received as more useful and credible if the devices seem human. However, the human-likeness of these devices should not exceed certain levels as it increases perceived risk. These results should be used to highlight the importance of the human-like communication of smart home speakers. © 2022 The Author

    The Acute-Phase Proteins Serum Amyloid A and C Reactive Protein in Transudates and Exudates

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    The distinction between exudates and transudates is very important in the patient management. Here we evaluate whether the acute-phase protein serum amyloid A (SAA), in comparison with C reactive protein (CRP) and total protein (TP), can be useful in this discrimination. CRP, SAA, and TP were determined in 36 exudate samples (27 pleural and 9 ascitic) and in 12 transudates (9 pleural and 3 ascitic). CRP, SAA, and TP were measured. SAA present in the exudate corresponded to 10% of the amount found in serum, that is, the exudate/serum ratio (E/S) was 0.10 ± 0.13. For comparison, the exudate/serum ratio for CRP and TP was 0.39 ± 0.37 and 0.68 ± 0.15, respectively. There was a strong positive correlation between serum and exudate SAA concentration (r = 0.764;p < 0.0001). The concentration of SAA in transudates was low and did not overlap with that found in exudates (0.02-0.21 versus 0.8–360.5 g/mL). SAA in pleural and ascitic exudates results mainly from leakage of the serum protein via the inflamed membrane. A comparison of the E/S ratio of SAA and CRP points SAA as a very good marker in discriminating between exudates and transudates

    Eficiencia agronómica del azufre elemental relativa a una fuente azufrada soluble en trigo en la Región Pampeana

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    67-77Agronomic efficiency of elemental sulphur (AE) compared with soluble and S-sulphate sulphur sources depends on reactivity of AE (e.g. particle size) and environmental conditions (soil and climate). Although there is published information suggesting that elemental sulphur has similar effectiveness than soluble sulphur sources, the information is not conclusive. We hypothesized that agronomic efficiency of AE and soluble S sources are similar under the Pampas Region conditions. The objectives of the study were to: i. Evaluate S grain response to a reactive source of AE compared to a soluble S source under different S rates and soil and climate conditions. ii. Compare, for the group of experiments, agronomic S efficiency between S sources. iii: Relate S responses with soil and climatic variables. Eight field experiments were conducted during two successive years on cropping systems in the Pampas Region. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four or six replicates and a factorial treatment arrangement (factor 1: S source, factor 2: S rate). The treatments were: check (without S application), fertilization with a micronized source of AE (95 percent of S) and a fertilization treatment with ammonium sulphate (SA, 24 percent). Both sulphur sources were applied at two S rates. Sulphur rates were 10 and 30 kg ha-1 (year 1) and 15 and 30 kg ha-1 (year 2). In the first year, wheat responded significantly to S in four of five sites (p less than 0.05) with yield increases of 231 to 857 kg ha-1. Significant yield increases were observed in all sites in the second year, ranging from 702 to 2,119 kg ha-1. There were no significant differences in grain yield among S sources, rates or interaction source x S rates (p greater than 0.05) in most sites. When all sites were combined, sulphur sources presented similar agronomic S efficiencies (p greater than 0.05). The lower S rate (10 or 15 kg ha-1) was enough to provide S to the crop under the Pampas Region conditions. Grain yield responses to S were positively correlated with organic matter content and rainfall (during tillering or the whole crop cycle) and inversely associated with SO4 2- at planting, although with a poor adjustment. No correlation was detected between S response and temperatures during tillering or the whole crop cycle

    Eficiencia agronómica del azufre elemental relativa a una fuente azufrada soluble en trigo en la Región Pampeana

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    67-77Agronomic efficiency of elemental sulphur (AE) compared with soluble and S-sulphate sulphur sources depends on reactivity of AE (e.g. particle size) and environmental conditions (soil and climate). Although there is published information suggesting that elemental sulphur has similar effectiveness than soluble sulphur sources, the information is not conclusive. We hypothesized that agronomic efficiency of AE and soluble S sources are similar under the Pampas Region conditions. The objectives of the study were to: i. Evaluate S grain response to a reactive source of AE compared to a soluble S source under different S rates and soil and climate conditions. ii. Compare, for the group of experiments, agronomic S efficiency between S sources. iii: Relate S responses with soil and climatic variables. Eight field experiments were conducted during two successive years on cropping systems in the Pampas Region. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four or six replicates and a factorial treatment arrangement (factor 1: S source, factor 2: S rate). The treatments were: check (without S application), fertilization with a micronized source of AE (95 percent of S) and a fertilization treatment with ammonium sulphate (SA, 24 percent). Both sulphur sources were applied at two S rates. Sulphur rates were 10 and 30 kg ha-1 (year 1) and 15 and 30 kg ha-1 (year 2). In the first year, wheat responded significantly to S in four of five sites (p less than 0.05) with yield increases of 231 to 857 kg ha-1. Significant yield increases were observed in all sites in the second year, ranging from 702 to 2,119 kg ha-1. There were no significant differences in grain yield among S sources, rates or interaction source x S rates (p greater than 0.05) in most sites. When all sites were combined, sulphur sources presented similar agronomic S efficiencies (p greater than 0.05). The lower S rate (10 or 15 kg ha-1) was enough to provide S to the crop under the Pampas Region conditions. Grain yield responses to S were positively correlated with organic matter content and rainfall (during tillering or the whole crop cycle) and inversely associated with SO4 2- at planting, although with a poor adjustment. No correlation was detected between S response and temperatures during tillering or the whole crop cycle

    Application of molecular topology to the prediction of inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi Hexokinase by bisphosphonates

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    Se ha desarrollado un modelo topológico-matemático para la búsqueda de nuevos derivados bisfosfonatos activos frente a la hexokinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Utilizando el análisis lineal discriminante se ha seleccionado una función con cuatro variables capaz de predecir adecuadamente la CI50 para cada compuesto de las series de entrenamiento y test. El modelo propuesto se ha aplicado a una librería molecular y se han propuesto nuevas estructuras potencialmente activas frente a T. cruzi.A topological-mathematical model has been arranged to search for new derivatives of bisphosphonate compounds acting as inhibitors against Trypanosoma cruzi hexokinase. By using linear discriminant analysis, a four-variable function was achieved allowing an accurate prediction of the IC50 for each compound of the training and test series. After carrying out a virtual screening based upon such a model, new structures potentially actives against T. cruzi are proposed.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Ministerio de Sanidad, España (proyecto SAF2005-PIO52128) y al Máster Internacional en Enfermedades Parasitarias Tropicales, Universidad de Valencia

    Aplicación de la topología molecular en la predicción de la inhibición de Trypanosoma cruzi Hexokinasa y un grupo de derivados bifosfonatos

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    A topological-mathematical model has been arranged to search for new derivatives of bisphosphonate compounds actingas inhibitors against Trypanosoma cruzi hexokinase. By using linear discriminant analysis, a four-variable function wasachieved allowing an accurate prediction of the IC50 for each compound of the training and test series. After carryingout a virtual screening based upon such a model, new structures potentially actives against T. cruzi are proposedSe ha desarrollado un modelo topológico-matemático para la búsqueda de nuevos derivados bisfosfonatos activosfrente a la hexokinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Utilizando el análisis lineal discriminante se ha seleccionado una funcióncon cuatro variables capaz de predecir adecuadamente la CI50 para cada compuesto de las series de entrenamientoy test. El modelo propuesto se ha aplicado a una librería molecular y se han propuesto nuevas estructuraspotencialmente activas frente a T. cruzi

    Orthogonally bifunctionalised polyacrylamide nanoparticles: a support for the assembly of multifunctional nanodevices

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    Polyacrylamide nanoparticles bearing two orthogonal reactive functionalities were prepared by reverse microemulsion polymerisation. Water-soluble photosensitisers and peptide or carbohydrate moieties were sequentially attached to the new nanospecies by orthogonal conjugations based on copper- catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition and isothiocyanate chemistry

    Proyecto de convertidores modulares de electrónica de potencia para energías renovables

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    La red WindEmpowerment (WE) es una organización civil internacional que fomenta el conocimiento compartido y la utilización de fuentes renovables (sobre todo eólica de baja escala) para resolver problemas de electrificación rural. Si bien se utilizan diseños electro-mecánicos abiertos (turbina Piggot y otros), los conversores de electrónica de potencia en general no lo son. El presente Proyecto busca desarrollar, a través de la implementación colaborativa, una alternativa de diseño abierta y pública que permita a grupos o individuos con algún conocimiento técnico implementar sus propias soluciones, sea para ONGs que buscan hacer llegar una solución energética en sitios aislados, como también a fabricantes que al adherir al concepto modular y estándar, provean alternativas compatibles. La iniciativa, en la que participan ONGs, Universidades y Empresas vinculadas a las energías renovables de Francia, Argentina, Perú, Austria e Inglaterra y que obtuvo financiamiento a inicios de 2016 a través de WISIONS, enfatiza la participación de becarios estudiantiles de ingeniería en pasantías. En el presente trabajo se describen los pasos iniciales y alcances previstos para el desarrollo conjunto de un estándar para la producción de conversores de electrónica de potencia modulares.This paper presents the preliminary advances of a project to develop open-source and open-hardware power modules for small-scale wind and photovoltaic rural electrification systems. Design criteria and expected solutions, as well as a series of implementation issues are discussed, together with the probable sequence of experiments required to establish a usable result in the near future.Tema 8: Energías renovables, modelización y simulación.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Historia de uso del suelo y contenido de micronutrientes en Argiudoles del centro de la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina)

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    67-73The studies related to the concentration and bioavailability of soil micronutrients are very limited for the central region of Santa Fe province, reason for which the objectives of the current research were: a) to determine the decrease of the micronutrient contents in Argiudolls of Santa Fe as a consequence of soil use, and b) to correlate the micronutrient bioavailability with soil properties that were affected by the intensification of productive systems (organic matter, pH). The study was carried out in Argiudolls of Las Colonias county (Santa Fe). Composite soil samples were collected from 20 fields under pristine conditions (CP), 22 fields under milk production history (G), 24 fields under agricultural-livestock history (AG) and 20 fields under a long agricultural history (A). These samples were used to determine: pH, organic carbon (OC), boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn). The results indicate that the pH did not vary among the studied situations; the values of OC diminished 40 percent with the intensification of agriculture; the concentration of B and Zn in fields with a long agricultural history decreased 50 percent with respect to the pristine condition; the Cu concentration was not altered; Fe and Mn did not show a clear tendency to change as a function of the soil use. Zinc deficiencies could occur in some cases, therefore, its concentration should be routinely controlled, especially in intensive systems, to assure an appropriate supply of nutrients according to the crop demand