80 research outputs found

    Töötushüvitiste helduse mõju Eesti tööturu väljunditele kriisiperioodil

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    Uuringus analüüsitakse töötushüvitiste mõju töötuse kestusele ja töötusjärgsele hõivele Eestis möödunud globaalse majanduskriisi perioodil. Tulemused näitavad, et töötushüvitiste maksmine pikendab töötuse kestust oluliselt isegi väga halva tööturuolukorra tingimustes. Samas aitavad töötushüvitised kaasa sellele, et inimesed leiaksid endale sobivama töökoha. Seega ei pruugi töötuse kestuse pikenemine tuleneda ainult sellest, et inimeste tööotsimise aktiivsus oleks hüvitise saamise ajal madalam, vaid ka sellest, et inimestel on võimalik valida just sobilikum töökoht (näiteks vastab paremini kvalifikatsioonile). Võttes lühidalt kokku analüüsi tulemused, võiks kaaluda Eesti töötushüvitiste süsteemi heldemaks muutmist (eelkõige võiks pikendada potentsiaalset hüvitiseperioodi, kuivõrd seda analüüsitakse töös detailsemalt). Samas, tuginedes eelnevatele uuringutele, võib olla samal ajal mõistlik suurendada töötushüvitiste süsteemis ka tööotsingute monitooringu ja sanktsioneerimise taset. Ehk kui praeguses süsteemis on raske hüvitisele kvalifitseeruda, kuid kerge hüvitisel püsida, võiks süsteemi muuta nii, et hüvitisele kvalifitseerumine oleks lihtsam, kuid sellel püsimine raskem.The study analyses the effects of unemployment benefits on unemployment duration and post-unemployment employment in Estonia during the recent global economic crisis. The results indicate that the receipt of unemployment benefits increases unemployment duration significantly even during a very severe recession. However, unemployment benefits support also job search and the unemployed can find a job that suits them better. Hence, unemployment duration might not lengthen only because of lower job search activity, but also because the unemployed have a possibility to choose a job that is for them of higher quality (e.g. the tasks match the skills better). In short, the analyses presented in the thesis suggest that there might be welfare effects if the system of unemployment benefits in Estonia were made more generous, particularly in terms of the potential benefit period, which is analysed more thoroughly. However, from previous studies conducted in other countries, it can be concluded that it might be reasonable to increase monitoring and sanctioning in the Estonian unemployment benefit system too, so that instead of the current situation where it is hard to start receiving benefits and easy to stay on benefits, the system should be changed so that it would be easier to start receiving benefits, but harder to stay on benefits

    Proliferative Kidney Disease and Parasitic Gut Worms of Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) in the Gulf of Finland

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    Magistritöö Vee- ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia õppekavalParasiitidel on sageli oluline negatiivne möju peremeesorganismi ellujäämusele ja konditsioonile. Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada sooleparasiitide ja proliferatiivse neeruhaiguse (PKD) haigustekitaja T.bryosalmonae levik ja arvukus PõhjaEesti rannikult püütud meriforellides. Töös kasutatud andmestiku koostamisele aitasid kaasa harrastuskalastajad ning kutselised kalurid, kelle poolt kogutud materjal (159 kala) töötati läbi Tartus, Eesti Maaülikooli Vesiviljeluse õppetooli laboratooriumis. Kogutud materjali analüüsimisel selgus, et paelussi E.crassumi’ga on tabandunud 93,6% ning T.bryosalmonae’ga on nakatunud 45,6% valimist. E.crassum’i levik oli geograafiliselt homogeenne, kuid T.bryosalmoae’ga nakatunud kalu esines rohkem valimi idaproovipunktides. Uuritud valimi puhul olulist seost E.crassum’i arvukuse ja kala konditsiooni vahel ei leitud. Soolise võrdluse osas selgus, et isastel kaladel esines mõlemat parasiiti rohkem. Parasiitide (koos)mõju kalade konditsioonile ei olnud märgatav. E.crassumi’ga tabandunud kalade osakaal 2017. a. valimis oli sama, mis 2016. aastal läbi viidud uurimustöös. On võimalik, et sesoonselt varieeruvad keskkonnatingimused pärsivad E.crassum’i elutsüklit, mistõttu ei muutu infektsioon tõsiseks. Parasiitide arvukuse erinevus emaste ja isaste kalade hulgas võib olla tingitud sugude-vaheliste rändespetsiifika, toitumise ja füsioloogia eripäradest. T.bryosalmonae esinemist täiskasvanud meriforellides on seni vähe kirjeldatud. Võrdlemisi vähe on uuritud ka E.crassum’i esinemist meriforellides. Edasiste uuringute käigus võiks selguda, kas E.crassum pärineb mageveevõi merekeskkonnast. Samuti on ebaselge, kas täiskasvanud kalad nakatuvad magevees viibides uuesti T.bryosalmonae’ga ning kas nakatunud meriforellid on võimelised haigust edasi kandma.Parasites often have serious effect on the condition and survival of their host. The purpose of present study is to evaluate the occurrence of proliferative kidney disease causative agent T.bryosalmonae and cestode E.crassum in sea trout populations of northern coast of Estonia. Research material (based on 159 fish) was gathered by recreational and proffessional fisherman. The material was examined in Tartu, in the laboratory of Chair of Aquaculture, Estonian University of Life Sciences. In total, 93,6% of the fish were infected with salmonid-specific cestode E.crassum and 45,6% of the fish were infected with the PKD causative agent T.bryosalmonae. There was no significant geographical hetergogeneity in the distribution of E.crassum, but the probability of T.bryosalmonae infection increased with longitude and altitude. I also found that male trout showed higher E.crassum infection rate and higher probability of T.bryosalmonae infection. There was no important relation between abundance of E.crassum and condition of the fish. There was no significant effect of co-infection on the condition of the fish, allthough fish with highest number of cestodes were also infected with T.bryosalmonae. Higher number of fish with T.bryosalmonae from the north-eastern part of the coastline are consistent with the available distribution data of the parasite. Although sex-based differences in parasite infection rates might be explained through differences in migration, feeding and physiology of female and male sea trout, further research should be done regarding this issue. There are a few records of T.bryosalmonae infection in adult sea trout and if the infection can occur in adult life. It is also uncertain if adult sea trout can spread the PKD causative agent. As for E.crassum, it is possible, that the life-cycle of the cestode is inhibited because of variable seasonal temperatures of the region. Still further research should be made to clarify if the cestode originates from sea- or freshwater habitat. Also additional analysis needs to be carried out to evaluate if adult sea trout can spread T.bryosalmonae and the possibility of reinfection during adult life is uncertain

    Automatiseeritud lepingute sõlmimine ja tarbijakaitseliste normide kohaldatavus

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    Occurrence of tapeworms and their effect on general condition of sea trout (Salmo trutta morpha trutta)

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    Harrastuskalastajate andmetel esineb Põhja-Eesti rannikumerest tabatud meriforellide soolestikes arvukalt lintjaid usse. Soome lahe täiskasvanud meriforellide parasitoloogiat on vähe uuritud. Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks on uurida paelusside esinemist Soome lahest püütud meriforellides ning nende mõju kalade üldisele konditsioonile. Töös kasutatud materjal on kogutud 2014. a. detsembrist 2016. a. veebruarini harrastuskalastajate poolt Põhja-Eesti rannikult püütud meriforellidelt. Proove analüüsiti laboratoorselt Eesti Maaülikooli VLI vesiviljeluse osakonna laboratooriumis. Uuritud valimis (35 kala) avastati paelussiga Eubothrium crassum tabandumine (33 kala tabandunud). Paelusside arvukus meriforellide soolestikes ei olnud siiski piisavalt kõrge, et mõjutada kalade üldist konditsiooni. Paelusside arvukus ei olnud piirkondlikult erinev. Varasemad uuringud on tõestanud, et E. crassum võib avaldada mõju lõheliste konditsioonile. Käesolevas töös uuritud meriforellidest olid peaaegu kõik paelussiga tabandunud, kuid parasiitide arvukus ei olnud üheski kalas kriitiliselt kõrge. Selle põhjuseks võib olla anadroomse meriforelli rändespetsiifika, E. crassumi soolase vee vorm ei saa hakkama magevees, kus meriforell regulaarselt kudemas käib. E. crassumi arvukuse võrdlemiseks erinevates piirkondades tuleks teostada edasiseid uuringuid, kuna käesolevas töös kasutatud valim on statistiliseks uurimuseks liiga väike. Uurimustöö käigus kogutud neeruproovide analüüsimisel on tulevikus võimalik võrrelda kas proliferatiivse neeruhaiguse (PKD) kandvuse ja paelusside kandvuse vahel esineb seoseid, mis viitavad erinevate parasiitide antagonismile peremeesorganismis.Many anglers have reported that sea trout caught from the northern coast of Estonia are infected with tapeworms. There are not many studies about parasitology of sea trout caught from the Gulf of Finland. The aim of this research is to clarify the abundance of tapeworms in these sea trout and study their effect on fish condition. Samples used in this research were gathered from sea trout caught by anglers from the northern coast of Estonia between December of 2014 to February of 2016. Laboratory analysis took place in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences. 35 sea trout were sampled and tapeworm Eubothrium crassum recored from 33 fish. The abundane of tapeworms was not high enough to have an effect on the condition factor of the fish. There was no difference between geographical distribution of abundance of the tapeworms. Other studies have revealed that infection with E. crassum has negative effect on condition factor of salmonids. Almost all of the sea trout sampled in this research were infected with tapeworms, but the abundance of cestodes was not high enough to have an effect on condition factor of the fish. Sea trout is an anadromous fish. When adult sea trout return to fresh water for spawning, the marine origin tapeworms cease reproduction regularly and are ultimately lost, hence the abundance of tapeworms might not grow large enough. Comparing the abundance of E. crassum geographically did not provide a valid result because of the small sample size, further research should be carried out. Kidney samples were also gathered from the sea trout to examine the prevelance of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) in adult sea trout. The prevelance of PKD and tapeworms should be compared to find out if there is any indication of parasitic antagonism in the host

    Nitrogen and carbon release during decomposition of roots and shoots of leguminous green manure crops

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    In Nordic conditions, soils are frozen during winter, affecting the decomposition rates of crop residues. Hence, the decomposition rates of above- and underground biomass and the dynamics of the N and C released into the soil were studied in trials focused on green manure crops. The decomposition of the residue and N release from the residue varied among the five species of legume tested. There was a marked difference in decomposition rates between shoots and roots, which may also be explained by the differences in the chemical composition of the residue. The shoot residue decomposes rapidly and it serves as a source of N for the subsequent crop. The root residue decomposes more slowly and this had a positive effect in a crop rotation in the second year. The green manure crops play an important role in managing N for organic crop production. Through efficient utilization of symbiotically fixed N by legumes in green manure, it is possible to achieve higher yields of subsequent crops

    Trophic interactions between native and alien palaemonid prawns and an alien gammarid in a brackish water ecosystem

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    Macroalgae are an important habitat for small mobile invertebrates such as gammarid amphipods and palaemonid prawns. Gammarid amphipods are important grazers of micro- and macroalgae whereas palaemonid prawns are feeding on macroalgae and small aquatic invertebrates including gammarids. Recently the invasive palaemonid prawn Palaemon elegans established in the Baltic Sea. As P. elegans occurs within the same habitats as the native Palaemon adspersus, it is expected that this invasion modifies the existing trophic interactions. To address this question, we experimentally investigated the feeding of the native P. adspersus and the invasive P. elegans on the benthic macroalga Cladophora glomerata and on the invasive gammarid amphipod Gammarus tigrinus. In the course of the experiment neither G. tigrinus nor Palaemon spp. had effects on filamentous macroalgae. The presence of prawns drastically increased the mortality of amphipods with no difference in the feeding efficiency between the two prawn species. To conclude, the alien prawn does not add an extra function to the trophic system of the coastal ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, due to its progressively increasing densities and wide habitat range, P. elegans is expected to exert stronger predation pressure on gammarid amphipods as compared to P. adspersus alone

    The advantage of Decision Support System for managing spring barley disease in Estonia

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    ArticleA Decision Support System (DSS) I - Taimekaitse focusing on use of timely applied and reduced fungicide rates in control of cereal diseases has been tested in field trials since 2003 . We compared the conventional treatment and the DSS - based spray practices in 18 field trials in five agricultural locations over 7 - year period. Efficacy of the control of net blotch caused by Pyrenophora teres (Drechsler, am Drechlera teres Sacc. Shoem), the main fungal disease in spring barley has been tested to determine the economic advantage of DSS use. Compared with the conventional spray practices, the advantage I - Taimekaitse resulted in reduction of application doses by 30 to 60% of the registered rate. According to I - Taimekaitse , the fungicides were applied mainly between heading and flowering growth stages (GS 55 – 65), whereas traditional routine spraying is commonly made at booting (GS 37 – 49) . The experiment clarifies the cost - benefit of using DSS - based approach in barley disease management with average yield increase above the control in 12.8% and above the conventional treatment in 14.1%. I - Taimekaitse gave competitive disease control and average yield output reduction compared with conventional practice by 9%. In general the Treatment Frequency Index applied in conventional treatment was 0.65 and in DSS 0.41. Although the cost of treatment expense in DSS was 20% less compared with conv entional practice, the performance of conventional used spray practices was outstanding in economic return

    Finding new cover crops for Estonian conditions

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    Cover crops are essential in fallow periods of cropping systems to protect the soil from erosion and loss of plant nutrients through leaching and runoff (especially in winter). Experiments with potential cover crop species were carried out to evaluate their suitability to the local climate. The biomass production of tested cover crops in the experiment that lasted for two years was different depending on the length of the growing seasons

    The effect of sowing date on cover crop biomass and nitrogen accumulation

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    ArticleCover crops are important tools for reducing nitrogen (N) leaching from the soil and improving the nutrition of cash crops. In northern regions with short autumns it is important to maximise the growing season of cover crops to achieve sufficient biomass and N accumulation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the biomass and N accumulation of cover crops at different sowing dates in August. Field experiment at Estonian Crop Research Institute was conducted in 2017 and 2018 with white mustard (Sinapis alba L.), phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Cover crops were sown on August 3, 8, 14 and 18 in 2017 and August 3, 8, 13, 17 and 23 in 2018. The two year experiment showed that biomass and N accumulation of cover crops were reduced with delayed sowings, but the reduction mainly depended on cover crop species. White mustard, field pea and faba bean accumulated significantly higher amount of biomass and N than phacelia, buckwheat and berseem clover at all sowing dates in both years. Because of a rapid decrease in biomass, the optimum sowing time for phacelia and buckwheat should not be later than middle of August. In both year berseem clover produced the modest amount of biomass and therefore more suited as spring sown cover crop in Estonian conditions

    Distribution and prevalence of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in northernmost Europe: analysis of three salmonid species

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    Global climate change is altering the abundance and spread of many aquatic parasites and pathogens. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by the myxozoan Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is one such emerging disorder, and its impact is expected to increase with rising water temperature. Yet, the distribution and prevalence of T. bryosalmonae in Northern Europe remain poorly characterized. Here, we studied 43 locations in 27 rivers in northernmost Norway and Finland to describe T. bryosalmonae infection frequency and patterns in 1389 juvenile salmonids. T. bryosalmonae was discovered in 12 out of 27 rivers (44%) and prevalence ranged from 4.2 to 55.5% in Atlantic salmon and from 5.8 to 75% in brown trout among infected rivers. In sympatric populations, brown trout was more frequently infected with T. bryosalmonae than was salmon. Age-specific parasite prevalence patterns revealed that in contrast to lower latitudes, the infection of juvenile fish predominantly occurs during the second summer or later. Temperature monitoring over 2 yr indicated that the mean water temperature in June was 2.1 to 3.2°C higher in rivers containing T. bryosalmonae compared to parasite-free rivers, confirming the important role of temperature in parasite occurrence. Temporal comparison in T. bryosalmonae prevalence over a 10 yr period in 11 rivers did not reveal any signs of contemporary parasite spread to previously uninfected rivers. However, the wide distribution of T. bryosalmonae in rivers flowing to the Barents Sea indicates that climate change and heat waves may cause new disease outbreaks in northern regions.publishedVersio