6 research outputs found
Watching the city: the politics of space in Pizza, birra, faso
In this article I discuss the representation of Buenos Aires in Pizza, birra, faso. Paying attention to some of the film’s salient aspects vis-a-vis its portrayal of urban space, my analysis has as ultimate goal to reveal the ways in which the film engages in a political critique that might seem absent if studied solely from a narrative point of view. In this sense Pizza, birra, faso is a paradigmatic example of the ways in which many of the films of New Argentine Cinema engaged with their political context differently to films of the post-dictatorship generation. To unearth this political content, I will argue, it is necessary to study these films as films, and not merely texts
Variability of computational fluid dynamics solutions for pressure and flow in a giant aneurysm: the ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference CFD Challenge
Stimulated by a recent controversy regarding pressure drops predicted in a giant aneurysm with a proximal stenosis, the present study sought to assess variability in the prediction of pressures and flow by a wide variety of research groups. In phase I, lumen geometry, flow rates, and fluid properties were specified, leaving each research group to choose their solver, discretization, and solution strategies. Variability was assessed by having each group interpolate their results onto a standardized mesh and centerline. For phase II, a physical model of the geometry was constructed, from which pressure and flow rates were measured. Groups repeated their simulations using a geometry reconstructed from a micro-computed tomography (CT) scan of the physical model with the measured flow rates and fluid properties. Phase I results from 25 groups demonstrated remarkable consistency in the pressure patterns, with the majority predicting peak systolic pressure drops within 8% of each other. Aneurysm sac flow patterns were more variable with only a few groups reporting peak systolic flow instabilities owing to their use of high temporal resolutions. Variability for phase II was comparable, and the median predicted pressure drops were within a few millimeters of mercury of the measured values but only after accounting for submillimeter errors in the reconstruction of the life-sized flow model from micro-CT. In summary, pressure can be predicted with consistency by CFD across a wide range of solvers and solution strategies, but this may not hold true for specific flow patterns or derived quantities. Future challenges are needed and should focus on hemodynamic quantities thought to be of clinical interest
Restauration de la productivité des sols tropicaux et méditerranéens
Depuis le milieu du xxe siècle, du fait de la forte croissance démographique, les sols et la végétation des zones tropicales et méditerranéennes subissent d'importantes dégradations. Actuellement, plus de 20 % des terres cultivées sont dégradées chimiquement, physiquement et biologiquement. En effet, malgré la mise en œuvre de grands projets tels la conservation de l'eau et des sols (CES), la production agricole ne peut être maintenue à un niveau suffisant pour nourrir une population qui double tous les vingt ans dans les pays du Sud. Cet ouvrage a ainsi pour objectif de présenter les principaux résultats de la recherche dans le domaine de la restauration de la productivité des sols. Les causes de la dégradation des sols des régions chaudes sont présentées dans un premier temps. On évalue ensuite les divers modes de gestion de la biomasse et des nutriments, puis les techniques culturales et les systèmes de gestion de l'eau. Les nombreuses données expérimentales présentées montrent que la restauration durable des systèmes agroécologiques est possible, moyennant le respect de six règles : une bonne maîtrise de l'eau, l'apport de matières organiques, l'utilisation de compléments minéraux, la revitalisation du sol (fumier / compost), la correction du pH du sol et le choix judicieux de cultures à fort développement de biomasse. L'ouvrage, qui présente de nombreuses études de terrain originales, s'adresse tant aux chercheurs qu'aux enseignants, aux étudiants, aux décideurs et aux différents acteurs en charge du développement rural