149 research outputs found

    Rapid identification of BCR/ABL1-like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients using a predictive statistical model based on quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction: clinical, prognostic and therapeutic implications.

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    BCR/ABL1-like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is a subgroup of B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia that occurs within cases without recurrent molecular rearrangements. Gene expression profiling (GEP) can identify these cases but it is expensive and not widely available. Using GEP, we identified 10 genes specifically overexpressed by BCR/ABL1-like ALL cases and used their expression values - assessed by quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR) in 26 BCR/ABL1-like and 26 non-BCR/ABL1-like cases to build a statistical "BCR/ABL1-like predictor", for the identification of BCR/ABL1-like cases. By screening 142 B-lineage ALL patients with the "BCR/ABL1-like predictor", we identified 28/142 BCR/ABL1-like patients (19·7%). Overall, BCR/ABL1-like cases were enriched in JAK/STAT mutations (P < 0·001), IKZF1 deletions (P < 0·001) and rearrangements involving cytokine receptors and tyrosine kinases (P = 0·001), thus corroborating the validity of the prediction. Clinically, the BCR/ABL1-like cases identified by the BCR/ABL1-like predictor achieved a lower rate of complete remission (P = 0·014) and a worse event-free survival (P = 0·0009) compared to non-BCR/ABL1-like ALL. Consistently, primary cells from BCR/ABL1-like cases responded in vitro to ponatinib. We propose a simple tool based on Q-RT-PCR and a statistical model that is capable of easily, quickly and reliably identifying BCR/ABL1-like ALL cases at diagnosis

    Preliminary experience with 4K ultra-high definition endoscope: analysis of pros and cons in skull base surgery

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    Negli ultimi venti anni la chirurgia endoscopica del basicranio ha osservato continui sviluppi tecnici e tecnologici. Lendoscopia 3D e l alta definizione (HD) 4K hanno fornito grandi vantaggi in termini di visualizzazione e di risoluzione spaziale. L ultra HD 4K, recentemente introdotta nella pratica clinica, determinerà i prossimi passi soprattutto nella chirurgica endoscopica del basicranio. I pazienti sono stati operati attraverso un approccio transnasale transfenoidale endoscopico, utilizzando un endoscopio Olympus NBI 4K UHD con ottica 4 mm 0 ° Ultra Telescope, lampada allo xeno 300 W (CLV-S400) predisposto per la tecnologia narrow band imaging (NBI) collegato con una videocamera ad un alta qualità unità di controllo (OTV-S400 - VISERA 4K UHD) (Olympus, Tokyo, Giappone). Due schermi, un 31 Monitor - (LMD-X310S) e quello principale ultra-HD 55 a pollici ottimizzati per la riproduzione immagini UHD (LMD-X550S). In casi selezionati abbiamo usato un sistema di navigazione (Stealthstation S7, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, Stati Uniti). Abbiamo valutato 22 adenomi ipofisari (86,3% macroadenomi; 13,7% microadenomi). Il 50% non erano secernenti (NS), 22,8% GH, 18,2% ACTH, 9% PRLsecernenti. 3/22 erano recidive. Nel 91% dei casi abbiamo raggiunto la rimozione totale, mentre nel 9% la resezione subtotale. Un followup medio di 187 giorni, durata media del ricovero era 3,09 ± 0,61 giorni. Tempo chirurgico 128,18 ± 30,74 minuti. Abbiamo avuto solo 1 caso di fistola intraoperatoria a basso flusso senza ulteriori complicazioni nel follow up. Il 100% dei casi non ha richiesto emotrasfusione. La visualizzazione e lalta risoluzione del campo operatorio hanno fornito una vista dettagliata di tutte le strutture anatomiche e patologie e permesso il miglioramento della sicurezza e lefficacia della procedura chirurgica. Il tempo operatorio è stato simile a quello dellendoscopio HD standard 2D e 3D, come la fatica fisica era paragonabile ad altri in termini di ergonomicità e peso

    Philadelphia-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia is associated with minimal residual disease persistence and poor outcome. First report of the minimal residual disease-oriented GIMEMA LAL1913

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    Early recognition of Philadelphia-like (Ph-like) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases could impact on the management and outcome of this subset of B-lineage ALL. In order to assess the prognostic value of the Ph-like status in a pediatric-inspired, minimal residual disease (MRD)driven trial, we screened 88 B-lineage ALL cases negative for major fusion genes (BCR-ABL1, ETV6-RUNX1, TCF3-PBX1 and KTM2Ar) enrolled in the GIMEMA LAL1913 front-line protocol for adult BCR/ABL1-negative ALL. The screening - performed using the “BCR/ABL1-like predictor” - identified 28 Ph-like cases (31.8%), characterized by CRLF2 overexpression (35.7%), JAK/STAT pathway mutations (33.3%), IKZF1 (63.6%), BTG1 (50%) and EBF1 (27.3%) deletions, and rearrangements targeting tyrosine kinases or CRLF2 (40%). The correlation with outcome highlighted that: i) the complete remission rate was significantly lower in Ph-like compared to non-Ph-like cases (74.1% vs. 91.5%, P=0.044); ii) at time point 2, decisional for transplant allocation, 52.9% of Ph-like cases versus 20% of non-Ph-like were MRD-positive (P=0.025); iii) the Ph-like profile was the only parameter associated with a higher risk of being MRD-positive at time point 2 (P=0.014); iv) at 24 months, Ph-like patients had a significantly inferior event-free and disease-free survival compared to non-Ph-like patients (33.5% vs. 66.2%, P=0.005 and 45.5% vs. 72.3%, P=0.062, respectively). This study documents that Ph-like patients have a lower complete remission rate, event-free survival and disease-free survival, as well as a greater MRD persistence also in a pediatric-oriented and MRD-driven adult ALL protocol, thus reinforcing that the early recognition of Ph-like ALL patients at diagnosis is crucial to refine risk-stratification and to optimize therapeutic strategies

    Philadelphia-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia is associated with minimal residual disease persistence and poor outcome. First report of the minimale residual disease-oriented GIMEMA LAL1913

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    Early recognition of Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases could impact on the management and outcome of this subset of B-lineage ALL. To assess the prognostic value of the Ph-like status in a pediatric-inspired, minimal residual disease (MRD)-driven trial, we screened 88 B-lineage ALL cases negative for the major fusion genes (BCR-ABL1, ETV6-RUNX1, TCF3-PBX1 and KTM2Ar) enrolled in the GIMEMA LAL1913 front-line protocol for adult BCR/ABL1-negative ALL. The screening - performed using the “BCR/ABL1-like predictor” - identified 28 Ph-like cases (31.8%), characterized by CRLF2 overexpression (35.7%), JAK/STAT pathway mutations (33.3%), IKZF1 (63.6%), BTG1 (50%) and EBF1 (27.3%) deletions, and rearrangements targeting tyrosine kinases or CRLF2 (40%). The correlation with outcome highlighted that: i) the complete remission (CR) rate was significantly lower in Ph-like compared to non-Ph-like cases (74.1% vs 91.5%, p=0.044); ii) at time point 2 (TP2), decisional for transplant allocation, 52.9% of Ph-like cases vs 20% of non-Phlike were MRD-positive (p=0.025); iii) the Ph-like profile was the only parameter associated with a higher risk of being MRD-positive at TP2 (p=0.014); iv) at 24 months, Ph-like patients had a significantly inferior event-free and disease-free survival compared to non-Ph-like patients (33.5% vs 66.2%, p=0.005 and 45.5% vs 72.3%, p=0.062, respectively). This study documents that Ph-like patients have a lower CR rate, EFS and DFS, as well as a greater MRD persistence also in a pediatric-oriented and MRD-driven adult ALL protocol, thus reinforcing that the early recognition of Ph-like ALL patients at diagnosis is crucial to refine risk-stratification and to optimize therapeutic strategies

    The use of complementary and alternative medicine by 7427 Australian women with cyclic perimenstrual pain and discomfort: A cross-sectional study

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    © 2016 Fisher et al. Background: To assess the prevalence of cyclic perimenstrual pain and discomfort and to detail the pattern of complementary and alternative (CAM) use adopted by women for the treatment of these symptoms. Methods: Data from the 2012 national Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health (ALSWH) cross-sectional survey of 7427 women aged 34-39 years were analysed to estimate the prevalence of endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular or heavy periods and severe dysmenorrhoea and to examine the association between their symptoms and their visits to CAM practitioners as well as their use of CAM therapies and products in the previous 12 months. Results: The prevalence of endometriosis was 3.7 % and of the perimenstrual symptoms assessed, PMS was most prevalent at 41.2 % whilst irregular bleeding (22.2 %), heavy periods (29.8 %) and severe period pain (24.1 %) were reported at lower levels. Women with endometriosis were more likely than non-sufferers to have consulted with a massage therapist or acupuncturist and to have used vitamins/minerals, yoga/meditation or Chinese medicines (p < 0.05). PMS sufferers were more likely to consult with an osteopath, massage therapist, naturopath/herbalist or alternative health practitioner and to have used all forms of CAM therapies except Chinese medicines than women who had infrequent PMS (all p < 0.05). Women with irregular periods did not have different patterns of CAM use from non-sufferers and those with heavy periods did not favour any form of CAM but were less likely to visit a massage therapist or use yoga/meditation than non-sufferers (p < 0.05). For women with severe dysmenorrhoea there was no difference in their visits to CAM practitioners compared to non-sufferers but they were more likely to use aromatherapy oils (p < 0.05) and for more frequent dysmenorrhoea also herbal medicines, Chinese medicines and other alternative therapies compared to non-sufferers (all p < 0.05). Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of cyclic perimenstrual pain and discomfort amongst women in this age group. Women were using CAM differentially when they had specific symptoms of cyclic perimenstrual pain and discomfort. The use of CAM needs to be properly assessed to ensure their safe, effective use and to ascertain their significance as a treatment option enabling women with menstrual problems and their care providers to improve their quality of life

    Respir Res

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    Background: Sexual function is often affected in patients suffering from chronic diseases especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the effect of COPD on sexual satisfaction is underappreciated in clinical practice. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COPD on patient’s sexuality and the explanatory variables of sexual dissatisfaction. Methods: Questionnaires were emailed to participants and they submitted their responses on the Santé Respiratoire France website. Data about sexual well-being (Arizona Sexual Experience Scale, ASEX), Quality of life (VQ11), anxiety, depression (Hospitalized anxiety and depression, HAD) and self-declared COPD grade were collected. Results: Seven hundred and fifty one subjects were included and were characterized as follows: women—51%, mean age—61 years, in a couple—62% and 70%—retired. Every grade of COPD was represented. Out of 751 participants, 301 participants (40%) had no sexual activity and 450 (60%) had sexual activity. From the 450 participants, 60% needed to change their sexual life because of their disease (rhythm, frequency and position). Subjects often used medications to improve sexual performance (43% used short-acting bronchodilator and 13% -specific erectile dysfunction drugs). ASEX questionnaire confirmed patients’ dissatisfaction (diminution of sexual appetite for 68% and sexual desire for 60%) because of breathlessness and fatigue. Eighty one percent of the responders had an altered quality of life (VQ11 mean score 35) and frequent suspected anxiety or depression (HAD mean score 10.8). Ninety percent declared that sexual dysfunction had never been discussed by their doctors, while 36% of patients would have preferred to undergo a specialized consultation. Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction is frequent among COPD patients and leads to an altered well-being, however being a cultural taboo, it remains frequently neglected. Sexual guidance should be a part of patient’s consultations improve quality of sexual life. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Review of the techniques used in motor‐cognitive human‐robot skill transfer

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    Abstract A conventional robot programming method extensively limits the reusability of skills in the developmental aspect. Engineers programme a robot in a targeted manner for the realisation of predefined skills. The low reusability of general‐purpose robot skills is mainly reflected in inability in novel and complex scenarios. Skill transfer aims to transfer human skills to general‐purpose manipulators or mobile robots to replicate human‐like behaviours. Skill transfer methods that are commonly used at present, such as learning from demonstrated (LfD) or imitation learning, endow the robot with the expert's low‐level motor and high‐level decision‐making ability, so that skills can be reproduced and generalised according to perceived context. The improvement of robot cognition usually relates to an improvement in the autonomous high‐level decision‐making ability. Based on the idea of establishing a generic or specialised robot skill library, robots are expected to autonomously reason about the needs for using skills and plan compound movements according to sensory input. In recent years, in this area, many successful studies have demonstrated their effectiveness. Herein, a detailed review is provided on the transferring techniques of skills, applications, advancements, and limitations, especially in the LfD. Future research directions are also suggested