18 research outputs found

    The epigenetic regulator RINF (CXXC5) maintains SMAD7 expression in human immature erythroid cells and sustains red blood cells expansion

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    The gene CXXC5, encoding a Retinoid-Inducible Nuclear Factor (RINF), is located within a region at 5q31.2 commonly deleted in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML). RINF may act as an epigenetic regulator and has been proposed as a tumor suppressor in hematopoietic malignancies. However, functional studies in normal hematopoiesis are lacking, and its mechanism of action is unknow. Here, we evaluated the consequences of RINF silencing on cytokineinduced erythroid differentiation of human primary CD34+ progenitors. We found that RINF is expressed in immature erythroid cells and that RINF-knockdown accelerated erythropoietin-driven maturation, leading to a significant reduction (~45%) in the number of red blood cells (RBCs), without affecting cell viability. The phenotype induced by RINF-silencing was TGFβ-dependent and mediated by SMAD7, a TGFβ- signaling inhibitor. RINF upregulates SMAD7 expression by direct binding to its promoter and we found a close correlation between RINF and SMAD7 mRNA levels both in CD34+ cells isolated from bone marrow of healthy donors and MDS patients with del(5q). Importantly, RINF knockdown attenuated SMAD7 expression in primary cells and ectopic SMAD7 expression was sufficient to prevent the RINF knockdowndependent erythroid phenotype. Finally, RINF silencing affects 5’-hydroxymethylation of human erythroblasts, in agreement with its recently described role as a Tet2- anchoring platform in mouse. Altogether, our data bring insight into how the epigenetic factor RINF, as a transcriptional regulator of SMAD7, may fine-tune cell sensitivity to TGFβ superfamily cytokines and thus play an important role in both normal and pathological erythropoiesis

    Ground deformation monitoring of the eruption offshore Mayotte

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    In May 2018, the Mayotte island, located in the Indian Ocean, was affected by an unprecedented seismic crisis, followed by anomalous on-land surface displacements in July 2018. Cumulatively from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021, the horizontal displacements were approximately 21 to 25 cm eastward, and subsidence was approximately 10 to 19 cm. The study of data recorded by the on-land GNSS network, and their modeling coupled with data from ocean bottom pressure gauges, allowed us to propose a magmatic origin of the seismic crisis with the deflation of a deep source east of Mayotte, that was confirmed in May 2019 by the discovery of a submarine eruption, 50 km offshore of Mayotte ([Feuillet et al., 2021]). Despite a non-optimal network geometry and receivers located far from the source, the GNSS data allowed following the deep dynamics of magma transfer, via the volume flow monitoring, throughout the eruption

    Coûts de production fruits et légumes et aviculture

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    Lauret Frédéric. Coûts de production fruits et légumes et aviculture. In: Économie rurale. N°195, 1990. p. 44

    Economie des filières en régions chaudes. Formation des prix et échanges agricoles

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    Lauret Frédéric. Economie des filières en régions chaudes. Formation des prix et échanges agricoles. In: Cahiers d'Economie et sociologie rurales, N°14, 1er trimestre 1990. pp. 131-137

    L'agriculture méditerranéenne française et l'évolution de la politique agricole commune

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    [eng] French mediterranean agriculture and the CAP reform . For two centuries, trench mediterranean agriculture (AMF) became more and more specialized in crops which take advantage of its mediterranean climate ; wines and horticultural products make up todays 80 % of production value. For ten years, the enlargment of competition, in spite of technical progress, led to a crisis which starts again the fall of farms number and croped areas. The changes of market organizations in CAP reform don't affect directly mediterranean products but the conditions of single market making, the level of community preference, the agri-environmental and forestry measures are important for AMF. [fre] L'agriculture du Midi Méditerranéen Français (AMF) n'a cessé de se spécialiser, depuis deux siècles, en fonction de son climat nord-méditerranéen ; produits viticoles et horticoles constituent aujourd'hui plus de 80 % de la production en valeur ; cette évolution préfigure en partie celle des autres agricultures méditerranéennes de la CEE. L'élargissement de l'espace de concurrence a entraîné, depuis dix ans et malgré les progrès techniques réalisés, une situation critique qui a relancé la baisse des effectifs agricoles et des superficies cultivées. Les modifications des OCM envisagées dans la réforme de la PAC ne concernent pas directement les produits typiquement méditerranéens ; mais les conditions de réalisation du marché unique européen, l'évolution de la préférence communautaire et les mesures d'accompagnement (zones boisées et zones cultivées extensive- ment) constituent des enjeux importants pour l'AMF.

    Où va l'horticulture française ?

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    [eng] Horticulture, in the large meaning (fruit-growing, vegetables, nurseries, flowers and ornemental plants) represents 15% of the farm production value and 25 % of the employment in agriculture. Heterogeneity of structures and performances answers to the diversity of products, markets and technics. . Since 1950, this industry, as a whole, registered a large increasing related to technical progress and consumption growth. In the meantime, large changes occured in the nature, the location and the forms of the production. . Since about 1 965, as a result of the progressive enlargement of the market to the european space,, a strong international competition occured. This evolution seems to be going in the frame of a progressive european economic integration. . This paper gives probably a too simple view of the recent evolution but brings us some lights concerning the out look of horticulture in France. [fre] L'Horticulture, au sens large, (arboriculture fruitière, cultures légumières, pépinières et cultures de plants, fleurs et plantes ornementales) représente 1 5 % en valeur de la production agricole et 25 % de l'emploi en agriculture. A la diversité des produits, des marchés et des techniques correspond évidemment une grande hétérogénéité des structures et des résultats. . Mais globalement ce secteur a connu depuis 1950 un développement spectaculaire lié à un progrès technique intense et à tine forte croissance des consommations. Dans le même temps, il a été le siège de changements considérables dans la nature, la localisation et les formes de la production. . Depuis 1965 environ, l'élargissement progressif du marché à l'espace européen a donné lieu à une vive concurrence internationale se traduisant en France dans les cinq dernières années par une stabilité d'ensemble qui masque l'expansion de certaines productions et la stagnation ou la régression dans d'autres cas. Cette évolution parait devoir se poursuivre dans le cadre d'une intégration croissante de l'économie européenne. . Cet article tente une synthèse évidemment très simplificatricede l'évolution récente et l'apport de quelques éclairages sur les perspectives des diverses parties de l'Horticulture en France.

    Les marchés physiques et l'organisation des marchés

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    In France today, in the case of four groups of farm commodities (fruits and vegetables, flowers and ornemental plants, live animals and fish) physical markets remain the basis of price formation and the locus of effective competition. They are aforum for operators, provide a sensitive index of the state of supply and demand detect domination effects and are a springboard for entry into the field. They constantly remind firms, organizations and governments about economic reality. For perishables of varying quality and fluctuating supply physical markets are not likely to disappear. Their modernization is linked with the level of global regulation of the economy.Aujourd'hui en France, les marchés physiques, soit sous leur forme traditionnelle de gré à gré ou de vente à la criée, soit sous leur forme modernisée d'enchères électroniques, sont toujours la base de laformation des prix et le support privilégié d'une concurrence effective rabotant les rentes, dans quatre secteurs de l'économie agricole (fruits et légumes, fleurs et plantes, animaux vivants et poissons). Forum des opérateurs, baromètre de la conjoncture, révélateurs des effets de domination, pistes d'entrée dans les branches, ils rappellent sans cesse les entreprises et les pouvoirs publics à la réalité économique. Détecteurs de la vérité des prix, ils signalent les dérapages bureaucratiques. Pour les produits périssables à qualité variable et à offre fluctuante, la disparition des marchés physiques est improbable, mais leur modernisation imperative, car liée à l'évolution de la régulation économique générale.Lauret Frédéric, Soufflet J.F. Les marchés physiques et l'organisation des marchés. In: Économie rurale. N°165, 1985. pp. 3-11

    Structural Properties of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes driven by Mechanical Interlayer Coupling.

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    Structural identification of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT) is presented through a robust procedure based on the latest generation of transmission electron microscope, making possible a statistical analysis based on numerous nano-objects. This approach reveals that inner and outer tubes of DWNTs are not randomly oriented, suggesting the existence of a mechanical coupling between the two concentric walls. With the support of atomic scale modelisations, we attribute it to the presence of incommensurate domains whose structures depend on the diameters and helicities of both tubes, and where inner tubes try to achieve a local stacking orientation to reduce strain effects