39 research outputs found

    Eltrombopag for myelodysplastic syndromes or chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia with no excess blasts and thrombocytopenia: a French multicentre retrospective real-life study.

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    peer reviewedDespite a moderate prevalence in low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML), thrombocytopenia remains a risk of severe bleeding and therapeutic options are still limited. There are only a few studies with eltrombopag (ELT), a thrombopoietin receptor agonist, in those patients. In this retrospective multicentre study, ELT was used in 50 patients with MDS and 11 with CMML, with no excess of marrow blasts and platelet counts of <50 × 109 /l in a 'real-life' situation. Platelet response occurred in 47 (77%) patients. The median (range) duration of response was 8 (0-69) months. None of the eight still responders who discontinued ELT had relapsed, at a median (range) of 16 (6-23) months after ELT discontinuation. Although 36% of the patients were anti-coagulated or anti-aggregated only 10% of patients had Grade ≥3 bleeding events. Thrombotic events were observed in six (10%) patients, who all but one had a medical history of arterial or venous thrombosis. Progression to acute myeloid leukaemia occurred in four (7%) patients. In this first 'real-life' study, ELT was effective and generally well tolerated in patients with MDS/CMML without excess blasts

    La pollution agricole en Bretagne: sites Ă  risque

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    To restore the quality of water in Brittany, the sectors of priority intervention where agricultural practices will be modified must first be defined. In order to have a basic distribution document reflecting a level of agricultural intensification, satellite images were integrated in a GIS and soil occupation classes were defined under constraint in order to map the extension of maize, the cultivation of which is under threat from the transfer of pollutants. We therefore have a simple hierarchical indicator of the risks of diffuse agricultural pollution through flashy sub-catchment.Pour restaurer la qualité de l’eau en Bretagne, il faut définir des secteurs d’intervention prioritaires où seront modifiées les pratiques agricoles. Pour se doter d’un premier document de partition de l’espace, traduisant un niveau d’intensification agricole, on a intégré des images satellitaires dans un SIG et défini des classes d’occupation du sol sous contrainte afin de cartographier l’extension du maïs, culture à risque en termes de transfert de polluants. On se dote ainsi facilement d’un indicateur de hiérarchisation des risques de pollution agricole diffuse par sous-bassin-versant.Para restaurar la calidad del agua en Bretaña, hay que definir sectores de intervención prioritarios en los que se modificarán las prácticas agrícolas. Para dotarse de un primer documento de división del espacio, traduciendo un nivel de intensificación agrícola, se han integrado imágenes de un satélite en un SIG y definido clases de ocupación obligada del suelo a fin de cartografiar la extensión del maíz, cultivo de riesgo en términos de transferencia de contaminantes. Se tiene así fácilmente un indicador de jerarquización de los riesgos de contaminación agrícola difusa por la subcuenca.Belloncle Jean-Louis, Cluzeau Daniel, Hubert Laurence, Cotonnec Adeline, Richard Luc. La pollution agricole en Bretagne: sites à risque. In: Mappemonde, 1997/1. pp. 1-5

    La qualité des eaux en Bretagne : sites à risque

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    National audienc