68 research outputs found

    La fée Nanog ou le retour dans les limbes

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    The Phosphate Transporter PiT1 (Slc20a1) Revealed As a New Essential Gene for Mouse Liver Development

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    BACKGROUND: PiT1 (or SLC20a1) encodes a widely expressed plasma membrane protein functioning as a high-affinity Na(+)-phosphate (Pi) cotransporter. As such, PiT1 is often considered as a ubiquitous supplier of Pi for cellular needs regardless of the lack of experimental data. Although the importance of PiT1 in mineralizing processes have been demonstrated in vitro in osteoblasts, chondrocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells, in vivo evidence is missing. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To determine the in vivo function of PiT1, we generated an allelic series of PiT1 mutations in mice by combination of wild-type, hypomorphic and null PiT1 alleles expressing from 100% to 0% of PiT1. In this report we show that complete deletion of PiT1 results in embryonic lethality at E12.5. PiT1-deficient embryos display severely hypoplastic fetal livers and subsequent reduced hematopoiesis resulting in embryonic death from anemia. We show that the anemia is not due to placental, yolk sac or vascular defects and that hematopoietic progenitors have no cell-autonomous defects in proliferation and differentiation. In contrast, mutant fetal livers display decreased proliferation and massive apoptosis. Animals carrying two copies of hypomorphic PiT1 alleles (resulting in 15% PiT1 expression comparing to wild-type animals) survive at birth but are growth-retarded and anemic. The combination of both hypomorphic and null alleles in heterozygous compounds results in late embryonic lethality (E14.5-E16.5) with phenotypic features intermediate between null and hypomorphic mice. In the three mouse lines generated we could not evidence defects in early skeleton formation. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This work is the first to illustrate a specific in vivo role for PiT1 by uncovering it as being a critical gene for normal developmental liver growth

    CD133, CD15/SSEA-1, CD34 or side populations do not resume tumor-initiating properties of long-term cultured cancer stem cells from human malignant glio-neuronal tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor initiating cells (TICs) provide a new paradigm for developing original therapeutic strategies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We screened for TICs in 47 human adult brain malignant tumors. Cells forming floating spheres in culture, and endowed with all of the features expected from tumor cells with stem-like properties were obtained from glioblastomas, medulloblastoma but not oligodendrogliomas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A long-term self-renewal capacity was particularly observed for cells of malignant glio-neuronal tumors (MGNTs). Cell sorting, karyotyping and proteomic analysis demonstrated cell stability throughout prolonged passages. Xenografts of fewer than 500 cells in Nude mouse brains induced a progressively growing tumor. CD133, CD15/LeX/Ssea-1, CD34 expressions, or exclusion of Hoechst dye occurred in subsets of cells forming spheres, but was not predictive of their capacity to form secondary spheres or tumors, or to resist high doses of temozolomide.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results further highlight the specificity of a subset of high-grade gliomas, MGNT. TICs derived from these tumors represent a new tool to screen for innovative therapies.</p

    The HOXB4 Homeoprotein Promotes the Ex Vivo Enrichment of Functional Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived NK Cells

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can be induced to differentiate into blood cells using either co-culture with stromal cells or following human embryoid bodies (hEBs) formation. It is now well established that the HOXB4 homeoprotein promotes the expansion of human adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) but also myeloid and lymphoid progenitors. However, the role of HOXB4 in the development of hematopoietic cells from hESCs and particularly in the generation of hESC-derived NK-progenitor cells remains elusive. Based on the ability of HOXB4 to passively enter hematopoietic cells in a system that comprises a co-culture with the MS-5/SP-HOXB4 stromal cells, we provide evidence that HOXB4 delivery promotes the enrichment of hEB-derived precursors that could differentiate into fully mature and functional NK. These hEB-derived NK cells enriched by HOXB4 were characterized according to their CMH class I receptor expression, their cytotoxic arsenal, their expression of IFNÎł and CD107a after stimulation and their lytic activity. Furthermore our study provides new insights into the gene expression profile of hEB-derived cells exposed to HOXB4 and shows the emergence of CD34+CD45RA+ precursors from hEBs indicating the lymphoid specification of hESC-derived hematopoietic precursors. Altogether, our results outline the effects of HOXB4 in combination with stromal cells in the development of NK cells from hESCs and suggest the potential use of HOXB4 protein for NK-cell enrichment from pluripotent stem cells

    Hematopoieese dans les cultures a long-terme de moeelle humaine normale et de moeelle de malades atteints de leucemie myeloiede chronique et leucemie aiguee myeloblastique

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    CNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc


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    Cellules souches tissulaires adultes: seing is not being

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    La médecine classique ne sait pas réparer les tissus vitaux comme le foie, le cerveau, les muscles ou le pancréas lorsqu’ils sont atteints par un processus pathologique ou une dégénérescence liée à l’âge. Même si ces tissus contiennent des cellules souches, celles-ci ne remplissent pas cette mission de réparation spontanément, et on ne sait ni les isoler, ni les activer ex vivo. On comprend donc l’enthousiasme soulevé par l’observation selon laquelle les cellules de la moelle osseuse - qui contient entre autres les cellules souches hématopoïétiques utilisées en transplantation depuis des décennies - participaient à la formation d’autres tissus, dont le foie, le muscle et le cerveau, et bien d’autres encore. C’était le début de la fulgurante, mais éphémère, carrière de deux mots, « plasticité » et « transdifférenciation », mais également d’une campagne médiatique imprudente et source de grande confusion, promettant pour demain la régénération de tous nos organes, espoir déguisé d’immortalité. Maintenant que les mécanismes sous-jacents à ces observations commencent à être mieux compris, que la réalité d’une application thérapeutique efficace immédiate s’estompe, on peut tenter de faire, dans la sérénité, le point sur ces acteurs virtuels que sont les cellules souches, sur ce que nous disent réellement les expériences, et pourquoi elles ont entraîné tant de controverses.Recent unexpected observations in adult rodents that stem/progenitor cells located in the bone marrow, but also in other tissues, could, after their transplantation to an irradiated host contribute to the regeneration of damaged organs such as brain, liver, pancreas or muscle, have raised much hope for future therapeutic applications. These data have also initially been interpreted as a proof of a possible transdifferentiation or plasticity of adult stem cells located in these tissues. Additional experiments rigorously analyzed have tempered initial enthusiasm, by showing that if marrow cells do migrate in damaged muscles and liver, their contribution to organ repair is low, and in some cases, explained by cell fusion. Nevertheless, among bone marrow cells, two categories of stem cells now emerge that have a potentially tremendous interest in cell therapy, if we succeed in understanding how to purify, amplify and differentiate these more efficiently and reproducibly
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