40 research outputs found

    Economía con ciencia y conciencia: fomentando el desarrollo sostenible

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2019/202

    The Impact of Public Expenditures on Economic Growth in Two Very Different Countries: A comparative Analysis of Armenia and Spain

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    There is considerable controversy in the economic literature concerning whether particular government expenditures have an impact on economic growth. This study analyzes the macroeconomic magnitude of government expenditures in Armenia and Spain and evaluates whether there exists a causal relationship between government expenditures and economic growth and vice versa (Keynesian hypothesis and Wagner’s Law). The study employs VAR tests to analyze annual data for the years 1996-2014. Furthermore, by utilizing Granger causality tests, the study reveals whether the government expenditures are a significant factor in economic growth in short-term perspective. Finally, IRF and FEVD tests are applied to estimate the effect of a change in particular government expenditures on GDP for twelve year time horizon. This study validates the hypothesis that some public expenditures by the Armenian and Spanish public sectors positively contribute to the growth of their economies, while social protection is negatively related to GDP

    El papel de las grandes compañías y las pymes en la capitalización del mercado y el desarrollo regional

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    [Resumen] La mayoría de estudios empíricos encuentran una relación positiva y significtiva entre innovación y rendimiento de las empresas. Bajo estas consideraciones, en este trabajo se realiza una evaluación comparativa del rendimiento en innovación de la UE con otras regiones desarrolladas, principalmente EEUU y Japón, descubriendo la existencia de una clara brecha a favor de estas últimas. Para analizar estos diferenciales en los niveles de innovación a nivel geográfico hemos analizado el rendimiento de las empresas de gran tamaño a nivel mundial, en términos de capitalización de mercado y de productividad, explicado a través del gasto en I+D e incorporando otras variables como el tamaño, la inversión de capital, el sector de actividad y el área geográfica. Los resultados sugieren que la I+D se puede identificar como una “proxy” de los beneficios futuros, sin diferencias significativas entre Europa, Norteamérica y Japón. Además, el gasto en I+D por empleado tiene una influencia significativa en la productividad de las grandes empresas. Estos resultados contrastan claramente con la brecha creciente en el rendimiento de I+D entre EEUU, Japón y Europa. Concluimos que estas divergencias tienen que ser debidas necesariamente al rendimiento de las PYMES. Con esta finalidad analizamos a continuación las principales barreras a la innovación a los que se enfrentan las PYMES innovadoras en el mercado centrándonos especialmente en la problemática de su falta de financiación (financing gap) y ofrecemos como solución el recurso al capital riesgo para vencer las restricciones al crédito de este tipo de empresas, previo estudio de la situación actual de este instrumento financiero. Se dedica la última parte del trabajo a desarrollar un modelo integral de innovación que asegure la buena marcha en el proceso de innovación. Las medidas descritas tienen como finalidad ayudar a formar las futuras direcciones políticas a nivel europeo, contribuyendo a aumentar el rendimiento de la innovación y a reducir los diferenciales de crecimiento entre las distintas regiones de Europa cumpliendo así con el objetivo de convergencia dentro de la UE.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.ECO). Banca e finanzas. Curso 2011/201

    Proyecto ApS. Economía con ciencia y conciencia: fomentando el desarrollo sostenible

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2021/202

    Public policies to avoid social exclusion in Spain

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    [Resumo] Entre os obxectivos marcados pola Estratexia Europa 2020, un dos máis importantes é reducir en cando menos vinte millóns o grupo de persoas en situación de pobreza ou exclusión social. Ao respecto, en España articuláronse unha recomendación específica no Programa nacional de reformas e varios plans nacionais de acción para a inclusión social que perseguen a devandita finalidade a través da inclusión sociolaboral, o establecemento dun sistema de prestacións e a provisión de servizos básicos fundamentais. Neste traballo presentamos unha análise descritiva da pobreza e a exclusión social en España. Así, identificamos os novos grupos sociais vulnerables e os distintos ámbitos en que se ven afectados por medio da taxa AROPE, que permite estudar o colectivo de persoas excluídas por idade, sexo e ocupación. Por último, estúdanse os efectos das políticas sociais sobre a exclusión e a desigualdade social, alén de se explicar brevemente en que consiste a extrafiscalidade e cales son os factores excluíntes dos grandes impostos[Abstract] Among the objectives set by the Europe 2020 Strategy, one of the most important ones is the reduction of the number of individuals suffering from poverty and social exclusion by at least twenty million. In order to achieve this purpose, Spain has articulated a specific recommendation in the National Reform Programme, as well as several national action plans for social inclusion pursuing this goal through socio-occupational inclusion, the establishment of a benefit system, and the provision of essential basic services. This work presents a descriptive analysis of poverty and social exclusion in Spain. Thus, we identify new vulnerable social groups and the areas where they are affected through the AROPE indicator, which allows us to study the excluded group composition by age, sex and occupation. Finally, this work studies the effects of social policies on social exclusion and inequality, which partially explains the subject of extra-taxation and what the exclusive factors in the main taxes are

    Capacidad de pago, progresividad y bienestar : un análisis del IRPF en base a los valores y prioridades de consumo en los hogares españoles

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    [Resumen] En el marco de las tendencias actuales de los sistemas tributarios hacia bases imponibles amplias y tipos reducidos, se estudian los posibles mínimos exentos para un mayor grado de equidad en el sistema (la paradoja del igualitarismo fiscal) y los fundamentos de la progresividad impositiva desde la preferencia social por la igualdad y la capacidad de pago como renta discrecional (renta menos consumo necesario) del Informe Carter. Se pone a punto un método estadístico para evaluar las tarifas de tipos y los criterios de progresividad de la imposición con arreglo a la información sobre prioridades y valores de consumo de los hogares. Se hace una aplicación al estudio de las tarifas y la carga fiscal en el actual IRPF.[Resumo] No marco das tendencias actuais dos sistemas tributarios cara a bases impoñibles amplas e tipos reducidos, se estudan os posibles mínimos exentos para un maior grado de equidade no sistema (a paradoxa do igualitarismo fiscal) e os fundamentos da progresividade impositiva dende a preferencia social pola igualdade e a capacidade tributaria como renda discrecional (renda menos consumo necesario) do Informe Carter. Se pon a punto un método estatístico para avaliar as tarifas de tipos e os criterios de progresividade da imposición con arranxo á información sobre prioridades e valores de consumo dos fogares. Faise unha aplicación ao estudio das tarifas e a carga fiscal no actual IRPF.[Abstract] Under current trends of tax systems into large bases and reduced rates, we study the possible basic/minimum allowance for a greater degree of fairness in the system (the paradox of fiscal egalitarianism) and the foundations of the progressive tax from social preference for equality and fiscal capacity as discretionary income (income less necessary consumption) of Carter Report.It puts out a statistical method (A statistical method is put out) to assess the rates of types (type rates) and the criteria of progressive taxation in accordance with the information about priorities and values of household consumption. An application is made to study the rates and the tax burden in the current IRPF income tax

    Public incentives and environmental taxation for a sustainable C&D waste management in Spain: an industrial ecology challenge

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    [Abstract] Introduction: By 2020, according to the recent Spanish legislation (Law 22/2001), the amount of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste (C&D waste) must be at least 70% by weight of the produced. However, the current behavior of the stakeholders involved in the waste management process make this goal difficult of achieving. This article examines a number of fiscal instruments to promote the prevention and control of pollution by encouraging the use this type of waste. The heterogeneity of these measures at local level requires the development of a statewide law that governs the actions designed to promote joint coordination and serve to achieve the goal of state protection. The target areas for the tax route will focus mainly on producer responsibility and the promotion of green technologies. From a causal analysis of the problem, we have designed a management model to analyze the impact of incentive policies for the Administration to use C&D waste. This model encourages a broader understanding of the technical and socioeconomic implications of sustainable construction

    Urban sprawl and local fiscal burden: analysing the Spanish case

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    Urban sprawl is rapidly occurring in many Spanish urban areas. The objective of this paper is to evaluate how the trend of building dispersion of new residential areas may be affecting the fiscal stability of local Spanish governments. The high variability of the characteristics of Spanish urban areas as well as the existence of very similar local fiscal structures made this case particularly interesting. A precise index of urban sprawl, calculated with geo-referenced digital cartography, was used. Utilising spatially desegregated information of taxes from the Spanish National Institute for Fiscal Studies allowed for a measure of fiscal burden by local areas and the ability to distinguish among types of taxes. Control variables were also available at the local level from the Spanish Census and other databases. Quantile Regressions methodology supplementing Ordinary Least Square regressions assessed the discrepancy in the results and in the conclusions of the studied distributions. The results indicate that higher levels of urban sprawl imply higher local fiscal burden. This is especially clear in the higher part of the local fiscal burden distribution. By tax categories, the phenomenon of urban sprawl particularly affects local indirect taxation. Based on these results, local decision-makers should consider that urban planning is also a fundamental tool to assure long-term local fiscal stability

    The role of public subsidies for efficiency and environmental adaptation of farming: a multi-layered business model based on functional foods and rural women

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    [Abstract]: This paper examines the role of public subsidies on farming efficiency for Spain by using a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach followed by a nonparametric regression of efficiency to farm specific factors (economic size, environmentally friendly behavior and regional aspects). The empirical analysis suggest that although a higher degree of direct payments negatively affects farm efficiency, these subsidies become an incentive for environmental friendly behavior by farmers in order to improve the productive efficiency. In turn, this proposition leads to a careful attention for the roots of agricultural productions in line to the EU aim of more market-oriented agriculture. Then, a conceptual framework was elaborated in order to propose a multi-layered model for supporting the design of a green business plan based on functional foods. This study also explores the process of generation-production-consumption of functional foods, involving not only the knowledge transfer of the healthy properties of these products but also the multiple role of rural women as producers, educators/advisors and buyers of these foods. The positioning of rural women in the whole process of functional foods results relevant to build their competitive advantage as local entrepreneurs. The leverage points of the strategic formulation of green business models were reinforced following the roadmapping methodology from a dynamic perspective: alliances with suppliers of knowledge (researchers), identification with their reference groups (investors, clients) and management of intellectual capital (structural, human, relational). Finally, findings reveal that rural women are better positioned than others to create businesses based on functional foods from a niche formulation

    What’s happening to the European electricity market?

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    This paper deals with market power and information issues in the ongoing process of the European Electricity Market. We present a regulatory game played among the key group of utilities, the customers and the regulatory authority. The development of the game allows us to state for a clear commitment to entry freedom reducing the informational strategic advantage of incumbents. As the assumption of such a commitment involves another game, we develop it and we conclude that the liberalisation of entry is also a key factor for credibility and effectiveness of flexible regulation and tariffs reduction as well.peer-reviewe