9,494 research outputs found

    Testing for optimal monetary policy via moment inequalities

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    The specification of an optimizing model of the monetary transmission mechanism requires selecting a policy regime, commonly commitment or discretion. In this paper we propose a new procedure for testing optimal monetary policy, relying on moment inequalities that nest commitment and discretion as two special cases. The approach is based on the derivation of bounds for in ation that are consistent with optimal policy under either policy regime. We derive testable implications that allow for specification tests and discrimination between the two alternative regimes. The proposed procedure is implemented to examine the conduct of monetary policy in the United States economy

    Seasonal photosynthesis, respiration, and calcification of a temperate Maërl bed in southern Portugal

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    Rhodolith (maerl) beds are biodiversity hotspots with a worldwide distribution. Maerl is the general term for free-living non-geniculate rhodoliths or coralline red algae. In southern Portugal, maerl beds are mainly composed of Phymatolithon lusitanicum, recently identified as a new species and commonly misidentified as Phymatolithon calcareum. Photosynthesis, respiration, and growth rates of the algae were measured seasonally, as well as the photosynthetic pigment composition. To characterize the seasonal and interannual patterns of key abiotic conditions in the largest described maerl bed of the Portuguese coast, temperature, irradiance, and dissolved oxygen were continuously monitored over a 2-year period. At the bed depth (22 m), temperature ranged between 14 degrees C in winter and 24 degrees C in summer, irradiance varied from 5 to 75 mu.mol m(-2) s(-1) , and dissolved oxygen from 5.8 to 7.25 mg O-2 L-1. We found a strong linear relationship (r(2) = 0.95) between gross primary production (GPP) and relative electron transport rates (rETRs). Both methods led to similar results and an average molar ratio of 0.24. Photosynthesis and respiration increased in summer and decreased in autumn and winter. In the summer of 2013, the growth rates were twofold higher (1.34 mu.mol CaCO3 g(-1) day(-1)) than in the other seasons. In winter and spring, to compensate for light deprivation and low temperature, algae increased their chlorophyll a and carotenoid concentrations while also decreasing their phycobilin concentration, in this case probably due to nutrient limitation. To isolate the role of temperature on the algae's metabolism, the photosynthetic and respiration rates of individual thalli were measured at eight different temperatures in the laboratory (from 12 degrees C to 26 degrees C). Phymatolithon lusitanicum photosynthesis increased twofold after a threshold of 18 degrees C (from 2.2 at 18 degrees C to 3.87 mu mol O-2 m(-2) s(-1) at 20 degrees C), whereas respiration increased fourfold with temperature after a threshold of 22 degrees C (from -0.38 at 18 degrees C to -1.81 (mu mol O-2 m(-2) s(-1) at 24 degrees C). The significant increases on respiration, photosynthetic rates, and maximum growth with temperature reveal that the metabolic rates of P. lusitanicum are highly sensitive to ocean warming.UIDB/04326/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estereotipos de género en universitarios españoles sobre el riesgo psicosocial en la infancia

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    Recent studies have shown that gender stereotypes are not sensitive to social changes. There is a gap in how gender is treated in college. This study is part of an innovation project to improve teaching quality in university. We aim to analyze the presence of gender stereotypes related to at-risk childhood in a sample of 113 university students. Most students considered that some circumstances, like substance consumption, are more likely in boys. On the contrary, they think that looking after siblings or anxiety are more common in girls. Results show the need to incorporate the gender perspective into universities. The special needs of the at-risk girls require further research and specialized training.Estudios recientes han mostrado que los estereotipos de género no son sensibles a los cambios sociales. Hay un vacío sobre cómo el género es tratado en la educación universitaria. Este estudio se enmarca en un proyecto de innovación para la mejora de la calidad docente en la universidad. Pretendemos analizar la presencia de estereotipos de género relacionados con menores en riesgo en una muestra de 113 universitarios. La mayoría de los estudiantes considera que algunas circunstancias, como el uso de sustancias, son más probables en chicos. Por el contrario, piensan que el tener que cuidar de los hermanos o la ansiedad son más comunes en chicas. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de incorporar la perspectiva de género en las universidades. Las necesidades de las chicas en riesgo requieren más investigación y formación especializada

    Early postnatal development of neocortex-wide activity patterns in GABAergic and pyramidal neurons

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    Before the onset of sensory experience, developing circuits generate synchronised activity that will not only influence its wiring, but ultimately contribute to behaviour. These complex functions rely on widely distributed cortical that simultaneously operate at multiple spatiotemporal scales. The timing of GABAergic maturation appears to align with the developmental trajectories of cortical regions, playing a crucial role in the functional development of individual brain areas. While local connectivity in cortical microcircuits has been extensively studied, the dynamics of brain-wide functional maturation, especially for GABAergic populations, remain underexplored. In this project, a dual-colour widefield calcium imaging approach was developed to examine the neocortex-wide dynamics of cortical GABAergic and excitatory neurons simultaneously across early postnatal development. This study provides the first broad description of neocortex-wide GABAergic developmental trajectories and their cross-talk with excitatory dynamics during the second and third postnatal weeks. The observed spontaneous activity revealed discrete activity domains, reflecting the modular organisation of the cortex. Both excitatory and GABAergic population exhibited an increase in the size and frequency of activity motifs, as well as changes in motif variability. However, as they matured, the distribution of these spatiotemporal properties displayed divergent trajectories across populations and regions. These findings suggest fundamental differences in the spatial organisation of both populations, indicating potential distinct roles in cortical network function development. Moreover, while excitatory and GABAergic dynamics exhibited high correlations, brief deviations from perfect timing were observed. This correlation patterns changed significantly during development and across regions, with the two populations gradually becoming more correlated as they matured. Manipulating inhibition in vivo disrupted these fluctuations, impacting both local activity and the wider functional network.These findings provide valuable insights into the developmental trajectories of spontaneous activity patterns in excitatory and GABAergic cell populations during early postnatal development. The interplay between both neuronal populations plays a critical role in shaping activity patterns, and understanding the underlying mechanisms of their development can provide valuable insights into neurodevelopmental disorders

    Book review: Defiant geographies: race and urban space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro by Lorraine Leu

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    In Defiant Geographies: Race and Urban Space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro, Lorraine Leu explores how the urban reform initiatives of 1920s Rio de Janeiro were underpinned by racial displacement and how black and poor white immigrant communities sought to defiantly resist these processes. This is a welcome and accessible contribution to Brazil’s anti-racist urban theory and will be a fundamental read for anyone interested in race, urban space, urban renewal and displacement, writes Laura Santos Granja. Defiant Geographies: Race and Urban Space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro. Lorraine Leu. University of Pittsburgh Press. 2020

    Quando não se morre como nas óperas de Verdi : reflexões histórico-filosóficas sobre suicídio e o suicídio racional na Antiguidade Clássica

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    Neste artigo, abordam-se questões terminológicas acerca dos termos da Antiguidade clássica que significavam ‘suicídio’ e ‘eutanásia’; fala-se da posição adoptada por certas escolas e certos autores Antigos perante a morte voluntária; contextualiza-se, historicamente, o conhecido Juramento de Hipócrates e analisa-se a posição particular de Séneca sobre o suicídio racional, a partir de duas das suas Cartas a Lucílio.This article addresses: the terminological questions concerning the terms that signified ‘suicide’ and ‘euthanasia’ in classic Antiquity; the positions adopted by certain philosophical schools and authors in the context of the Greeks about voluntary death; the historical context of the Hippocratic Oath; and, finally, the particular ideas on rational suicide witnessed by two of Seneca’s Letters to Lucilius

    Variações sobre o entre-dois

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    Partindo-se do princípio que todas as situações cruciais que nos são dadas viver são sustentadas por uma posição de entre-dois, este artigo visa fundamentalmente cumprir dois objectivos: numa primeira parte, apresentar situações em que esse entre-dois é vivido sob uma forma bloqueada e crispada; numa segunda parte, apoiando-se sobretudo no pensamento de Daniel Sibony, mostrar de que modo a abertura do entre-dois é possível e como ela nos remete para a temática da “origem” e da “identidade”, podendo-se a partir daqui repensar a educação e a filosofia da educação.Assuming that all the crucial situations we may be involved in are sustained by a between-two position, this article intends to fulfil two main purposes: in a first part, to present some situations where this between-two is lived in a blocked and tense way; in a second part, taking above all support in the thought of Daniel Sibony, it aims at showing in what way it is possible to open the between-two and how this will lead us to the question of the “origin” and “identity”, thus making it possible to rethink education and the philosophy of education.En partant du principe que toutes les situations cruciales que nous vivons sont sous-tendues par une position d’entre-deux, cet article vise fondamentalemente accomplir deux objectifs: dans une première partie, présenter des situations où l’entre-deux est vécu sous une forme bloqué et crispé; dans une seconde partie, et s’appuyant surtout sur la pensée de Daniel Sibony, montrer de quelle façon l’ouverture de l’entre-deux est possible et comment elle nous renvoye à la thématique de l”origine” et de l’”identité”, en étant possible de repenser à partir d’ici aussi bien l’éducation que la philosophie de l’éducation

    A recusa de tratamento em Portugal : questões de filosofia, direito, saúde e educação

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    A importância do princípio de autonomia e autodeterminação no plano da ética e do direito traduziu-se, no campo da saúde, no respeito pelo princípio do consentimento informado, livre e esclarecido, por parte do doente capaz, em relação às intervenções médicas a que seria eventualmente sujeito. No entanto, faltava saber se haveria alguma forma de continuar a assegurar às pessoas algum modo de poderem ou não consentir nos tratamentos médicos quando já se encontrassem incapazes de dar o seu consentimento ou recusa. Neste contexto, o artigo tenta estudar a recusa de tratamento à luz de um enquadramento abrangente que tem que ver com questões de filosofia, direito, saúde e educação.As the respect for the principle of autonomy and self-determination has been given an increased importance in ethics and law, more importance has also been given to the respect for informed consent on the part of a competent patient in what concerns medical interventions. However, people wondered if there could be a way of keeping on assuring this right to incompetent patients, that means, those who were unable to give an actual informed consent. Within this context, this article tries to develop the question of the refusal of treatment – especially in what Portugal is concerned -, in a comprehensive perspective where questions of philosophy, law, healthcare and education will be addressed

    Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome – A narrative revision of the literature

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    AbstractReversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS) is a not very well known clinical-imaging entity; it is characterized by thunderclap headache, which mimics an aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage, and a diffuse and segmental constriction of cerebral arteries, that resolves spontaneously within 3 months. The pathophysiology remains unknown. The female gender is the more affected and more than half of cases occur in the puerperium or after exposure to vasoactive substances. Typically, RCVS is self-limited and has a benign course, although it may have more serious complications with permanent neurologic sequelae and death. Treatment is predominantly supportive and directed to the symptoms