3,936 research outputs found

    Análisis histológico de la aplicación de diferentes hidrogeles para la regeneración del músculo esquelético

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    Las lesiones musculares son muy frecuentes en la práctica clínica, siendo su tratamiento actual limitado, por lo que ha surgido la necesidad de realizar estudios para la búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas, presentándose la medicina regenerativa y la ingeniería tisular como potenciales soluciones. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es comparar la idoneidad de diferentes terapias basadas en el uso de biomateriales para mejorar la regeneración de tejido muscular dañado. Para ello, se han utilizado ocho ratas en las que se ha realizado un defecto muscular volumétrico sobre el músculo tibial anterior de ambas patas traseras, rellenándolo posteriormente con ocho terapias diferentes combinando biomateriales basados en recombinámeros tipo elastina y células madre mesenquimales. La capacidad regenerativa ha sido evaluada dos semanas después de la cirugía, mediante microscopía óptica, tras el procesamiento de las muestras con técnicas histológicas. Además, se ha utilizado una rata no intervenida previamente como control. La respuesta regenerativa muscular se ha evaluado histológicamente mediante los siguientes parámetros: diámetro de las miofibrillas, número de células con núcleos centrales, cantidad de hidrogel en el defecto y área de interfase. En todos los casos se ha observado algún signo de regeneración, en comparación con el grupo control. Sin embargo, no todas las terapias han mostrado ser igual de eficaces, dado que, por sus características particulares, los defectos han respondido de manera diferente cumpliendo o no los requisitos establecidos. Por todo ello, los hidrogeles biodegradables por la actividad enzimática de las metaloproteinasas han resultado ser los más idóneos.Grado en Medicin

    Principios de Procedimiento: una estrategia para la calidad del diseño didáctico y la evaluación de la práctica docente

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    This article presents the principles of procedure as a key strategy for improving the processes of didactic design and evaluation of teaching. Therefore, through the experience of a student of the Bacherlor’s Degree in Pedagogy, a journey through the different stages that make up its discovery and use is carried out. Thus, it offers a theoretical conceptualisation of the term, a description of the different phases that make up its use and a reflection on the value of the application of this strategy in the teaching profession.En este artículo se presentan los principios de procedimiento como una estrategia clave para la mejora de los procesos de diseño didáctico y evaluación de la acción docente. Para ello, a través de la experiencia de una alumna del Grado de Pedagogía, se realiza un recorrido por las distintas etapas que conforman su descubrimiento y utilización. Así, se ofrece una conceptualización teórica del término, una descripción de las diferentes fases que componen su uso y una reflexión acerca del valor de la aplicación de esta estrategia en la profesión docente

    Prospectiva del sector de calzado de cuero en Colombia, caso Calzado Yullyan

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    Este trabajo busca aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para identificar los problemas que se presentan en la empresa “Calzado Yullyan” y obtener posibles soluciones para lograr un mejor desempeño de la organización en el sector. Se pretende determinar los posibles escenarios en los que la empresa se puede ver involucrada, de manera que se planteen soluciones que mejoren las actividades desarrolladas y permitan el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de la misma. Para este trabajo se realizó un análisis del sector teniendo en cuenta diferentes aspectos como la productividad, el comportamiento de las importaciones y las exportaciones, la cadena productiva, las fuerzas del mercado, entre otros.This paper seeks to apply the knowledge acquired to identify current problems presented in "CalzadoYullyan" and the possible solutions to achieve a better performance of the organization in this economic sector. It pretends to determine possible scenarios in which the company would be involved, and try to find solutions to improve the developed activities and allow it for its growth and strengthening. This paper presents an analysis of the economic sector taking into account different aspects such as productivity, changes in imports and exports, the production chain, market forces, and so forth.Universidad del Rosari

    Influence of Mindfulness on Levels of Impulsiveness, Moods and Pre-Competition Anxiety in Athletes of Different Sports

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    Training in emotional regulation skills is one of the most important resources for the adaptation of athletes to contexts of sports pressure, especially during competitions. This study explored the effects of a mindfulness programme (Flow Meditation) on levels of impulsivity, mood and pre-competition anxiety-state in a sample of athletes (N = 41, 22.83 ± 5.62 years). Participants were randomly assigned to an intervention group (N = 21; 14 males and 7 females) which received the intervention over 10 weeks (a weekly session) and a control group (wait-list; N = 20; 13 males and 7 females). The variables under study were assessed through different questionnaires at pre- and post-test (T1–T2) in both groups. The mindfulness intervention was effective in reducing impulsivity (cognitive (t = −4.48, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.40), both motor (t = −4.03, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.20) and unplanned (t = −5.32, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.66)), mood (tension (t = −4.40, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.37), depression (t = −4.56, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.42), anger (t = −7.80, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 2.47), somatic anxiety (t = −5.28, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.65), and cognitive anxiety (t = −6.62, p ≤ 0.001, Cohen’s d = 2.07) in the intervention group compared to the control group and with large to very large effect sizes. Mindfulness is a factor that enhances athletes’ ability to cope with high sport pressure and the healthy management of competition (e.g., fear of failure), or with their daily life

    Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Madrid pilot Site Study.

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    A City is the space where every person acquires the citizen condition, which demands access to multiple services and facilities, and develops social relations in a free and equal condition of options. A lack of accessibility limits independency and autonomy. Thus, the relationship between “sustainable development” and “accessibility for all” becomes clearer, and both goals reinforce each other. In this sense, information plays a key role in order to overcome existing barriers, specially for people who rarely use public transport, have impaired mobility, or make a particular journey for the first time. The impact and benefits is linked with public transport as a “facilitator” of mobility, and, in particular, for the aim of intermodality. The usefulness of information that should be provided (both the information itself and how is offered) to mobility impaired users (MI users) is discussed on this paper based on following of the ASK-IT project that has being carry out on Madrid. The work was done in close cooperation with representatives of all different types of MI user groups

    Pricing Endowments with Soft Computing

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    This paper develops life insurance pricing with different representation of its two sources of uncertainty: stochastic behaviour of mortality of the insured and fuzzy quantification of interest rates within the time horizon. Concretely we analyse endowment contracts, which are present in several financial real - world contexts as residential mortgage loans or retirement plans. We show that modelling the present value of these contracts with fuzzy random variables allows a well - founded quantification of their fair price and the risk resulting from the uncertainty of mortality and discounting rates. To do this, we firstly describe fuzzy random variables and some associated measures (mathematical expectation, variance, distribution function and quantiles) are defined. Subsequently the present value of a endowment contract (pure and mixed) is modelled with fuzzy random variables. Finally we show how the price and risk measures for endowment portfolios can be obtaine

    Life settlement pricing with fuzzy parameters

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    Existing literature asserts that the growth of life settlement (LS) markets, where they exist, is hampered by limited policyholder participation and suggests that to foster this growth appropriate pricing of LS transactions is crucial. The pricing of LSs relies on quantifying two key variables: the insured's mortality multiplier and the internal rate of return (IRR). However, the available information on these parameters is often scarce and vague. To address this issue, this article proposes a novel framework that models these variables using triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs). This modelling approach aligns with how mortality multiplier and IRR data are typically provided in insurance markets and has the advantage of offering a natural interpretation for practitioners. When both the mortality multiplier and the IRR are represented as TFNs, the resulting LS price becomes a FN that no longer retains the triangular shape. Therefore, the paper introduces three alternative triangular approximations to simplify computations and enhance interpretation of the price. Additionally, six criteria are proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of each approximation method. These criteria go beyond the typical approach of assessing the approximation quality to the FN itself. They also consider the usability and comprehensibility for financial analysts with no prior knowledge of FNs. In summary, the framework presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in LS pricing. By incorporating TFNs, offering several triangular approximations and proposing goodness criteria of them, it addresses the challenges posed by limited and vague data, while also considering the practical needs of industry practitioners

    The valuation of life contingencies: A symmetrical triangular fuzzy approximation

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    This paper extends the framework for the valuation of life insurance policies and annuities by Andrés- Sánchez and González-Vila (2012, 2014) in two ways. First we allow various uncertain magnitudes to be estimated by means of fuzzy numbers. This applies not only to interest rates but also to the amounts to be paid out by the insurance company. Second, the use of symmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers allows us to obtain expressions for the pricing of life contingencies and their variability that are closely linked to standard financial and actuarial mathematics. Moreover, they are relatively straightforward to compute and understand from a standard actuarial point of view

    A Fuzzy-Random Extension of the Lee-Carter Mortality Prediction Model

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    The Lee-Carter model is a useful dynamic stochastic model to represent the evolution of central mortality rates throughout time. This model only considers the uncertainty about the coefficient related to the mortality trend over time but not to the age-dependent coefficients. This paper proposes a fuzzy-random extension of the Lee-Carter model that allows quantifying the uncertainty of both kinds of parameters. As it is commonplace in actuarial literature, the variability of the time-dependent index is modeled as an ARIMA time series. Likewise, the uncertainty of the age-dependent coefficients is also quantified, but by using triangular fuzzy numbers. The consideration of this last hypothesis requires developing and solving a fuzzy regression model. Once the fuzzy-random extension has been introduced, it is also shown how to obtain some variables linked with central mortality rates such as death probabilities or life expectancies by using fuzzy numbers arithmetic. It is simultaneously shown the applicability of our developments with data of Spanish male population in the period 1970-2012. Finally, we make a comparative assessment of our method with alternative Lee-Carter model estimates on 16 Western Europe populations