2,112 research outputs found

    Achieving energy efficient districts: contributions through large-scale characterization and demand side management.

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    Buildings are increasingly expected to be more efficient and sustainable since they are essential to energy policies and climate change mitigation efforts. For this reason, it is very important to develop new energy models, with special attention to the residential sector. The present Thesis aims to justify the selection of the district scale as the optimal one to improve the energy performance of the built environment. In this way, renewable energy integration may be increased and innovative approaches such as demand side management may be carried out through the accurate characterization of districts. Several applications are shown to evaluate the solar potentials and the energy demands for entire regions by using 3D city models. The advantages offered by demand side management approaches in buildings and districts are investigated, presenting two applications that benefit from dynamic pricing strategies or the participation in reserve markets. The drawbacks of most current approaches on a large scale are highlighted, and a new tool capable of performing dynamic simulations of whole districts in a user-friendly and accurate way is presented. In addition, a methodology for a proper characterization of districts through monitoring is developed, validated, and used for two applications. The first one characterizes a district consisting of buildings with a limited use of air-conditioning, and the second one evaluates the benefits that could be obtained from the exploitation of the synergies between the buildings of a district. As a last contribution of this Thesis, a new comprehensive methodology for the characterization and optimization of any existing district is proposed.Se espera que los edificios sean cada vez más eficientes y sostenibles, puesto que son esenciales para las políticas energéticas y los esfuerzos hacia la mitigación del cambio climático. Por esta razón, es muy importante desarrollar nuevos modelos energéticos, con especial atención al sector residencial. La presente Tesis parte de que la escala de distrito es la óptima para mejorar el comportamiento de la edificación. Además, permite aumentar la integración de energías renovables y llevar a cabo planteamientos innovadores como la gestión de la demanda a través de una precisa caracterización de los distritos. Se muestran varias aplicaciones para la evaluación de los potenciales solares y las demandas energéticas de regiones enteras, usando modelos 3D de ciudades. Las ventajas ofrecidas por los procedimientos de gestión de la demanda en edificios y distritos también son investigadas, presentando dos aplicaciones que se benefician de estrategias de tarificación dinámica o de la participación en los mercados de reserva. Las desventajas de la mayoría de procedimientos actuales a gran escala también son destacadas, y se presenta una nueva herramienta capaz de llevar a cabo simulaciones dinámicas de distritos completos de forma simple y precisa. Además, se desarrolla una metodología para la caracterización apropiada de distritos a través de monitorización, validada y empleada en dos aplicaciones. La primera trata la caracterización un distrito compuesto por edificios con un uso limitado de la climatización, y la segunda la evaluación de los beneficios que podrían obtenerse de la explotación de las sinergias entre los edificios de un distrito. Como última contribución de la Tesis, se propone una nueva metodología completa para la caracterización y optimización de cualquier distrito existente.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Heuristic optimization of clusters of heat pumps: A simulation and case study of residential frequency reserve

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    The technological challenges of adapting energy systems to the addition of more renewables are intricately interrelated with the ways in which markets incentivize their development and deployment. Households with own onsite distributed generation augmented by electrical and thermal storage capacities (prosumers), can adjust energy use based on the current needs of the electricity grid. Heat pumps, as an established technology for enhancing energy efficiency, are increasingly seen as having potential for shifting electricity use and contributing to Demand Response (DR). Using a model developed and validated with monitoring data of a household in a plus-energy neighborhood in southern Germany, the technical and financial viability of utilizing household heat pumps to provide power in the market for Frequency Restoration Reserve (FRR) are studied. The research aims to evaluate the flexible electrical load offered by a cluster of buildings whose heat pumps are activated depending on selected rule-based participation strategies. Given the prevailing prices for FRR in Germany, the modelled cluster was unable to reduce overall electricity costs and thus was unable to show that DR participation as a cluster with the heat pumps is financially viable. Five strategies that differed in the respective contractual requirements that would need to be agreed upon between the cluster manager and the aggregator were studied. The relatively high degree of flexibility necessary for the heat pumps to participate in FRR activations could be provided to varying extents in all strategies, but the minimum running time of the heat pumps turned out to be the primary limiting physical (and financial) factor. The frequency, price and duration of the activation calls from the FRR are also vital to compensate the increase of the heat pumps’ energy use. With respect to thermal comfort and self-sufficiency constraints, the buildings were only able to accept up to 34% of the activation calls while remaining within set comfort parameters. This, however, also depends on the characteristics of the buildings. Finally, a sensitivity analysis showed that if the FRR market changed and the energy prices were more advantageous, the proposed approaches could become financially viable. This work suggests the need for further study of the role of heat pumps in flexibility markets and research questions concerning the aggregation of local clusters of such flexible technologies.Comisión Europea 69596

    Assessment of the photovoltaic potential at urban level based on 3D city models: A case study and new methodological approach

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    The use of 3D city models combined with simulation functionalities allows to quantify energy demand and renewable generation for a very large set of buildings. The scope of this paper is to determine the solar photovoltaic potential at an urban and regional scale using CityGML geometry descriptions of every building. An innovative urban simulation platform is used to calculate the PV potential of the Ludwigsburg County in south-west Germany, in which every building was simulated by using 3D city models. Both technical and economic potential (considering roof area and insolation thresholds) are investigated, as well as two different PV efficiency scenarios. In this way, it was possible to determine the fraction of the electricity demand that can be covered in each municipality and the whole region, deciding the best strategy, the profitability of the investments and determining optimal locations. Additionally, another important contribution is a literature review regarding the different methods of PV potential estimation and the available roof area reduction coefficients. An economic analysis and emission assessment has also been developed. The results of the study show that it is possible to achieve high annual rates of covered electricity demand in several municipalities for some of the considered scenarios, reaching even more than 100% in some cases. The use of all available roof space (technical potential) could cover 77% of the region’s electricity consumption and 56% as an economic potential with only high irradiance roofs considered. The proposed methodological approach should contribute valuably in helping policy-making processes and communicating the advantages of distributed generation and PV systems in buildings to regulators, researchers and the general public

    Analysis of the economic feasibility and reduction of a building’s energy consumption and emissions when integrating hybrid solar thermal/PV/micro-CHP systems

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the performance of several designs of hybrid systems composed of solar thermal collectors, photovoltaic panels and natural gas internal combustion engines. The software TRNSYS 17 has been used to perform all the calculations and data processing, as well as an optimisation of the tank volumes through an add-in coupled with the GENOPT® software. The study is carried out by analysing the behaviour of the designed systems and the conventional case in five different locations of Spain with diverse climatic characteristics, evaluating the same building in all cases. Regulators, manufacturers and energy service engineers are the most interested in these results. Two major contributions in this paper are the calculations of primary energy consumption and emissions and the inclusion of a Life Cycle Cost analysis. A table which shows the order of preference regarding those criteria for each considered case study is also included. This was fulfilled in the interest of comparing between the different configurations and climatic zones so as to obtain conclusions on each of them. The study also illustrates a sensibility analysis regarding energy prices. Finally, the exhaustive literature review, the novel electricity consumption profile of the building and the illustration of the influence of the cogeneration engine working hours are also valuable outputs of this paper, developed in order to address the knowledge gap and the ongoing challenges in the field of distributed generation

    Diseño de un plan de mantenimiento predictivo para los generadores eléctricos de una central hidroeléctrica

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalSe dan a conocer los resultados obtenidos de la investigación realizada sobre las centrales hidroeléctricas y el tipo de generadores que las componen, Así mismo se recopila información mediante una revisión documental, con la cual se identifican los diferentes tipos de fallas, desgastes y deterioros que sufre este tipo de maquinaría, para finalmente diseñar un modelo de plan mantenimiento predictivo para el generador, basado en el análisis de fallas, el cual permite que las actividades que hacen parte del plan sean más minuciosas y por tanto generen resultados más confiables y eficientes para de este modo evitar que se afecte el funcionamiento de la central hidroeléctrica.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LAS CENTRALES HIDROELÉCTRICAS, GENERADORES Y GENERACIÓN DE ENERGÍA HIDRÁULICA EN COLOMBIA Y BRASIL. 3. PRINCIPALES FALLOS Y PUNTOS CRÍTICOS EN LOS GENERADORES DE ENERGÍA DE UNA CENTRAL HIDROELÉCTRICA 4. DISEÑO DE UN PLAN DE MANTENIMIENTO PREDICTIVO PARA LOS GENERADORES DE ENERGÍA DE UNA CENTRAL HIDROELÉCTRICA 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria

    El papel del trabajador/a social en el ámbito de la drogodependencia

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    El problema de las drogas, viene acaeciendo desde tiempos inmemorables, arrastrando consigo numerosas problemáticas que produce su consumo. Es por ello, que tanto las Instituciones públicas como privadas en materia de drogodependencia, juegan un papel clave tanto en la prevención como en la intervención con personas drogodependientes. En este trabajo se muestran los aspectos fundamentales en materia de drogodependencia, así como la labor que realiza el/la Trabajador/a Social en este ámbito mediante la intervención, para que los futuros Trabajadores/as Sociales, obtengan conocimientos en materia de drogas y aprendan como intervenir con este tipo de colectivo.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    Evaluación inicial de riesgos psicosociales y planificación de la actividad preventiva de una empresa de formación profesional y postgrado

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    Los riesgos psicosociales y, en particular el estrés laboral, se configuran en la actualidad como uno de los riesgos en aumento y más difíciles de abordar en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. La gravedad de sus consecuencias tanto para la salud de las personas como para las organizaciones, sumado al hecho de que nunca se haya llevado a cabo, en la organización objeto de estudio, una evaluación de riesgos psicosociales, fundamentan el presente trabajo. Bajo esta premisa, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación inicial de riesgos psicosociales a las formadoras y formadores de un centro docente dedicado a la formación profesional tomando como referencia el modelo de demanda-controlapoyo de Karasek. El método de evaluación psicosocial utilizado ha sido el elaborado por el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo; FPSICO. Con una participación de un total de 18 trabajadores. Tras la aplicación del cuestionario se ha podido determinar que el factor de riesgo con mayor prevalencia entre las formadoras y formadoras del centro privado de formación evaluado es la carga de trabajo (CT), seguido de las demandas psicológicas (DP) y la participación/supervisión (PS). Los resultados apoyan el marco teórico del modelo demanda-controlapoyo, prediciendo una situación de sobrecarga, con las consecuencias asociadas a la misma. Por ello se elaboró una planificación simplificada de la actividad preventiva para reducir el grado de riesgo.Psychosocial risks and, in particular, work stress, are currently one of the increasing and most difficult risks to address in terms of health and safety at work. The seriousness of its consequences both for the health of people and for organizations, added to the fact that an evaluation of psychosocial risks has never been carried out in the organization under study, underlies this work. Under this premise, an initial evaluation of psychosocial risks has been carried out on the trainers of a teaching center dedicated to vocational training, taking Karasek's demand-control-support model as a reference. The psychosocial evaluation method used was that developed by the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work; FPSICO. With the participation of a total of 18 workers. After applying the questionnaire, it was determined that the risk factor with the highest prevalence among the trainers of the private training center evaluated is workload, psychological demands and participation/supervisión. The results support the theoretical framework of the demand-control-support model, predicting an overload situation, with the consequences associated with it. For this reason, a simplified planning of preventive activity was developed to reduce the degree of risk.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Seguridad Integral en la Industria y Prevención de Riesgos Laborale

    Improving student motivation through gamification: a case study in Engineering Degrees

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    [EN] Many studies suggest the usefulness of gamification tools so as to increase the motivation of the students and facilitate learning. This is due to the generational changes in society, as a consequence of the increasing presence of technology in our lives. For this reason, it is necessary to give empirical evidence of experiences that show the positive outcomes of new active learning tools. In the present work, the results of the implementation of a videogame are shown for a subject (Thermotechnics) of the 2nd year in four Engineering Courses at the School of Engineering in Cádiz (Spain). This subject is traditionally perceived by the students as very complex. The videogame gathers many theoretical concepts taught in the subject, and allows the students to review them in an easy and entertaining way. After the experience, carried out by 311 students, 94% of them state that the game motivated them regarding the subject, considering it as useful, entertaining, and they generally gave very positive comments. Last of all, several possibilities for improvement were identified, which will be implemented in future versions of the game.[ES] Existen muchos estudios que afirman la utilidad de las herramientas de gamificación para aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes y facilitar el aprendizaje. Esto se debe entre otros aspectos a los cambios generacionales que están surgiendo en la sociedad como consecuencia de la mayor presencia de la tecnología en nuestras vidas. Por ello, es necesario dar evidencias empíricas de experiencias que demuestren la utilidad de nuevas herramientas de aprendizaje activo.En el presente trabajo, se muestran los resultados de la implementación de un videojuego en la asignatura “Termotecnia” de 2º curso en cuatro Grados de Ingeniería en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cádiz. La asignatura es tradicionalmente percibida por los alumnos como muy compleja. Dicho videojuego recopila los conceptos teóricos fundamentales enseñados en la asignatura, y permite a los alumnos repasarlos de forma fácil y entretenida. Tras la experiencia, llevada a cabo por 311 alumnos, el 94 % de ellos afirma que el juego les ha servido para aumentar su motivación en la asignatura, considerándolo útil, entretenido, y con comentarios en general muy positivos. Por último, se identificaron algunas posibilidades de mejora que serán implementadas en futuras versiones del juego.Romero Rodríguez, L. (2022). Mejora de la motivación del alumnado a través de la gamificación: caso de estudio en Grados de Ingeniería. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 834-846. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1582883484

    Socio-Cultures Perspectives in the Influence of Entertainment to the Fashion Industry

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    This research article presents the various sociocultural perspectives generated as a result of the influence of major entertainment figures such as J Balvin Rihanna Beyonce and the kpop group of the moment BTS through case studies on the aforementioned characters it is possible to conclude the various sociocultural scenarios It also presents the massive diffusion of fashion trends through the digital world and how the use of different web platforms to acquire the various products has grown due to the current health situation of the Covid-19 pandemic impacting the fashion industries and their economic growt

    An Economic, Energy, and Environmental Analysis of PV/Micro-CHP Hybrid Systems: A Case Study of a Tertiary Building

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    Our present standard of living depends strongly on energy sources, with buildings being a primary focus when it comes to reducing energy consumption due to their large contribution, especially in tertiary buildings. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the performance of two different designs of hybrid systems, composed of natural gas engines and photovoltaic panels. This will be done through simulations in TRNSYS, considering a representative office building with various schedules of operation (8, 12, and 24 h), as well as different climates in Spain. The main contributions of this paper are the evaluations of primary energy-consumption, emissions, and economic analyses for each scenario. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is carried out to observe the influence of energy prices, as well as that of the costs of the micro-CHP engines and PV modules. The results show that the scenario with the conventional system and PV modules is the most profitable one currently. However, if electricity prices are increased in the future or natural gas prices are reduced, the scenario with micro-CHP engines and PV modules will become the most profitable option. Energy service engineers, regulators, and manufacturers are the most interested in these results