17 research outputs found

    Neuropterida dell\u27iglesiente (Sardegna sud-occidentale)(raphidioptera, Neuroptera)

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    A checklist of the Neuropterida of the Iglesiente area (SW Sardinia) is presented. On the whole, one species of Raphidioptera and 25 of Neuroptera are recorded on the basis of the inspection of public collections as well as from the study of specimens gathered during recent fi eld investigations by the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversit? Forestale "Bosco Fontana" of Verona. Sympherobius luqueti Leraut, 1991 (Hemerobiidae) and Helicoconis hispanica Ohm, 1965 (Coniopterygidae) are new for Sardini

    Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera cynipidae) in Sardegna

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    The chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus was detected in Sardinia in 2007. Two years later its biological control agent, Torymus sinensis, was released and was started the monitoring of native oak gall wasp parasitoids recruited by D. kuriphilus. Five years after its introduction the exotic parasitoid T. sinensis established itself in the study sites and more than 25 morphospecies of native parasitoids emerged from D. kuriphilus galls

    Neuroptera (Insecta) of Pantelleria, the Pelagic Islands and the Maltese archipelago : towards an annotated checklist with new records

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    Mediterranean islands have a high ecological and biogeographical significance since they bridge the gap between Europe and North Africa. However, many factors make it difficult to decipher their biogeographical patterns. Taking into account published and unpublished records, a revised and annotated checklist of the Neuroptera found in Pantelleria, the Pelagic Islands and the Maltese archipelago was compiled.peer-reviewe

    Impact of alien insect pests on Sardinian landscape and culture

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    Geologically Sardinia is a raft which, for just under thirty million years, has been crossing the western Mediterranean, swaying like a pendulum from the Iberian to the Italian Peninsula. An island so large and distant from the other lands, except for its "sister" Corsica, has inevitably developed an autochthonous flora and fauna over such a long period of time. Organisms from other Mediterranean regions have added to this original contingent. These new arrivals were not randomly distributed over time but grouped into at least three great waves. The oldest two correspond with the Messinian salinity crisis about 7 million years ago and with the ice age, when, in both periods, Sardinia was linked to or near other lands due to a fall in sea level. The third, still in progress, is linked to human activity. Man has travelled since ancient times and for many centuries introduced allochthonous species to Sardinia which radically modified the native flora and fauna, but always at a very slow and almost unnoticeable rate. The use of sailing or rowing boats, with their low speeds, hindered the transport of living organisms from one place to another. The use of the steam boat, introduced around 1840 but widely diffuse around 1870-1880, opened the doors to more frequent arrivals and also to organisms from the American Continent. This technical innovation had an influence over the whole world economy, with its well-known grain crisis, and coincided in Sardinia with the arrival of Roman dairymen, producers of pecorino cheese and the beginning of the expansion of sheep farming which would continue uninterrupted until the present day. In this period of sudden social and environmental change, an insect was introduced which would turn out to be probably the most economically devastating agricultural pest in Europe: the Grape Phylloxera. The vineyard and wine business collapsed first in France then in Italy. The Phylloxera arrived in Sardinia in 1883 and wine production crashed a very short time later and only resumed after the distribution of American vine rootstock at the beginning of the 20th Century. From then, vine cultivation in Europe was modified with the essential use of this rootstock. Since then methods of transport have increased enormously in number and speed. The number of allochthonous and invasive species has increased proportionally: some of them along with exotic plants which are cultivated on the island, others following man in his activities. Often these new pests attack and destroy ornamental plants which have become part of the Sardinian landscape, causing it to change; just as often their presence requires methods of pest management which are different from the traditional methods on specific crops; finally in at least one case (the Asian tiger mosquito) they pose a threat to our health

    Libelloidini, new name for an old tribe (Neuroptera Ascalaphidae)

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    Pantaleoni, Roberto A., Loru, Laura (2018): Libelloidini, new name for an old tribe (Neuroptera Ascalaphidae). Zootaxa 4438 (3): 597-598, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4438.3.1

    The spurious dragonfly: the intricate nomenclatural problems regarding the names Libelloides and libelluloides (Neuroptera Ascalaphidae et Myrmeleontidae)

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    Pantaleoni, Roberto A., Loru, Laura (2018): The spurious dragonfly: the intricate nomenclatural problems regarding the names Libelloides and libelluloides (Neuroptera Ascalaphidae et Myrmeleontidae). Zootaxa 4387 (3): 524-540, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4387.3.

    La corilicoltura in Sardegna

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    The coriliculture in Sardini

    Le Principali avversitĂ  del nocciolo in Sardegna

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    In Sardinia, the hazelnut is cultivated in the area of Barbagia di Belvì (Nu). In the hazelnut orchards various imported cultivars (Tonda Gentile Romana, Tonda Gentile delle Langhe and Trebisonda) live alongside local varieties, generally called the “Sardinian Hazelnut”. Nowadays, many hazelnut orchards have been completely abandoned and even in the productive orchards agronomic management occurs occasionally. = In Sardegna il nocciolo è coltivato prevalentemente nell'areale della Barbagia di Belvì (Nu). Oltre alle varietà locali chiamate genericamente “nocciole sarde”, vengono coltivate anche cultivar importate come la Tonda Gentile Romana, la Tonda Gentile delle Langhe e la Trebisonda. Oggi molti noccioleti versano in uno stato di abbandono e in quelli produttivi gli interventi agronomici sono occasionali

    Neuroptera (Insecta) of Pantelleria, the Pelagic Islands and the Maltese archipelago: towards an annotated checklist with new records

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    Mediterranean islands have a high ecological and biogeographical significance since they bridge the gap between Europe and North Africa. However, many factors make it difficult to decipher their biogeographical patterns. Taking into account published and unpublished records, a revised and annotated checklist of the Neuroptera found in Pantelleria, the Pelagic Islands and the Maltese archipelago was compiled