58,438 research outputs found

    Galactic substructure traced by RR Lyraes in SDSS Stripe 82

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    Using a sample of 407 RR Lyrae stars extracted from SDSS Stripe 82, we study the degree of substructure in the Galactic halo. We identify overdensities associated with the known substructures of the Hercules-Aquila Cloud and the Sagittarius Stream, and find a further previously-unknown substructure, the Pisces Overdensity, at ~100 kpc from the Sun. Together, the three substructures account for ~80% of our RR Lyrae sample. We also study the density distribution of RR Lyraes in the halo and find that the profile is best fit by a broken power law with an inner slope of -2.4 and a break radius of ~25 kpc, consistent with previous studies. We conclude that the halo is predominantly made up of the debris from in-falling satellites, with little or no underlying smooth component.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way", Le Grand Bornand (Apr. 17-22, 2011), C. Reyle, A. Robin, M. Schultheis (eds.

    Poster: Researchers Say the Darndest Things: Using Semi-structured Interviews to Uncover the Unique Information Behaviors of Basic Sciences Researchers in an Academic Health Center

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    Laura discusses the work she and her colleagues did in a qualitative study of semi-structured interviews examining the unique, information-seeking characteristics of basic sciences researchers. The team\u27s ultimate goal was to then design a suite of library services that would better meet these researchers\u27 needs

    Adolescent Sexual Health and the Dynamics of Oppression: A Call for Cultural Competency

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    This paper encourages those who work with youth to understand the impact of prejudice and discrimination on vulnerable adolescents, to assess and address their needs, and to build on their assets. In prevention programming, it is essential to empower young participants by involving them in all aspects of designing and running programs for youth. It is equally essential to provide culturally appropriate interventions, with culturally competent adult and youth staff

    Embodied knowledge

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    Embodied knowledge situates intellectual and theoretical insights within the realm of the material world. Embodied knowledge is sensory; it highlights smell, touch, and taste as well as more commonly noted sights and sounds. Knowledge grounded in bodily experience encompasses uncertainty, ambiguity, and messiness in everyday life, eschewing sanitized detached measurement of discrete variables. Such an epistemology, or way of knowing, resists the Cartesian mind–body split that underlies Enlightenment philosophy and its persistent remnants, including the scientific method and the glorification of objectivity. Embodied knowledge is inherently and unapologetically subjective, celebrating—rather than glossing over —the complexities of knowledge production. Fieldwork, interviewing, writing, and other qualitative methods involve embodied practices performed by actors occupying specific standpoints or positions within cultures. The researcher\u27s body—where it is positioned, what it looks like, what social groups or classifications it is perceived as belonging to—matters deeply in knowledge formation

    Spirituality within the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Process

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    In this chapter, Ellingson argues that the comprehensive geriatric assessment ( CGA) , which is used in the development of treatment plans for elderly individuals in poor health, has failed to acknowledge the import of some aspects of the elderly patient\u27s life experiences. Ellingson uses case study analysis to demonstrate the significance of spiritual and religious beliefs and practices and suggests that the CGA model should be expanded to include explicit coverage of spirituality and religious issues

    The Performance of Dialysis Care: Routinization and Adaptation on the Floor

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    Previous studies of communication in dialysis centers primarily focused on communication between nurses and patients. In this study, ethnographic methods were used to explore the dominant communication performances enacted by dialysis staff members, including registered nurses, patient care technicians, technical aides, a social worker, and a dietitian. Findings suggest a dialectic between extreme routinization of care and continual adaptation. The dominant routine involved repeating the same preparation, treatment, and discharge process 3 shifts per day, thrice weekly for each patient. At the same time, near-constant adjustments to scheduling, coordination of tasks, and problem solving were needed to maintain the performance of repetition. The balancing of this dialectic has significant implications for new staff training and socialization, understanding the role of technology and routine in dialysis and in health care systems more generally, and in further theorizing the role of unbounded communication interactions in health care

    “You Must Construct Additional Pylons”: Building a Better Framework for Esports Governance

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    The popularity of “esports,” also known as “electronic sports” or competitive video gaming, has exploded in recent years and captured the attention of cord-cutting millennials—often to the detriment of sports such as basketball, football, baseball, and hockey. In the United States, the commercial dominance of such traditional sports stems from decades of regulatory support. Consequently, while esports regulation is likely to emulate many aspects of traditional sports governance, the esports industry is fraught with challenges that inhibit sophisticated ownership and capital investment. Domestic regulation is complicated by underlying intellectual property ownership and ancillary considerations such as fluctuations in a video game’s popularity. Since analogous reform is nigh impossible, nascent governance organizations have been created to support the professionalization of esports as a new entertainment form. As esports consumption continues to grow, enterprising stakeholders are presented with the unique opportunity to create regulatory bodies that will shape the esports industry. This Note analyzes how the professional sports industry and foreign esports markets have addressed governance challenges that arise from differences between traditional sports and competitive video gaming. It concludes by exploring two potential pathways for domestic esports governance. View PD

    Schaeffer's regularity theorem for scalar conservation laws does not extend to systems

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    Several regularity results hold for the Cauchy problem involving one scalar conservation law having convex flux. Among these, Schaeffer's theorem guarantees that if the initial datum is smooth and is generic, in the Baire sense, the entropy admissible solution develops at most finitely many shocks, locally, and stays smooth out of them. We rule out with the present paper the possibility of extending Schaeffer's regularity result to the class of genuinely nonlinear, strictly hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. The analysis relies on careful interaction estimates and uses fine properties of the wave-front tracking approximation
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