568 research outputs found

    Designing a Blockchain Model for the Paris Agreement’s Carbon Market Mechanism

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    This paper examines the benefits and constraints of applying blockchain technology for the Paris Agreement carbon market mechanism and develops a list of technical requirements and soft factors as selection criteria to test the feasibility of two different blockchain platforms. The carbon market mechanism, as outlined in Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, can accelerate climate action by enabling cooperation between national Parties. However, in the past, carbon markets were limited by several constraints. Our research investigates these constraints and translates them into selection criteria to design a blockchain platform to overcome these past limitations. The developed selection criteria and assumptions developed in this paper provide an orientation for blockchain assessments. Using the selection criteria, we examine the feasibility of two distinct blockchains, Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, for the specific use case of Article 6.2. These two blockchain systems represent contrary forms of design and governance; Ethereum constitutes a public and permissionless blockchain governance system, while Hyperledger Fabric represents a private and permissioned governance system. Our results show that both blockchain systems can address present carbon market constraints by enhancing market transparency, increasing process automation, and preventing double counting. The final selection and blockchain system implementation will first be possible, when the Article 6 negotiations are concluded, and governance preferences of national Parties are established. Our paper informs about the viability of different blockchain systems, offers insights into governance options, and provides a valuable framework for a concrete blockchain selection in the future.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    How Can Personalized Learning Devices Be Used to Best Support English Learners in the Middle School Classroom?

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    The research question addressed was, how can personalized learning devices be used to best support English Language Learners in the middle school classroom? The motivation was interest in 1:1 computing and its potential for ELLs. The project involved surveying, interviewing, and observing ELLs and their teachers, in a public middle school, regarding their experiences during the initial three years of implementation of a 1:1 computing environment in which iPads were distributed to each student. The project found little quantitative data on ESL students specifically, but could confirm much of the research on computing and education. Overall quality of teachers, support for technology, and strong classroom management appeared essential to success

    Gender differences in the determinants of mature entrepreneurship? The case of Germany

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    Mature female entrepreneurs represent a non-traditional model of self-employed workers in both ways: in terms of gender and age. The transition into self-employment for women aged 45 years and older represents a topic of aging research that still tends to be overlooked. Previous studies found ambivalent results for the issue regarding motives and entrepreneurial pathways between former employmen or unemployment–and starting one's own business and the ways in which these entrepreneurial activities are shaped by social differences (such as gender) and biographically accumulated resources and restrictions. This article studies biographical-related factors and motivations that determine what is variously referred to as mature entrepreneurship for men and women aged 45 and above. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), the descriptive analysis explains the main gender differences among people within the target age group who have taken the step into self-employment. The multivariate analysis interrogates the main determinants that govern any increase in the probability of becoming self-employed after the age of 45 and seeks to identify the main differences between women and men in relation to such determinants. The results show substantial gender-based occupational segregation in entrepreneurship patterns in this age group, with men working longer hours on average than women and enjoying higher average earnings. However, the multivariate analysis shows that the main drivers for mature entrepreneurship are similar for both men and women and that necessity represents an important factor for everyone for starting a business

    LiveNVS: Neural View Synthesis on Live RGB-D Streams

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    Existing real-time RGB-D reconstruction approaches, like Kinect Fusion, lack real-time photo-realistic visualization. This is due to noisy, oversmoothed or incomplete geometry and blurry textures which are fused from imperfect depth maps and camera poses. Recent neural rendering methods can overcome many of such artifacts but are mostly optimized for offline usage, hindering the integration into a live reconstruction pipeline. In this paper, we present LiveNVS, a system that allows for neural novel view synthesis on a live RGB-D input stream with very low latency and real-time rendering. Based on the RGB-D input stream, novel views are rendered by projecting neural features into the target view via a densely fused depth map and aggregating the features in image-space to a target feature map. A generalizable neural network then translates the target feature map into a high-quality RGB image. LiveNVS achieves state-of-the-art neural rendering quality of unknown scenes during capturing, allowing users to virtually explore the scene and assess reconstruction quality in real-time.Comment: main paper: 8 pages, total number of pages: 15, 13 figures, to be published in SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers; edits: link was fixe

    The sponge holobiont in a changing ocean: from microbes to ecosystems

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    The recognition that all macroorganisms live in symbiotic association with microbial communities has opened up a new field in biology. Animals, plants, and algae are now considered holobionts, complex ecosystems consisting of the host, the microbiota, and the interactions among them. Accordingly, ecological concepts can be applied to understand the host-derived and microbial processes that govern the dynamics of the interactive networks within the holobiont. In marine systems, holobionts are further integrated into larger and more complex communities and ecosystems, a concept referred to as “nested ecosystems.” In this review, we discuss the concept of holobionts as dynamic ecosystems that interact at multiple scales and respond to environmental change. We focus on the symbiosis of sponges with their microbial communities—a symbiosis that has resulted in one of the most diverse and complex holobionts in the marine environment. In recent years, the field of sponge microbiology has remarkably advanced in terms of curated databases, standardized protocols, and information on the functions of the microbiota. Like a Russian doll, these microbial processes are translated into sponge holobiont functions that impact the surrounding ecosystem. For example, the sponge-associated microbial metabolisms, fueled by the high filtering capacity of the sponge host, substantially affect the biogeochemical cycling of key nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous. Since sponge holobionts are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic stressors that jeopardize the stability of the holobiont ecosystem, we discuss the link between environmental perturbations, dysbiosis, and sponge diseases. Experimental studies suggest that the microbial community composition is tightly linked to holobiont health, but whether dysbiosis is a cause or a consequence of holobiont collapse remains unresolved. Moreover, the potential role of the microbiome in mediating the capacity for holobionts to acclimate and adapt to environmental change is unknown. Future studies should aim to identify the mechanisms underlying holobiont dynamics at multiple scales, from the microbiome to the ecosystem, and develop management strategies to preserve the key functions provided by the sponge holobiont in our present and future oceans

    Dyadic Coping of Kidney Transplant Recipients and Their Partners: Sex and Role Differences

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    Background: Coping with stressful health issues – e.g., organ transplantation – can affect interpersonal relationships.Objective: The study examines individual and dyadic coping (DC) in kidney transplant recipients and their partners under consideration of sex and role differences. The Dyadic Coping Inventory allows analyzing partners’ perception of their own DC and also of their partner’s behavior and investigating different perspectives with three discrepancy indexes (similarity, perceived similarity, congruence).Methods: Fifty-six kidney transplant recipients and their partners completed self-report questionnaires (N = 112) on DC, depression, anxiety, and relationship satisfaction. The average age of the patients was 58.1 years and of the partners 57.2 years; 64.3% of the patients were male; time since transplantation was on average 9.7 years.Results: (1) Individual and dyadic functioning: In couples with male patients female caregivers showed higher own supportive DC than the males. In couples with female patients, women reported higher own stress communication, supportive DC, total positive DC and total DC as well as depression compared to men. (2) Regarding the discrepancy indexes, in couples with male patients lower levels of similarity in DC reactions of the couple was associated with higher depression of the males as well as higher anxiety of the females. Moreover, lower comparability of the own DC with partner-perception was correlated with higher depression in males. In couples with female patients, higher comparability was associated with higher DC. Higher DC of the males was associated with lower own anxiety and better similarity in DC reactions. Lower levels of similarity of the male spouse showed correlations with higher depression and anxiety of the females. (3) Sex and role differences occurred. No significant differences between male patients and male partners occurred whereas female patients showed higher own stress communication, supportive DC, common DC, total positive DC, total DC and relationship satisfaction compared to female caregivers (role differences). The same differences were found comparing female with male patients. No differences occurred between male and female caregivers (sex differences). (4) Regarding male’s relationship quality, male’s DC total score and similarity index seem to be important predictors in couples with male patients.Discussion: The results demonstrate the relevance of DC in couples with kidney transplantation and show differences between males and females as well as between patients and partners

    Corede Miss?es: Avalia??o da transpar?ncia nos portais eletr?nicos das prefeituras Municipais e sua rela??o com indicadores socioecon?micos

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    The information access regulating laws allied to the technology are enabling, more and more, an increase of communication between government and society regarding to the municipalities participation on public affairs and political decision making. Deriving out of this premise, the following study aimed to investigate the level of transparency, measured by Transparent Brazil Scale (EBT), on digital portals of 25 city halls that embody the Regional Council of Miss?es/RS Development (COREDE Miss?es/RS), as well as the relation of transparency and socioeconomic indexes. The research is classified as a descriptive search and quantitative approach. Regarding to the data collection, first, digital portals from the municipalities of COREDE Miss?es/RS were analyzed on what concerns to the level of obedience of the Information Access Law (LAI) through the EBT. Afterwards, the passive transparency was analyzed through digital information access requests. Results present a ranking configuration, on which the first places belongs to the municipalities of Cerro Largo, Santo Ant?nio das Miss?es and S?o Paulo das Miss?es, by virtue of complying with all the requested prerogatives. The last place belongs to the municipality of Guarani das Miss?es, once its site has not an e-sic, Ombudsman and Contact Us, precluding, therefore, any possibility of contact with the city hall through digital portal. Thereafter, a comparison of results was developed with the studies of Santos (2017). After all, it was verify a possible relation between the socioeconomic indexes and the level of transparency indicated on the municipalities? digital portals, by the correlation of Spearman. Results point a significant relation, of average and positive effect, between the transparence evidenced and the population indicators and total revenue collected. In conclusion, it is notice that the investigated municipalities present low levels of digital transparency, especially regarding to the passive transparency.As leis que regulamentam o acesso ? informa??o aliadas ? tecnologia est?o oportunizando, cada vez mais, uma maior comunica??o entre governo e sociedade em rela??o ? participa??o dos mun?cipes em assuntos p?blicos e na tomada de decis?es pol?ticas. A partir dessa premissa, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o n?vel de transpar?ncia, mensurado pela Escala Brasil Transparente (EBT), nos portais eletr?nicos das 25 prefeituras que fazem parte do Conselho Regional de Desenvolvimento das Miss?es/RS (COREDE Miss?es/RS), bem como a rela??o da transpar?ncia com indicadores socioecon?micos. A pesquisa classifica-se como descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa. Na coleta dos dados, primeiramente, foram analisados os portais eletr?nicos dos munic?pios do COREDE Miss?es/RS quanto ao grau de cumprimento da Lei de Acesso ? Informa??o (LAI) atrav?s da EBT. Ap?s, foi analisada a transpar?ncia passiva a partir dos pedidos eletr?nicos de acesso ? informa??o. Os resultados apresentam a composi??o de um ranking, sendo os primeiros lugares dos munic?pios de Cerro Largo, Santo Ant?nio das Miss?es e S?o Paulo das Miss?es, pelo fato de atenderem a todas as prerrogativas solicitadas. Em ?ltimo lugar ficou o munic?pio de Guarani das Miss?es, pois o site n?o possui e-sic, Ouvidoria e Fale Conosco, impossibilitando, portanto, qualquer forma de contato com a prefeitura atrav?s do portal eletr?nico. Em seguida, realizou-se a compara??o dos resultados com o estudo de Santos (2017). Por fim, verificou-se a poss?vel rela??o entre os indicadores socioecon?micos e o n?vel de transpar?ncia evidenciado nos portais eletr?nicos dos munic?pios, por meio da correla??o de Spearman. Os resultados indicam uma rela??o significativa, de efeito m?dio e positiva, entre o n?vel de transpar?ncia evidenciado e os indicadores popula??o e receita total arrecadada. Conclusivamente, percebeu-se que, os munic?pios investigados apresentam baixos n?veis de transpar?ncia eletr?nica, principalmente em se tratando da transpar?ncia passiva

    Normal values of distal radioulnar translation assessed by three-dimensional C-arm scans: a cadaveric study

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    We investigated whether mobile C-arm cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) could be used to measure radioulnar translation. The study was conducted on 31 Thiel-fixed intact cadaver arms. Three-dimensional scans of each wrist were carried out in pronation and supination. Four established measurement methods were used (radioulnar line, subluxation ratio, epicentre and radioulnar ratio methods) to measure radioulnar translation. The intraclass correlation coefficient for inter-observer and intra-observer reliability were excellent in three of four methods (>0.94). The reference ranges for physiological radioulnar translation were between -30% and 91% (radioulnar line method), -32% and 87% (subluxation ratio method), -40% and 23% (epicentre method), and 2% and 73% (radioulnar ratio method). Our results indicate that radioulnar translation in the distal radioulnar joint can be determined reliably using mobile C-arm CBCT. The normal values provide a basis for further experimental and clinical studies
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