60 research outputs found

    Emerging perspectives on behavioral competencies: an innovative measurement model, learning antecedents, and employability outcomes

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    ¿Què fa que les persones siguin eficaces al treball? En les darreres dècades, comparacions entre l’assoliment superior i promig mostren que les persones amb major acompliment al treball són aquelles que manifesten competències comportamentals, les quals estan relacionades amb el comportament emocional i social. Amb la integració de teories de diferents camps, aquesta tesi contribueix a l’actual debat sobre competències comportamentals facilitant una millor comprensió dels seus antecedents, resultats i medicions. La demanda persistent el mercat de treball de professionals amb habilitats comportamentals més altes subratlla la necessitat d’aprofundir en la investigació i esbrinar, a part de la formació protocolar, què més pot ajudar al desenvolupament d’aquestes competències. A partir de la teoria d’aprenentatge experimental, el primer estudi, basat en una mostra d’estudiants licenciats, revela que una sèrie d’activitats extracurriculars pròpies de la vida real semblen predir diferents clústers de competències comportamentals. El segon estudi avalua l’impacte que les competències comportamentals tenen sobre la forma en que els estudiants licenciats encaren la seva carrera professional i com això afecta la seva ocupabilitat. El tercer estudi té com objectiu medir amb eficàcia competències comportamentals amb finalitats avaluatives i de desenvolupament personal. En aquest estudi es desenvolupa un instrument de mesura amb la intenció de posar al dia, ampliar i superar algunes limitacions pròpies de les escales existents. Basat en una revisió de la literatura i en investigacions empíriques addicionals, es proposa un nou i exhaustiu marc competencial, i es desenvolupen i validen les corresponents escales de mesura. Aquesta investigació ofereix un novedós model de mesura per competències comportamentals i mostra la importància del seu desenvolupament ja a una edat primerenca de la vida per tal que ajudi als estudiants a aventurar-se amb èxit al mercat laboral¿Qué hace que las personas sean eficaces en el trabajo? En las ultimas décadas, comparaciones entre el desempeño superior y el promedio muestran que las personas con mayor desempeño en el trabajo son aquellas que manifiestan competencias comportamentales, las cuales estan relacionadas con el comportamiento emocional y social. Con la integración de teorías de diferentes campos, esta tesis contribuye al actual debate sobre competencias comportamentales facilitando una mejor comprensión de sus antecedentes, resultados y mediciones. La demanda persistente en el mercado de trabajo de profesionales con habilidades comportamentales más altas subraya la necesidad de profundizar en la investigación y averiguar, a parte de la formación protocolar, qué más puede ayudar al desarrollo de dichas competencias. A partir de la teoria de aprendizaje experimental, el primer estudio, basado en una muestra de estudiantes licenciados, revela que una serie de actividades extracurriculates propias de la vida real parecen predecir diferentes clústers de competencias comporamentales. El segundo estudio evalua el impacto que las comptencias comportamentales tienen sobre la forma en que los estudiantes licenciados encaran su carrera profesional y como ello afecta a su empleabilidad. El tercer estudio tiene como objecto medir con eficacia competencias comportamentales con finalidades evaluativas y de desarrollo personal. En dicho estudio se desarrolla un instrumento de medida con la intención de poner al día, ampliar y superar algunas limitaciones propias de las escalas existentes. Basado en una revisión de la literatura y investigaciones empíricas adicionales, se propone un nuevo y exhaustivo marco competencial, y se desarrollan y validan las correspondientes escalas de medida. Dicha investigación ofrece un novedoso modelo de medida para competencias comportamentales y muestra la importancia de su desarrollo ya a una edad temprana de la vida con tal de ayudar a los estudientes a aventurarse con éxito al mercado laboral.What makes people effective at work? In recent decades systematic comparisons between best and average performers showed that people who perform best in their job are the ones who manifest behavioral competencies, which are the ones related to emotional and social behaviors. Through the integration of theories from different fields, this thesis contributes to the current debate on behavioral competencies by providing a better understanding of their antecedents, outcomes and measurement. The persistent demand in the job market for professionals with higher behavioral competencies, underlines the need for further research to understand, besides formal training, what else may enhance behavioral competencies. Drawing on experiential learning theory, the first study, based on a sample of graduates, reveals that a range of real life extracurricular activities seem to predict different clusters of behavioral competencies. The second study assesses the impact of behavioral competencies on the way graduates approach their career and the effect that this approach has on employability. Results indicate that behavioral competencies are critical not only for professionals to succeed in their careers, but also for students to better orient themselves in the career path and increase their employability. The third study aims at effectively measure behavioral competencies for both developmental and evaluation purposes. It develops a measurement instrument intended to update, enlarge and overcome the limits of existing scales. Based on literature review and additional empirical investigation, a new comprehensive competency framework is proposed and the related scales are developed and validated. This body of research offers an innovative measurement model for behavioral competencies and shows the importance of their development at an early stage in life to successfully guide students in their venture into the job market.Cosa rende le persone efficaci nel loro lavoro? Negli ultimi anni una comparazione sistematica tra i performer migliori e quelli nella media ha evidenziato che le persone con le migliori prestazioni sono quelle che dimostrano competenze trasversali, ovvero competenze legate a comportamenti di comprensione e gestione di emozioni e relazioni. Attraverso l’integrazione di teorie provenienti da diversi ambiti scientifici, questa tesi contribuisce all’attuale dibattito sulle competenze trasversali attraverso l’approfondimento di fattori che facilitano lo sviluppo di queste competenze, una miglior comprensione dei loro effetti e delle loro modalità di misurazione. La persistente discrepanza in termini di competenze trasversali tra domanda e offerta nel mondo del lavoro sottolinea la necessità di indagare maggiormente i fattori che possono contribuire allo sviluppo di queste competenze. Basandosi sulla teoria dell’apprendimento esperienziale, il primo studio condotto su un campione di studenti universitari, fa luce sull’impatto di una serie di attività extracurriculari su diverse tipologie di competenze trasversali. Il secondo studio valuta l’influenza delle competenze trasversali sul modo in cui i neolaureati orientano la propria carriera e le relative conseguenze in termini di employability. I risultati ottenuti indicano che le competenze trasversali risultano critiche non solo per il successo nella carriera di professionisti, come precedentemente enfatizzato dalla letteratura, ma anche per un efficace orientamento alla carriera degli studenti e una conseguente maggiore occupabilità. Il terzo studio propone un efficace strumento di misurazione delle competenze trasversali, volto ad aggiornare, ampliare e a superare i limiti dei modelli esistenti. Basandosi sull’analisi della letteratura e su un’addizionale ricerca empirica, lo studio propone un nuovo modello di competenze trasversali e presenta lo sviluppo e la validazione delle relative scale. Questa ricerca fornisce un modello innovativo di misurazione delle competenze trasversali e mostra l’importanza del loro sviluppo sin dalle prime fasi per guidare con successo gli studenti verso la loro avventura nel mondo del lavoro

    Le soft skills nell’era della trasformazione digitale

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    La tecnologia è destinata a guidare la crescita futura in tutti i settori, nonché a determinare un’evoluzione del tipo di mansioni e di competenze richieste nell’ambito lavorativo. L'articolo descrive le principali sfide dettate dalla trasformazione digitale e illustra quali sono le competenze trasversali su cui investire per far fronte al mutato contesto economico-organizzativo

    Combining experimentation and reflection techniques in behavioral competency development programs: A learning approach based on journaling and peer coaching

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    [EN] Behiavioral competencies are key determinants of individual performance and literature has recently started to devote attention on those methodological approaches that can effectively promote their development. According to Dewey, individuals do not learn from experience, but they learn from reflecting on experience. In this paper, we draw on the Dewey’s idea and we investigate if reflective practices through journaling and peer coaching can improve the learning experience of individuals engaged in a competency development program. After introducing the prior research that emphasized the positive impact of these two reflective techniques, the paper illustrates how journaling and peer coaching has been introduced as a part of a competency development program. Preliminary insights from the empirical case show that self-directed learning requires a reflection process that helps individuals to better understand their current behavior, their progresses, and opportunities for change. Journaling was found especially useful to increase one’s self-awareness and self-confidence, whereas peer coaching allowed students create a social bond, share their experiences and receive a direct feedback from a peer. The paper also illustrates the limits of these reflective practices, discussing the interventions that can be implemented to maximize their learning benefits.Cortellazzo, L.; Bonesso, S.; Gerli, F. (2021). Combining experimentation and reflection techniques in behavioral competency development programs: A learning approach based on journaling and peer coaching. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1385-1392. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12946OCS1385139

    Experiences that matter: Unraveling the link between extracurricular activities and emotional and social competencies

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    Emotional and social competencies have been shown to be extremely desirable in young people for their successful entry into the labor market. Their development has been studied primarily as a result of formal training in the educational and work domains, whereas relatively little is known about the role played by extracurricular activities in promoting these types of competencies. Non-working personal experiences are often used as proxies to assess the emotional and social competencies of candidates in recruitment and selection phases. However, this inference is not based on clear scientific evidence. Drawing on experiential learning theory, this study investigated empirically the relationship between a range of extracurricular activities (volunteering, cultural activities, experience abroad, sport) and the competency portfolio of graduates. Data were collected from a sample of 324 graduates through a structured survey and a multi-rater assessment of their emotional and social competencies. The results of the Partial Least Square-Path Modeling in general provide support for the positive association between experiential extracurricular activities and emotional and social competencies, although not all relationships are supported. The present study contributes to advance in the understanding of the determinants of emotional and social competencies by examining their relationship with a broad range of extracurricular activities. Moreover, it discusses implications for higher education and human resource management

    Nurturing students’awareness of their behavioral competencies: The Competency Lab experience

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    [EN] Behavioral competencies, also defined emotional and social competencies (ESCs), are considered to be increasingly important for graduates’ workplace readiness. Drawing on studies that adopt the “whole person” learning approach and the Intentional Change Theory (ICT), this paper illustrates a teaching approach that higher educational institutions should implement, across different curricula and disciplinary fields, in order to improve students’ awareness of their behavioral compentecies and to direct their development coherently with the future professional and personal objectives. In doing this, we give an illustration of the lessons learned from an educational initiative, Competency Lab, designed by a research center of a public university in Italy, that was devoted to master’s students. From the analysis of the students’ learning outcomes, the paper shows the positive impact of : i) proposing the ICT approach, through which students assume personal responsibility for the development of ESCs; ii) integrating multiple learning methods and tools with a specific application of experiential methods to stimulate self-reflection and active experimentation; and iii) encouraging students’ engagement through web-based technologies. We provide implications for educators illustrating how students can self-define the ESCs to develop, following a rigorous method that is tailored to their specific level of maturity and personal motivation.Gerli, F.; Bonesso, S.; Cortellazzo, L. (2019). Nurturing students’awareness of their behavioral competencies: The Competency Lab experience. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 677-684. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9232OCS67768

    Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 positivity in infants with bronchiolitis: a multicentre international study

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    Background Bronchiolitis is the leading acute respiratory tract infection in infants during the winter season. Since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a reduction in the number of bronchiolitis diagnoses has been registered. Objective The present study aimed to describe the incidence and clinical features of bronchiolitis during the 2020-2021 winter season in a large cohort of children in Europe and Israel, and to clarify the role of SARS-CoV-2. Setting, patients, interventions We conducted a multicentre observational cross-sectional study in 23 paediatric emergency departments in Europe and Israel. Clinical and demographic data about all the cases of infants diagnosed with bronchiolitis from 1 October 2020 to 30 April 2021 were collected. For each enrolled patient, diagnostic tests, treatments and outcomes were reported. Main outcome measures The main outcome was the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2-positive bronchiolitis. Results Three hundred and fourteen infants received a diagnosis of bronchiolitis during the study period. Among 535 infants who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, 16 (3%) had bronchiolitis. Median age, male sex predominance, weight, history of prematurity and presence of comorbidities did not differ between the SARS-CoV-2-positive and SARS-CoV-2-negative groups. Rhinovirus was the most common involved pathogen, while respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was detected in one case. SARS-CoV-2 bronchiolitis had a mild clinical course, with one patient receiving oxygen supplementation and none requiring paediatric or neonatal intensive care unit admission. Conclusions During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a marked decrease in the number of bronchiolitis diagnoses and the disappearance of the RSV winter epidemic were observed. SARS-CoV-2-related bronchiolitis was rare and mostly displayed a mild clinical course.During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, very few infants with SARS-CoV-2 had bronchiolitis and mostly displayed a mild clinical course. Overall there was a marked decrease in bronchiolitis cases, indeed the RSV winter epidemic did not occur


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    Purpose: Based on control theory, the current research examines the relationship between future work self, career self-exploration and proactive behaviors. Design/Methodology /Approach/Intervention: A two-wave survey study was conducted among Italian new job entrants (N = 119). Results: The results, obtained through a Structural Equation Modeling analysis, showed that future work self positively influences career self-exploration which in turn positively predicts proactive career behaviors. The findings provide empirical support for a full mediation model. Limitations: The study was conducted on a single Italian sample, limiting findings’ generalizability. Limitations of the time-lagged design are identified. Research/Practical Implications: This paper advances the discussion on the key attributes of future work self, and applies control theory to explain the self-regulation mechanism that derives from the identification of one’s future work self. It provides practical implications for career educators and counselors concerning the interventions needed to foster career proactive behaviors. Originality/Value: This paper provides evidence of the role of future work self salience and elaboration in influencing career related behaviors. It provides a theoretical base and empirical evidence of the mediating role of career self-exploration

    Consapevolezza di sé: la chiave per lo sviluppo personale

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    Conosci te stesso. Fin dall’antichità questo motto socratico è stato il simbolo filosofico della ricerca esistenziale dell’uomo. Una forza che lo spinge a conoscersi e a operare un cambiamento per diventare la versione migliore di sé. Nel mondo complesso, frenetico e un po’ superficiale in cui viviamo, l’importanza della consapevolezza di sé sembra essere stata dimenticata. Tuttavia, conoscere sé stessi ed essere consapevoli delle proprie abilità e dei propri limiti risulta fondamentale, non solo per costruire la propria identità ma anche per intraprendere un percorso di sviluppo personale

    Emerging perspectives on behavioral competencies: an innovative measurement model, learning antecedents, and employability outcomes

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    ¿Què fa que les persones siguin eficaces al treball? En les darreres dècades, comparacions entre l’assoliment superior i promig mostren que les persones amb major acompliment al treball són aquelles que manifesten competències comportamentals, les quals estan relacionades amb el comportament emocional i social. Amb la integració de teories de diferents camps, aquesta tesi contribueix a l’actual debat sobre competències comportamentals facilitant una millor comprensió dels seus antecedents, resultats i medicions. La demanda persistent el mercat de treball de professionals amb habilitats comportamentals més altes subratlla la necessitat d’aprofundir en la investigació i esbrinar, a part de la formació protocolar, què més pot ajudar al desenvolupament d’aquestes competències. A partir de la teoria d’aprenentatge experimental, el primer estudi, basat en una mostra d’estudiants licenciats, revela que una sèrie d’activitats extracurriculars pròpies de la vida real semblen predir diferents clústers de competències comportamentals. El segon estudi avalua l’impacte que les competències comportamentals tenen sobre la forma en que els estudiants licenciats encaren la seva carrera professional i com això afecta la seva ocupabilitat. El tercer estudi té com objectiu medir amb eficàcia competències comportamentals amb finalitats avaluatives i de desenvolupament personal. En aquest estudi es desenvolupa un instrument de mesura amb la intenció de posar al dia, ampliar i superar algunes limitacions pròpies de les escales existents. Basat en una revisió de la literatura i en investigacions empíriques addicionals, es proposa un nou i exhaustiu marc competencial, i es desenvolupen i validen les corresponents escales de mesura. Aquesta investigació ofereix un novedós model de mesura per competències comportamentals i mostra la importància del seu desenvolupament ja a una edat primerenca de la vida per tal que ajudi als estudiants a aventurar-se amb èxit al mercat laboral¿Qué hace que las personas sean eficaces en el trabajo? En las ultimas décadas, comparaciones entre el desempeño superior y el promedio muestran que las personas con mayor desempeño en el trabajo son aquellas que manifiestan competencias comportamentales, las cuales estan relacionadas con el comportamiento emocional y social. Con la integración de teorías de diferentes campos, esta tesis contribuye al actual debate sobre competencias comportamentales facilitando una mejor comprensión de sus antecedentes, resultados y mediciones. La demanda persistente en el mercado de trabajo de profesionales con habilidades comportamentales más altas subraya la necesidad de profundizar en la investigación y averiguar, a parte de la formación protocolar, qué más puede ayudar al desarrollo de dichas competencias. A partir de la teoria de aprendizaje experimental, el primer estudio, basado en una muestra de estudiantes licenciados, revela que una serie de actividades extracurriculates propias de la vida real parecen predecir diferentes clústers de competencias comporamentales. El segundo estudio evalua el impacto que las comptencias comportamentales tienen sobre la forma en que los estudiantes licenciados encaran su carrera profesional y como ello afecta a su empleabilidad. El tercer estudio tiene como objecto medir con eficacia competencias comportamentales con finalidades evaluativas y de desarrollo personal. En dicho estudio se desarrolla un instrumento de medida con la intención de poner al día, ampliar y superar algunas limitaciones propias de las escalas existentes. Basado en una revisión de la literatura y investigaciones empíricas adicionales, se propone un nuevo y exhaustivo marco competencial, y se desarrollan y validan las correspondientes escalas de medida. Dicha investigación ofrece un novedoso modelo de medida para competencias comportamentales y muestra la importancia de su desarrollo ya a una edad temprana de la vida con tal de ayudar a los estudientes a aventurarse con éxito al mercado laboral.What makes people effective at work? In recent decades systematic comparisons between best and average performers showed that people who perform best in their job are the ones who manifest behavioral competencies, which are the ones related to emotional and social behaviors. Through the integration of theories from different fields, this thesis contributes to the current debate on behavioral competencies by providing a better understanding of their antecedents, outcomes and measurement. The persistent demand in the job market for professionals with higher behavioral competencies, underlines the need for further research to understand, besides formal training, what else may enhance behavioral competencies. Drawing on experiential learning theory, the first study, based on a sample of graduates, reveals that a range of real life extracurricular activities seem to predict different clusters of behavioral competencies. The second study assesses the impact of behavioral competencies on the way graduates approach their career and the effect that this approach has on employability. Results indicate that behavioral competencies are critical not only for professionals to succeed in their careers, but also for students to better orient themselves in the career path and increase their employability. The third study aims at effectively measure behavioral competencies for both developmental and evaluation purposes. It develops a measurement instrument intended to update, enlarge and overcome the limits of existing scales. Based on literature review and additional empirical investigation, a new comprehensive competency framework is proposed and the related scales are developed and validated. This body of research offers an innovative measurement model for behavioral competencies and shows the importance of their development at an early stage in life to successfully guide students in their venture into the job market.Cosa rende le persone efficaci nel loro lavoro? Negli ultimi anni una comparazione sistematica tra i performer migliori e quelli nella media ha evidenziato che le persone con le migliori prestazioni sono quelle che dimostrano competenze trasversali, ovvero competenze legate a comportamenti di comprensione e gestione di emozioni e relazioni. Attraverso l’integrazione di teorie provenienti da diversi ambiti scientifici, questa tesi contribuisce all’attuale dibattito sulle competenze trasversali attraverso l’approfondimento di fattori che facilitano lo sviluppo di queste competenze, una miglior comprensione dei loro effetti e delle loro modalità di misurazione. La persistente discrepanza in termini di competenze trasversali tra domanda e offerta nel mondo del lavoro sottolinea la necessità di indagare maggiormente i fattori che possono contribuire allo sviluppo di queste competenze. Basandosi sulla teoria dell’apprendimento esperienziale, il primo studio condotto su un campione di studenti universitari, fa luce sull’impatto di una serie di attività extracurriculari su diverse tipologie di competenze trasversali. Il secondo studio valuta l’influenza delle competenze trasversali sul modo in cui i neolaureati orientano la propria carriera e le relative conseguenze in termini di employability. I risultati ottenuti indicano che le competenze trasversali risultano critiche non solo per il successo nella carriera di professionisti, come precedentemente enfatizzato dalla letteratura, ma anche per un efficace orientamento alla carriera degli studenti e una conseguente maggiore occupabilità. Il terzo studio propone un efficace strumento di misurazione delle competenze trasversali, volto ad aggiornare, ampliare e a superare i limiti dei modelli esistenti. Basandosi sull’analisi della letteratura e su un’addizionale ricerca empirica, lo studio propone un nuovo modello di competenze trasversali e presenta lo sviluppo e la validazione delle relative scale. Questa ricerca fornisce un modello innovativo di misurazione delle competenze trasversali e mostra l’importanza del loro sviluppo sin dalle prime fasi per guidare con successo gli studenti verso la loro avventura nel mondo del lavoro
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