29 research outputs found

    Determination of traces of radionuclides by hyphenated techniques coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

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    En aquest treball es fa una revisió dels aspectes més innovadors de la determinació de traces de radionúclids en el medi ambient i de la separació d'actínids i dels productes de fissió en mostres nuclears mitjançant tècniques com ara la injecció en flux (FI) / anàlisi per injecció seqüencial (SIA) i la cromatografia acoblades a l'espectrometria de masses mitjançant plasma induït per alta freqüència.An overview is given of the current state of the art for the determination of radionuclide traces in the environment and the separation of fission products and actinides in nuclear samples by techniques like flow-injection (FI)/sequential injection analysis (SIA) and chromatography hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

    Assay data of spent nuclear fuel: the lab-work behind the numbers

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    Computational modelling for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) characterization is already widely used and continuously further developed for a plethora of safety related applications and licensing issues in SNF management. An essential step in the development of these methodologies is the validation: the demonstration that the SNF elemental and isotopic composition is sufficiently accurately predicted by the code calculations. This validation step requires experimentally measured nuclide concentrations in SNF, together with an estimation of related uncertainties. The SFCOMPO 2.0 database of OECD/NEA is a database of such publicly available assay data of SNF. A basic understanding of all analytical steps that finally result in assay data of SNF is important for modelers when assessing the “fit-for-validation” requirement of an experimental dataset. The aim of this article is to explain users of such datasets the complex analytical pathway towards assay data. Points of attention, challenges and pitfalls all along the analytical pathway will be discussed, from sampling, dissolution procedures, necessary dilutions and separations, available analytical techniques, some related uncertainties, up to reporting of the results

    An Automated SeaFAST ICP-DRC-MS Method for the Determination of 90Sr in Spent Nuclear Fuel Leachates

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    To reduce uncertainties in determining the source term and evolving condition of spent nuclear fuel is fundamental to the safety assessment. ß-emitting nuclides pose a challenging task for reliable, quantitative determination because both radiometric and mass spectrometric methodologies require prior chemical purification for the removal of interfering activity and isobars, respectively. A method for the determination of 90Sr at trace levels in nuclear spent fuel leachate samples without sophisticated and time-consuming procedures has been established. The analytical approach uses a commercially available automated pre-concentration device (SeaFAST) coupled to an ICP-DRC-MS. The method shows good performances with regard to reproducibility, precision, and LOD reducing the total time of analysis for each sample to 12.5 min. The comparison between the developed method and the classical radiochemical method shows a good agreement when taking into account the associated uncertaintie

    El aroma vegetal y glicosilado de los mostos y de los vinos de las variedades españolas moscatel de Alejandría, Albariño y Verdejo. Estudio de distintas aplicaciones tecnológicas para obtener vinos más aromáticos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Agrícola, Geología. Fecha de lectura: 13-12-199

    El aroma vegetal y glicosilado de los mostos y de los vinos de las variedades espaNolas moscatel de Alejandria, AlbariNo y Verdejo Estudio de distinas aplicaciones tecnologicas para obtener vinos mas aromaticos

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai


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    International audienceThe H2020 Euratom European project INSIDER(Improved Nuclear Site Characterization for waste minimization in decommissioning under constrained environment) was launched in June 2017 for a duration of 4 years; itcurrently includes 17 partners from 10 European countries.The project is focused onto radiological characterization applied to waste-driven integrated approaches,including the sampling overall strategy and design. Itsobjectives are to improve the management of waste withmedium (MA) and high radioactivity (HA) levels comingfrom nuclear sites or facilities under D&D (Decommissioning and dismantling) and/or other constrained environments. The optimization criteria refer to operationaldecommissioning efficiency, safety and costs. The outcomeof the project will increase knowledge on the amounts andcharacteristics of radioactive waste resulting from D&Dand increase confidence on the sound definition ofsubsequent storage and disposal end points

    Multi-component Elemental and Molecular Analysis of Lanthanides by Capillary Electrophoresis-electrospray Mass Spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS)

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    Electrospray mass spectrometry is a method of choice for individual elemental and molecular analysis of uncomplexed or complexed metal ions in solution. The multi-component elemental and molecular analysis of lanthanides is however hindered by the existence of isobaric interferences, therefore a previous chemical separation is required before mass spectrometric analysis. The whole lanthanide series has been separated by capillary electrophoresis using partial complexation and detected by electrospray mass spectrometry. The multi-component capability of coupled capillary electrophoresis¿electrospray mass spectrometry for elemental and molecular analysis has been shown by adjusting the degree of declustering and molecular fragmentation in the mass spectrometer interface region. Three different modes have been defined as a function of the fragmentation potential applied (high, low and intermediate fragmentation potentials). For a high fragmentation potential, the system operates as an elemental detector: spectra representing mainly singly charged lanthanide oxide or lanthanide metal ion are observed. These spectra can be related to the dissociation energies of the lanthanide oxide bond and to the lanthanide electronic properties. For a low fragmentation potential, the system operates as a molecular detector: structural information on the mixed complexes formed in the capillary during the electrophoretic separation are obtained. The intermediate fragmentation potentials enable the study of the different steps of declustering.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr