97 research outputs found

    Population Genetics, Food-Plant Specialization, and Local Adaptation of Insect Herbivores Living in a Fragmented Landscape

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Kielen energiaa: Lauri Viidan Moreenin käännöksistä ja niiden vastaanotosta

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    The Energy of Language – On the Translations of Moreeni by Lauri Viita and Their Reception During his short life, the Finnish poet and novelist Lauri Viita (1916–1965) published four collections of poems and two novels. His most famous work Moreeni (”Moraine”) published in 1950 belongs to the most central novels in Finnish realism. In the context of Finnish literature, Viita is known, for example, for his dynamic language and power of expression. However, Moreeni has been translated only into few languages: German in 1964, Swedish in 1965, Polish in 1970, Hungarian in 1977 and Russian in 1981. e aim of this article is to examine the translation history of Moreeni and the reception of the translations by focusing on the German translation Ein einzelner Weiser ist immer ein Narr by Carl-August von Willebrand (1923–1999) and the Swedish translation Morän by Nils-Börje Stormbom (1925–). e translators’ strategies are analysed by means of the concepts domestication and foreignization introduced by Lawrence Venuti in 1995. e reception is analysed with regard to the concept of paratext coined by Gérard Genette in 1987. e results indicate that it is problematic to place the translators unambiguously in regard to the domestication/foreignization dichotomy; they make use of both strategies. e reception of the German and Swedish translations has in general been positive, although the material is relatively scarce. Due to lack of translations, Viita is not as well-known abroad as, for example, his contemporaries Mika Waltari (1908–1979) and Väinö Linna (1920–1992)

    Kalevala på svenska – kansalliseepoksen ruotsinnokset ja niiden peritekstit 1800-luvulta 2000-luvulle

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    Suomen kansalliseepos Kalevala ilmestyi vuosina 1835 (Vanha Kalevala) ja 1849 (Uusi Kalevala). Se on yksi harvoja suomalaisen kirjallisuuden edustajia, joiden voidaan katsoa kuuluvan maailmankirjallisuuteen. Kalevala on Elias Lönnrotin (1802–1884) luomus, ja se on käännetty tähän päivään mennessä yli 60 kielelle. Kalevalan käännökset koostuvat runomuotoisten käännösten lisäksi erilaisista proosakäännöksistä, lyhennetyistä laitoksista sekä kokonaan tai osittain mukautetuista käännöksistä.   Tämä artikkeli käsittelee Kalevalan ruotsinkielistä käännöshistoriaa, joka on jäänyt aiemmassa tutkimuksessa vähälle huomiolle. Tutkimustehtävämme on kahtalainen: laadimme kansalliseepoksen ruotsinkielisen käännöshistorian 1800-luvulta 2000-luvulle ja tarkastelemme käännösten sisältämiä peritekstejä ensisijaisesti kääntäjän näkökulmasta. Ajallinen kaari on näin ollen laaja, ja analyysissamme käännöshistoriallinen katsaus edeltää peritekstianalyysia. Kirjallisuus- ja käännöstieteessä peritekstillä tarkoitetaan tekstiä välittömästi ympäröivää tekstimateriaalia (Hosiaisluoma 2003). Selvitämme, mitä peritekstejä Kalevalan ruotsinnoshistoriasta löytyy ja mitä niiden avulla on mahdollista sanoa kääntäjien tekemistä valinnoista. Keskiöön nousevat muun muassa kysymykset kääntäjien strategiasta, intentiosta ja kohderyhmästä. Analysoimme peritekstejä kvalitatiivisen lähiluvun menetelmin ja saamme näin lisätietoa siitä, miten Kalevalaa on käännetty ruotsiksi eri aikakausina. Aineistomme koostuu sekä kirjamuodossa julkaistujen Kalevala-ruotsinnosten ensimmäisistä painoksista (12 kpl) että sanoma- ja aikakauslehdissä ilmestyneistä yksittäisistä runokäännöksistä (23 kpl) 1800-luvulta 2000-luvulle (ks. Laukkanen – Lönnroth 2018, jossa dokumentoimme myös joitakin Kalevalan julkaisemattomia ruotsinnoksia). Tutkimuksemme uutuusarvo on ennen kaikkea vanhemman sanoma- ja aikakauslehdistön hyödyntäminen Kalevalan käännöshistorian ja peritekstien näkökulmasta.   Kalevalan kääntäjiä ja käännöksiä tutkineen E. N. Setälän (1909, 166) mukaan oli ”luonnollista, että ruotsi oli se kieli, jolle Kalevalaa ensinnä yritettiin kääntää, ja luonnollista myös, että kääntäjät olivat kaikki suomalaisia”. Käännöshistoriallista tutkimusta Kalevalan ruotsinnoksista ei Setälän toteamuksesta huolimatta kuitenkaan ilmaantunut. Kalevalan yleisen käännöshistorian kannalta keskeisiä julkaisuja ovat Setälän lisäksi Rauni Purasen The Kalevala abroad. Translations and Foreign-language Adaptations of the Kalevala (1985), Pertti Anttosen ja Matti Kuusen Kalevala-lipas (uusi laitos 1999) ja Petja Aarnipuun toimittama Kalevala maailmalla. Kalevalan käännösten kulttuurihistoria (2012). Artikkelimme perustuu siihen tutkimukseen, jonka teimme kootessamme Kalevalan ruotsinkielisten käännösten bibliografiaa vuosilta 1835–2018 (Laukkanen – Lönnroth 2018). Viimeisin Kalevalan käännöshistoriaa käsittelevä tutkimus on Kaisa Häkkisen artikkeli Matthias Alexander Castrénin Kalevalan ruotsinnoksesta (2019).   Näkökulmamme on kulttuurihistoriallisesti kontekstualisoiva, mikä korostaa käännösten historian, kirjallisuushistorian ja kulttuurihistorian välistä vuorovaikutussuhdetta (esim. Riikonen 2007, 2010). Emme vertaile käännettyjä tekstejä keskenään, vaan nostamme esiin tekstejä, jotka osaltaan tuovat lisävalaistusta Kalevalan ruotsinkieliseen käännöshistoriaan. Esittelemme käännösten yhteydessä kääntäjiä ja kustantajia sekä analysoimme erityisesti kääntäjien esipuheita ja muita tekstejä, joissa he valottavat käännöstensä funktioita ja kohderyhmiä. Läheskään kaikissa käännöksissä ei kuitenkaan ole varsinaista esipuhetta, mutta niissä on usein esimerkiksi takakansiteksti, joka avaa käännöksen tarkoitusta lähinnä kustantamon näkökulmasta. Suojapaperit sen sijaan melkein poikkeuksetta kadonneet. Peritekstit kertovat kääntäjän näkemyksestä omaan käännöstyöhönsä sekä nivovat käännöksen osaksi omaa aikaansa ja kulttuurista kontekstiaan

    Osallisuus ja yhteisöllisyys hyvinvointia edistämässä – Taiteen ja kulttuurin vaikuttavuuden arviointi EU-hankkeissa

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    The aim of the article is to discuss how the impacts of cultural and artistic activities are discussed, conceptualized and evaluated in the documents of Finnish EU-funded arts and well-being projects. In the documents, artistic activities are claimed to promote social in- clusion, participation and communality. During the last decades, EU has financed hundreds large-scale projects in Finland. For this article, we have analyzed the public documents and reports of three extensive EU-funded art projects.In the present situation, there are not yet unambiguous evaluation instruments for the impact of art on well-being. The analyzed projects aim at enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities both in work organizations and health and social services. They also aim at preventing social exclusion in everyday life and long term care. In the current Finnish society, profound social, political, economic and cultural changes shape the context for the work of EU projects. First, the projects are seen as a part of a social structural change called projectisation, which is characterized by a new market economy and a gradual decline of the welfare state. Second, the projects are addressed in the context of cultural policy, which currently takes a shape of social policy. Third, the changes for working life are ambiguous. On the one hand, the projects have offered a new field for cultural and art activities, which are used in organizations to improve the well-being of individuals and communities. On the other hand, they also create more surplus value and productivity for the organizations.On the basis of our analysis, we argue that the effects of arts and culture activities on communality and participation can be viewed as a continuum. In one end of the continuum, communality and participation, which are assisted by the projects’ culture and health activi- ties, may help individuals to get at least a grip on their lives. In the other end, communality and participation are the very conditions for any further effects of arts and culture. In conclusion, we argue that an extensive part of the vagueness in the evaluation is due to the concrete situation of the development projects where they lack methodological training in the evaluation of controversial effects in the interdisciplinary contexts and among multiple public interests.</div

    Stress and coping connected to higher education study structures: combined views from teachers and students

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    Experienced stress by students and teachers in higher education has attracted increasing interest, but the two groups are rarely studied together. We combine their perspectives by considering the stress and coping among students and teachers concerning the development of study structures in a business school context. The findings indicate a strong connection between stress experienced by students and teachers, reflecting their interactive nature in this context. We categorize factors causing stress to those for which effective coping mechanisms exist, those causing tensions and requiring active management, and stressors that are difficult to remove because a coping mechanism for one group increases the stress of the other. Our findings add to existing knowledge on stress and coping mechanisms in higher education by combining the perspectives of students and teachers concerning study structures in business education

    The role of inbreeding and outbreeding in herbivore resistance and tolerance in Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

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    Background and Aims Inbreeding via self-fertilization may have negative effects on plant fitness (i.e. inbreeding depression). Outbreeding, or cross-fertilization between genetically dissimilar parental plants, may also disrupt local adaptation or allelic co-adaptation in the offspring and again lead to reduced plant fitness (i.e. outbreeding depression). Inbreeding and outbreeding may also increase plant vulnerability to natural enemies by altering plant quality or defence. The effects of inbreeding and outbreeding on plant size and response to herbivory in the perennial herb, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, were investigated. Methods Greenhouse experiments were conducted using inbred and outbred (within- and between-population) offspring of 20 maternal plants from four different populations, quantifying plant germination, size, resistance against the specialist folivore, Abrostola asclepiadis, and tolerance of simulated defoliation. Key Results Selfed plants were smaller and more susceptible to damage by A. asclepiadis than outcrossed plants. However, herbivore biomass on selfed and outcrossed plants did not differ. The effects of inbreeding on plant performance and resistance did not differ among plant populations or families, and no inbreeding depression at all was found in tolerance of defoliation. Between-population outcrossing had no effect on plant performance or resistance against A. asclepiadis, indicating a lack of outbreeding depression. Conclusions Since inbreeding depression negatively affects plant size and herbivore resistance, inbreeding may modify the evolution of the interaction between V. hirundinaria and its specialist folivore. The results further suggest that herbivory may contribute to the maintenance of a mixed mating system of the host plants by selecting for outcrossing and reduced susceptibility to herbivore attack, and thus add to the growing body of evidence on the effects of inbreeding on the mating system evolution of the host plants and the dynamics of plant-herbivore interaction

    Plant Chemistry and Local Adaptation of a Specialized Folivore

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    Local adaptation is central for creating and maintaining spatial variation in plant-herbivore interactions. Short-lived insect herbivores feeding on long-lived plants are likely to adapt to their local host plants, because of their short generation time, poor dispersal, and geographically varying selection due to variation in plant defences. In a reciprocal feeding trial, we investigated the impact of geographic variation in plant secondary chemistry of a long-lived plant, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, on among-population variation in local adaptation of a specialist leaf-feeding herbivore, Abrostola asclepiadis. The occurrence and degree of local adaptation varied among populations. This variation correlated with qualitative and quantitative differences in plant chemistry among the plant populations. These findings provide insights into the mechanisms driving variation in local adaptation in this specialized plant-herbivore interaction

    Negotiating boundaries: reflections on the ethics of arts-based and artistic research in care contexts

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    BACKGROUND Arts-based practice and research in care has increased significantly. There is a need to examine the ethical issues arising from this complex phenomenon, conceptualised as boundary work.METHOD To support interdisciplinary understanding in artistic and arts-based work, we collaboratively explored three arts-based research projects implemented in diverse care and healthcare contexts. The ethical issues related to boundary work were negotiated through reciprocal, in-depth reflection.RESULTS Arts-based and artistic research allows embodied, sensitive, and sensible encounters to emerge, in which the boundaries between artistic agency, professional positions, and even notions of evidence may be challenged. The notion of vulnerability emerges as a central ethical feature of boundary work.CONCLUSIONS Articulating ethical concerns in artistic-pedagogic boundary work and research can promote a more nuanced understanding of power relations in cross-sectoral practices. It may help develop services that support the agency and holistic well-being of individuals and communities.</p

    Esipuhe / A Note from the Editors

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    Biological and clinical significance of tryptophan-catabolizing enzymes in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas

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    Indoleamine 2,3-deoxygenase 1 (IDO1) induces immune tolerance in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and is recognized as a potential therapeutic target. We studied the expression of both IDO1 and the related tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) in several different subtypes of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), and evaluated the kynurenine (KYN) pathway in the local TME and in patient sera. Specimens from the total of 90 CTCL patients, including mycosis fungoides (MF, n = 37), lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP, n = 36), primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (pcALCL, n = 4), subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma (SPTCL n = 13), and 10 patients with inflammatory lichen ruber planus (LRP), were analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence (IF), quantitative PCR, and/or liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Three CTCL cell lines also were studied. Expression of both IDO1 and TDO was upregulated in CTCL. In MF specimens and in the MF cell line MyLa2000, IDO1 expression exceeded that of TDO, whereas the opposite was true for LyP, ALCL, and corresponding Mac1/2A cell lines. The spectrum of IDO1-expressing cell types differed among CTCL subtypes and was reflected in the clinical behavior. In MF, SPTCL, and LyP, IDO1 was expressed by malignant cells and by CD33(+) myeloid-derived suppressor cells, whereas in SPTCL CD163(+) tumor-associated macrophages also expressed IDO1. Significantly elevated serum KYN/Trp ratios were found in patients with advanced stages of MF. Epacadostat, an IDO1 inhibitor, induced a clear decrease in KYN concentration in cell culture. These results show the importance of IDO1/TDO-induced immunosuppression in CTCL and emphasize its role as a new therapeutic target.Peer reviewe