2,274 research outputs found

    Объективные ограничения по увеличению количества доноров для трансплантации сердца

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    Cardiac transplantation is an established therapy for end-stage heart failure. The number of heart transplant procedures performed worldwide has remained relatively unchanged in recent years. Although mortality rates on the waiting list have improved due to improved ventricular assist devices and rhythm correction techniques, it remains imperative to maximize use of all potential donor hearts. The recipient now presents with multiple complexities. The continued divergence between the rising number of transplant candidates added to the transplant waiting list and the number of suitable organ donors has increased pressure on clinicians to maximize the use of available thoracic organs for transplantation.Трансплантация сердца признана методом выбора лечения терминальной сердечной недостаточности. В последние годы число таких операций остается неизменным во всем мире. Несмотря на снижение смертности в листе ожидания, благодаря применению различных методов вспомогательного кровообращения остается актуальным максимальное использование всего донорского потенциала. Реципиенты донорского сердца имеют все больше сопутствующей патологии. Сохраняющаяся диспропорция между увеличением числа кандидатов на трансплантацию сердца и количеством доступных органов требует максимального использования торакальных органов для трансплантации

    Foxp1 and lhx1 coordinate motor neuron migration with axon trajectory choice by gating Reelin signalling.

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    Topographic neuronal maps arise as a consequence of axon trajectory choice correlated with the localisation of neuronal soma, but the identity of the pathways coordinating these processes is unknown. We addressed this question in the context of the myotopic map formed by limb muscles innervated by spinal lateral motor column (LMC) motor axons where the Eph receptor signals specifying growth cone trajectory are restricted by Foxp1 and Lhx1 transcription factors. We show that the localisation of LMC neuron cell bodies can be dissociated from axon trajectory choice by either the loss or gain of function of the Reelin signalling pathway. The response of LMC motor neurons to Reelin is gated by Foxp1- and Lhx1-mediated regulation of expression of the critical Reelin signalling intermediate Dab1. Together, these observations point to identical transcription factors that control motor axon guidance and soma migration and reveal the molecular hierarchy of myotopic organisation

    Endocrine-disrupting alkylphenols are widespread in the blood of lobsters from southern New England and adjacent offshore areas

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    Author Posting. © National Shellfisheries Association , 2012. This article is posted here by permission of National Shellfisheries Association for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Shellfish Research 31 (2012): 563-571, doi:10.2983/035.031.0216.Endocrine-disrupting pollutants in rivers and oceans represent a poorly understood but potentially serious threat to the integrity of aquatic and coastal ecosystems. We surveyed the hemolymph of lobsters from across southern New England and adjacent offshore areas for 3 endocrine-disrupting alkylphenols. We found all 3 compounds in hemolymph from every year and almost every region sampled. Prevalence of contamination varied significantly between regions, ranging from 45% of lobsters from southern Massachusetts to 17% of lobsters from central Long Island Sound. Mean contamination levels varied significantly as a function of region, year sampled, and collection trip, and were highest overall in lobsters from western Long Island Sound and lowest in lobsters from central Long Island Sound. Surprisingly, lobsters from offshore areas were not less contaminated than lobsters from inshore areas. Contamination levels also did not vary as a function of lobster size or shell disease signs. Contaminated lobsters held in the laboratory did not retain alkylphenols, suggesting that hemolymph contamination levels represent recent, rather than long-term, exposure. Our data set is the first, to our knowledge, to survey endocrine-disrupting contaminants in a population across such a broad temporal and spatial scale. We show that alkylphenol contamination is a persistent, widespread, but environmentally heterogeneous problem in lobster populations in southern New England and adjacent offshore areas. Our work raises serious questions about the prevalence and accumulation of these endocrine-disrupting pollutants in an important fishery species.This work was supported by the National Marine Fisheries Service as the New England Lobster Research Initiative: Lobster Shell Disease under NOAA grant NA06NMF4720100 to the University of Rhode Island Fisheries Center

    Conifold geometries, topological strings and multi-matrix models

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    We study open B-model representing D-branes on 2-cycles of local Calabi--Yau geometries. To this end we work out a reduction technique linking D-branes partition functions and multi-matrix models in the case of conifold geometries so that the matrix potential is related to the complex moduli of the conifold. We study the geometric engineering of the multi-matrix models and focus on two-matrix models with bilinear couplings. We show how to solve this models in an exact way, without resorting to the customary saddle point/large N approximation. The method consists of solving the quantum equations of motion and using the flow equations of the underlying integrable hierarchy to derive explicit expressions for correlators. Finally we show how to incorporate in this formalism the description of several group of D-branes wrapped around different cycles.Comment: 35 pages, 5.3 and 6 revise

    Exchange-correlation vector potentials and vorticity-dependent exchange-correlation energy densities in two-dimensional systems

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    We present a new approach how to calculate the scalar exchange-correlation potentials and the vector exchange-correlation potentials from current-carrying ground states of two-dimensional quantum dots. From these exchange-correlation potentials we derive exchange-correlation energy densities and examine their vorticity (or current) dependence. Compared with parameterizations of current-induced effects in literature we find an increased significance of corrections due to paramagnetic current densities.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Density-functional theory of inhomogeneous electron systems in thin quantum wires

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    Motivated by current interest in strongly correlated quasi-one-dimensional (1D) Luttinger liquids subject to axial confinement, we present a novel density-functional study of few-electron systems confined by power-low external potentials inside a short portion of a thin quantum wire. The theory employs the 1D homogeneous Coulomb liquid as the reference system for a Kohn-Sham treatment and transfers the Luttinger ground-state correlations to the inhomogeneous electron system by means of a suitable local-density approximation (LDA) to the exchange-correlation energy functional. We show that such 1D-adapted LDA is appropriate for fluid-like states at weak coupling, but fails to account for the transition to a ``Wigner molecules'' regime of electron localization as observed in thin quantum wires at very strong coupling. A detailed analyzes is given for the two-electron problem under axial harmonic confinement.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitte

    Interaction model for magnetic holes in a ferrofluid layer

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    Nonmagnetic spheres confined in a ferrofluid layer (magnetic holes) present dipolar interactions when an external magnetic field is exerted. The interaction potential of a microsphere pair is derived analytically, with a precise care for the boundary conditions along the glass plates confining the system. Considering external fields consisting of a constant normal component and a high frequency rotating in-plane component, this interaction potential is averaged over time to exhibit the average interparticular forces acting when the imposed frequency exceeds the inverse of the viscous relaxation time of the system. The existence of an equilibrium configuration without contact between the particles is demonstrated for a whole range of exciting fields, and the equilibrium separation distance depending on the structure of the external field is established. The stability of the system under out-of-plane buckling is also studied. The dynamics of such a particle pair is simulated and validated by experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures (18 with subfigures). to appear in Phys. Rev.

    French vocabulary in Encore Tricolore: do pupils have a chance?

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    British learners acquire very little vocabulary in their foreign languages,compared to pupils elsewhere in Europe, particularly learners of English as aforeign language. Could the materials used for teaching help explain thisdifference? An analysis of the vocabulary loading of a textbook for French as aforeign language commonly used in Britain, Encore Tricolore (Mascie-Taylor andHonnor, 2001, Cheltenham, UK, Nelson Thornes), was carried out with thisquestion in mind. An analysis of the vocabulary suggests that it is not introducedand practised in a way that is conducive to building a sufficiently large vocabularyto reach level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages (CEFR)