25 research outputs found

    Explaining Gender Differences in Unemployment with Micro Data on Flows in Post-Communist Economies

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    Post-communist labor markets provide an interesting laboratory since unemployment rates grew from zero to double digits and gender differences began to vary greatly across these countries. We provide the first systematic analysis of the determinants of the gender unemployment gap in the Czech Republic using a method that decomposes unemployment rates into transition probabilities (flows) between labor market states, which we calculate using Labor Force Survey data. We extend the analysis to other post-communist economies by evaluating the flows available from existing studies with the decomposition framework. We further examine the flows in the Czech Republic by estimating gender-specific multinomial logit models to learn which factors (demographic, regional, cyclical) other than gender and marital status affect unemployment. We find that women’s lower probability of exiting unemployment for a job explains the lion’s share of the gender gap in the unemployment rates in the Czech Republic and the other post-communist countries for which studies exist. This is also the principal factor explaining married women’s higher unemployment rates compared to married men in the Czech Republic. On the other hand, single men and women’s rates are higher than married men and women’s because they are twice as likely to lose/leave a job for unemployment. We find that age and education are systematically important in explaining flows of both men and women in all these economies, as it is in the more developed industrial economies. The less educated are more likely to be laid off or quit and less likely to find a job. Whereas younger individuals are more likely to be laid off or quit, they are also more likely to find a job.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39891/3/wp506.pd

    Explaining Gender Differences in Unemployment with Micro Data on Flows in Post-Communist Economies

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    Post-communist labor markets provide an interesting laboratory since unemployment rates grew from zero to double digits and gender differences began to vary greatly across these countries. We provide the first systematic analysis of the determinants of the gender unemployment gap in the Czech Republic using a method that decomposes unemployment rates into transition probabilities (flows) between labor market states, which we calculate using Labor Force Survey data. We extend the analysis to other post-communist economies by evaluating the flows available from existing studies with the decomposition framework. We further examine the flows in the Czech Republic by estimating gender-specific multinomial logit models to learn which factors (demographic, regional, cyclical) other than gender and marital status affect unemployment. We find that women’s lower probability of exiting unemployment for a job explains the lion’s share of the gender gap in the unemployment rates in the Czech Republic and the other post-communist countries for which studies exist. This is also the principal factor explaining married women’s higher unemployment rates compared to married men in the Czech Republic. On the other hand, single men and women’s rates are higher than married men and women’s because they are twice as likely to lose/leave a job for unemployment. We find that age and education are systematically important in explaining flows of both men and women in all these economies, as it is in the more developed industrial economies. The less educated are more likely to be laid off or quit and less likely to find a job. Whereas younger individuals are more likely to be laid off or quit, they are also more likely to find a job.Unemployment, Gender, Transition Probabilities, Flow Analysis, Post-communist economies, Czech Republic

    The Rothe method and time periodic solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations and equations of magnetohydrodynamics

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    summary:The existence of a periodic solution of a nonlinear equation z+A0z+B0z=Fz' + A_0z + B_0z=F is proved. The theory developed may be used to prove the existence of a periodic solution of the variational formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations or the equations of magnetohydrodynamics. The proof of the main existence theorem is based on Rothe method in combination with the Galerkin method, using the Brouwer fixed point theorem

    The Rothe method and time periodic solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations and equations of magnetohydrodynamics

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    Vývoj ekonomických vztahů Československa a Čínské lidové republiky v letech 1949-1989

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    Práce chronologicky analyzuje československo-čínské obchodní vztahy v kontextu mezinárodních, zejména politických událostí, v letech 1949-1989. V tomto období byly obě země centrálně direktivně řízenými ekonomikami a jejich hospodářský vývoj podléhal ideologickým představám. Práce hledá odpověď na to, jak tato deformace tržních podmínek ovlivňovala vzájemný obchod Československa s ČLR v minulosti, a zda tento vývoj zanechal dopad i do současné deficitní bilance ČR s ČLR

    A note to the theory of periodic solutions of a parabolic equation

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    The existence of a periodic solution of a parabolic equation with the Bessel operator

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    summary:In this paper, the existence of an ω\omega-periodic weak solution of a parabolic equation (1.1) with the boundary conditions (1.2) and (1.3) is proved. The real functions f(t,r),h(t),a(t)f(t,r),h(t),a(t) are assumed to be ω\omega-periodic in t,fL2(S,H),a,ht,f\in L_2(S,H),a,h such that aL(R),hL(R)a'\in L_\infty (R), h'\in L_\infty (R) and they fulfil (3). The solution uu belongs to the space L2(S,V)L(S,H)L_2(S,V)\cap L_\infty (S,H), has the derivative uL2(S,H)u'\in L_2(S,H) and satisfies the equations (4.1) and (4.2). In the proof the Faedo-Galerkin method is employed

    Implementation of palliative care principles in the healthcare facility

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    (česky) Téma diplomové práce - paliativní péče v nemocnicích, se zaměřuje na oblast, která není laické a někdy ani odborné veřejnosti příliš známa. Péče o umírající není téma, které by bylo lákavé a vyhledávané. Přesto se může dotýkat každého z nás - osobně, nebo zprostředkovaně přes osoby, které jsou nám blízké a drahé. V posledních letech došlo v České republice v pohledu na paliativní péči k dílčímu posunu. Principy paliativní péče začínají být uplatňovány některými poskytovateli zdravotních a sociálních služeb. Ve zdravotnických zařízeních však paliativní péče ještě zdaleka není samozřejmou součástí nabízených služeb. A přitom právě nemocnice jsou místem, kde v ČR dochází k úmrtí největšího počtu osob. Teoretická část práce si dala za cíl objasnit, uceleně popsat a přiblížit paliativní péči, definovat její obsah a principy z pohledu sociálně - organizačního. Cíleně se zaměřuje na možnosti využití paliativní péče v nemocnicích, na podmínky pro její integraci do zdravotnických zařízení, organizační formy poskytování paliativní péče v nemocnicích a také popisuje zkušenosti z této oblasti v zahraničí. Praktická část práce, zpracovaná na fundamentu kvalitativního výzkumu, mapuje podmínky, za kterých v současnosti prožívají své poslední dny pacienti umírající v konkrétním zdravotnickém zařízení, a to...(in English): The topic of the master thesis "Palliative care in hospitals" focuses on an area that is unknown not only to the general public but to health professionals as well. The care for the dying is not an attractive and sought subject. Nevertheless, it can concern everyone directly or indirectly through family and friends that are close and dear. In the past recent years palliative care in the Czech Republic has advanced. The principles are being applied by some providers of health and social care. In medical establishments palliative care is still not automatically provided even though hospitals in the Czech Republic are a place where most deaths occur. The theoretical part clarifies, describes and introduces palliative care, defines its content and principles from the social and logistic aspect. It focuses on ways to apply palliative care in hospitals, on the conditions of its integration into medical establishments, organizational forms and describes experiences in this field from abroad. Based on the fundamentals of quality research the practical part of the thesis maps the conditions in which patients spend their last days in a specific hospital from the point of view of the medical personnel. The main outcome of this thesis is the ambiguous statement that hospitals lack palliative...Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care OrganisationsKatedra řízení a supervize v soc. a zdrav. organizacíchFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie

    Architecture of the Financial Institutions in Northern Bohemia in the Period 1880-1948

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    Tato práce se zabývá zmapování a vylíčení proměny architektury budov peněžních ústavů v regionu severních Čech v období 1880–1948. V rámci bádání se ve zpracovaném katalogu představí výběr nejzajímavějších severočeských staveb a jejich tvůrců. Pozornost se zaměří také, jak se nacionalismus promítl do umělecké ikonografie finančních institucí.This thesis maps and describes the transformation of architecture of financial institutions buildings in Northern Bohemia during the period 1880–1948. Within the research the elaborated catalog presents a selection of the most interesting North Bohemian buildings and their creators. Attention is also focused on how nationalism was reflected in the artistic iconography of financial institutions.Fakulta filozofickáStudentka na úvod seznámila s námětem práce a s výsledky k nimž dospěla. Násedovalo přečtení posudků školitele a oponenta. V rozpravě studentka reagovala na vznesené připomínky

    Analysis of the experience of pastoral care in hospitals

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    (in English): The topic of pastoral care in hospitals leads us to places that are not very well known to the public. Almost everyone knows what the words mean, but not everyone is able to explain what pastoral care offers, who provides it, and where people can seek it. My thesis aims to explain and document the role of a hospital chaplain, and to define the contents and the potential of pastoral care. Furthermore, I have tried to find out, whether and where there is place for pastoral, spiritual care within our health care system. Also who is using this type of care and whether and how the care is perceived by its potential recipients. What I value the most about my work is the opportunity to gain knowledge from chaplains, clerics, workers of the spiritual care wards, who describe their duties accurately. They explain the ways and methods of providing pastoral care, name target groups, introduce dilemmas and situations of crises within their service. They reveal the way of finding the power to do their duties, give recommendations for the improvement of pastoral care coming from both the provider and the medical facility. The objective of my thesis is to clarify the role, contents and meaning of pastoral care in the health care system. The thesis brings both general and specific pieces of knowledge..