3 research outputs found

    A noção de Gestão Democrática e sua apropriação local: um estudo sobre a legislação de municípios gaúchos

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    A Constituição 1988 e a LDB 9.394/1996, embora lembrem o princípio da Gestão Democrática, não detalham seu significado, extensão e mecanismos para a sua implementação no ensino público. Através da abordagem dos 497 Planos Municipais de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul, propõe-se a discussão dos principais critérios apresentados como indicadores de gestão democrática nas legislações municipais: desempenho; eleição de diretores; instituição e manutenção de colegiados. Desenham-se assim, indicadores que expressam a dimensão normativa da Gestão Democrática nos municípios gaúchos, instituídos frente a polissemia do significante ‘democracia’ e da imprecisão da legislação nacional

    Egress from a settlement school: where are the children of Rural Education?

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    O texto – e a pesquisa que o originou – partem de questões aparentemente simples: onde estão os filhos da Educação do Campo? Para onde vão nossos esforços pedagógicos, políticos e sociais quando nos dedicamos a uma educação do campo, no campo? Partindo da questão desafiadora, o texto recompõe informações sobre egressos da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental 29 de Outubro, Assentamento 16 de Março, no município de Pontão, norte do Rio Grande do Sul, no recorte temporal de 1992 a 2014, totalizando 413 sujeitos pesquisados.  O texto localiza a escola referida, enfatizando seus quatro períodos históricos e apresentando dados acerca dos egressos, obtidos mediante o procedimento de Grupos Focais, partindo de duas categorias-chave: escolaridade e profissão. Os dados apontam para perspectivas animadoras: com raras exceções, a sucessão familiar nas propriedades rurais está ocorrendo. Os jovens agricultores, na sua ampla maioria com ensino médio, estão sustentando a agricultura familiar, com ações em produção agropecuária e diversificação de culturas, garantindo a segunda geração de agricultores no campo. Conclui que o êxito profissional e formativo dos filhos da Educação do Campo também representa o êxito do projeto e a pertinência de sua existência como contraponto e alternativa ao modelo de escolarização dominante. Palavras-chave: Escola do Campo, Assentamento, Egressos.   Egress from a settlement school: where are the children of Rural Education?                         ABSTRACT. The text - and the research that originated it - starts from an apparently simple question: Where are the children of Rural Education? Where do our pedagogical, political and social efforts go when we devote ourselves to an education in the countryside? Based on the challenging question, the text recomposes information about the departed from the State School of Primary Education October 29, Settlement March 16, in the municipality of Pontão, north of Rio Grande do Sul, in the time cut from 1992 to 2014, totaling 413 subjects surveyed. The text locates the School October 29, emphasizing its four historical periods and presenting data about the graduates, obtained through the Focal Groups procedure, starting from two key categories: schooling and profession. The data point to encouraging prospects: with rare exceptions, family succession on farms is occurring. Young farmers, in their large majority with secondary education, are supporting family farming, with actions for agricultural production and crop diversification, guaranteeing the second generation of farmers in the field. It concludes that the professional and formative success of the children of rural education also represents the success of the project and the pertinence of its existence as a counterpoint and alternative to the dominant schooling model. Keywords: School of the Countryside, Settlement, Egress.   Egresados de una escuela de asentamiento: ¿dónde están los hijos de la Educación Rural? RESUMEN. El texto - y la investigación que lo originó - parten de una pregunta aparentemente simple: ¿dónde están los hijos de la Educación Rural? ¿A dónde van nuestros esfuerzos pedagógicos, políticos y sociales cuando nos dedicamos a una educación del campo, en el campo? En el marco de la pregunta desafiante, el texto recompone informaciones sobre egresados de la Escuela Estatal de Enseñanza Fundamental 29 de Octubre, Asentamiento 16 de Marzo, en el municipio de Pontão, norte de Rio Grande do Sul, en el recorte temporal de 1992 a 2014, totalizando 413 sujetos investigados. El texto localiza la Escuela 29 de Octubre, enfatizando sus cuatro períodos históricos y presentando datos sobre los egresados, obtenidos mediante el procedimiento de Grupos Focales, partiendo de dos categorías clave: escolaridad y profesión. Los datos apuntan a perspectivas alentadoras: con raras excepciones, la sucesión familiar en las propiedades rurales está ocurriendo. Los jóvenes agricultores, en su amplia mayoría con enseñanza media, están sosteniendo la agricultura familiar, con acciones producción agropecuaria y diversificación de cultivos, garantizando la segunda generación de agricultores en el campo. Concluye que el éxito profesional y formativo de los hijos de la educación del campo también representa el éxito del proyecto y la pertinencia de su existencia como contrapunto y alternativa al modelo de escolarización dominante. Palabras clave: Escuela del Campo, Asentamiento, Egresados.ABSTRACT. The text - and the research that originated it - starts from an apparently simple question: Where are the children of Rural Education? Where do our pedagogical, political and social efforts go when we devote ourselves to an education in the countryside? Based on the challenging question, the text recomposes information about the departed from the State School of Primary Education October 29, Settlement March 16, in the municipality of Pontão, north of Rio Grande do Sul, in the time cut from 1992 to 2014, totaling 413 subjects surveyed. The text locates the School October 29, emphasizing its four historical periods and presenting data about the graduates, obtained through the Focal Groups procedure, starting from two key categories: schooling and profession. The data point to encouraging prospects: with rare exceptions, family succession on farms is occurring. Young farmers, in their large majority with secondary education, are supporting family farming, with actions for agricultural production and crop diversification, guaranteeing the second generation of farmers in the field. It concludes that the professional and formative success of the children of rural education also represents the success of the project and the pertinence of its existence as a counterpoint and alternative to the dominant schooling model.ABSTRACT. The text - and the research that originated it - starts from an apparently simple question: Where are the children of Rural Education? Where do our pedagogical, political and social efforts go when we devote ourselves to an education in the countryside? Based on the challenging question, the text recomposes information about the departed from the State School of Primary Education October 29, Settlement March 16, in the municipality of Pontão, north of Rio Grande do Sul, in the time cut from 1992 to 2014, totaling 413 subjects surveyed. The text locates the School October 29, emphasizing its four historical periods and presenting data about the graduates, obtained through the Focal Groups procedure, starting from two key categories: schooling and profession. The data point to encouraging prospects: with rare exceptions, family succession on farms is occurring. Young farmers, in their large majority with secondary education, are supporting family farming, with actions for agricultural production and crop diversification, guaranteeing the second generation of farmers in the field. It concludes that the professional and formative success of the children of rural education also represents the success of the project and the pertinence of its existence as a counterpoint and alternative to the dominant schooling model.ABSTRACT. The text - and the research that originated it - starts from an apparently simple question: Where are the children of Rural Education? Where do our pedagogical, political and social efforts go when we devote ourselves to an education in the countryside? Based on the challenging question, the text recomposes information about the departed from the State School of Primary Education October 29, Settlement March 16, in the municipality of Pontão, north of Rio Grande do Sul, in the time cut from 1992 to 2014, totaling 413 subjects surveyed. The text locates the School October 29, emphasizing its four historical periods and presenting data about the graduates, obtained through the Focal Groups procedure, starting from two key categories: schooling and profession. The data point to encouraging prospects: with rare exceptions, family succession on farms is occurring. Young farmers, in their large majority with secondary education, are supporting family farming, with actions for agricultural production and crop diversification, guaranteeing the second generation of farmers in the field. It concludes that the professional and formative success of the children of rural education also represents the success of the project and the pertinence of its existence as a counterpoint and alternative to the dominant schooling model


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