1,402 research outputs found

    Time dependence of Bragg forward scattering and self-seeding of hard x-ray free-electron lasers

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    Free-electron lasers (FELs) can now generate temporally short, high power x-ray pulses of unprecedented brightness, even though their longitudinal coherence is relatively poor. The longitudinal coherence can be potentially improved by employing narrow bandwidth x-ray crystal optics, in which case one must also understand how the crystal affects the field profile in time and space. We frame the dynamical theory of x-ray diffraction as a set of coupled waves in order to derive analytic expressions for the spatiotemporal response of Bragg scattering from temporally short incident pulses. We compute the profiles of both the reflected and forward scattered x-ray pulses, showing that the time delay of the wave τ\tau is linked to its transverse spatial shift Δx\Delta x through the simple relationship Δx=cτcotθ\Delta x = c\tau \cot\theta, where θ\theta is the grazing angle of incidence to the diffracting planes. Finally, we apply our findings to obtain an analytic description of Bragg forward scattering relevant to monochromatically seed hard x-ray FELs.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    K*(892)0 Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV

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    Preliminary results on the K*(892)0 -> pi + K production using the mixed-event technique are presented. The measurements are performed at mid-rapidity by the STAR detector in sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV Au-Au collisions at RHIC. The K*0 to negative hadron, kaon and phi ratios are obtained and compared to the measurements in e+e-, pp and pbarp at various energies.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of Strange Quarks in Matter (SQM2001), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to be published in J. Phys.

    Unveiling the interaction of reactions and phase transition during thermal abuse of Li-ion batteries

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    Safety considerations have always accompanied the development of new battery chemistries; this holds especially for the Li-ion battery with its highly reactive components. An overall assessment and decrease of risks of catastrophic failures such as during thermal runaway, requires an in-depth and quantitative understanding of the ongoing processes and their interaction. This can be provided by predictive mathematical models. Thus, we developed a thermal runaway model that focuses on rigorous modelling of thermodynamic properties and reactions of each component within a Li-ion battery. Moreover, the presented model considers vapour–liquid equilibria of a binary solvent mixture for the first time. Simulations show a fragile equilibrium between endothermic and exothermic reactions, such as LiPF6_{6} and LEDC decomposition, in the early phases of self-heating. Further, an autocatalytic cycle involving the production of HF and the SEI component Li2_{2}CO3_{3} could be revealed. Additionally, the unpredictability of the thermal runaway could be directly correlated to availability of LEDC or contaminants such as water. Also, solvent boiling can have a significant influence on the self-heating phase of a Li-ion battery, due to its endothermic nature. Further analysis revealed that the rising pressure, stemming from gassing reactions, can suppress solvent boiling until the thermal runaway occurs

    Heavy-Quark Spectra at RHIC and Resonances in the QGP

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    Thermalization and collective flow of charm (c) and bottom (b) quarks are evaluated from elastic parton scattering via "D"- and "B"-meson resonances in an expanding, strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma at RHIC. Pertinent drag and diffusion coefficients are implemented into a relativistic Langevin simulation to compute transverse-momentum spectra and azimuthal flow asymmetries (v_2) of c- and b-quarks. Upon hadronization (including coalescence and fragmentation) and semileptonic D- and B-decays, the resulting electron spectra (R_{AA} and v_2) are compared to recent RHIC data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for Quark Matter 2005; v2: Acknowledgment adde

    Self-energy of a scalar charge near higher-dimensional black holes

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    We study the problem of self-energy of charges in higher dimensional static spacetimes. Application of regularization methods of quantum field theory to calculation of the classical self-energy of charges leads to model-independent results. The correction to the self-energy of a scalar charge due to the gravitational field of black holes of the higher dimensional Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime is calculated exactly. It proves to be zero in even dimensions, but it acquires non-zero value in odd dimensional spacetimes. The origin of the self-energy correction in odd dimensions is similar to the origin the conformal anomalies in quantum field theory in even dimensional spacetimes.Comment: 9 page

    Radiation reaction and renormalization in classical electrodynamics of point particle in any dimension

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    The effective equations of motion for a point charged particle taking account of radiation reaction are considered in various space-time dimensions. The divergencies steaming from the pointness of the particle are studied and the effective renormalization procedure is proposed encompassing uniformly the cases of all even dimensions. It is shown that in any dimension the classical electrodynamics is a renormalizable theory if not multiplicatively beyond d=4. For the cases of three and six dimensions the covariant analogs of the Lorentz-Dirac equation are explicitly derived.Comment: minor changes in concluding section, misprints corrected, LaTeX2e, 15 page

    Single Electron Elliptic Flow Measurements in Au+Au Collisions from STAR

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    Recent measurements of elliptic flow (v_2) and the nuclear modification factor (R_{CP}) of strange mesons and baryons in the intermediate p_T domain in Au+Au collisions demonstrate a scaling with the number of constituent-quarks. This suggests hadron production via quark coalescence from a thermalized parton system. Measuring the elliptic flow of charmed hadrons, which are believed to originate rather from fragmentation than from coalescence processes, might therefore change our view of hadron production in heavy ion collisions. While direct v_2 measurements of charmed hadrons are currently not available, single electron v_2 at sufficiently high transverse momenta can serve as a substitute. At transverse momenta above 2 GeV/c, the production of single electrons from non-photonic sources is expected to be dominated by the decay of charmed hadrons. Simulations show a strong correlation between the flow of the charmed hadrons and the flow of their decay electrons for p_T > 2 GeV/c. We will present preliminary STAR results from our single electron v_2 measurements from Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures Proceedings of the Hot Quarks 2004 Conference, July 18-24 2004, Taos Valley, New Mexico, USA to be published in Journal of Physics

    Nuclear suppression of heavy quark production at forward rapidities in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We calculate nuclear suppression RAAR_{AA} of heavy quarks produced from the initial fusion of partons in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. We take the shadowing as well as the energy loss suffered by them while passing through Quark Gluon Plasma into account. We obtain results for charm and bottom quarks at several rapidities using different mechanisms for energy loss, to see if we can distinguish between them.Comment: 21 pages including 13 figures. To appear in J. Phys.

    An asymptotic form of the reciprocity theorem with applications in x-ray scattering

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    The emission of electromagnetic waves from a source within or near a non-trivial medium (with or without boundaries, crystalline or amorphous, with inhomogeneities, absorption and so on) is sometimes studied using the reciprocity principle. This is a variation of the method of Green's functions. If one is only interested in the asymptotic radiation fields the generality of these methods may actually be a shortcoming: obtaining expressions valid for the uninteresting near fields is not just a wasted effort but may be prohibitively difficult. In this work we obtain a modified form the reciprocity principle which gives the asymptotic radiation field directly. The method may be used to obtain the radiation from a prescribed source, and also to study scattering problems. To illustrate the power of the method we study a few pedagogical examples and then, as a more challenging application we tackle two related problems. We calculate the specular reflection of x rays by a rough surface and by a smoothly graded surface taking polarization effects into account. In conventional treatments of reflection x rays are treated as scalar waves, polarization effects are neglected. This is a good approximation at grazing incidence but becomes increasingly questionable for soft x rays and UV at higher incidence angles. PACs: 61.10.Dp, 61.10.Kw, 03.50.DeComment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Spherical Orbifolds for Cosmic Topology

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    Harmonic analysis is a tool to infer cosmic topology from the measured astrophysical cosmic microwave background CMB radiation. For overall positive curvature, Platonic spherical manifolds are candidates for this analysis. We combine the specific point symmetry of the Platonic manifolds with their deck transformations. This analysis in topology leads from manifolds to orbifolds. We discuss the deck transformations of the orbifolds and give eigenmodes for the harmonic analysis as linear combinations of Wigner polynomials on the 3-sphere. These provide new tools for detecting cosmic topology from the CMB radiation.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1011.427