18 research outputs found

    Coastal paleogeography of the Pacific Northwest, USA, for the last 12,000 years accounting for three-dimensional earth structure

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    Predictive modeling of submerged archaeological sites requires accurate sea-level predictions in order to reconstruct coastal paleogeography and associated geographic features that may have influenced the locations of occupation sites such as rivers and embayments. Earlier reconstructions of the paleogeography of parts of the western U.S. coast used an assumption of eustatic sea level, but this neglects the large spatial variations in relative sea level (RSL) associated with glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and tectonics. Subsequent work using a one-dimensional (1-D) solid Earth model showed that reconstructions that accounted for GIA result in significant differences from those based on eustatic sea level. However, these analyses neglected the complex three-dimensional (3-D) solid Earth structure associated with the Cascadia subduction zone that has also strongly influenced RSL along the Oregon-Washington (OR-WA) coast, requiring that the paleogeographic reconstructions must also account for this effect. Here we use RSL predictions from a 3-D solid Earth model that have been validated by RSL data to update previous paleogeographic reconstructions of the OR-WA coast for the last 12 kyr based on a 1-D solid Earth model. The large differences in the spatial variations in RSL on the OR-WA continental shelves predicted by the 3-D model relative to eustatic and 1-D models demonstrate that accurate reconstructions of coastal paleogeography for predictive modeling of submerged archaeological sites need to account for 3-D viscoelastic Earth structure in areas of complex tectonics

    Akimiski Island, Nunavut, Canada: The Use of Cree Oral History and Sea-Level Retrodiction to Resolve Aboriginal Title

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    On 1 April 1999, Akimiski Island of the western James Bay region of northern Ontario, Canada, was included in the newly formed territory of Nunavut, Canada—an Inuit-dominated territory—even though the Inuit had never asserted Aboriginal title to the island. By contrast, the Omushkegowuk Cree of the western James Bay region have asserted Aboriginal title to Akimiski Island. The Government of Canada by their action (or inaction) has reversed the onus of responsibility for proof of Aboriginal title from the Inuit to the Cree. In other words, the Government of Canada did not follow their own guidelines and the common-law test for proof of Aboriginal title. In this paper, we documented and employed Cree oral history as well as a sea-level retrodiction (based on state-of-the-art numerical modeling of past sea-level changes in James Bay), which incorporated a modified ICE-6G ice history and a 3-D model of Earth structure, to establish that criterion 2 of the test for Aboriginal title has now been fully met. In other words, Cree traditional use and occupancy of Akimiski Island was considered sufficiently factual at the time of assertion of sovereignty by European nations. As all the criteria of the common-law test for proof of Aboriginal title in Canada, with respect to Akimiski Island, have now been addressed, the Cree have sufficient basis to initiate the process of a formal land claim.Le 1er avril 1999, l’île Akimiski, situĂ©e dans la rĂ©gion ouest de la baie James, dans le nord de l’Ontario, au Canada, a Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©e au nouveau territoire du Nunavut, territoire dominĂ© par les Inuits, mĂŞme si ceux-ci n’avaient jamais revendiquĂ© le titre ancestral de cette Ă®le. En revanche, les Cris omushkegowuk de la rĂ©gion ouest de la baie James ont revendiquĂ© leur titre ancestral Ă  l’égard de l’île Akimiski. Le geste (ou l’absence de geste) du gouvernement du Canada a eu pour effet d’inverser la responsabilitĂ© de prouver le titre ancestral des Inuits aux Cris. Autrement dit, le gouvernement du Canada n’a pas respectĂ© ses propres directives et les critères de droit commun comme preuve de titre ancestral. Dans cet article, nous avons documentĂ© et employĂ© l’histoire orale crie ainsi qu’une rĂ©trodiction du niveau de la mer (d’après une modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique perfectionnĂ©e d’anciens changements du niveau de la mer de la baie James), contenant un historique modifiĂ© de la glace ICE-6G et une modĂ©lisation en trois dimensions de la structure de la Terre, afin d’établir que le critère 2 des critères du titre ancestral est maintenant entièrement atteint. Autrement dit, l’usage et l’occupation traditionnels de l’île Akimiski par les Cris ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme des faits suffisants au moment de la revendication de la souverainetĂ© par les nations europĂ©ennes. Puisque tous les critères de droit commun permettant de prouver le titre ancestral de l’île Akimiski au Canada ont maintenant Ă©tĂ© respectĂ©s, les Cris disposent de fondements suffisants pour entreprendre une revendication territoriale officielle

    Rapid postglacial rebound amplifies global sea level rise following West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse

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    Earth_Model_Data is a zipped folder containing the Earth model data for both the standard model (V3D_SD and V3D_RH). A readme file is in this folder. FPRINT_CODE is a zipped folder containing the fingerprint code. A readme file for the code is also in this folder. WAmask_512.gz is a mask for West/East Antarctica, used for masking out changes in East Antarctica. All other files are sea-level outputs for each of the runs on a degree 512 Gauss-Legendre grid (uniform longitudes but unevenly spaced latitudes, as described in the readme for FPRINT_CODE). Files are named SLt_??? and numbered from 0 (elastic response) to 105 (10 ky). They have a 1D layout, with the first line being the time tag in years followed by 512*1024 row entries. A time array is included (tt_v10.dat). More details are in README.tx

    Numerical modeling of oceanic crustal hydrothermal systems

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    grantor: University of TorontoThe oceanic crust is a complex rock-mineral formation which extends up to several kilometers below the sea floor and covers laterally about two thirds of the planet. Hydrothermal circulation within the crust is driven by magmatic sources and carried by the fluid residing in pores and cracks. Hydrothermal advection transfers about one quarter of the Earth's total heat power from the interior. Marine sediments are believed to be the largest repositories of solid ice-like methane clathrate hydrates. The compliance technique is an important tool for assessment of this resource. It makes use of the oceanic surface gravity waves to induce pressure variations on the sea floor and measure the corresponding vertical deformation. This thesis deals with the convective heat and mass transfer within the oceanic crust, as a fractured porous medium, and the elastic, quasi-static response of hydrated marine sediments to gravity wave loading. Both generic and site-specific applications are considered. Most applications are tackled numerically in three spatial dimensions. The major results are as follows. Fractures can trigger and maintain hydrothermal circulation. The permeability-thickness product in the direction of flow is an adequate parameter to represent the fracture if convection is not vigorous. A new temperature homogenization mechanism for the off-axial convection is proposed which is due to quasi-lateral circulation within a permeable zone between sediment cover and basalt. It explains both the observed correlation between surface heat flux and sediment thickness, as well as regular heat flux variations when no buried topography is present. A hydrothermal model for the CoAxial Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge predicts ridge-parallel convection with the low-temperature vents spaced 1 'km' apart. The compliance approach is feasible for a non-layered medium. The average compliance response depends on the bulk hydrate content, but not on a particular connectivity pattern. However, the lateral variation in compliance correlates with the size of a typical lateral inhomogeneity.Ph.D

    Impact of 3-D Earth structure on Fennoscandian glacial isostatic adjustment: Implications for space-geodetic estimates of present-day crustal deformations

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    The importance of including lateral Earth structure in the analysis of Fennoscandian glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) is investigated using a finite volume numerical formulation. Comparing output from radially-varying 1-D Earth models and models which account for the presence of plate boundaries, lateral variations in lithospheric thickness and viscosity heterogeneities in the upper and lower mantle, we find that perturbations to present-day rates of surface deformation due to the inclusion of 3-D Earth structure significantly exceed current observational uncertainties. Predicted residuals between 1-D and 3-D Earth models may be improved with the use of a 1-D model which approximates the local depth-dependent mean of the 3-D model. However, the remaining misfit is still large enough to significantly bias inferences of Earth structure and ice history. We conclude that lateral variations at both global and regional scales must be accounted for when interpreting GPS observations from Fennoscandia

    Input Data for A Fast Surrogate Model for 3D-Earth Glacial Isostatic Adjustment using Tensorflow (v2.8.10) Artificial Neural Networks

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    <p>Training datasets for the manuscript A Fast Surrogate Model for 3D-Earth Glacial Isostatic Adjustment using Tensorflow (v2.8.10) Artificial Neural Networks. Two separate datasets are contained for training the ANNs: the 3D-spherically-symmetric (SS) rate-of-change of relative sea level (ROCRSL) and the 3D-SS rate of change of radial displacement (ROCRAD) as a function of SS profiles. Two other datasets contain RSL projections from the explicit (i.e. Seakon 3D - Seakon SS + NMSS ) model and the NMSS model, labelled Seakon_plus_NMSS_RSL and NMSS respectively.</p><p>Filenames denote the structure of the SS profile: </p><p>???_?.??_??.*.csv = LT_UMV_LMV.*.{csv,nc}<br> </p><p>LT = elastic lithosphere thickness (km)</p><p>UMV = upper mantle viscosity (1E21 Pa s)</p><p>LMV = lower mantle viscosity (1E21 Pa s)</p><p>i.e. 96_0.5_10.seakon_S40RTS_lr18-SS.rrad.roc.r360x180.P5.density_wSSRRADROC.csv.bz2 has the SS profile</p><p>96km elastic lithosphere, 0.5E21 Pa s upper mantle viscosity, 10E21 Pa s lower mantle viscosity</p><p> </p><p>The columns of the input files are as follows:</p><p>LT, UMV, LMV, longitude, latitude, time(t=0), ice(t=0), SS_ROC_RSL (t=0), time(t=-1), ice(t=-1), time(t=-2), ice(t=-2), time(t=-3), ice(t=-3), time(t=-4), ice(t=-4), 3D-SS_ROC_RSL(t=0)</p><p>units for the above are as follows:</p><p>km, 1E21 Pas, 1E2 Pas, degrees east (0->360), degrees (-180->180), days since 2000, m, mm/year, days since 2000, m, days since 2000, m, days since 2000, m, days since 2000, m,  mm/year</p><p>where 'days since 2000' assumes exactly 365.25 days per year.</p&gt

    Glacial isostatic adjustment in 3-D earth models: Implications for the analysis of tide gauge records along the U.S. east coast

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    Tide gauge records of recent sea-level change along the U.S. east coast have received significant attention within the literature of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Geographic trends in these tide gauge rates are not reduced by a GIA correction based on a commonly adopted radial viscosity profile (characterized, in particular, by a lower mantle viscosity ~1-2×1021 Pa s), and this has led to speculation that the residual trends reflect contributions from neotectonics or oceanographic processes. While the trends can be significantly reduced by adopting an Earth model with a stiffer lower mantle, such a model appears to be incompatible with independent constraints from post-glacial decay times in Hudson Bay. We use a finite-element model of the GIA process to investigate whether 3-D viscosity variations superimposed onto the "common" radial viscosity profile may provide a route to reconciling the east coast sea-level trends. We find that the specific 3-D structure we impose has little impact on the geographic trends in the GIA-corrected rates. However, we do find that the imposed lateral variations in lower mantle viscosity introduce a nearly uniform upward shift of 0.5 mm/yr in GIA-induced sea-level rates along the U.S. east coast. Thus, inferences of regional (U.S. east coast) sea-level rise due to modern melting of ice reservoirs, based on tide gauge rates corrected using 1-D GIA models, may be significantly biased by this simplifying assumption

    Quantifying the Sensitivity of Sea Level Change in Coastal Localities to the Geometry of Polar Ice Mass Flux

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    It has been known for over a century that the melting of individual ice sheets and glaciers drives distinct geographic patterns, or fingerprints, of sea level change, and recent studies have highlighted the implications of this variability for hazard assessment and inferences of meltwater sources. These studies have computed fingerprints using simplified melt geometries; however, a more generalized treatment would be advantageous when assessing or projecting sea level hazards in the face of quickly evolving patterns of ice mass flux. In this paper the usual fingerprint approach is inverted to compute site-specific sensitivity kernels for a global database of coastal localities. These kernels provide a mapping between geographically variable mass flux across each ice sheet and glacier and the associated static sea level change at a given site. Kernels are highlighted for a subset of sites associated with melting from Greenland, Antarctica, and the Alaska-Yukon-British Columbia glacier system. The latter, for example, reveals an underappreciated sensitivity of ongoing and future sea level change along the U.S. West Coast to the geometry of ice mass flux in the region. Finally, the practical utility of these kernels is illustrated by computing sea level predictions at a suite of sites associated with annual variability in Greenland ice mass since 2003 constrained by satellite gravity measurements.Harvard University; NASA [NNX17AE17G, NNX17AE18G, 80NSSC17K0698]; NSF [ICER-1663807]6 month embargo, April 2018This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]