49 research outputs found

    Solving heterogeneous-agent models with parameterized cross-sectional distributions

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    A new algorithm is developed to solve models with heterogeneous agents and aggregate uncertainty. Projection methods are the main building blocks of the algorithm and – in contrast to the most popular solution procedure – simulations only play a very minor role. The paper also develops a new simulation procedure that not only avoids cross-sectional sampling variation but is 10 (66) times faster than simulating an economy with 10,000 (100,000) agents. Because it avoids cross-sectional sampling variation, it can generate an accurate representation of the whole cross-sectional distribution. Finally, the paper outlines a set of accuracy tests

    Growth and characterization of gold catalyzed SiGe nanowires and alternative metal-catalyzed Si nanowires

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    The growth of semiconductor (SC) nanowires (NW) by CVD using Au-catalyzed VLS process has been widely studied over the past few years. Among others SC, it is possible to grow pure Si or SiGe NW thanks to these techniques. Nevertheless, Au could deteriorate the electric properties of SC and the use of other metal catalysts will be mandatory if NW are to be designed for innovating electronic. First, this article's focus will be on SiGe NW's growth using Au catalyst. The authors managed to grow SiGe NW between 350 and 400°C. Ge concentration (x) in Si1-xGex NW has been successfully varied by modifying the gas flow ratio: R = GeH4/(SiH4 + GeH4). Characterization (by Raman spectroscopy and XRD) revealed concentrations varying from 0.2 to 0.46 on NW grown at 375°C, with R varying from 0.05 to 0.15. Second, the results of Si NW growths by CVD using alternatives catalysts such as platinum-, palladium- and nickel-silicides are presented. This study, carried out on a LPCVD furnace, aimed at defining Si NW growth conditions when using such catalysts. Since the growth temperatures investigated are lower than the eutectic temperatures of these Si-metal alloys, VSS growth is expected and observed. Different temperatures and HCl flow rates have been tested with the aim of minimizing 2D growth which induces an important tapering of the NW. Finally, mechanical characterization of single NW has been carried out using an AFM method developed at the LTM. It consists in measuring the deflection of an AFM tip while performing approach-retract curves at various positions along the length of a cantilevered NW. This approach allows the measurement of as-grown single NW's Young modulus and spring constant, and alleviates uncertainties inherent in single point measurement

    Theoretical Study of Thermoelectric Properties of SiC Nanowires

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    We present, for the first time, simulations of thermoelectric properties of silicon carbide (SiC) nanowires as a function of the wire cross section at high temperature (500K), based on non-equilibrium classical molecular dynamics simulations for the lattice thermal transport and non-equilibrium green's function for the electrical transport. Our calculations show that figure of merit (ZT) was increasing with decreasing cross section area: ZT of SiC nanowire at 2x2 nm2 has maximum value in the range of 0.65 - 0.89 at 500K, which is 7 - 8 times larger than maximum ZT of SiC thin film value (0.125 at 973 K). These results show that SiC may be a promising material for thermoelectric applications operating at high temperature

    Growth parameters and shape specific synthesis of silicon nanowires by the VLS method

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    In this paper the effect of varying temperature, pressure and chemical precursors on the vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) growth of silicon nanowires (Si NWs) have been investigated. Some aspects of nucleation and growth mechanisms are discussed. Control on Si NW morphology by varying the choice of gaseous precursor (silane or dichlorosilane) at elevated temperatures is reported. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V