14 research outputs found

    Agama dan Kebangsaan: Pluralitas, Budaya dan Ruang Virtual

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    Artikel Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini menggali relasi antara agama dan gereja dengan nasionalisme dalam konteks budaya, pluralitas dan realitas virtual. Kekristenan di Indonesia perlu menggunakan teks politik dan budaya dengan memerhatikan secara serius konteks pluralitas dan cyber untuk mengembangkan konsep teologi lokal yang didasarkan pada dokumen-dokumen politik Indonesia. Berbasis pada teori civil sphere dan virtual space artikel ini mengunakan observasi, penelitian lapangan dan dokumen untuk mengembangkan teologi yang mengarahkan kepada relasi mutual dengan agama-agama lain dan sesama warga bangsa. Memanfaatkan Zoom dan media online kegiatan PkM, menggunakan seminar online, yang dilakukan dalam kerjasama dengan Lakpesdam Nahdlaltul Ulama Sulawesi Tenggara, tanggal 30 Juni 2020. Artikel ini berkesimpulan bahwa dalam konteks Indonesia, teologi Indonesia mengandaikan perlunya teks politik dan budaya untuk membangun lokal teologi yang dapat membangun hubungan saling memahami dengan komunitas agama lain.This social service (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat-PkM)’s article explores relationship between religion and church with nationalism in the context of culture, plurality and virtual reality. Christianity in Indonesia needs to employ political and cultural texts and consider seriously plurality and cyber context to develop the concept local theology that based on Indonesian political documents. Based on theories of civil sphere and virtual space, this articleemploys observation, field research and documental research approaches to develop theology that leads toward mutual relationship with religious others and fellow citizens. Using Zoom and online media platform this PkM’s activity through online seminar hosted by Lakpesdam Nahdlaltul Ulama, Southeast Celebes, in June 30, 2020. This article concludes that in Indonesia context, Indonesia theology prerequisites the employment of political and cultural texts to build a local theology that open for progressive relationship with people of other religions

    Mutual Transformation in the Early Histories of Christianity and Islam

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    This article examines mutual relationships in the historical teachings of Christianity and Islam. Drawing on John B. Cobb, Jr’s  mutual transformation theory, the article argues that early Christians and Muslims scholars have learned from other traditions in developing their religious teachings. I employ historical writings on the key figures and the early scholars of both religions. Based on documentary research, this article illustrates the mutual contact with other religious communities in the history of Christianity and Islam. Both Christian and Muslim Classical philosophers touch upon classical Greek Philosophers to develop intelectual traditons and teachings. As a result of the encounter, mutual transformation invites people to be involved in a deep dialogue and to be openhearted to learn, from the teachings of other religious traditions


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    How does spiritual intelligence serve as foundation for multicultural politics? This article explores how spiritual intelligence becomes a multicultural political base among the Javanese Muslims who immigrated to Maluku Province. The spiritual intelligence in this study refers to the understanding of Javanese values, i.e., accepting what’s given by life (nrimo ing pandum), empathy (tepa salira), and beautifying the world (memayu hayuning bawana) as well as how they enrich pluralism in Maluku. Previous studies on the topic mostly focused on the religious factor and neglected cultural aspects, especially among migrants who brought their cultural traits with them to their new place. Based on ethnographic research through observation and in-depth interviews with 60 Javanese migrants in Waihatu, Maluku, the research shows that multicultural politics among Javanese Muslim migrants cannot be separated from spiritual intelligence on Javanese values so that interreligious social solidarity is sustainable. Spiritual intelligence in this article highlights that Javanese migrants’ adoption of Islamic values in Maluku is connected to their philosophical foundation of Javanese values

    An Analysis of Communication Strategies of Salatiga Municipality on Instagram during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: Covid-19 cases in Indonesia reached their peak in mid-June 2021. The peak has caused all city governments in Indonesia to provide accurate and reliable information for all the citizens in tackling the spread of the virus. Salatiga is one of the city governments that successfully handled this condition. Therefore this study will analyze the communication strategies the Salatiga City Government used to disseminate information to the public via Instagram.Methods:This study uses a qualitative analysis approach to assess the content of the text data and information related to coronavirus published on the Instagram of Salatiga Municipality, called: @humaskotasalatiga.Findings: This study found that in implementing the strategies, the Salatiga City Government used six principles of System Theory: system transformation, openness, interdependence, negative entropy, equifinality, and requisite variety. This study also recommends that the Salatiga City Government communicate information clearly and honestly, organize information management for government leaders and government officials to provide the most up-to-date information, and construct comprehensive governmental health risk communication systems.Originality: Many studies have been done on communication strategies by Salatiga Municipality. However, no study analyzes the communication strategies used by Salatiga Municipality, primarily through Instagram, during the pandemic. Therefore, this study analyzes how Salatiga Municipality the communication strategies through Instagram

    Perubahan Agama Minahasa dan Kekristenan dalam Konstruksi Perjumpaan Simbol Sakral pada Ritual di Watu Pinawetengan

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    This article aims to explore the conversion of Minahasa and Christianity religion through mutually constructed efforts carried out by the community of ritual practitioners in Watu Pinawetengan. This research focuses on the mutual change between Minahasa religion and Christianity in rituals through the construction of a symbolic encounter by the ritual-playing community at Watu Pinawetengan. For ritual practitioners, Watu Pinawetengan is a sacred place Tou Minahasa (Minahasa man) that is located in North Sulawesi Province, Minahasa Regency. Individuals in a community construct the meaning of each symbol, thus creating a paradigm of religion. Sacred symbols refer to the essence of a belief in religion, so it is crucial in describing the existence of a religion. The data is taken through the use of qualitative methods by conducting observations, interviews, library studies, and documentary studies. The findings of this study show that changes in sacred symbols in rituals have been constructed in Minahasa and Christian discourses, resulting in a mutual change in both religions. Change occurs dialectically and is strengthened by the legitimacy of the ancestral spirit.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali perubahan agama Minahasa dan Kristen melalui upaya saling mengonstruksi yang dilakukan oleh komunitas pelaku ritual di Watu Pinawetengan. Fokus penelitian pada perubahan bersama, antara agama Minahasa dan Kristen dalam ritual melalui konstruksi perjumpaan simbol oleh komunitas pelaku ritual di Watu Pinawetengan. Bagi pelaku ritual, Watu Pinawetengan merupakan tempat sakral Tou Minahasa (manusia Minahasa) yang berada di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Kabupaten Minahasa. Individu-individu dalam komunitas mengonstruksi makna dari setiap simbol sehingga menciptakan paradigma fundamen tentang agama. Simbol sakral merujuk pada esensi dari suatu kepercayaan dalam agama, sehingga bersifat krusial dalam menggambarkan eksistensi suatu agama. Data diambil melalui penggunaan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan studi dokumenter. Temuan dari studi ini memperlihatkan perubahan simbol sakral dalam ritual telah dikonstruksi dalam diskursus agama Minahasa dan Kristen, sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan bersama pada kedua agama tersebut. Perubahan terjadi secara dialektis dan diperkuat dengan legitimasi roh leluhur.

    Makna dan Penghargaan Perempuan Nuaulu dalam Inisiasi Ritual Pinamou di Pulau Seram

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    This article aims to analyze the appreciation of women in the Pinamou ritual as an initiation ritual for women. The method used is a qualitative research method, with data acquisition through observation, interviews, audio-visual material, and literature studies. The study found in Pinamou ritual has an appreciation for the women who see in mythology about women. Then, it shows the figure of women as the successors of the life of a community and also as a source of blessing for both personal and community living in the community. The Pinamou ritual also has an affirmation of the initiation ritual that must carry out to reach the customary order in the community and become a place to look back at every meaning in the ritual performed.

    From Spatial Domination to Virtual Space Solidarity Tactics: Perjuangan Bersama Untuk Mengatasi Ketidakadilan Terhadap Penghayat Agama Lokal Minahasa

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    Many studies have explored indigenous religious believers struggle against world religions domination. However, studies on the employment of virtual space to heighten indigenous believers' tactical solidarity from the Global South remain understudy. This paper explores indigenous religious followers' struggles through access to virtual space as a tactic of everyday solidarity against world religions spatial domination and the state politics of religion in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It focuses on the efforts of Minahasa indigenous religious believers to advocate for their existence through virtual media collectively. Indigenous religious believers have experienced various forms of spatial domination, such as destroying ancestral sites and ritual places that they consider sacred to realize their beliefs. The single truth perspective has produced the domination of the world religions monotheistic paradigm and the state politics of religion. The single truth has resulted in hate speech, stigmatization, and physical destruction of indigenous religious sacred sites. Through click activism, indigenous religious believers employ virtual media to advocate Minahasa indigenous religions/beliefs. The concept of tactical media is used in this study to analyze how the tactics of indigenous religious believers collectively produce a discourse of resistance critique and discourse on the importance of their places of belief to the public. This study uses qualitative research: observation, in-depth interviews, and literature review to argue that indigenous religious believers have tactically used virtual media as a critical discourse of resistance to the spatial domination constructed by world religious relations and state religious policies

    Sakralitas Waruga: Situs Suci dan Identitas Kultural Masyarakat Minahasa

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    This article aims to explore Waruga cultural site focusing on rituals and sacredness performed by indigenous community in Minahasa. The data was obtained through interview, observation, documentary and literature studies in a qualitative manner. The community made totems as a sacred, symbols of identity and a social cohesion. This attitude was obvious when the Minahasa indigenous community held a ritual to respect their ancestors (dotu) as well as to relate to the Most High (Opo Empung). Through the rituals, the community had ties with one another and confirmed the identity of Tou Minahasa. The Waruga had a significant influence on the Minahasa indigenous community because it had noble values. Everything related to the Waruga, both ancestral spirits, burial grounds and heirloom lands were considered sacred. Therefore, the Waruga was not only an ordinary site, but also a sacred site. This study concludes that the Waruga was a totem and unifying symbol of Minahasa maintaining social solidarity

    From Spatial Domination to Virtual Space Solidarity Tactics: Perjuangan Bersama Untuk Mengatasi Ketidakadilan Terhadap Penghayat Agama Lokal Minahasa

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    Many studies have explored indigenous religious believers struggle against world religions domination. However, studies on the employment of virtual space to heighten indigenous believers\u27 tactical solidarity from the Global South remain understudy. This paper explores indigenous religious followers\u27 struggles through access to virtual space as a tactic of everyday solidarity against world religions spatial domination and the state politics of religion in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It focuses on the efforts of Minahasa indigenous religious believers to advocate for their existence through virtual media collectively. Indigenous religious believers have experienced various forms of spatial domination, such as destroying ancestral sites and ritual places that they consider sacred to realize their beliefs. The single truth perspective has produced the domination of the world religions monotheistic paradigm and the state politics of religion. The single truth has resulted in hate speech, stigmatization, and physical destruction of indigenous religious sacred sites. Through click activism, indigenous religious believers employ virtual media to advocate Minahasa indigenous religions/beliefs. The concept of tactical media is used in this study to analyze how the tactics of indigenous religious believers collectively produce a discourse of resistance critique and discourse on the importance of their places of belief to the public. This study uses qualitative research: observation, in-depth interviews, and literature review to argue that indigenous religious believers have tactically used virtual media as a critical discourse of resistance to the spatial domination constructed by world religious relations and state religious policies.Many studies have explored indigenous religious believers struggle against world religions domination. However, studies on the employment of virtual space to heighten indigenous believers\u27 tactical solidarity from the Global South remain understudy. This paper explores indigenous religious followers\u27 struggles through access to virtual space as a tactic of everyday solidarity against world religions spatial domination and the state politics of religion in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It focuses on the efforts of Minahasa indigenous religious believers to advocate for their existence through virtual media collectively. Indigenous religious believers have experienced various forms of spatial domination, such as destroying ancestral sites and ritual places that they consider sacred to realize their beliefs. The single truth perspective has produced the domination of the world religions monotheistic paradigm and the state politics of religion. The single truth has resulted in hate speech, stigmatization, and physical destruction of indigenous religious sacred sites. Through click activism, indigenous religious believers employ virtual media to advocate Minahasa indigenous religions/beliefs. The concept of tactical media is used in this study to analyze how the tactics of indigenous religious believers collectively produce a discourse of resistance critique and discourse on the importance of their places of belief to the public. This study uses qualitative research: observation, in-depth interviews, and literature review to argue that indigenous religious believers have tactically used virtual media as a critical discourse of resistance to the spatial domination constructed by world religious relations and state religious policies

    Memoar Covid-19: catatan autoetnografi lintas benua

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    Buku Memoar Covid-19 yang Izak tulis merupakan catatan autoetnografi lintas benua. Ia mencoba mengisahkan perjalanan dirinya dalam perjuangan keluar dari cengkraman virus. Selain itu ia melengkapi buku ini dengan mengumpulkan data dari semua orang yang terlibat dalam perawatan Izak semasa berada di Rumah Sakit Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Buku etnografi ini sangat menarik karena ditulis dengan gaya bahasa yang populer juga diselingi dengan gaya bahasa akademik. Dalam pembawaanya Izak mencoba mengajak kita untuk kuat menghadapi proses pembelajaran menghadapi pandemi yang telah banyak memakan korban