1,200 research outputs found

    L’attività fisica outdoor basata su compiti cognitivamente coinvolgenti potrebbe influenzare il pensiero creativo degli studenti: Uno studio pilota per un approccio didattico innovativo nei contesti educativi

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    Although creative thinking is described as an important factor of student’s intellectual development and it is classified as one of the most valuable twenty-first century competences to achieve success and remarkable progress in academic, professional, personal, and social life, a limited amount of published research has explored how outdoor physical activity with cognitively engaging tasks may affects it. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship between outdoor physical activity and creativity among students. 120 students (aged 13-14) participated in 12-week of either an outdoor physical activity program (60'/ 2 days per week) or a regular and easy-to-perform physical education class (60'/ 2 days per week). The findings from the present study support the idea that outdoor physical activity with cognitively engaging tasks may promote the development of students’ creative thinking.Sebbene il pensiero creativo sia descritto come un fattore importante per lo sviluppo intellettuale dello studente ed è classificato come una delle competenze più importanti del ventunesimo secolo per raggiungere il successo e notevoli progressi nella vita scolastica, professionale, personale e sociale, una quantità limitata di pubblicazioni ha indagato come l'attività fisica all'aperto con compiti cognitivamente coinvolgenti possa influenzare la creatività. Pertanto, scopo del presente studio è esplorare la relazione tra attività fisica all'aperto e creatività tra gli studenti. 120 studenti (13-14 anni) hanno partecipato a 12 settimane di un programma di attività fisica all'aperto (60'/ 2 giorni a settimana) o a un programma di attività fisica regolare e di facile esecuzione (60'/ 2 giorni a settimana). I risultati del presente studio supportano l'idea che l’attività fisica all'aperto con compiti cognitivamente coinvolgenti può promuovere lo sviluppo del pensiero creativo degli studenti

    Effects of an 8-Week Yoga-Based Physical Exercise Intervention on Teachers’ Burnout

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the efficacy of an 8-week yoga-based physical exercise program to improve mental and emotional well-being and consequently reduce burnout among teachers. We considered yoga because it is a discipline that enhances body awareness and encourages the contact with nature and the respect for every form of life, with a view to a more sustainable and greener global system. We recruited 40 professional educators (40–47 years), who reported perceiving signs of stress and emotional discomfort. professional educators to either an experimental yoga practice (~60 min, twice a week) group (n = 20) or a control group (n = 20) that received a nonspecific training program (~60 min, twice a week). After base line and after training we administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory: Educators Survey (MBI-ES) and the State Mindfulness Scale (SMS) to assess teachers' perceived level of awareness and professional burnout. We found a significant Time x Group interaction for the (p < 0.001) MBI-ES and SMS, reflecting a meaningful experimental group improvement. No significant pre–post changes were found in thecontrol group. The results suggest that an 8-week yoga practice could aid teachers to achieve a greater body and emotional awareness and prevent professional burnout

    Effects of a Coordinative Ability Training Program on Adolescents’ Cognitive Functioning

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    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effects of a week coordinative ability training program on adolescents’ cognitive functioning, using evaluation tests of visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We randomly assigned 60 public school students (14–15 years) to either an experimental coordinative abilities training (∼40 min twice/week) group (n = 30) or a control group (n = 30) who received general psycho-physical wellness training (∼40 min., twice a week). At baseline and after training we used two standardized motor tests and a single cognitive measure (Corsi’s Block-tapping test) to assess students’ visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We found a significant Time x Group interaction for the Throwing and Catching Test and Corsi’s Block-Tapping test, reflecting a meaningful experimental group improvement (p < 0.001), and there were no significant pre-post changes found in the control group. Thus, a 12-week program of coordinative abilities was able to improve not only coordination skills but aspects of cognitive functioning relevant to academic achievement

    Transformative Physical Education and lifestyles in cancer patients: effective motor learning and promotion of new lifestyles

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    Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the positive effects of movement education and sports activity in cancer patients (Courneya, Friedenreich, 2011). The aims of this study is to document the effectiveness of a motor educational intervention carried out mainly on the transformative corporeity, on the well-being and lifestyles of cancer patients. The hypothesis considered Motor Education as an agent of change on psycho-physical and relational variables, usually inhibited by the disease, and limiting the personal exposure of self-effectiveness and transform- ative empowerment during and at the end of the therapeutic-clinical path. This is why a group of subjects has been subjected to a longitudinal programme of motor education observing its effects on the variables considered: positive emotions, perceived self-effectiveness, perception of fatigue. The results have shown that a structured mobility education programme can make an important contribution to improving not only physical functionality but also emotional variables behavioral, creating the conditions for a positive change in one’s own personal life, perception of oneself and autonomous management of one’s own life

    The teaching of Life Skills through School Physical Education

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    The current complexity characterising modern society imposes the need to look at the education of the citizens of tomorrow, its principles can in fact be applied not only to school subjects but also to everyday behaviour. The International organisations involved in social development recommend the support and development, from early childhood, of a range of transferrable life skills to ensure they are capable of facing life's challenges in a pragmatic and resilient way. The understanding of this framework sees school as an ideal setting to instil an education that meets the real needs of children and adolescents. Thus, the present work focuses on the importance of life skills and on the influence and contribution of school, in particular physical education, for the development of students' physical, social, emotional and reasoning skills, in order to prepare them to become strong citizens and able to face life's challenges in a positive and effective way. L'insegnamento delle Life Skills attraverso l'Educazione Fisica Scolastica. L'attuale complessità che caratterizza la società moderna impone sempre più la necessità di guardare alla formazione dei futuri cittadini non solo verso la trasmissione di contenuti didattici disciplinari, ma di attrezzare l'individuo di strumenti di adattamento adeguati al contesto. Le stesse organizzazioni internazionali che si occupano di sviluppo sociale raccomandano ormai da tempo di sostenere e sviluppare, sin dalla prima infanzia, una serie di competenze che rimandano ad abilità trasversali di vita e che rendono l'individuo capace di affrontare in maniera pragmatica e resiliente le sfide che la vita gli riserva. In questo quadro interpretativo la scuola rappresenta il setting ideale dove poter mettere in atto una formazione che risponda a pieno ai reali bisogni dei bambini e dei ragazzi. Il presente lavoro si concentra, pertanto, sull'importanza dell'educazione alle life skills e sul contributo offerto dalla scuola ed in particolare dall'educazione fisica per lo sviluppo delle capacità sociali, emotive e di pensiero negli studenti, al fine di preparare i giovani a diventare cittadini dinamici in grado di affrontare in maniera positiva e adattiva le sfide della vita di tutti i giorni

    Efficacia di una formazione multilaterale extracurricolare di 12 settimane sull’insoddisfazione dell'immagine corporea e sull’autopercezione delle dimensioni corporee tra gli adolescenti

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate how multilateral, extra-curricular training, supplementary to the curricular Physical Education hours, can improve the self-perception of body image and reduce any dissatisfaction. Methods: 100 students (14-15 years) were assigned to the experimental group (MG; n=50; 25M, 25F) that has never been involved in extracurricular physical activity, or Active group (AG; n=50; 25M, 25F) practicing sports for at least 3 years. At baseline and after 12-week, anthropometric measurements and two standardized tests to assess the degree of personal satisfaction to-wards their body were administered (i.e., Body uneasiness test (BUT) and contour drawing rating scale (CDRS)). Results: After the intervention, signif-icant differences in the total MG for body weight (-1.36 ± 2.03 kg, p < 0.0001), BUT (-0.54 ± 1.49, p = 0.0320) and CDRS (-1.26±3.92, p=0.0366) scores were de-tected. Females of the MG showed significant improvement in body weight (-1.49 ± 2.22 kg, p = 0.0027) and BUT (-0.76 ± 1.56, p = 0.0398), whereas males showed improvement in body weight (-1.24 ± 1.85 kg, p = 0.0027) alone. AG showed no significant changes (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Findings suggest that multilateral training could increase body image satisfaction. However, girls always showed higher scores than boys and this indicates greater dissatis-faction and uneasiness with their bodies.Scopi: Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di verificare come un allenamento multilaterale, extracurricolare, integrativo delle ore di Educazione Fisica curriculari, può migliorare l'autopercezione dell'immagine corporea e ridurne l'eventuale insoddisfazione. Metodi: 100 studenti (14-15 anni) sono stati assegnati ad un gruppo sperimentale (MG; n=50; 25M, 25F) che non ha mai svolto attività fisica extracurricolare, o ad un gruppo attivo (AG; n=50; 25M, 25F) praticante sport da almeno 3 anni. Al basale e dopo 12 settimane, sono stati eseguiti sia misurazioni antropometriche sia due test standardizzati per valutare il grado di soddisfazione del proprio corpo (Body uneasiness test (BUT) e Contour drawing rating scale (CDRS)). Risultati: Dopo l'intervento, sono state rilevate differenze significative nel MG totale per peso corporeo (-1.36±2.03 kg, p<0.0001), punteggi BUT (-0.54±1.49, p=0.0320) e CDRS (-1.26±3.92, p=0.0366). Le ragazze del MG hanno mostrato miglioramenti significativi nel peso corporeo (-1.49±2.22 kg, p=0.0027) e BUT (-0.76±1.56, p=0.0398), mentre i ragazzi hanno mostrato miglioramenti soltanto nel peso corporeo (-1.24±1.85 kg, p=0.0027). AG non ha mostrato variazioni significative (p>0.05). Conclusioni: Le scoperte suggeriscono che un allenamento multilaterale potrebbe incrementare la soddisfazione dell'immagine corporea. Tuttavia, le ragazze hanno sempre mostrato punteggi più alti rispetto ai ragazzi e questo indica una maggiore insoddisfazione e disagio nei confronti del proprio corpo.&nbsp

    The impact of an extracurricular outdoor physical activity program on long-term memory in adolescent during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The present study examined the effects of an 8-week extracurricular outdoor physical activity program aimed to improve long-term memory performance in adolescent concerning the Covid-19 period. Participants were 40 schoolchildren (aged 16-17) who trained twice a week in aerobic exercise two hours per session, randomly assigned to participate in either an extracurricular outdoor physical activity program (EG; n = 20) or a waitlist control group (CG; n = 20). At baseline and after training we administered the Verbal Paired Associates (VPA-I) a subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale – IV (WMS-IV, 2009), which represents one of the most widely used instruments for assessing explicit episodic memory performance. The results suggested that after 8-week aerobic exercise program students were able to increase their long-term memory, and that this capacity was more evident following physical activity that required greater cognitive involvement

    Effects of Shotokan Karate on resilience to bullying in adolescents

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    Bullying is characterized by power imbalances in relationships, which can lead to negative social consequences. Youth with higher levels of resilience are less likely to engage in aggressive behaviours or be victims of bullying. Karate, a martial art emphasizing respect, self-regulation and health promotion, may be an effective alternative to the anti-bullying failing approach of institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this randomized controlled study was to examine the effect of a 12-week karate based intervention on resilience. 50 students, aged 14-16 years, were randomly assigned to experimental group (n=25) that performed technical Shotokan karate practice, i.e. kihon, kata and kumite (60 min., once per week), or control group (n=25). At baseline and after intervention, the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28) assessed the individual capacities and resources, relationship with primary caregiver, contextual factors and total resilience. The intervention significant improved levels of the overall resilience and resilience sub-factors (p<0.05). The results suggest that psycho-social intervention based on Karate may improve the resilience and well-being of youth and make them less likely to engage in aggressive behaviour or be bullied. Thus, Karate should be considered an effective alternative to the anti-bullying failing approach of the institutions

    Educazione fisica e bullismo scolastico: stato dell'arte, implicazioni pratiche e proposte di ricerca

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    Bullying has been considered as a multidimensional form of aggression which includes a double distinction, distinguishing the form of aggression and its functions. In the school context, bullying is considered a primary issue with figures up to 35%. Two forms of aggression have traditionally been considered: physical aggression and relational/social aggression. In Italy regional laws have been enacted on prevention and fight against bullying and cyberbullying and the parliament started the legislative iter to recognize bullying as a form of stalking. Physical education (PE) potentially promote behaviors and attitude against bullying but PE setting has also been linked to bullying episodes: victims of bullying can tend to avoid PE lessons as a potential situation that make them feel vulnerable; on the other hand, PE can exert beneficial effects in encouraging the externalization of emotions and improving social skills. PE teaching styles and teachers’ proactive attitude are crucial to promote a friendly environment and to avoid potential situation of discrimination. PE teachers should try to enhance self-efficacy as well as social competences of their students and avoiding creating embarrassing sit-uation due to physical appearance and/or poor motor skills. Future research should address behaviors of PE teachers to contrast bullying, evaluate the positive/negative role of PE in bullying situations, explore the prevalence of bullying at school respect to the other disciplines.Il bullismo è stato considerato come una forma di aggressione multidimensionale che comprende una doppia distinzione, tra la forma di aggressione e le sue funzioni. Nel contesto scolastico, il bullismo è considerato una questione primaria con cifre fino al 35%. Tradizionalmente sono state considerate due forme di aggressione: l'aggressione fisica e l'aggressione relazionale/sociale. In Italia sono state emanate leggi regionali sulla prevenzione e la lotta al bullismo e al cyberbullismo e il Parlamento ha avviato l’iter legislativo per riconoscere il bullismo come forma di stalking. L’educazione fisica (EF) può potenzialmente promuovere comportamenti e atteggiamenti contro il bullismo, ma è stata anche collegata ad episodi di bullismo: le vit-time del bullismo possono tendere ad evitare le lezioni di EF come poten-ziale situazione che le fa sentire vulnerabili; d’altra parte, la EF può esercitare effetti benefici nell’incoraggiare l’esternalizzazione delle emozioni e nel migliorare le abilità sociali. Gli stili di insegnamento dell’EF e l’atteggiamento proattivo degli insegnanti sono fondamentali per promuovere un ambiente amichevole e per evitare potenziali situazioni di discriminazione. Gli insegnanti di EF dovrebbero cercare di migliorare l’autoefficacia e le competenze sociali dei loro studenti, evitando di creare situazioni imbarazzanti dovute all’aspetto fisico e/o alle scarse capacità motorie. Le ricerche future dovreb-bero affrontare i comportamenti degli insegnanti di EF per contrastare il bullismo, valutare il ruolo positivo/negativo dell’EF nelle situazioni di bullismo, esplorare la prevalenza del bullismo a scuola rispetto alle altre discipline.&nbsp
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