15 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Kesegaran Jasmani pada Anak Usia Sekolah Yang Anemia dan Non Anemia di SD Negeri Banyuanyar III Kota Surakarta

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    Background. Anemic is a condition with a hemoglobin count below the normal value, estimated at about 50% the cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Anemia is generally caused pallor, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, decreased appetite, decreased physical fitness, decreased ability to work, decreased immunity. This will affect to the level of physical fitness which is very important in achieving optimal growth and development in childhood. Objective. This study aimed to determine differences of physical fitness in anemic and non-anemic school-aged children at SDN Banyuanyar Surakarta III. Research Methods. This type of research is an observational study with cross sectional analytic. Subjects are taken using a stratified random sampling with the number of study subjects is 80. The rate of Hb obtained using cyanmethemoglobin methods with HemoCue instrument, while the physical fitness test is obtained by the method of aerobic running 1600 m. The different test used Mann Whitney U-test. Results. Out of the 80 research subjects consisting of 47 men and 33 women,its known that anemic students had excellent physical fitness category as 0%, which is 2.5% better category, the category is quite as much as 12.5%, which is 15% less categories and category once as much as 70% less, while the non anemic students are excellent physical fitness category 2.5%, 7.5% either category, the category is quite and less each category as much as 12.5% and as much as 65% less once. Statistical test results obtained (p = 0.76) whose value is p >0.05. Conclusion. There is no difference of physical fitness in anemic and non-anemic children at SDN Banyuanyar III

    Flake LABU KUNING (cucurbita moschata) DENGAN KADAR VITAMIN A TINGGI (Pumpkin (cucurbita moschata) flake with high-vitamin a content)

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    Flake is a type of breakfast , ready meals  and golden brown with a crunchy texture. In general, flake were made from wheat flour or from starch tubers like tapioca starch. Pumpkin has  vitamin  A  and  high  fiber  content.  Therefore  flakes  may  be  added  starch  and  materials developers  Sodium  bicarbonate  (NaHCO3)  is  expected  to  assist  the  process  of  gelatinization perfectly  until the flakes produced  porous and crisp.This research aims to study the effect of the  proportion  of  pumpkin  and  tapioca  flour  with  the  addition  of  sodium  bicarbonate  to  the flakes  to  obtain  flake  with  acceptable  quality.  The  methods    are  factorial design which arranged completely randomized and each of two treatment combination was replicated three times. The first factor is the proportion of pumpkin flour: tapioca (60: 40: 65: 35: 70: 3;) g and the  second  factor  was  the  concentration  of  sodium  bicarbonate  (0.25,  0.50,  0.75)%.  The  best results  were  getted  with  the  proportion  of  pumpkin  flour:  tapioca  flour(65:  35)  g  with  the addition  of  0.50%  sodium  bicarbonate  to  produce  flakes  with  water  content  7.56%,  starch 43.23%, fiber 8.03%, β-carotene 33.74 μ g / g, 30.11% rehydration capacity and texture of 0.27  kg  /  cm,  while  the  method  of  ranking  organoleptic  texture  values  obtained  91  and  86 colors (highly preferred) and a sense of 71 (less preferable).Key word: Flakes, pumpkin, starch, tapioka, β karote


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    Soft  candy is  mixtures  of  sucrose,  glucose  syrup,  water,  gel-forming  materials  and additives  such  as flavor,  dye  and  has  a  soft texture. Roselle  petals  become  alternative for the manufacture  of  soft  candy  roselle that  have  vitamin  C  and  anthocyanins  that  serves  as  a natural  red  color. This  soft  chewy  candy  is  produced  from  the  gel-forming  material.  Corn starch  as  a  gel-forming  material,  because  the  nature  of  corn  starch  in  its  contribution  to  the texture. Cooking is an important processing stage in the manufacture of candy that will affect the  texture  and  color  of  the  candies  are  produced.  This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of adding corn starch and long ripening on the quality of roselle soft candy and to obtain the best combination  treatment  between  the  addition  of  corn  starch  and  long  cooking  in  the manufacture. This research method using a completely randomized design with 2 factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor was the concentration of corn starch (5%, 10%, 25%) and the second factor  is  the  length  of  cooking  (1.5  minutes,  3  minutes,  4.5  minutes).  The Best  research  results    soft  candy  corn  starch  concentration  of  10%  and  long  cooking  3 minutes to produce water content 5.712%, Vitamin C 27.78 mg/100gr, 56.060% total dissolved solids, texture 0.186 mm / gr.dtk and anthocyanin 0.0713%.Keywords: Software Candy, Rosel

    Prarancangan Pabrik Etilen Glikol dari Etilen Oksida dan Air dengan Proses Hidrasi Non Katalitik Kapasitas 220.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Ethylene glycol or EG is an organic compound that is colorless, odorless, and intangible fluid. Generally, ethylene glycol is used for extra fiber in polyester, materials of PET containers, antifreeze and coolant in the engine. In Indonesia generally and commercial, ethylene glycol is used as raw material for the textile industry (polyester) as much as 97.34% and 2.66% is used as raw materials for the manufacture of paints addition, liquid glue, solvent , printing ink , the ink for pen, cosmetics, and anti-freeze materials. This need fill by PT Polychem Tbk, while shortcoming fill by importing from different countries. Plant design of ethylene glycol plant from ethylene oxide and water with non-catalytic hydration process capacity of 220,000 tons/year is planned to be established in 2025 to meet the needs of ethylene glycol in Indonesia, there by reducing the number of imports. Besides the raw materials and the location in Tangerang, Banten area of 22,000m2 and with 184 employees strongly supports the establishment of this factory. Plant design ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide and excess water, with a mole ratio of 1:20. Production capacity of 220,000 tons /year is planned to operate for 330 days per year. The process of making ethylene glycol is carried out in a plug flow reactor continuously without using a catalyst. In the reactor, the process of making ethylene glycol maintained that take place in the liquid phase, irreversible, exothermic, and non-isothermal adiabatic temperature and pressure 190C-130,34C up to 18 atm. Conversion achieved was 99.8% with 91.8% of ethylene glycol selectivity. Byproducts produced in the form of diethylene glycol and triethylene glycol. In the process of ethylene oxide are needed as much 23,529.7386 kg/hour and as much water as 192,831.6709 kg/hour. The products produced in the form of ethylene glycol as 27,777.7778 kg/hour. Utilities include water provision process support for 720,341.4345 kg/h obtained from Tangerang Cisadane river water, the provision of saturated steam at 34827.955 kg/hour of fuel boiler using fuel oil in the form of 11,482.4919 L/hour for two boiler, electrical needs of 2,720.3 kW obtained from the PLN and a generator set as a backup. Plant design of ethylene glycol using a fixed capital of Rp 968,080,018,924,- and a working capital of Rp 1,809,340,555,217,-. Based on the economic analysis of the feasibility of establishing a factory, then the ethylene glycol plant is profitable and worth is established. Profits earned before taxes was Rp 655,476,883,524,- per year after taxes 30% profits reached Rp 458,763,818, 467,- per year. Percent Return On Investment (ROI) before tax after tax 67.70% and 47.39%. Pay Out Time (POT) before tax for 1.29 years and 1.7 years after tax. Break Even Point (BEP) of 48.5%, and Shut Down Point (SDP) amounted to 36.87%. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) accounted for 25.87%

    Penyiram Otomatis Berdasarkan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah

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    AbstrakTingkat kesuburan tanah dapat dipengaruhi oleh intensitas air yang dikandungnya. Untuk itu kita perlu menjaga suhu dan kelembaban tanah dalam kondisi tertentu. Saat ini penyiraman tanaman secara tradisional dianggap tidak efisien karena lamanya waktu penyiraman tanaman dan membutuhkan banyak energi. Dalam mengatasi masalah ini, peneliti akan mencoba mengembangkan penelitian yang ada dengan merancang Aplikasi Kelembaban Sensor Tanah sebagai Detektor Kelembaban Tanah dengan Sistem Kontrol Penyiram Otomatis. Alat ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu pengguna untuk menyiram tanaman secara otomatis. Sistem Kontrol Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis ini adalah berbasis penerapan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 yang diprogram berdasarkan detektor sensor kelembaban tanah. Ketika sensor mendeteksi kondisi tanah kering, alat akan secara otomatis berfungsi untuk menyirami tanaman. Sebaliknya, jika kondisi tanah basah, alat tidak akan menyiram, sehingga tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan baik karena kebutuhan elemen air terpenuhi setiap saat. Alat ini bisa berfungsi saat penghuni rumah tidak di rumah, sehingga memudahkan pemilik rumah untuk memelihara tanamannya.Kata kunci   kelembaban tanah, tanaman, sensor tana


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    Gluconic  acid  is  a  product  of  the  dehydrogenation  of  glucose,  and  used  widely  industry. Gluconic acid which is crystallized in the form-δ-lactone glukono can be used to substitute for yeast in bread making and other food industries. The more 50,000 tons of gluconic acid were produced by fermentation using Aspergilus niger of material containing glucose. The  purpose  of  this  study  to  determine  the  best  treatment  volume  and  the  fermentation  time starter in the production of gluconic acid from glucose by fermentation with Aspergillus niger. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors with 2 repetitions. The first factor  is the length of fermentation (12 and 18, and 24 hours)  and  the  second  factor    is  the  volume  of  starter  (12,  16;  and  20  mL)  .  The results showed that the best treatment there is the treatment of fermentation time 24 hours and the volume of 16 ml starter, which produces gluconic acid with a concentration = 7.405%, density = 1.1559 g / ml, pH = 3.4, biomass = 8.5580 gr


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    The aim of this research was to know performance of qualitative trait and analysis of quantitative trait of five cultivated varieties of red pepper at the middle land, identifies of important characters in red pepper was used as selection parameters, and determine the capability of adaptation and production potential. The research was conducted at Kemiri Village, Sigaluh, Banjarnegera, Central Java with an altitude 550 m above sea level. The research had been done since April until October 2011. The design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design with five treatment cultivars of red pepper were Branang, Gantari, and Lembang-1 recommended for upland, Kusuma and Cipanas still on the stage of multilocation trials and three block as replications. Significant difference between the treatment was further using Duncan�s Multiple Range Test at α=5 %. The results showed that the purple pigment (anthocyanin) on stems and the yellow pigment (carotenoid) on petals. Five cultivated varieties of red pepper has the differences on yield were tested at the middle land. Branang gave highest yield (6.33 ton.ha-1), although not significantly different from Gantari (6.28 ton.ha-1), Kusuma (5.58 ton.ha-1), Lembang-1 (4.97 ton.ha-1), and Cipanas (4.00 ton.ha-1). Five cultivars of upland pepper grew higher, had more tight of stem girth, longer leaf size, early maturing, and lower yield per hectare were planted at middle land. On this research, type of growth, length of dichotomy stem, stem girth, fruit diameter, length of the fruit stalk, individual fruit weight, and 1000 seed weight were used as selection parameter. Kusuma and Lembang-1 cultivars are more potential to be developed at middle land because the consumens prefer it and yield per hectare better than another cultivars

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kapur Pertanian dan Pupuk Kandang Kambing terhadap N, P dan C Organik Tanah Berpasir Desa Bambang Kecamatan Wajak

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    Kesuburan tanah berkaitan dengan penyediaan unsur hara di dalam tanah. Tanah yang mempunyai kesuburan yang baik mampu mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Kesuburan tanah dapat diketahui melalui karakteristik tanah, baik dari sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Tanah di Desa Bambang mempunyai tekstur dominan pasir. Tanah dengan fraksi dominan pasir mempunyai kesulitan dalam menahan air dan menyimpan unsur hara. Adanya unsur hara yang rendah menyebabkan kesuburan tanah rendah sehingga akan berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman. Adanya beberapa keterbatasan pada tanah maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan dengan penambahan kapur pertanian dan bahan organik. Pemberian kapur pertanian berupa CaCO3 dan bahan organik berupa pupuk kandang kambing diharapkan mampu memperbaiki sifat kimia tanah terutama Ntotal, P-tersedia, C-organik pada tanah berpasir. Kegiatan inkubasi dilakukan pada bulan Juni hingga Desember 2022 yang dilaksanakan di greenhouse Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan 3 faktor yaitu faktor kedalaman tanah (0-30 cm dan 30-60 cm), dosis kapur kalsit (0 ton/ha, 3 ton/ha) dan dosis pupuk kandang kambing ( 0 ton/ha, 20 ton/ha dan 40 ton/ha) dengan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali sehingga terdapat 36 pot perlakuan. Parameter yang dianalisis yaitu pH H2O, pH KCl, N-total, P-tersedia, C-Organik dan Ca-dd. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan kemudian diolah menggunakan analisis anova taraf 5% dan dilakukan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf 5% untuk mendapatkan perlakuan terbaik menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis korelasi dan regresi berganda untuk mengetahui hubungan antar parameter yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang kambing dan kapur pertanian pada dua kedalaman (0-30 cm dan 30-60 cm) meningkatkan nilai pH H2O, pH KCl, N-total,P-tersedia, C-organik dan Ca-dd. Aplikasi dosis pupuk kandang 40 ton/ha dan dosis kapur pertanian 3 ton/ha meningkatkan pH H2O, pH KCl, P-tersedia, dan Ca-dd. Sedangkan pemberian pupuk kandang kambing 40 ton/ha meningkatkan terhadap N-total dan C-organik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan parameter pH H2O, pH KCl dan Ca-dd berkorelasi sangat kuat terhadap P-tersedia dan berpengaruh sebesar 70% pada kedalaman 0-30 cm, sedangkan pada kedalaman 30-60 cm parameter pH H2O, pH KCl,Ca-dd berkorelasi sangat kuat dan BOT berkorelasi kuat terhadap P-tersedia dan berpengaruh sebesar 67%. Pada parameter N-total, BOT dan C/N berkorelasi sangat kuat. BOT dan C/N berpengaruh terhadap kandungan N-total sebesar 99.4% pada kedalaman 0-30 cm dan sebesar 99.5% pada kedalaman 30-60 cm


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    ABSTRACT Meat ball is one of the emulsion food. Meat ball dough is oil in water emulsion made from fat and water mixed in colloid phase, with protein as emulsifier. Research aim on the effect of cassava flour (binder) and yolk addition  on the quality of meat ball has been conducted.  This research used Factorial  Randomized  Design  consisting  of  two  factors and  two  replications.  The  first  factor  is  yolk addition (20, 35, 50 and 65 grams) and the second factor is cassava flour addition (10, 12, 5, 15 and 17,5 gram). The  best treatment is combination of yolk 35 grams and cassava flour 12,5 gram. This meat  ball  product  has  emulsion  stability  (oil  separated)  :  1,24%  water  content  :  65,60%,  protein  : 10,29%, fat : 4,57%, texture value : 0,4465 mm/gr.dt. WHC value : 86,80%, taste score : 4,20, flavour score : 2,65 and texture score : 3,65, colour score : 2,68.Key words : meat ball, cassava flour, emulsion, yolk.</p