3,811 research outputs found

    Children and the experience of violence: contrasting cultures of punishment in northern Nigeria

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    Arising out of debates over ‘children at risk’ and the ‘rights of the child’, the article compares two contrasting childhoods within a single large society—the Hausa‐speaking peoples of northern Nigeria. One segment of this society—the non‐Muslim Maguzawa—refuse to allow their children to be beaten; the other segment, the Muslim Hausa, tolerate corporal punishment both at home and especially in Qur'anic schools. Why the difference? Economic as well as political reasons are offered as reasons for the rejection of corporal punishment while it is argued that, in the eyes of Muslim society in the cities, the threat of punishment is essential for both educating and ‘civilising’ the young by imposing the necessary degree of discipline and self‐control that are considered the hallmark of a good Muslim. In short, ‘cultures of punishment’ arise out of specific historical conditions, with wide variations in the degree and frequency with which children actually suffer punishment, and at whose hands. Finally the question is raised whether the violence experienced in schooling has sanctioned in the community at large a greater tolerance of violence‐as‐‘punishment’

    Surface plasma resonance in small rare gas clusters by mixing IR and VUV laser pulses

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    The ionization dynamics of a Xenon cluster with 40 atoms is analyzed under a pum p probe scenario of laser pulses where an infrared laser pulse of 50 fs length follows with a well defined time delay a VUV pulse of the same length and peak intensity. The mechanism of resonant energy absorption due to the coinc idence of the IR laser frequency with the frequency of collective motion of quasi free electrons in the cluster is mapped out by varying the time delay between the pulses

    A family of Schr\"odinger operators whose spectrum is an interval

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    By approximation, I show that the spectrum of the Schr\"odinger operator with potential V(n)=f(nρ(mod1))V(n) = f(n\rho \pmod 1) for f continuous and ρ>0\rho > 0, ρ∉N\rho \notin \N is an interval.Comment: Comm. Math. Phys. (to appear

    Optimization of nanostructured permalloy electrodes for a lateral hybrid spin-valve structure

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    Ferromagnetic electrodes of a lateral semiconductor-based spin-valve structure are designed to provide a maximum of spin-polarized injection current. A single-domain state in remanence is a prerequisite obtained by nanostructuring Permalloy thin film electrodes. Three regimes of aspect ratios mm are identified by room temperature magnetic force microscopy: (i) high-aspect ratios of m≄20m \ge 20 provide the favored remanent single-domain magnetization states, (ii) medium-aspect ratios m∌3m \sim 3 to m∌20m \sim 20 yield highly remanent states with closure domains and (iii) low-aspect ratios of m≀3m \le 3 lead to multi-domain structures. Lateral kinks, introduced to bridge the gap between micro- and macroscale, disturb the uniform magnetization of electrodes with high- and medium-aspect ratios. However, vertical flanks help to maintain a uniformly magnetized state at the ferromagnet-semiconcuctor contact by domain wall pinning.Comment: revised version, major structural changes, figures reorganized,6 pages, 8 figures, revte

    Saline systems of the Great Plains of western Canada: an overview of the limnogeology and paleolimnology

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    In much of the northern Great Plains, saline and hypersaline lacustrine brines are the only surface waters present. As a group, the lakes of this region are unique: there is no other area in the world that can match the concentration and diversity of saline lake environments exhibited in the prairie region of Canada and northern United States. The immense number of individual salt lakes and saline wetlands in this region of North America is staggering. Estimates vary from about one million to greater than 10 million, with densities in some areas being as high as 120 lakes/km(2). Despite over a century of scientific investigation of these salt lakes, we have only in the last twenty years advanced far enough to appreciate the wide spectrum of lake types, water chemistries, and limnological processes that are operating in the modern settings. Hydrochemical data are available for about 800 of the lake brines in the region. Composition, textural, and geochemical information on the modern bottom sediments has been collected for just over 150 of these lakes. Characterization of the biological and ecological features of these lakes is based on even fewer investigations, and the stratigraphic records of only twenty basins have been examined. The lake waters show a considerable range in ionic composition and concentration. Early investigators, concentrating on the most saline brines, emphasized a strong predominance of Na(+ )and SO(4)(-2 )in the lakes. It is now realized, however, that not only is there a complete spectrum of salinities from less than 1 ppt TDS to nearly 400 ppt, but also virtually every water chemistry type is represented in lakes of the region. With such a vast array of compositions, it is difficult to generalize. Nonetheless, the paucity of Cl-rich lakes makes the northern Great Plains basins somewhat unusual compared with salt lakes in many other areas of the world (e.g., Australia, western United States). Compilations of the lake water chemistries show distinct spatial trends and regional variations controlled by groundwater input, climate, and geomorphology. Short-term temporal variations in the brine composition, which can have significant effects on the composition of the modern sediments, have also been well documented in several individual basins. From a sedimentological and mineralogical perspective, the wide range of water chemistries exhibited by the lakes leads to an unusually large diversity of modern sediment composition. Over 40 species of endogenic precipitates and authigenic minerals have been identified in the lacustrine sediments. The most common non-detrital components of the modern sediments include: calcium and calcium-magnesium carbonates (magnesian calcite, aragonite, dolomite), and sodium, magnesium, and sodium-magnesium sulfates (mirabilite, thenardite, bloedite, epsomite). Many of the basins whose brines have very high Mg/Ca ratios also have hydromagnesite, magnesite, and nesquehonite. Unlike salt lakes in many other areas of the world, halite, gypsum, and calcite are relatively rare endogenic precipitates in the Great Plains lakes. The detrital fraction of the lacustrine sediments is normally dominated by clay minerals, carbonate minerals, quartz, and feldspars. Sediment accumulation in these salt lakes is controlled and modified by a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Although the details of these modern sedimentary processes can be exceedingly complex and difficult to discuss in isolation, in broad terms, the processes operating in the salt lakes of the Great Plains are ultimately controlled by three basic factors or conditions of the basin: (a) basin morphology; (b) basin hydrology; and (c) water salinity and composition. Combinations of these parameters interact to control nearly all aspects of modern sedimentation in these salt lakes and give rise to four 'end member' types of modern saline lacustrine settings in the Great Plains: (a) clastics-dominated playas; (b) salt-dominated playas; (c) deep water, non-stratified lakes; and (d) deep water, "permanently" stratified lakes

    Paleohydrology, Sedimentology, and Geochemistry of Two Meromictic Saline Lakes in Southern Saskatchewan

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    The Northern Great Plains of western Canada contain numerous saline and hypersaline lakes. Most of these lakes are shallow (< 3 m) and exhibit playa characteristics. Some, however, are relatively deep, permanent water bodies. The sediment records of these deep perennial saline lakes offer an excellent opportunity to evaluate key paleohydrologic and hydrochemical parameters. Variations in these parameters may, in turn, be interpreted with respect to climatic fluctuations in the region. Waldsea and Deadmoose lakes, located in south-central Saskatchewan, are both presently meromictic, with saline Mg-Na-SO4-CI waters overlying denser hypersaline brines of similar composition. The modern sediments of the lakes consist of a mixture of organic matter, finegrained detrital elastics (mainly clay minerals, carbonate minerals, quartz, and feldspars), and finely crystalline endogenic/authigenic precipitates (aragonite, gypsum, calcite, pyrite, and mirabilite). Variations in mineralogy and chemistry of sediment cores from the morphologically simple Waldsea basin show that the lake was much shallower and more saline about 4000 years ago. Although water levels have since generally increased in the basin giving rise to higher organic productivity and greater inorganic carbonate precipitation, there is also evidence of several hydrologie reversals during the last 2000 years. The stratigraphy preserved in nearby Deadmoose Lake is much more complex because of the irregular basin morphology. Lower water levels about 1000 years ago created several isolated but still relatively deep lakes in the Deadmoose basin.Les grandes plaines du nord de l'ouest du Canada contiennent de nombreux lacs salĂ©s et hypersalĂ©s. La plupart de ces lacs sont peu profonds (< 3 m) et offrent les caractĂ©ristiques des playas. D'autres, par contre, sont des plans d'eau permanents relativement profonds. Les donnĂ©es sĂ©dimentologiques de ces derniers permettent d'Ă©valuer certains paramĂštres clĂ©s de palĂ©ohydrologie et d'hydrochimie. Les variations qu'offrent ces paramĂštres peuvent Ă  leur tour ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©es en fonction des fluctuations climatiques qu'a connues la rĂ©gion. Les lacs Waldsea et Deadmoose, dans le centre-sud de la Saskatchewan, sont mĂ©romictiques et leurs eaux composĂ©es de Mg-Na-So4-Cl recouvrent une saumure hypersaline plus dense, mais de composition semblable. Les sĂ©diments actuels de ces lacs consistent en un mĂ©lange de matiĂšre organique, de roches dĂ©tritiques Ă  grains fins (surtout des minĂ©raux argileux et carbonates ainsi que des quartz et des feldspaths) et de calcaires de prĂ©cipitation cristallins Ă  grains fins endogĂšnes et authigĂšnes (aragonite, gypse, calcite, pyrite et mirabilite). La minĂ©ralogie et la chimie des sĂ©diments contenus dans les carottes recueillies dans le bassin du lac Waldsea, de morphologie simple, montrent des variations qui indiquent que le lac Ă©tait beaucoup moins profond et plus salĂ© il y a 4000 ans. Bien que, de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les niveaux lacustres se soient haussĂ©s depuis, ce qui a donnĂ© lieu Ă  une production accrue de matiĂšre organique et Ă  une plus forte prĂ©cipitation des carbonates inorganiques, on trouve les tĂ©moins de plusieurs inversions de nature hydrologique depuis les 2000 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Non loin, au lac Deadmoose, la stratigraphie est beaucoup plus complexe en raison de la morphologie irrĂ©guliĂšre du bassin. Il y a 1000 ans environ, les bas niveaux lacustres ont Ă©tĂ© Ă  l'origine de la formation de plusieurs lacs isolĂ©s et relativement profonds dans le bassin Deadmoose.den nĂŽrdlichen groBen Ebenen von West-Kanada gibt es zahlreiche salzhaltige und hypersalzhaltige Seen. Die meisten dieser Seen sind seicht (< 3 m) und zeigen Pfannen Charakteristika. Einige hingegen sind relativ tiefe permanente Wasserspiegel. Die Sediment-Belege dieser tiefen, bestĂąndigen Salz-Seen bieten eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, die paleohydrologischen und hydrochemischen SchlĂčssel-Parameter zu bewerten. Variationen dieser Parameter kĂŽnnen ihrerseits interpretiert werden in Bezug auf die klimatischen Fluktuationen in dieser Region. Die Seen Waldsea und Deadmoose, die im sĂčdlichen Zentrum von Saskatchewan liegen, sind gegenwĂąrtig beide meromiktisch, mit salinen Mg-Na-SO4-Cl Wassern, welche dichtere, hypersaline Salzlaken Ăąhnlicher Zusammensetzung Ăčberlagern. Die gegenwĂ rtigen Sedimente dieser Seen bestehen aus einer Mischung von organischem Material, feinkĂŽrnigen TrĂčmmergesteinen (hauptsĂ chlich Lehm-Minerale, Karbonat-Minerale, Quartz und Feldspate), und fein kristallinen endogenen/ authigenen NiederschlĂ gen (Aragonit, Gipsstein, Kalkspat, Pyrit und Mirabilit). Variationen in der MinĂ©ralogie und Chemie der Sediment-Keme von dem morphologisch einfachen Waldsea-Becken zeigen, dafĂź der See vor etwa 4000 Jahren viel seichter und saliner war. Obwohl die Wasserspiegel seitdem im Allgemeinen in dem Becken angestiegen sind, was zu hĂŽherer organischer ProduktivitĂ t und vestĂąrktem inorganischem Karbonat-Niederschlag fĂčhrte, findet man auch Belege fur einige hydrologische UmschwĂčnge wĂąhrend der letzten 2000 Jahre. Die im nahegelegenen Deadmoose-See erhaltene Stratigraphie ist viel komplexer auf Grund der unregelmĂ fĂźigen Morphologie des Beckens. Niedrigere Wasserspiegel vor ungefĂąhr 1000 Jahren fĂčhrten zu einigen isolierten, aber immer noch relativ tiefen Seen im Deadmoose-Becken

    Going the distance in Canada

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    Athabasca University; University College of the Fraser Valle

    Collagen biosynthesis.

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    Collagen is the major structural protein of the lung. At least five genetically distinct collagen types have been identified in lung tissue. However, the precise role of collagen in nonrespiratory lung function is not well understood, in part because of the difficulties inherent in studying lung collagen, regardless of the type of assay used. A major problem is the insolubility of lung collagen; generally less than 20% of total lung collagen can be solubilized as intact chains, even with harsh extraction procedures. Since such collagen may not be representative of total lung collagen, errors in quantitating collagen types, for example, may arise from using such material. Measurement of total lung collagen content may also pose problems, unless appropriate parameters of normalization are chosen. Biopsy dry weight, protein content, and DNA content, for example, may all change in certain disease states. Despite these difficulties, a number of changes in lung collagen have been documented in experimental pulmonary fibrosis, including increased collagen content, increased collagen synthesis rates, and changes in collagen type ratios. Many questions remain. For example, why do diverse toxic substances appear to cause essentially the same fibrotic response, even though initial sites of damage may vary? Conversely, why do similar toxic substances, such as ozone and NO2, cause diverse responses (fibrosis and emphysema, respectively)? Much work remains to be done to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the lung's choice of response

    Normal Approximation of Kabanov–Skorohod Integrals on Poisson Spaces

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    We consider the normal approximation of Kabanov–Skorohod integrals on a general Poisson space. Our bounds are for the Wasserstein and the Kolmogorov distance and involve only difference operators of the integrand of the Kabanov–Skorohod integral. The proofs rely on the Malliavin–Stein method and, in particular, on multiple applications of integration by parts formulae. As examples, we study some linear statistics of point processes that can be constructed by Poisson embeddings and functionals related to Pareto optimal points of a Poisson process

    Bloch electron in a magnetic field and the Ising model

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    The spectral determinant det(H-\epsilon I) of the Azbel-Hofstadter Hamiltonian H is related to Onsager's partition function of the 2D Ising model for any value of magnetic flux \Phi=2\pi P/Q through an elementary cell, where P and Q are coprime integers. The band edges of H correspond to the critical temperature of the Ising model; the spectral determinant at these (and other points defined in a certain similar way) is independent of P. A connection of the mean of Lyapunov exponents to the asymptotic (large Q) bandwidth is indicated.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, REVTE
