454 research outputs found

    User-Driven Designs in Medical Informatics:Developing and Implementing Support forInter-departmental Coordination of Hospital Work using Electronic Whiteboard

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    We present an ethnographic study of the organizational aspects of the use of an electronic whiteboard (EW) system implemented in a Danish hospital located in NykĂžbing Falster (NFH). The EW system had originally been developed for the emergency department (ED), but had later been extended to the entire hospital, and the study was conducted about 10 months its implementation. The study focuses on coordination regarding inter-departmental ordering of surgical operations via the EW system. The research question asked whether clinicians experienced impacts, and challenges in this respect. The results of the study show that the EW system had been configured, and the use of it organized, in a manner that facilitates support of inter-departmental coordination of work. We identify, describe and discuss the challenges related to the difficulty of accommodating the heterogeneous practices and demonstrate the complexity of organizing cooperative work using artefacts and technology across organizational units

    An understanding of how aviation is handled in Helsinki and Finland

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    In conventional aviation research, airport development is often illustrated as ’closed’ and interlinked by transport systems that facilitate passenger transport; airlines provide the capacity in airspace, while airports provide the capacity for airlines and passengers on the ground. However in this article, we examine the driving forces behind the increase in the number of passengers through a social aeromobility approach and using a case study of Helsinki airport, drawing on stakeholders’ interviews. The main argument of the article is that the development of the airport network in Finland is a consequence of social processes and discussions involving multiple stakeholders with different local and global perspectives, where aviation policy is related to the narrative: ‘Finland is an island’. Further, we argue that such a narrative helps stimulate a political awareness of aviation, and this motivates the acceptance of large investments in infrastructure. In conclusion, the article therefore also puts forward the view that aviation development theoretically must be understood as more than a ‘global flow of machines in the aviation system’, and that the relationship between places and flying needs to be brought much more to the fore in future aeromobility research

    An understanding of how aviation is handled in Helsinki and Finland

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    In conventional aviation research, airport development is often illustrated as ’closed’ and interlinked by transport systems that facilitate passenger transport; airlines provide the capacity in airspace, while airports provide the capacity for airlines and passengers on the ground. However in this article, we examine the driving forces behind the increase in the number of passengers through a social aeromobility approach and using a case study of Helsinki airport, drawing on stakeholders’ interviews. The main argument of the article is that the development of the airport network in Finland is a consequence of social processes and discussions involving multiple stakeholders with different local and global perspectives, where aviation policy is related to the narrative: ‘Finland is an island’. Further, we argue that such a narrative helps stimulate a political awareness of aviation, and this motivates the acceptance of large investments in infrastructure. In conclusion, the article therefore also puts forward the view that aviation development theoretically must be understood as more than a ‘global flow of machines in the aviation system’, and that the relationship between places and flying needs to be brought much more to the fore in future aeromobility research

    A 2.5 gb/s GaAs ATM Mux Demux ASIC

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    Autoregulation der VEGF-Sekretion im retinalen Pigmentepithel

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    Die altersabhĂ€ngige Makuladegeneration ist die hĂ€ufigste Ursache fĂŒr die Erblindung Ă€lterer Menschen in der westlichen industrialisierten Welt. Bei der exsudativen Form der Erkrankung kommt es zu einer choroidalen Neovaskularisation (CNV) mit der Folge eines Sehverlusts mit Störung der zentralen Sehkraft und charakteristischen Sehstörungen, die im Alltag gravierende Probleme bereiten. Ein wichtiger pathogenetischer Faktor bei der Entstehung der feuchten Form der AMD ist der Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), der als Wachstumsfaktor die Entstehung neuer BlutgefĂ€ĂŸe induziert. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Regulation der konstitutiven VEGF-AusschĂŒttung im retinalen Pigmentepithel an einer RPE/Aderhaut-Organkultur und an einer RPE-Zellkultur untersucht. Dazu wurden verschiedene Substanzen verwendet, die in die VEGF-vermittelte intrazellulĂ€re Signaltransduktion eingreifen. Die Versuche ergaben, dass die Blockade des VEGFR-II als Langzeiteffekt zu einer Abnahme der VEGF-Sekretion fĂŒhrt. Die Inhibition der PI3K fĂŒhrt zum selben Effekt, sodass es sich wahrscheinlich um denselben Signaltransduktionsweg handelt, der fĂŒr das RPE nebenher auch in der Protektion gegen oxidativen Stress bekanntermaßen Bedeutung hat. Durch Inhibition der PKC konnte keine Abnahme der VEGF-Sekretion herbeigefĂŒhrt werden. Die Ergebnisse in Organ- und Zellkultur bestĂ€tigen einander

    VLSI implementation of a fairness ATM buffer system

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