648 research outputs found

    The Eighteenth-Century Woodwind Cadenza

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    Analytic Transfer Function of the Forward Propagation of Diffuse Photon Density Waves in Turbid Media with an Embedded Spherical Inhomogeneity

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    Diffusing photons can be used to detect and localize optical inhomogeneities embedded in turbid media such as clouds, fog, paint and human tissue. This thesis shows that a transfer function derived from an analytic solution of the Helmholtz equation can completely characterize in three dimensions the perturbations in the forward propagation phenomena caused by a spherical defect object in a multiple-scattering medium. Two models of the forward propagation behavior of diffuse photon density waves in homogeneous, infinite, turbid media that contains a spherical inhomogeneity are examined. The first model is an exact analytic solution based on a modal expansion in spherical harmonics. The second model uses Fourier optics theory for wave propagation in a plane through homogeneous turbid media containing a spherical lens. The Fourier optics model is found to be a good approximation to the exact analytic solution when the optical absorptive contrast of the inhomogeneity and the surrounding media is weakly perturbative, and the detector is not near the inhomogeneity. Using linear system theory, a transfer function from the analytic model is derived. This function improves the Fourier optics model by replacing the spherical lens approximation with an exact representation of the system perturbation behavior. The transfer function is shown through simulation to completely characterize the sensitivity of the system to detect and localize in three dimensions inhomogeneities of varying optical contrast with the surrounding media

    Deep Learning for Continuous Symbolic Melody Generation Conditioned on Lyrics and Initial melodies

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    Symbolic music generation is an interdisciplinary research area, combining machine learning and music theory. This project focuses on the intersection of two problems within music generation, namely generating continuous music following a given seed (introduction), and rhythmically matching given lyrics. It enables artists to use AI as creative aid, obtaining a complete song having only written the lyrics and an initial melody. We propose a method for targeted training of a recursive Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for initial melody conditioned generation, and explore the possibilities of using other state-of-the-art deep learning generation techniques, such as Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs), Long-short-term-memory networks (LSTMs) and the attention mechanism

    Ischémie mésentérique étendue associée à la prise excessive de naratriptan et de jus de pamplemousse

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    We reported the case of a 61-year-old woman, who has been hospitalized in ICU because of an extensive mesenteric ischaemia, involving the small bowel, secondary to a naratriptan overuse. This mesenteric ischaemia was complicated by multiple organ failure and was responsible for extensive small bowel resection and left colectomy. A concomitant abundant absorption of grapefruit juice, a well-known P450 inhibitor, may have enhanced this naratriptan toxicity. This case underscore that an abdominal pain occurring in the context of headache treatment may be related to a mesenteric ischaemia

    Evidences of Complexity of Magnitude Distribution, Obtained from a Non-Parametric Testing Procedure

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    Evidences of Complexity of Magnitude Distribution, Obtained from a Non-Parametric Testing Procedur

    Supplémentation en fer : indications, limites et modalités

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    During the past 10 years, the knowledge of iron metabolism has been revolutionized by the discovery of the main regulatory hormone of body iron: hepcidin. Meanwhile, new formulations of intravenous iron have been developed and are already or readily available. In this article, we review the recent pathophysiological mechanisms underlying anemia of chronic disease or due to iron deficiency. We describe the various treatment modalities of iron deficiency anemia using oral or intravenous route and the emerging indications of treatment with iron. Finally, we discuss the situations in which iron supplementation may be harmful

    Assessment of artificial intelligence (AI) reporting methodology in glioma MRI studies using the Checklist for AI in Medical Imaging (CLAIM)

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    Purpose: The Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CLAIM) is a recently released guideline designed for the optimal reporting methodology of artificial intelligence (AI) studies. Gliomas are the most common form of primary malignant brain tumour and numerous outcomes derived from AI algorithms such as grading, survival, treatment-related effects and molecular status have been reported. The aim of the study is to evaluate the AI reporting methodology for outcomes relating to gliomas in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using the CLAIM criteria. Methods: A literature search was performed on three databases pertaining to AI augmentation of glioma MRI, published between the start of 2018 and the end of 2021 Results: A total of 4308 articles were identified and 138 articles remained after screening. These articles were categorised into four main AI tasks: grading (n= 44), predicting molecular status (n= 50), predicting survival (n= 25) and distinguishing true tumour progression from treatment-related effects (n= 10). The average CLAIM score was 20/42 (range: 10–31). Studies most consistently reported the scientific background and clinical role of their AI approach. Areas of improvement were identified in the reporting of data collection, data management, ground truth and validation of AI performance. Conclusion: AI may be a means of producing high-accuracy results for certain tasks in glioma MRI; however, there remain issues with reporting quality. AI reporting guidelines may aid in a more reproducible and standardised approach to reporting and will aid in clinical integration

    Analysis of the strategies for managing extended-range electric vehicle powertrain in the urban driving cycle

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    Introduction. An Extended-Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) is a type of electric vehicle that uses an additional internal combustion engine (ICE) to charge the battery in order to provide the vehicle with a greater range than in electric only mode. Purpose. Analysis and comparison of the performance of EREV powertrain managed according to three control strategies: pure electric mode, hybrid mode with ICE constantly working, and hybrid mode with ICE working only at high power demand. Methods. The tests were carried out using a laboratory test stand that represented the structure of EREV powertrain. Liquefied petroleum gas was used as a fuel to supply the ICE. The test conditions were defined by a special driving cycle simulating urban driving. Results. Time series plots of selected parameters of electric motor, electrochemical battery pack, range extender generator and active load system. Practical value. Among the considered control strategies of EREV powertrain, the energy balance of the electrochemical battery is negative for a purely electric mode, significantly positive for continuous range extenders (REXs) operation mode and moderately positive for the mode with REX activation only in dynamic states.Вступ. Електромобіль зі збільшеним запасом ходу (ЕЗЗХ) – це тип електромобіля, який використовує додатковий двигун внутрішнього згоряння (ДВЗ) для заряджання акумулятора, щоб забезпечити транспортний засіб більшим запасом ходу, ніж у режимі лише на електричному ходу. Мета. Аналіз та порівняння ефективності силової передачі ЕЗЗХ, керованої відповідно до трьох стратегій управління: чисто електричний режим, гібридний режим з постійно працюючим ДВЗ та гібридний режим з ДВЗ, що працює тільки при високому споживанні потужності. Методи. Випробування проводилися на лабораторному стенді, що представляє собою конструкцію силової передачі ЕЗЗХ. Скраплений газ використовувався як паливо для живлення ДВЗ. Умови випробувань визначалися спеціальним циклом водіння, що імітує водіння в умовах міста. Результати. Графіки часових рядів вибраних параметрів електродвигуна, електрохімічної акумуляторної батареї, генератора-розширювача діапазону та системи активного навантаження. Практична цінність. Серед розглянутих стратегій керування силовою установкою ЕЗЗХ, баланс енергії електрохімічної батареї негативний для чисто електричного режиму, суттєво позитивний для режиму роботи розширювачів діапазону (РД) та помірно позитивний для режиму з активацією РД лише у динамічних станах