12 research outputs found

    Direct aerosol chemical composition measurements to evaluate the physicochemical differences between controlled sea spray aerosol generation schemes

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    Controlled laboratory studies of the physical and chemical properties of sea spray aerosol (SSA) must be under-pinned by a physically and chemically accurate representation of the bubble-mediated production of nascent SSA particles. Bubble bursting is sensitive to the physico-chemical properties of seawater. For a sample of seawater, any important differences in the SSA production mechanism are projected into the composition of the aerosol particles produced. Using direct chemical measurements of SSA at the single-particle level, this study presents an intercomparison of three laboratory-based, bubble-mediated SSA production schemes: gas forced through submerged sintered glass filters ("frits"), a pulsed plunging-waterfall apparatus, and breaking waves in a wave channel filled with natural seawater. The size-resolved chemical composition of SSA particles produced by breaking waves is more similar to particles produced by the plunging waterfall than those produced by sintered glass filters. Aerosol generated by disintegrating foam produced by sintered glass filters contained a larger fraction of organic-enriched particles and a different size-resolved elemental composition, especially in the 0.8–2 μm dry diameter range. Interestingly, chemical differences between the methods only emerged when the particles were chemically analyzed at the single-particle level as a function of size; averaging the elemental composition of all particles across all sizes masked the differences between the SSA samples. When dried, SSA generated by the sintered glass filters had the highest fraction of particles with spherical morphology compared to the more cubic structure expected for pure NaCl particles produced when the particle contains relatively little organic carbon. In addition to an intercomparison of three SSA production methods, the role of the episodic or "pulsed" nature of the waterfall method on SSA composition was under-taken. In organic-enriched seawater, the continuous operation of the plunging waterfall resulted in the accumulation of surface foam and an over-expression of organic matter in SSA particles compared to those produced by a pulsed plunging waterfall. Throughout this set of experiments, comparative differences in the SSA number size distribution were coincident with differences in aerosol particle composition, indicating that the production mechanism of SSA exerts important controls on both the physical and chemical properties of the resulting aerosol with respect to both the internal and external mixing state of particles. This study provides insight into the inextricable physicochemical differences between each of the bubble-mediated SSA generation mechanisms tested and the aerosol particles that they produce, and also serves as a guideline for future laboratory studies of SSA particles

    Риторика ранних эстетических манифестов Пруста

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    Marcel Proust’s non-fiction heritage includes several texts that are usually seen as the future novelist’s attempts to formulate his views on the nature of art and to clarify his place in the literary life of the time. This article examines Proust’s most accomplished anti-symbolist manifesto, “Contre l’Obscurité”, and three fragments describing different aspects of the creative experience. The purpose of this research is to investigate the rhetorical aspects of Proust’s reflection on the creative process and to establish the pragmatics of this sort of writing in the context of the novelist’s formation. While tracing the rhetoric strategies Proust uses to distance himself from the artistic trends of his own generation, the article proposes to read these early drafts not only as a theory of art but also as a manifestation of the author’s doubts and ambitions regarding his literary project. As proved in this article, Proust in his debuts is most original and most modernist not when he is trying to imitate art theorists or critics but when he is touching upon the struggles of a young author (fear to lose inspiration or to be unable to finish the major work, problems of finding literary identity, relationship with the readers)Нехудожественное наследие Марселя Пруста включает ряд текстов, которые обычно рассматривают как попытки будущего романиста сформулировать свои взгляды на природу искусства и прояснить свое место в литературной жизни эпохи. В статье рассматриваются наиболее завершенный антисимволистский манифест Пруста «Против неясности», и три фрагмента, в которых описываются разные аспекты творческого опыта. Задача исследования в том, чтобы изучить риторические аспекты прустовской рефлексии о творческом процессе и определить прагматику такого типа письма в контексте формирования романиста. Прослеживая риторические стратегии, которые Пруст использует, чтобы дистанцироваться от художественных тенденций своего поколения, данная статья предлагает интерпретировать эти ранние наброски не только как теорию искусства, но и как манифестацию авторских сомнений и амбиций, связанных с его литературным проектом. Как доказывается в статье, Пруст в своих дебютных опытах наиболее оригинален и близок к модернизму не тогда, когда пытается имитировать теоретиков и критиков, а когда затрагивает трудности работы начинающего автора (страх утратить вдохновение или не суметь закончить свой главный труд, проблемы поиска литературной идентичности, отношения с читателями

    Strategic marketing of innovations in the cosmetic market

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    The article is discusses the scientific and theoretical approaches to marketing of innovations in the cosmetic market in the strategic aspect. It is showing the development of the concept of strategic marketing innovation in the foreign and domestic scientific literature; the key concepts of marketing innovations is clarified; elements of the commercialization of innovative products is identified; the specificity of strategic marketing innovations in the cosmetic market in the Russian conditions is established; actual problems of innovative development and commercialization of innovations is identified; an assessment of the Russian market of innovations. The marketing of innovations – is a systematic methodological approach that combines the strategy and tactics of promotion goods (works, services, technologies), having substantially new properties, at the level of economic entities, it is proved. Under the innovative products offered to understand the implementation of the results of scientific and technological activities in the form of goods, works and services, which have an absolute or relative scientific and technological novelty and (or) consumer value, going beyond the existing traditions. Innovative production is subdivided into two main categories: not commercialized and the commercialized production. Process of commercialization of innovative goods is considered as three-level system: the first level is the state innovation policy (macro-level); the second level – regional innovation policy (meso-level); the third level – commodity innovative policy of enterprise (micro-level). It was shown that the weak spots for Russian manufacturers of innovative products has been and remains insufficient elaboration of organizational and methodological approaches to strategic marketing of innovations in industry the as aspect, including in the sector of cosmetic goods. Recommendations for the development of marketing strategy of innovation for the Russian manufacturers of cosmetic products based on the analysis of world practice, its Russian market and detailed study of marketing strategy of innovation

    Риторика ранних эстетических манифестов Пруста

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    Marcel Proust’s non-fiction heritage includes several texts that are usually seen as the future novelist’s attempts to formulate his views on the nature of art and to clarify his place in the literary life of the time. This article examines Proust’s most accomplished anti-symbolist manifesto, “Contre l’Obscurité”, and three fragments describing different aspects of the creative experience. The purpose of this research is to investigate the rhetorical aspects of Proust’s reflection on the creative process and to establish the pragmatics of this sort of writing in the context of the novelist’s formation. While tracing the rhetoric strategies Proust uses to distance himself from the artistic trends of his own generation, the article proposes to read these early drafts not only as a theory of art but also as a manifestation of the author’s doubts and ambitions regarding his literary project. As proved in this article, Proust in his debuts is most original and most modernist not when he is trying to imitate art theorists or critics but when he is touching upon the struggles of a young author (fear to lose inspiration or to be unable to finish the major work, problems of finding literary identity, relationship with the readers)Нехудожественное наследие Марселя Пруста включает ряд текстов, которые обычно рассматривают как попытки будущего романиста сформулировать свои взгляды на природу искусства и прояснить свое место в литературной жизни эпохи. В статье рассматриваются наиболее завершенный антисимволистский манифест Пруста «Против неясности», и три фрагмента, в которых описываются разные аспекты творческого опыта. Задача исследования в том, чтобы изучить риторические аспекты прустовской рефлексии о творческом процессе и определить прагматику такого типа письма в контексте формирования романиста. Прослеживая риторические стратегии, которые Пруст использует, чтобы дистанцироваться от художественных тенденций своего поколения, данная статья предлагает интерпретировать эти ранние наброски не только как теорию искусства, но и как манифестацию авторских сомнений и амбиций, связанных с его литературным проектом. Как доказывается в статье, Пруст в своих дебютных опытах наиболее оригинален и близок к модернизму не тогда, когда пытается имитировать теоретиков и критиков, а когда затрагивает трудности работы начинающего автора (страх утратить вдохновение или не суметь закончить свой главный труд, проблемы поиска литературной идентичности, отношения с читателями

    Microbial Control of Sea Spray Aerosol Composition: A Tale of Two Blooms

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    With the oceans covering 71% of the Earth, sea spray aerosol (SSA) particles profoundly impact climate through their ability to scatter solar radiation and serve as seeds for cloud formation. The climate properties can change when sea salt particles become mixed with insoluble organic material formed in ocean regions with phytoplankton blooms. Currently, the extent to which SSA chemical composition and climate properties are altered by biological processes in the ocean is uncertain. To better understand the factors controlling SSA composition, we carried out a mesocosm study in an isolated ocean-atmosphere facility containing 3,400 gallons of natural seawater. Over the course of the study, two successive phytoplankton blooms resulted in SSA with vastly different composition and properties. During the first bloom, aliphatic-rich organics were enhanced in submicron SSA and tracked the abundance of phytoplankton as indicated by chlorophyll-a concentrations. In contrast, the second bloom showed no enhancement of organic species in submicron particles. A concurrent increase in ice nucleating SSA particles was also observed only during the first bloom. Analysis of the temporal variability in the concentration of aliphatic-rich organic species, using a kinetic model, suggests that the observed enhancement in SSA organic content is set by a delicate balance between the rate of phytoplankton primary production of labile lipids and enzymatic induced degradation. This study establishes a mechanistic framework indicating that biological processes in the ocean and SSA chemical composition are coupled not simply by ocean chlorophyll-a concentrations, but are modulated by microbial degradation processes. This work provides unique insight into the biological, chemical, and physical processes that control SSA chemical composition, that when properly accounted for may explain the observed differences in SSA composition between field studies. \ua9 2015 American Chemical Society

    Molecular Diversity of Sea Spray Aerosol Particles: Impact of Ocean Biology on Particle Composition and Hygroscopicity

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    The impact of sea spray aerosol (SSA) on climate depends on the size and chemical composition of individual particles that make up the total SSA ensemble. There remains a lack of understanding as to the composition of individual particles within the SSA ensemble and how it changes in response to dynamic ocean biology. Here, we characterize the classes of organic compounds as well as specific molecules within individual SSA particles. The diversity of molecules within the organic fraction was observed to vary between submicrometer- and supermicrometer-sized particles and included contributions from fatty acids, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, and siliceous material. Significant changes in this molecular diversity were observed to coincide with the rise and fall of phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria populations within the seawater. Furthermore, the water uptake of individual particles was affected, as learned from studying the hygroscopicity of model systems composed of representative mixtures of salts and organic compounds

    Direct aerosol chemical composition measurements to evaluate the physicochemical differences between controlled sea spray aerosol generation schemes

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    Controlled laboratory studies of the physical and chemical properties of sea spray aerosol (SSA) must be under-pinned by a physically and chemically accurate representation of the bubble-mediated production of nascent SSA particles. Bubble bursting is sensitive to the physico-chemical properties of seawater. For a sample of seawater, any important differences in the SSA production mechanism are projected into the composition of the aerosol particles produced. Using direct chemical measurements of SSA at the single-particle level, this study presents an intercomparison of three laboratory-based, bubble-mediated SSA production schemes: gas forced through submerged sintered glass filters ("frits"), a pulsed plunging-waterfall apparatus, and breaking waves in a wave channel filled with natural seawater. The size-resolved chemical composition of SSA particles produced by breaking waves is more similar to particles produced by the plunging waterfall than those produced by sintered glass filters. Aerosol generated by disintegrating foam produced by sintered glass filters contained a larger fraction of organic-enriched particles and a different size-resolved elemental composition, especially in the 0.8–2 μm dry diameter range. Interestingly, chemical differences between the methods only emerged when the particles were chemically analyzed at the single-particle level as a function of size; averaging the elemental composition of all particles across all sizes masked the differences between the SSA samples. When dried, SSA generated by the sintered glass filters had the highest fraction of particles with spherical morphology compared to the more cubic structure expected for pure NaCl particles produced when the particle contains relatively little organic carbon. In addition to an intercomparison of three SSA production methods, the role of the episodic or "pulsed" nature of the waterfall method on SSA composition was under-taken. In organic-enriched seawater, the continuous operation of the plunging waterfall resulted in the accumulation of surface foam and an over-expression of organic matter in SSA particles compared to those produced by a pulsed plunging waterfall. Throughout this set of experiments, comparative differences in the SSA number size distribution were coincident with differences in aerosol particle composition, indicating that the production mechanism of SSA exerts important controls on both the physical and chemical properties of the resulting aerosol with respect to both the internal and external mixing state of particles. This study provides insight into the inextricable physicochemical differences between each of the bubble-mediated SSA generation mechanisms tested and the aerosol particles that they produce, and also serves as a guideline for future laboratory studies of SSA particles