424 research outputs found

    Knowledge Sharing Pustakawan Melalui Teknologi Cloud Storage di Perpustakaan

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    Pustakawan sangat dibutuhkan pemustaka dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi baik yang dimiliki maupun tidak dimiliki perpustakaan melalui Jasa Penelusuran Informasi. Jumlah permintaan informasi terus meningkat sebagai dampak banyaknya kebutuhan informasi pemustaka dan sumber informasi, sementara pemustaka membutuhkan informasi dan tidak semua tersedia secara bebas. Dampak permasalahan yang timbul terkait dengan hasil penelusuran informasi adalah mengenai pengelolaan dokumen yang diperoleh. Selama ini hanya tersimpan di komputer kerja pustakawan, hal ini menjadi kendala, ketika makin banyak hasil penelusuran informasi yang harus disimpan,sehingga perlu media penyimpanan alternatif yang memungkinkan hasil penelusuran informasi terkumpul dalam satu tempat dan dapat diakses dari mana dan kapan saja tanpa dibatasi tempat dan waktu. Melalui pemanfaatan media penyimpanan awan (Cloud Storage), pustakawan dapat melakukan pengelolaan dokumen hasil penelusuran informasi (document management), berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing), pengiriman dokumen (document delivery) serta sistem temu kembali (retrieval system). Peran pustakawan dalam berbagi pengetahuan di perpustakaan dapat meningkatkan kualitas kinerja sebagai profesional informasi serta dapat mengoptimalkan fungsi perpustakaan sebagai pusat sumber belajar untuk mewujudkan belajar sepanjang hayat

    A Study on the Ability of Supra-Segmental and Segmental Aspects in English Pronunciation

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    This study attempted to examine the EFL students’ Basic English Pronunciation (BEP) at the first semester of the English study program, the State University of Timor. It was aimed at finding out the mastery of the students’ ability towards the Basic English Pronunciation (BEP), to what extent do the students still find difficulties to pronounce the basic English words, and to what level do the students' mastery level of pronunciation categorized? The method applied in this research was a descriptive quantitative method that employed the syntax of mathematical operation to investigate the properties of data collection (Walliman, 2005). The instrument was a list of 24 numbers of groups of Voice Consonants and Unvoiced Consonants of Basic English Pronunciation taken from “Improve Your English Pronunciation and Learn over 500 Commonly Mispronounced Words”, meanwhile, 26 students were chosen from the freshmen students of English Study Program (ESP) to be the subject of this present study. The result showed that the students’ ability in pronouncing the Basic English words was fair. Particularly, the students mostly had the ‘Enough’ level of ability at the four elements of supra-segmental as such: stress, intonation, voice quality and gesture. Specifically, at this ‘Enough level’, there were 16 students (61.5%) of ‘Stress’ element, 17 students (65.3%) of ‘Intonation’ element, 13 students (50.0%) of ‘Voice Quality’ and ‘Gestures’ as part of Segmental element was 16 students (61.5%). Meanwhile, at the ‘Rhythm’ element, most students (53.8% = 14 students) showed the ‘Less’ ability in this element and only 12 (46.1%) categorized at the level of ‘Enough’’. Otherwise, there were no students in the ‘Bad’ level category. However, few students still encountered difficulties in Segmental element (Voice Quality) and Supra-segmental parts such as words’ stressing, intonation, rhythm, and gestures respectively


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    Essential characteristics of products are set during early phases of product development as well as manufacturing. During these processes, decisions are made without awareness of their final impacts on long term key success factors. Industrial businesses lack concepts that enable decision-makers within knowledge based engineering processes, to anticipate possible impacts of their decisions. Due to this, many industrial companies employ so called knowledge engineers to manually gather and analyze information of product lifecycles. In order to improve the decision support within knowledge based engineering, a concept was developed, which contains the extension of business intelligence environments with product-orientated data warehouses. It is thus possible to combine technical information of product features with the traditional dimensions of managerial analysis in order to identify impacts of decisions on the product lifecycle and hence support knowledge engineers in their daily work

    Analisis Layanan Referensi via Email : Survei Tentang Kepuasan Pengguna di Perpustakaan Universitas Surabaya

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    Pada bulan Pebruari 2011, Pustakawan layanan referensi perpustakaan Universitas Surabaya melakukan survey pengguna yang telah memanfaatkan layanan referensi dengan menggunakan email. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap layanan referensi via email perpustakaan Ubaya dan sejauh mana layanan referensi via email ini dapat lebih ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif dengan menggunakan metode survei, yaitu “penelitian yang mengambil sampel dari satu populasi, Responden adalah pengguna layanan referensi via email dipilih dari mereka yang telah mengajukan pertanyaan ke layanan referensi via email secara online. Penyebaran kuesioner survei dengan menggunakan ”Lime survey”. Setiap pengguna diberikan undangan melalui email untuk mengisi kuesioner yang memuat pertanyaan atau pernyataan tertulis untuk dijawab. Kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada pengguna berbentuk pertanyaan tertutup dan terbuka. Lokasi penelitian di layanan referensi Perpustakaan UBAYA. Terdapat 73 alamat email pengguna yang diberikan undangan mengisi kuesioner penelitian layanan referensi via email. Total yang memberikan respons dengan mengirimkan kembali ke peneliti dan telah diisi lengkap sebanyak 62 responden, dan sisanya sebanyak 11 responden tidak memberikan respons. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden (91,6%) merasa puas dengan layanan referensi melalui e-mail perpustakaan UBAYA, dengan tingkat respon responden cukup tinggi (84,9%). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa layanan referensi melalui e-mail telah secara efektif dan efisien memberikan pelayanan informasi kepada pengguna diperlukan

    Analisi del processo di Riesame della Progettazione in Ansaldo Energia e proposte di miglioramento.

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    Ansaldo Energia, uno dei maggiori player internazionali per progettazione, costruzione e service circa impianti per produzione di energia elettrica, ha manifestato l’esigenza di incrementare l’efficacia e l’efficienza del processo di riesame della progettazione. Il presente lavoro, svolto nel corso di uno stage semestrale in Ansaldo Energia, descrive l’approccio seguito, dall’analisi della situazione iniziale in azienda (As Is) alla proposta di possibili azioni migliorative implementabili (To Be). Si è partiti ricercando la radice del problema, cioè indagando circa le cause potenzialmente impattanti; tra queste, sono state isolate le cause reali ricorrendo ad alcuni strumenti ingegneristico – qualitativi. Infine sono state messe a punto soluzioni implementabili, tenendo conto sia delle peculiarità del processo di riesame della progettazione sia delle caratteristiche dell’azienda. Design Review process analysis in Ansaldo Energia and proposals for its improvement. Ansaldo Energia, one of the foremost international players in design, construction and service for power plants, has expressed the necessity to increase design review process effectiveness and efficiency. This work, developed during a six month internship in Ansaldo Energia, describes the approach followed, from the analysis of the initial situation (As Is), to possible improvement proposals (To Be). We started from the problem root, looking into potential impact causes; then, among those, we isolated the real causes through the use of some engineering tools. Finally, implementable solutions have been setted up, considering on one side the design review process main characteristics, from the other side Ansaldo’s ones

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Mendeley Dalam Penulisan Proposal Dan Skripsi Bagi Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris Universitas Timor

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    Menulis sitasi merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa. Mendeley desktop adalah platform yang menyediakan berbagai jenis kutipan dalam penulisan ilmiah standar. Namun seringkali dalam penulisan kutipan, siswa masih menggunakan cara manual dengan menyortir nama penulis dari sumber yang diambil dan judul baik penomoran maupun abjad. Untuk itu perlu diadakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui pelatihan penggunaan Mendeley dalam penulisan proposal dan skripsi bagi mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris FIP-Unimor. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 1 hari di Aula FIP-Unimor. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan ini sebanyak 124 orang, dengan rincian semester 2 sebanyak 57 mahasiswa; semester 4 sebanyak 36, dan semester 6 sebanyak 31 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah ceramah, praktik, dan diskusi. Dampak dari pelatihan ini mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam mengoperasikan aplikasi Mendeley untuk pengelolaan referensi daftar pustaka. Disarankan agar kegiatan ini tidak hanya pelatihan tetapi dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan berbagai workshop lainnya dan diseminasi dapat menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley untuk mengerjakan berbagai bentuk penulisan ilmiah, jurnal, proposal, dan tesis


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    This document contains an approach to map the changeability possibilities of machine tools used on the shop floor onto line management understandable business processes. The identified gap is a lack of information transparency on the line management level due to constraints, complexity and speed of a production process on the shop floor. Especially medium-sized enterprises in the supplier sector are forced to operate under strong time restrictions which are predetermined by original equipment manufacturers. Due to competitors and shareholders these enterprises often use a lean management approach which allows them on the one hand to produce under low costs but on the other hand handicaps them to react on disruptive events on the shop floor. We argue that nowadays industrial small and medium sized industrial enterprises have to have a fast reaction on changes and events. It is seen by the authors that changeability of production processes is an essential success factor in this globalized world. Because of the fact that more and more responsibility is handed over to the lower line management, the information support has to be improved in order to make them capable for choosing the best decision. In this paper a concept is shown how the lower management can reallocate production process steps in order to avoid penalty costs if a just in time production is requested by an original equipment manufacturer. To be able to do this, an information support concept for the lower management has to be established within the company to meet the requirements for choosing the best fitting reaction to a disruptive event. The future research concept is described after the analysis of an example production process scenario which is illustrated within this paper

    A System Dynamics Model of Bitcoin: Mining as an Efficient Market and the Possibility of ‘Peak Hash’

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    The mining of bitcoin is modeled using a system dynamics model that represents both the mechanism of coin creation and the adjustment of the network hash rate based on the economic incentive of mining. The results show that the past evolution of the network hash rate can be explained, to a large extent, by an efficient market hypothesis applied to the mining of blocks. The possibility of a decreasing trend in the network hash rate from the halving event of May 2020 is exposed, implying that the network may be close to ’peak hash’ if the price of bitcoin and the revenues from transaction fees will be insufficient to cover the operational expenditures of mining

    A Study on the EFL Learners’ Ability in Taking TOEFL Listening Test

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    The recent study aims at investigating how far the ESP learners’ ability and the strategies they employed in mastering the Listening Comprehensions skills of the TOEFL test. The descriptive research design focused on content analysis was applied to gather the data taken by 25 students as participants of the study. In order to see the learners’ ability in Listening Comprehension (LC) skills, the 50 questions of Listening Comprehension Test were given through the Pre-Test and Post-Test during one semester course from the Longman Introductory Course For The TOEFL Test (Green Book) by Debora Philips (2004). The observation and the test were the instruments in obtaining the data needed. The data was then analyzed based on the 3 (three) major skills in Listening Comprehension part A, B, and C covered 12 sub-skills or the strategies applied. The result of the ESP learners’ ability in Listening Comprehension (LC) was moderately revealed and they were in the level of ‘Low Intermediate’ level in general. However, there was still few students had not improved yet. Moreover, in Part B (skill 7 – 9) gained the highest scores percentage among two other skills, followed by skill 10 – 12 in Part C Long Talks. Meanwhile, Part A (skill 1 – 6) achieved the lowest scores’ percentage in implementing the strategies, specifically in the skill of 4, 2 and 1 (Passives, Negatives, and Restatements) in sequent. Thus, it is suggested that students need to do more exercises on TOEFL Listening Part A suggested strategies by Philips (2004). Moreover, with the advanced of technology, learners can improve their English Listening skills by accessing the free online TOEFL courses from experts in the internet besides doing more drillings on YouTube channels and Podcasts
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