57 research outputs found

    Scale-independent roughness value of cell membranes studied by means of AFM technique

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    AbstractThe roughness of cell membrane is a very interesting indicator of cell's health state. Atomic Force Microscopy allows us to investigate the roughness of cell membrane in great detail, but the obtained roughness value is scale-dependent, i.e. it strongly depends on measurement parameters, as scanning area and step size. The scale-dependence of the roughness value can be reduced by means of data filtration techniques, that are not standardized at nanometric scale, especially as far as biological data are concerned. In this work, a new method, based on the changes of values of some roughness parameter (root mean square roughness and skewness) as a function of filtration frequencies, has been implemented to optimize data filtering procedure in the calculation of cell membrane roughness. In this way, a root mean square roughness value independent of cell shape, membrane micro-irregularities and measurement parameters can be obtained. Moreover, different filtration frequencies selected with this method allow us to discriminate different surface regimes (nominal form, waviness and roughness) belonging to the raw cell profile, each one related to different features of the cell surface

    Evaluation of Proton-Induced Biomolecular Changes in MCF-10A Breast Cells by Means of FT-IR Microspectroscopy

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    Radiotherapy (RT) with accelerated beams of charged particles (protons and carbon ions), also known as hadrontherapy, is a treatment modality that is increasingly being adopted thanks to the several benefits that it grants compared to conventional radiotherapy (CRT) treatments performed by means of high-energy photons/electrons. Hence, information about the biomolecular effects in exposed cells caused by such particles is needed to better realize the underlying radiobiological mechanisms and to improve this therapeutic strategy. To this end, Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (-FT-IR) can be usefully employed, in addition to long-established radiobiological techniques, since it is currently considered a helpful tool for examining radiation-induced cellular changes. In the present study, MCF-10A breast cells were chosen to evaluate the effects of proton exposure using -FT-IR. They were exposed to different proton doses and fixed at various times after exposure to evaluate direct effects due to proton exposure and the kinetics of DNA damage repair. Irradiated and control cells were examined in transflection mode using low-e substrates that have been recently demonstrated to offer a fast and direct way to examine proton-exposed cells. The acquired spectra were analyzed using a deconvolution procedure and a ratiometric approach, both of which showed the different contributions of DNA, protein, lipid, and carbohydrate cell components. These changes were particularly significant for cells fixed 48 and 72 h after exposure. Lipid changes were related to variations in membrane fluidity, and evidence of DNA damage was highlighted. The analysis of the Amide III band also indicated changes that could be related to different enzyme contributions in DNA repair

    FT-IR Transflection Micro-Spectroscopy Study on Normal Human Breast Cells after Exposure to a Proton Beam

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    Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy (mu-FT-IR) is nowadays considered a valuable tool for investigating the changes occurring in human cells after exposure to ionizing radiation. Recently, considerable attention has been devoted to the use of this optical technique in the study of cells exposed to proton beams, that are being increasingly adopted in cancer therapy. Different experimental configurations are used for proton irradiation and subsequent spectra acquisition. To facilitate the use of mu-FT-IR, it may be useful to investigate new experimental approaches capable of speeding up and simplifying the irradiation and measurements phases. Here, we propose the use of low-e-substrates slides for cell culture, allowing the irradiation and spectra acquisition in transflection mode in a fast and direct way. In recent years, there has been a wide debate about the validity of these supports, but many researchers agree that the artifacts due to the presence of the electromagnetic standing wave effects are negligible in many practical cases. We investigated human normal breast cells (MCF-10 cell line) fixed immediately after the irradiation with graded proton radiation doses (0, 0.5, 2, and 4 Gy). The spectra obtained in transflection geometry showed characteristics very similar to those present in the spectra acquired in transmission geometry and confirm the validity of the chosen approach. The analysis of spectra indicates the occurrence of significant changes in DNA and lipids components of cells. Modifications in protein secondary structure are also evidenced

    Correlation between the Antimicrobial Activity and Metabolic Profiles of Cell Free Supernatants and Membrane Vesicles Produced by Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938

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    The aim of the work is to assess the antimicrobial activities of Cell Free Supernatants (CFS) and Membrane Vesicles (MVs), produced by Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938, versus Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and investigate their metabolic profiles. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration was determined through the broth microdilution method and cell proliferation assay while the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration was determined by Colony Forming Units counts. The characteristics of the antimicrobial compounds were evaluated by pH adjustments, proteinase treatment, and size fractionation of the CFS. The cytotoxicity of CFS was tested on two human cell lines. A detailed snapshot of the L. reuteri metabolism was attained through an untargeted metabolic profiling by means of high resolution Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) coupled with Electrospray Ionization Source (ESI). The results showed (i) a greater efficacy of CFS and its fractions towards Gram-negative compared to Gram-positive bacteria; (ii) an antimicrobial effect related to pH-dependent compounds but not to MVs; (iii) a molecular weight < 3 KDa as well as an a non-proteinaceous nature of the antimicrobial compounds; and (iv) more than 200 and 500 putative metabolites annotated in MVs and supernatants, covering several classes of metabolites, including amino acids, lipids, fatty and organic acids, polyalcohols, nucleotides, and vitamins. Some putative compounds were proposed not only as characteristic of specific fractions, but also possibly involved in antimicrobial activity

    Increased gyrification in schizophrenia and non affective first episode of psychosis

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    Prefrontal cortex gyrification has been suggested to be altered in patients with schizophrenia and first episode psychosis. Therefore, it may represent a possible trait marker for these illnesses and an indirect evidence of a disrupted underlying connectivity. The aim of this study was to add further evidence to the existing literature on the role of prefrontal gyrification in psychosis by carrying out a study on a sizeable sample of chronic patients with schizophrenia and non-affective first-episode psychosis (FEP-NA) patients. Methods: Seventy-two patients with schizophrenia, 51 FEP-NA patients (12 who later develop schizophrenia) and 95 healthy controls (HC) underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Cortical folding was quantified using the automated gyrification index (GI). GI values were compared among groups and related to clinical variables. Results: Both FEP-NA and patients with schizophrenia showed a higher mean prefrontal GI compared to HC (all p. <. 0.05). Interestingly, no differences have been observed between the two patients groups as well as between FEP-NA patients who did and did not develop schizophrenia. Conclusions: Our results suggest the presence of a shared aberrant prefrontal GI in subjects with both schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis. These findings support the hypothesis that altered GI represents a neurodevelopmental trait marker for psychosis, which may be involved in the associated neurocognitive deficits

    Perspectives of healthcare providers, service users, and family members about mental illness stigma in primary care settings: A multi-site qualitative study of seven countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe

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    Background: Stigma among healthcare providers is a barrier to the effective delivery of mental health services in primary care. Few studies have been conducted in primary care settings comparing the attitudes of healthcare providers and experiences of people with mental illness who are service users in those facilities. Such research is necessary across diverse global settings to characterize stigma and inform effective stigma reduction. Methods: Qualitative research was conducted on mental illness stigma in primary care settings in one low-income country (Nepal), two lower-middle income countries (India, Tunisia), one upper-middle-income country (Lebanon), and three high-income countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy). Qualitative interviews were conducted with 248 participants: 64 primary care providers, 11 primary care facility managers, 111 people with mental illness, and 60 family members of people with mental illness. Data were analyzed using framework analysis. Results: Primary care providers endorsed some willingness to help persons with mental illness but reported not having appropriate training and supervision to deliver mental healthcare. They expressed that people with mental illness are aggressive and unpredictable. Some reported that mental illness is incurable, and mental healthcare is burdensome and leads to burnout. They preferred mental healthcare to be delivered by specialists. Service users did not report high levels of discrimination from primary care providers; however, they had limited expectations of support from primary care providers. Service users reported internalized stigma and discrimination from family and community members. Providers and service users reported unreliable psychiatric medication supply and lack of facilities for confidential consultations. Limitations of the study include conducting qualitative interviews in clinical settings and reliance on clinician-researchers in some sites to conduct interviews, which potentially biases respondents to present attitudes and experiences about primary care services in a positive manner. Conclusions: Primary care providers' willingness to interact with people with mental illness and receive more training presents an opportunity to address stigmatizing beliefs and stereotypes. This study also raises important methodological questions about the most appropriate strategies to accurately understand attitudes and experiences of people with mental illness. Recommendations are provided for future qualitative research about stigma, such as qualitative interviewing by non-clinical personnel, involving non-clinical staff for recruitment of participants, conducting interviews in non-clinical settings, and partnering with people with mental illness to facilitate qualitative data collection and analysis

    Biochemical Changes in Human Cells Exposed to Low Concentrations of Gold Nanoparticles Detected by Raman Microspectroscopy

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    The toxicological implications of nanoparticles deserve accurate scientific investigation for the protection of human health. Although toxic effects involve specific organs, the events that cause them have their origin from biochemical modifications of some cellular constituents. Therefore, a first analysis to evaluate the effects due to the action of nanoparticles is achieved by investigation of in vitro cells, which allows the identification of the cellular modifications caused by nanoparticles (NPs) even at much lower doses than the lethal ones. This work evaluated the Raman microspectroscopy capability to monitor biochemical changes occurring in human cells as a consequence of exposure to a suspension of gold nanoparticles with a non-cytotoxic concentration. Human keratinocyte cells were used as a model cell line, because they are mainly involved in environmental exposure. A trypan blue assay revealed that the investigated concentration, 650 ng/mL, is non-cytotoxic (about 5% of cells died after 48 h exposure). Specific Raman spectral markers to represent the cell response to nanoparticle exposure were found (at 1450 and 2865 cm&minus;1) in the cytoplasm spectra, with the aid of ratiometric and principal component analysis

    Applicazione della spettroscopia raman e microscopia a forza atomica in ambito biomedico.

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    Negli ultimi anni alcune tecniche fisiche rappresentano una vera rivoluzione nell’ambito delle ricerche biomediche. Per poter indagare meglio la risposta delle singole cellule, si utilizzano tecniche fisiche innovative in ambito biologico, quali la microspettroscopia Raman e la microscopia a forza atomica (AFM). Di recente, la microspettroscopia Raman `e stata largamente impiegata per definire alterazioni cellulari e ci`o pu`o dare un notevole contributo alla diagnostica dei tumori. Questa tecnica pu`o migliorare l’accuratezza della diagnosi e, in generale, studiare qualsiasi lesione/neoplasia, aggiungendo un’informazione biochimica a supporto dell’analisi morfologica (cito-istopatologica). L’AFM `e una tecnica microscopica a scansione di sonda con risoluzione nanometrica e permette di studiare la superficie della singola cellula ottenendo informazioni non solo sulla topografia cellulare, ma anche sulle sue caratteristiche nanomeccaniche, quali rugosit`a ed elasticit`a di membrana. Entrambe queste tecniche consentono di effettuare misure in vivo o su cellule fissate e si sono rivelate utili per lo studio delle modificazioni che intervengono a livello cellulare nel caso di insorgenza di neoplasie, consentendo di discriminare cellule sane da cellule malate, e tra queste ultime rilevare differenze nel diverso grado di malignit`a

    Discrimination of Different Breast Cell Lines on Glass Substrate by Means of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) micro-spectroscopy has been attracting the interest of many cytologists and histopathologists for several years. This is related to the possibility of FTIR translation in the clinical diagnostic field. In fact, FTIR spectra are able to detect changes in biochemical cellular components occurring when the cells pass to a pathological state. Recently, this interest has increased because it has been shown that FTIR spectra carried out just in the high wavenumber spectral range (2500–4000 cm−1), where information mainly relating to lipids and proteins can be obtained, are able to discriminate cell lines related to different tissues. This possibility allows to perform IR absorption measurements of cellular samples deposited onto microscopy glass slides (widely used in the medical environment) which are transparent to IR radiation only for wavenumber values larger than 2000 cm−1. For these reasons, we show that FTIR spectra in the 2800–3000 cm−1 spectral range can discriminate three different cell lines from breast tissue: a non-malignant cell line (MCF10A), a non-metastatic adenocarcinoma cell line (MCF7) and a metastatic adenocarcinoma cell line (MDA). All the cells were grown onto glass slides. The spectra were discriminated by means of a principal component analysis, according to the PC1 component, whose values have the opposite sign in the pairwise score plots. This result supports the wide studies that are being carried out to promote the translation of the FTIR technique in medical practice, as a complementary diagnostic tool

    DNA-Related Modifications in a Mixture of Human Lympho-Monocyte Exposed to Radiofrequency Fields and Detected by Raman Microspectroscopy Analysis

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    Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has risen considerably during the last decades, because of the industrial and technical development and the consequent increase of artificial EMFs sources. In particular, blood is largely involved in the environmental EMF exposure, because it is located everywhere in the human body. Lympho-monocyte cells are blood components that protect the human organism against infections. In this study, we investigate biochemical changes in lympho-monocyte cells extracted from human peripheral blood after exposure to EMFs at 1.8 GHz frequency and 200 V/m electric field strength for times ranging from 5 to 20 h inside a reverberation chamber. Some mixtures of cells, coming from many human subjects, were exposed and successively investigated by means of Raman micro-spectroscopy technique and principal components analysis. The spectral analysis was able to detect variations of the biochemical composition of the nucleus of exposed cells. Such modifications are mainly detectable as an intensity decrease of some DNA and nucleic acid Raman peaks with respect to the intensity of some protein peaks and they were most evident in the case of 20 h exposed samples. These results were in agreement with the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, observed in the exposed cells. Overall, the obtained results point out that EMFs exposure may induce modifications of the DNA in some blood cells of long-term exposed people
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