45 research outputs found

    Aβ plaques

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    Aβ plaques are one of the two lesions in the brain that define the neuropathological diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Plaques are highly diverse structures; many of them include massed, fibrillar polymers of the Aβ protein referred to as Aβ-amyloid, but some lack the defining features of amyloid. Cellular elements in ‘classical’ plaques include abnormal neuronal processes and reactive glial cells, but these are not present in all plaques. Plaques have been given various names since their discovery in 1892, including senile plaques, amyloid plaques, and neuritic plaques. However, with the identification in the 1980s of Aβ as the obligatory and universal component of plaques, the term ‘Aβ plaques’ has become a unifying term for these heterogeneous formations. Tauopathy, the second essential lesion of the Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic dyad, is downstream of Aβ-proteopathy, but it is critically important for the manifestation of dementia. The etiologic link between Aβ-proteopathy and tauopathy in Alzheimer’s disease remains largely undefined. Aβ plaques develop and propagate via the misfolding, self-assembly and spread of Aβ by the prion-like mechanism of seeded protein aggregation. Partially overlapping sets of risk factors and sequelae, including inflammation, genetic variations, and various environmental triggers have been linked to plaque development and idiopathic Alzheimer’s disease, but no single factor has emerged as a requisite cause. The value of Aβ plaques per se as therapeutic targets is uncertain; although some plaques are sites of focal gliosis and inflammation, the complexity of inflammatory biology presents challenges to glia-directed intervention. Small, soluble, oligomeric assemblies of Aβ are enriched in the vicinity of plaques, and these probably contribute to the toxic impact of Aβ aggregation on the brain. Measures designed to reduce the production or seeded self-assembly of Aβ can impede the formation of Aβ plaques and oligomers, along with their accompanying abnormalities; given the apparent long timecourse of the emergence, maturation and proliferation of Aβ plaques in humans, such therapies are likely to be most effective when begun early in the pathogenic process, before significant damage has been done to the brain. Since their discovery in the late 19th century, Aβ plaques have, time and again, illuminated fundamental mechanisms driving neurodegeneration, and they should remain at the forefront of efforts to understand, and therefore treat, Alzheimer’s disease

    Amyloid polymorphisms constitute distinct clouds of conformational variants in different etiological subtypes of Alzheimer's disease

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    The molecular architecture of amyloids formed in vivo can be interrogated using luminescent conjugated oligothiophenes (LCOs), a unique class of amyloid dyes. When bound to amyloid, LCOs yield fluorescence emission spectra that reflect the 3D structure of the protein aggregates. Given that synthetic amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) has been shown to adopt distinct structural conformations with different biological activities, we asked whether Aβ can assume structurally and functionally distinct conformations within the brain. To this end, we analyzed the LCO-stained cores of β-amyloid plaques in postmortem tissue sections from frontal, temporal, and occipital neocortices in 40 cases of familial Alzheimer's disease (AD) or sporadic (idiopathic) AD (sAD). The spectral attributes of LCO-bound plaques varied markedly in the brain, but the mean spectral properties of the amyloid cores were generally similar in all three cortical regions of individual patients. Remarkably, the LCO amyloid spectra differed significantly among some of the familial and sAD subtypes, and between typical patients with sAD and those with posterior cortical atrophy AD. Neither the amount of Aβ nor its protease resistance correlated with LCO spectral properties. LCO spectral amyloid phenotypes could be partially conveyed to Aβ plaques induced by experimental transmission in a mouse model. These findings indicate that polymorphic Aβ-amyloid deposits within the brain cluster as clouds of conformational variants in different AD cases. Heterogeneity in the molecular architecture of pathogenic Aβ among individuals and in etiologically distinct subtypes of AD justifies further studies to assess putative links between Aβ conformation and clinical phenotype

    Experimental evidence for temporal uncoupling of brain Aβ deposition and neurodegenerative sequelae

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    Brain A beta deposition is a key early event in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer ' s disease (AD), but the long presymptomatic phase and poor correlation between A beta deposition and clinical symptoms remain puzzling. To elucidate the dependency of downstream pathologies on A beta, we analyzed the trajectories of cerebral A beta accumulation, A beta seeding activity, and neurofilament light chain (NfL) in the CSF (a biomarker of neurodegeneration) in A beta-precursor protein transgenic mice. We find that A beta deposition increases linearly until it reaches an apparent plateau at a late age, while A beta seeding activity increases more rapidly and reaches a plateau earlier, coinciding with the onset of a robust increase of CSF NfL. Short-term inhibition of A beta generation in amyloid-laden mice reduced A beta deposition and associated glial changes, but failed to reduce A beta seeding activity, and CSF NfL continued to increase although at a slower pace. When short-term or long-term inhibition of A beta generation was started at pre-amyloid stages, CSF NfL did not increase despite some A beta deposition, microglial activation, and robust brain A beta seeding activity. A dissociation of A beta load and CSF NfL trajectories was also found in familial AD, consistent with the view that A beta aggregation is not kinetically coupled to neurotoxicity. Rather, neurodegeneration starts when A beta seeding activity is saturated and before A beta deposition reaches critical (half-maximal) levels, a phenomenon reminiscent of the two pathogenic phases in prion disease. The poor correlation between brain A beta deposition and clinical symptoms in Alzheimer ' s disease remains puzzling. Here, the authors show a temporal dissociation of A beta deposition and neurodegeneration

    Development of transgenic rats producing human β-amyloid precursor protein as a model for Alzheimer's disease: Transgene and endogenous APP genes are regulated tissue-specifically

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder that affects a large and growing number of elderly individuals. In addition to idiopathic disease, AD is also associated with autosomal dominant inheritance, which causes a familial form of AD (FAD). Some instances of FAD have been linked to mutations in the β-amyloid protein precursor (APP). Although there are numerous mouse AD models available, few rat AD models, which have several advantages over mice, have been generated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fischer 344 rats expressing human APP driven by the ubiquitin-C promoter were generated via lentiviral vector infection of Fischer 344 zygotes. We generated two separate APP-transgenic rat lines, APP21 and APP31. Serum levels of human amyloid-beta (Aβ)<sub>40 </sub>were 298 pg/ml for hemizygous and 486 pg/ml for homozygous APP21 animals. Serum Aβ<sub>42 </sub>levels in APP21 homozygous rats were 135 pg/ml. Immunohistochemistry in brain showed that the human APP transgene was expressed in neurons, but not in glial cells. These findings were consistent with independent examination of enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) in the brains of eGFP-transgenic rats. APP21 and APP31 rats expressed 7.5- and 3-times more APP mRNA, respectively, than did wild-type rats. Northern blots showed that the human APP transgene, driven by the ubiquitin-C promoter, is expressed significantly more in brain, kidney and lung compared to heart and liver. A similar expression pattern was also seen for the endogenous rat APP. The unexpected similarity in the tissue-specific expression patterns of endogenous rat APP and transgenic human APP mRNAs suggests regulatory elements within the cDNA sequence of APP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This manuscript describes the generation of APP-transgenic inbred Fischer 344 rats. These are the first human AD model rat lines generated by lentiviral infection. The APP21 rat line expresses high levels of human APP and could be a useful model for AD. Tissue-specific expression in the two transgenic rat lines and in wild-type rats contradicts our current understanding of APP gene regulation. Determination of the elements that are responsible for tissue-specific expression of APP may enable new treatment options for AD.</p

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Cerebrovascular amyloidosis: Experimental analysis in vitro and in vivo

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    With advancing age, the likelihood of β-amyloid deposition in the cerebral vasculature increases, particularly in individuals with Alzheimer's disease. The β-amyloid typically accumulates in the basal lamina of the arteriolar tunica media, and frequently extends into the adjacent neuropil. Cerebrovascular β-amyloid increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, and may also play a role in the pathogenesis of AD. Genetic variations have been identified that are causative or risk factors for cerebrovascular β-amyloid, including particular mutations in the genes for β-amyloid precursor protein, presenilins 1 and 2, and possibly cystatin C, as well as polymorphisms in apolipoprotein E. Cerebrovascular amyloidosis is now being studied in a variety of in vitro and in vivo models, including cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, transgenic mice, and aged animals such as nonhuman primates. Methods for delivering agents selectively to vascular amyloid in living subjects are now being developed, and these techniques are paving the way to the development of diagnostic tools and therapies for cerebrovascular amyloidosis

    The Grandmother Effect and the Uniqueness of the Human Aging Phenotype

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    This issue of Gerontology includes a response by van Bodegom et al. to Herndon's recent article on the implications of the grandmother hypothesis for studies of aging and cognition. Although this hypothesis will doubtlessly continue to stimulate discussion, we focus here on our contention that human and non-human primate life histories have evolved essential differences and that these should be addressed in studies comparing aging in humans and chimpanzees

    A beta seeds and prions: How close the fit?

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    The prion paradigm is increasingly invoked to explain the molecular pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases involving the misfolding and aggregation of proteins other than the prion protein (PrP). Extensive evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies indicates that misfolded and aggregated A peptide, which is the probable molecular trigger for Alzheimer's disease, manifests all of the key characteristics of canonical mammalian prions. These features include a -sheet rich architecture, tendency to polymerize into amyloid, templated corruption of like protein molecules, ability to form structurally and functionally variant strains, systematic spread by neuronal transport, and resistance to inactivation by heat and formaldehyde. In addition to A, a growing body of research supports the view that the prion-like molecular transformation of specific proteins drives the onset and course of a remarkable variety of clinicopathologically diverse diseases. As such, the expanded prion paradigm could conceptually unify fundamental and translational investigations of these disorders