101 research outputs found

    In-season training periodization of professional soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the seasonal perceived respiratory and muscular training loads (i.e., sRPEres-TL and sRPEmus-TL) completed by elite-oriented young professional soccer players. Twenty four players (20.3 +/- 2.0 years) belonging to the same reserve team of a Spanish La Liga club participated in this study. Only the players that were available to train for a whole week with the team and also to play the weekly game were considered: Starters, players that participated in the match for at least 45 min and NonStarters, players that did not participate or played less than 45 minutes in the match. The competitive period was analysed after the division into 5x6-8 week blocks and 35x1 week microcycles. Data were also analysed with respect to number of days before the immediate match. Weekly TL variation across the in-season blocks was trivial-small for both groups except between Block 2 and Block 3 (ES= moderate). Substantial TL differences (ES= small-very likely) were found between training days, the TL pattern being a progressive increase up to MD-3 followed by a decrease until MD-1. Except for the match, sRPEres-/sRPEmus-TL was very similar between Starters and Non-Starters. In summary, perceived TL across the season displayed limited variation. Coaches periodized training contents to attain the highest weekly TL 72 hours before the match to progressively unload the players between MD-3 and the match day. The data revealed that the TL arising from the weekly game was solely responsible for the observed higher weekly TL of Starters in comparison with Non-Starters

    A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Healthcare Cost of Breast Cancer Patients

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    This paper presents a novel machine learning approach to per- form an early prediction of the healthcare cost of breast cancer patients. The learning phase of our prediction method considers the following two steps: i) in the first step, the patients are clustered taking into account the sequences of ac- tions undergoing similar clinical activities and ensuring similar healthcare costs, and ii) a Markov chain is then learned for each group to describe the action- sequences of the patients in the cluster. A two step procedure is undertaken in the prediction phase: i) first, the healthcare cost of a new patient’s treatment is estimated based on the average healthcare cost of its k−nearest neighbors in each group, and ii) finally, an aggregate measure of the healthcare cost estimated by each group is used as the final predicted cost. Experiments undertaken reveal a mean absolute percentage error as small as 6%, even when half of the clinical records of a patient is available, substantiating the early prediction capability of the proposed method. Comparative analysis substantiates the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the state-of-the-art techniques.IT1244-19 PID2019-104966GB-I00 TIN2016-78365-

    Low cost gaze estimation: knowledge-based solutions

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    Eye tracking technology in low resolution scenarios is not a completely solved issue to date. The possibility of using eye tracking in a mobile gadget is a challenging objective that would permit to spread this technology to non-explored fields. In this paper, a knowledge based approach is presented to solve gaze estimation in low resolution settings. The understanding of the high resolution paradigm permits to propose alternative models to solve gaze estimation. In this manner, three models are presented: a geometrical model, an interpolation model and a compound model, as solutions for gaze estimation for remote low resolution systems. Since this work considers head position essential to improve gaze accuracy, a method for head pose estimation is also proposed. The methods are validated in an optimal framework, I2Head database, which combines head and gaze data. The experimental validation of the models demonstrates their sensitivity to image processing inaccuracies, critical in the case of the geometrical model. Static and extreme movement scenarios are analyzed showing the higher robustness of compound and geometrical models in the presence of user's displacement. Accuracy values of about 3° have been obtained, increasing to values close to 5° in extreme displacement settings, results fully comparable with the state-of-the-art

    Development and preliminary psychometric characteristics of the PODIUM questionnaire for recreational marathon runners

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a comprehensive and psychometrically adequate measure of recreational marathon runner’s psychological state during the few days and hours prior to the race. The questionnaire was developed in Spanish. In Study 1, Participants were 1060 recreational runners aged 18-67 years. Exploratory factor analysis revealed five dimensions reflective of motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, perceived physical fitness, and perceived social support. In two subsequent studies, the psychometric properties of a refined version of this measure were examined. In study 2, an independent sample of 801 recreational runners (aged 17-63 years) completed the questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and alternative model testing supported a six-factor model. Internal consistency was .72 to .90. In support of construct validity, the self-confidence scale correlated positively with perceived physical fitness, motivation scalecorrelated positively with social support and self-confidence, and anxiety correlated negatively with motivation and self-confidence factors. In study 3, an independent sample of 22 recreational marathon runners (aged 28-47 years) responded to the PODIUM and MOMS. Additionally, another independent sample of 36 recreational runners (23-57 years) responded the to PODIUM and CSAI-2 scales. In support of concurrent validity of PODIUM, the motivation scale correlated with MOMS, and the anxiety and the self-confidence scales correlated with CSAI-2

    Satisfacción laboral y factores de mejora en profesionales de atención primaria

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    Fundamento. La calidad de los servicios en un sistema sanitario está relacionada con el nivel de satisfacción de sus profesionales. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la satisfacción laboral y jerarquizar aquellos factores capaces de mejorarla, en profesionales de atención primaria. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo realizado en 2010 en Navarra. Se remitió por correo un cuestionario validado a la población de estudio: médicos, pediatras y enfermería de atención primaria. Se recogen variables de datos sociodemográficos y autocalificación de su satisfacción laboral en escala de 1 a 10. Se solicita la jerarquización de 10 factores que puedan mejorar la satisfacción previa señalada. Se realizó comparación de medias y análisis bivariante mediante el test de la Chi cuadrado, estudiando la asociación entre variables mediante la Odds Ratio (OR). El análisis ajustado se realizó mediante regresión logística no condicional. Resultados. Se recogieron 432 cuestionarios (77,5%). La satisfacción media fue 6,7 (escala 1 a 10), más alta en enfermería. Las mujeres presentaron una media superior a los hombres (6,90: 6,34). Los trabajadores de centros de salud urbanos (OR:1,71; IC:1,10-2,65) presentaron un mayor riesgo de insatisfacción respecto a los profesionales de centros rurales. Las actividades formativas de los profesionales es el ítem más valorado, seguido de razones económicas y de presión asistencial, no encontrándose diferencias por profesión. Conclusión. La satisfacción laboral es una dimensión de la gestión de calidad en atención primaria y su estudio permite identificar problemas u oportunidades de mejora con impacto en la calidad de los servicios que se ofertan.Background. The quality of services in a health system is related to the level of satisfaction of its professionals. The aim of this article is to determine job satisfaction in primary care professionals and rank those factors capable of improving it. Methodology. Descriptive study carried out in Navarre in 2010. A validated questionnaire was sent by post to the population of the study: primary care doctors, pediatricians and nurses. Variables on socio-demographic data were collected and job satisfaction was self-evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10. Respondents were asked to rank 10 factors that could improve the previously mentioned satisfaction. Averages were compared and bivariate analysis was carried out using the chi-square test, studying the association between variables through the Odds Ratio (OR). The adjusted analysis was realized through unconditional logistic regression. Results. We collected 432 questionnaires (77.5%). Average satisfaction was 6.7 (scale of 1 to 10), higher in nursing. Women showed a higher average than men (6.90:6.34). The workers at urban health centers (OR: 1.71; CI: 1.10- 2.65) showed a higher risk of dissatisfaction with respect to professionals at rural centers. The training activities of the professional is the most highly valued item, followed by economic questions and questions of care pressure, with no differences found by profession. Conclusion. Job satisfaction is a dimension of quality management in primary care and its study enables identification of problems or opportunities for improvement with an impact on the quality of the services offered

    Validación de un cuestionario de mejora de la satisfacción laboral (CMSL) en profesionales de atención primaria

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    Fundamento. La satisfacción laboral de los profesionales sanitarios se considera un indicador de calidad en la gestión del sistema, estando relacionado con la eficacia de los servicios ofrecidos. El objetivo del estudio es la validación de un cuestionario para evaluar la mejora de la satisfacción laboral (CMSL) en una población de profesionales sanitarios de atención primaria en Navarra. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con cuestionarios autocumplimentados, siendo la población diana todos los profesionales de atención primaria (médicos, pediatras y personal de enfemería) de los centros de salud de Navarra. Se utilizó la escala Lickert para la medición de los ítems. Se recogieron datos descriptivos de sexo, años de ejercicio profesional, satisfacción laboral, estamento profesional, centro de salud y 47 ítems sobre mejora de satisfacción laboral. Se calculó la fiabilidad mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach y se halló la validez de constructo mediante un análisis factorial con rotación varimax, agrupando los ítems en 9 dimensiones. Resultados. Se recogieron un total de 414 cuestionarios. Se obtuvo el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, con un valor global de 0,933. Entre 5 dimensiones se explica el 41,287% de la varianza total. La dimensión “relaciones con los pacientes” presentó la media (4,087) más alta de mejora de la satisfacción laboral y el ítem “Si pudiera eliminar la demanda injustificada” presentó una media de 4,21. Conclusiones. El cuestionario diseñado es un instrumento válido para la evaluación integral de la mejora de la satisfacción laboral de los profesionales de atención primaria. Los resultados obtenidos pueden orientar sobre qué áreas de mejora se deben implantar para mejorar la satisfacción de los profesionales.Background. Job satisfaction of health professionals is considered to be a quality indicator, as it is related to the efficacy of the services. The aim of the study is to validate a questionnaire for evaluating job satisfaction improvement in a population of health professionals in primary care in Navarre. Methodology. Descriptive study with self-completed questionnaires; the target population was all health care professionals (family doctors, pediatricians and nurses) of primary health centers of Navarre. A Lickert scale was used for measuring the items. Other variables measured were: sex, years in the profession, job satisfaction, professional status, health center, and 47 items on improving job satisfaction. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to evaluate reliability, and to evaluate construct validity factor analysis with varimax rotation, grouping the items in 9 dimensions was used. Results. A total of 414 questionnaires were collected. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.933. Forty-one point two eight seven percent (41.287%) of total variance was explained by five dimensions. The dimension “relations with patients” presented the highest average (4.087) of improvement in job satisfaction, and the item “If it were possible to eliminate unjustified demand” showed an average of 4.21. Conclusions. The questionnaire designed is a valid instrument for a comprehensive evaluation of the improvement in the job satisfaction of primary care professionals. The results obtained can indicate which areas of improvement should be implemented in order to improve the satisfaction of the professionals

    La relación enfermera-paciente con cáncer avanzado y terminal: una meta-etnografía

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    Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., Pérez, M., Arantzamendi, M., et al. “La relación enfermera-paciente con cáncer avanzado y terminal: una meta-etnografía” en X Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos, celebrado en Madrid (España) del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 201

    The importance of nurses' way of caring: the experience of patients' with advanced and terminal cancer

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    Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., Pérez, M., Arantzamendi, M., et al. “The importance of nurses' way of caring: the experience of patients' with advanced and terminal cancer” en 14th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, celebrado en Copenhague (Dinamarca) del 8 al 10 de mayo de 201

    The effects of a 6-week strength training on critical velocity, anaerobic running distance, 30-m sprint and yo-yo intermittent running test performances in male soccer players

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of a moderate intensity strength training on changes in critical velocity (CV), anaerobic running distance (D'), sprint performance and Yo-Yo intermittent running test (Yo-Yo IR1) performances. Methods: two recreational soccer teams were divided in a soccer training only group (SO; n = 13) and a strength and soccer training group (ST; n = 13). Both groups were tested for values of CV, D', Yo-Yo IR1 distance and 30-m sprint time on two separate occasions (pre and post intervention). The ST group performed a concurrent 6-week upper and lower body strength and soccer training, whilst the SO group performed a soccer only training. Results: after the re-test of all variables, the ST demonstrated significant improvements for both, YoYo IR1 distance (p = 0.002) and CV values (p<0.001) with no significant changes in the SO group. 30-m sprint performance were slightly improved in the ST group with significantly decreased performance times identified in the SO group (p<0.001). Values for D' were slightly reduced in both groups (ST -44.5 m, 95% CI = -90.6 to 1.6; SO -42.6 m, 95% CI = -88.7 to 3.5). Conclusions: combining a 6-week moderate strength training with soccer training significantly improves CV, Yo-Yo IR1 whilst moderately improving 30-m sprint performances in non-previously resistance trained male soccer players. Critical Velocity can be recommended to coaches as an additional valid testing tool in soccer