8 research outputs found

    Traumatic Themes in Genesis 17 and 23

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    In this thesis I explore how Gen 17 and 23 contain themes of trauma. For the purpose of this research, I am combining the disciplines of historical criticism, literary criticism, and trauma theory. Genesis 17 and 23 are narratives of non-typical length in the Priestly source of Genesis. I explain how these narratives fit into the larger Priestly strand in Genesis through a combination of diachronic and synchronic readings. In Gen 17, God reveals himself as El Shaddai to Abraham and enters into a covenant with him promising progeny, land, and blessing. These promises are themes that are particularly meaningful after the deportations began in Israel 735 BCE. Landlessness, barrenness, and economic instability became part of the Israelite experience. Genesis 17 is able to be metaphorized, symbolized, and reflexively read to speak into the trauma of the multiple deportations and destructions that took place in Israel. Genesis 23 is another non-typical narrative that is included as part of the Priestly source. This is the story of Abraham purchasing the cave of Machpelah from Ephron, a son of Heth, in order to bury his wife Sarah. There are several elements in this story that touch on trauma, and particularly the Israelite experience of life outside of the land of Israel. Of particular note is the importance of the cave of Machpelah as an ancestral burial site. There also seems to be an ethic for Israelite burial and negotiation practices. Furthermore, the theme of family burial is explored through Abraham’s experience as a foreigner. In this thesis, I show how the themes in these two pericopes are informed by, and speak to, Israelite experiences of trauma

    Sprinkler irrigation system field checklist

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    This recommendation came out of a noted need by the ASABE NRES-241 sprinkler irrigation committee in 2019 committee meeting for a simple checklist to quickly educate new center pivot operators on what to look for to determine if a center pivot is operating at designed performance. This checklist is meant to be simple and user friendly. Simple and clear language was incorporated purposefully. It is intended as a quick guide to new irrigators, or as a reminder to more experienced irrigators as to what to check to ensure efficient and effective center pivot and linear move irrigation system operation for optimal performance. Different checklists were developed for various frequencies of system evaluation. This was done as a cooperative project of the sprinkler irrigation committee members as an outcome of this stated need. It is hoped that this checklist can be adapted and used by growers, consultants, and other irrigators

    Successful Approaches for the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems by Surface Transportation Agencies

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    The past decade has seen ever-increasing attention and resources dedicated to the application and operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs). Beginning with issuance of special airworthiness certificates in the experimental category for unmanned aircraft in 2007, up to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 and creation of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §107 and §101, the complexity and breadth of applications for UAS technology have flourished. Recognizing the interest and potential benefits to the surface transportation community the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) commissioned Scan 17-01 to accelerate beneficial innovation by facilitating information sharing and technology exchange among the states and other transportation agencies. Results from a desk scan, amplifying questions, and a peer exchange workshop produced conclusions and recommendations in seven topic areas for transportation agencies to consider when getting started using a UAS