541 research outputs found

    What Factors Contribute to Sales of Groceries Online? - A quantitative study of Swedish urban consumers

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    Title What Factors Contribute to Sales of Groceries Online? – A quantitative study of Swedish urban customers. Date of seminar 2014-06-02 Course BUSN39 Business Administration: Global Marketing Authors Kristina Carlsson & Amanda Larsson Advisor Jens Hultman Purpose The aim with this study is to investigate what factors contribute to Actual Purchases of online groceries. Methodology The study is based on a quantitative research strategy and a deductive process, which allowed the creation of hypotheses. The data was collected through a web survey, where the respondents answered questions according to a five-point Likert scale. The web survey was distributed to 7597 customers of Coop Online, whereof 896 responses were collected. This provided a response rate of 11,8%. Theoretical perspective The study is based on the theories of Marimon et al. (2009) and Boyer & Hult (2005). The study aims at finding relevant aspects that consumers regard as important, influencing their Perceived Value of an online grocery store and further their Actual Purchases from that store. The theory is complemented with a review of two additional concepts adopted from Boyer & Hult (2005), Service Quality and Product Quality. Empirical foundation Our empirical data are based on structured web surveys. The questionnaire was answered by respondents who were customers of the Swedish online grocery store, Coop Online. Conclusions We found that the model by Marimon et al. (2009) should be complemented with two concepts from Boyer & Hult (2005). When adding the concepts Service Quality and Product Quality to the model by Marimon et al. (2009), the model could better explain customers Perceived Value. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between Perceived Value and Loyalty and between Loyalty and Actual Purchases

    Promoting an image of independence: An institutional perspective on nonprofit organizational strategies

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    This article focuses on how the alleged value of independence in nonprofit organizations should be conceptualized, researched, and advanced. Through the conceptualization of independence as an institutional norm, the article makes several contributions to research on strategies for independence in nonprofit organizations. Rather than focusing on independence as a tangible organizational quality, the article studies and analyzes overarching strategies with which nonprofit organizations promote an image of independence. Recategorizations of results from previous research and illustrations from case studies of Swedish nonprofit ecolabeling serve as the main empirical material. By conceptualizing how nonprofit organizations employ multiple, and sometimes even contradictory, organizational strategies for being perceived as independent, the scope of research is broadened and the roles of institutional contexts and processes are highlighted

    Tillitsaspektens roll vid skapandet av varumÀrkeskapital - En kvantitativ studie om modevarumÀrken online

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    Titel Tillitsaspektens roll vid skapandet av varumĂ€rkeskapital – en kvantitativ studie om modevarumĂ€rken online. Seminariedatum 2013-01-17 Kurs FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring pĂ„ kandidatnivĂ„ Författare Kristina Carlsson, Amanda Larsson & Leyla Larsson Handledare Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord VarumĂ€rkeskapital, Tillit, Mode, Online, Brand Resonance Pyramid. Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur onlinemodeföretagens varumĂ€rkeskapital pĂ„verkas av tillitsaspekten. Metod Uppsatsen utgĂ„r frĂ„n en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi och en deduktiv teori, vilket tillĂ€t formulerandet av hypoteser. Datainsamlingen gjordes via webbenkĂ€ter, dĂ€r respondenterna besvarade frĂ„gor pĂ„ en sjugradig Likertskala. Teoretiska perspektiv Uppsatsen utgĂ„r frĂ„n teorier om varumĂ€rkeskapitalskapande dĂ€r Brand Resonance pyramiden Ă€r central. Teorin innehĂ„ller Ă€ven en genomgĂ„ng av Rios och Riquelmes (2008) adderade tillitsdimension. Vidare avslutas teorin med en genomgĂ„ng av det övergripande varumĂ€rkeskapitalet med utgĂ„ngspunkt i Yoo och Donthus (2001) forskningsresultat. Empiri Den empiriska datan baserades pĂ„ strukturerade webbenkĂ€ter. EnkĂ€ten besvarades av de respondenter som hade hört talas om och visste mer om de varumĂ€rken som Ă€r denna uppsats undersökningsobjekt. Slutsats Vi fann att de traditionella varumĂ€rkeskapitaldimensionerna har en pĂ„verkan pĂ„ varumĂ€rkapitalet för modevarumĂ€rken online. Vidare fann vi ett positivt samband mellan tillit och lojalitet samt mellan tillit och det övergripande varumĂ€rkeskapitalet. Dock fanns inget positivt samband mellan saliens och tillit. Det Ă€r inte motiverat att addera Rios och Riquelmes (2008) frĂ„gor om tillit till HaeJungs (2012) modell.Title The importance of trust when creating brand equity – a quantitative study of fashion brands online. Date of the seminar 2013-01-17 Course FEKH29 Business Administration: Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level Authors Kristina Carlsson, Amanda Larsson & Leyla Larsson Advisor Clara Gustafsson Purpose The aim of this study is to investigate if trust has an impact on Brand Equity for fashion brands online Methodology The study is based on a quantitative research strategy and a deductive process, which allowed the creation of hypotheses. The data was collected through websurveys, where the respondents answered according to a seven-point Likert scale. Theoretical perspective The study is based on the theories of Brand Equity, where the Brand Resonance Pyramid is central. The theory also includes a review of the added trustdimension from Rios and Riquelme (2008). This section concludes with the theory of overall brand equity adopted from Yoo and Donthus (2001) research findings. Empirical foundation Our empirical data are based on structured web surveys. The questionnaire was answered by respondents who had heard of and knew more about the brands which we are studying. Conclusions We found that the traditional brand equity dimensions have an impact on brand equity for fashion brands online. Furthermore, we found that there is a positive correlation between trust and loyalty and between trust and overall brand equity. No positive correlation between salience and trust was found. It is not justified to add Rios and Riquelmes (2008) dimensions of trust to HaeJungs (2012) model

    Neolithic Diversities : Perspectives from a conference in Lund, Sweden

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    Papers from a conference in Lund, Sweden. The title of the conference was "What's new in the Neolithic". The book brings together the latest research on the Neolithic of northern Europe. In the study of the distant human past, certain events and periods have come to represent decisive passages from one human state to another. From a global perspective, the characteristic feature of the last ten thousand years is that people in different parts of the world, and at different points in time, started to grow plants and domesticate animals. The rise and dissemination of agriculture were crucial factors for the continued existence of humankind on earth. The incipient agriculture is often regarded as the very beginning of human culture, as it has traditionally been perceived in western historiography, that is, as control over nature and the “cultivation” of intellectual abilities. As a result of the increasing national and international interest in the northern European Neolithic (4000–2000 BC), combined with large-scale archaeological excavations which helped to nuance and modify the picture of the period, senior researchers and research students formed a Neolithic group in 2010. The Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University served as the base, but the group also included collaborators from Linnaeus University and Södertörn University, and from the Southern Contract Archaeology Division of the National Heritage Board in Lund and Sydsvensk Arkeologi in Malmö and Kristianstad. Meetings and excursions in the following two years resulted in the holding of an international conference in Lund in May 2013 entitled “What’s New in the Neolithic”. Invitations to this conference were sent to two dozen prominent Neolithic scholars from northern and central Europe. This publication gives aspects of innovative research on the European Neolithic

    Ramkonstruktioner av fanertrÀ.

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    This paper deals with 3-pinned frames of laminated veneer lumber. The fixed knees are made of plywood- or steelgussets. The design proeecture in accordance with the Swedish building code, "Nybyggnadsregler" is described. A number of practical experiments have been performed to check the stiffness and strength off the knee. The economy for this type of construction campared with glued laminated timber is discussed

    Extrusion parameters for foaming of a beta-glucan concentrate

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    Plastics is a group of materials commonly encountered on a daily basis by many people. They have enabled rapid, low-cost manufacturing of products with complicated geometries and have contributed to the weight reduction of heavy components, especially when produced into a foamed structure. Despite the many advantages of plastics, some drawbacks such as the often fossil-based raw-material and the extensive littering of the material in nature, where it is not degraded for a very long time, needs to be dealt with. One way to address at least one of the issues could be to use polymers from nature instead of fossil-based ones. Here, a ÎČ-glucan concentrate originating from barley was investigated. The concentrate was processed into a foam by hot-melt extrusion, and the processing window was established. The effect of different blowing agents was also investigated. Water or a combination of water and sodium bicarbonate were used as blowing agents, the latter apparently giving a more uniform pore structure. The porous structure of the foamed materials was characterized mainly by using a combination of confocal laser scanning microscope and image analysis. The density of the samples was estimated and found to be in a similar range as some polyurethane foams. A set of 3D parameters were also quantified on two selected samples using X-ray microtomography in combination with image analysis, where it was indicated that the porous structure had a pre-determined direction, which followed the direction of the extrusion process

    Expressions of vitality affects and basic affects during art therapy and their meaning for inner change

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of vitality affects and basic affects and to shed light on their importance in terms of patients’ inner change through art therapy. In an earlier study, where 17 women were interviewed about inner change through art therapy, a secondary deductive content analysis of images and statements was performed exploring the presence of vitality affects and basic affects. Nine of the 17 interviews contained clear descriptions of vitality affects and basic affects in the intersubjective communication between the patient and the therapist; these affects were also mirrored in the patients’ painted images. Three cases are used to illustrate the result and how affects are related to inner change. These three cases differ from each other in that they describe vitality affects either; arising from the art therapist’s empathetic verbal or non-verbal response, from a particular experience in nature, or from the interpreted symbolic language of the image. The common denominator identified as uniting the three cases was the intersubjective communication with the therapist. This study indicates that image making in art therapy gives rise to vitality affects and basic affects that contribute to inner change. It also indicates the importance of having trust in both the method and the art therapist.publishedVersio

    För- och nackdelar med mobil slakt utifrÄn djurens vÀlfÀrd

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    Undersökningar visar att det Àr mycket problem att tillgodose djurens vÀlfÀrd vid konventionell slakt gÀllande transport, uppstallning och hantering (Broom, 1993). DÀrför Àr det intressant att ta reda pÄ vilka alternativ det finns till konventionell slakt. Ett exempel Àr mobila slakterier. Det hÀr arbetet tar upp dess för- och nackdelar ur djurvÀlfÀrdssynpunkt. Det finns idag mÄnga rapporter, som tar upp mobil slakt ur en ekonomisk synvinkel (Helgesson & Pettersson 2000) och den praktiska hanteringen (Benfalk et al., 2002) efter avlivningsmomentet men mindre om hur djurens vÀlfÀrd pÄverkas. Det finns olika utformningar pÄ mobila slakterier. Idag anvÀnds de bara till renslakt i Sverige men idéer och ritningar finns Àven för andra djurslag. Eftersom nöt, svin, fÄr och höns/kycklingar Àr de vanligaste produktionsgrupperna i Sverige, har vi valt att fokusera pÄ dem. Anpassningar i det mobila slakteriet mÄste göras för det speciella djurslaget, dÀrför att deras förutsÀttningar skiljer sig Ät, för att fÄ en effektiv hantering och slakt. Detta skulle i sin tur kunna leda till bÀttre vÀlfÀrd för djuren. De största problemen som ses inom slaktprocessen idag Àr framför allt stress och fysiska skador. Detta Àr nÄgonting som inte bara pÄverkar djuren utan Àven oss konsumenter, dÄ köttkvalitén pÄverkas om djuret har en dÄlig vÀlfÀrd.Today mobile abattoirs are only used for the slaughter of reindeer but mobile abattoirs for hens have been approved. Designs and methods of mobile abattoirs to be used for the slaughter of other livestock also exist. Mobile abattoirs around the world are used for cattle, sheep and poultry. In Sweden there are no specific regulations around mobile slaughter. The regulation about general slaughter includes mobile abattoirs but is currently vague in its details. These regulations can be found at the Swedish Board of Agriculture and the National Food Administration. We cannot foresee any problems in following these rules for mobile abattoirs but we do foresee problems when applied to conventional slaughter. Technical problems that may appear in mobile abattoirs are water supplies, cleanliness, space and waste management but it appears that all these issues can be resolved. Our review of mobile slaughter as an alternative slaughter method has shown that there are many positive qualities regarding animal welfare when compared to conventional slaughter. The negative effects on the animals in conventional slaughter are loading and unloading, transportation, housing and handling. All these factors can cause stress and injury to the animals. The injuries appear due to poor transportation and handling connected to their loading and unloading. In mobile abattoirs all these factors are reduced. Stress occurs when animals cannot handle these situations and it is shown by increased heart rate, breathing frequency, release of stress hormones and disturbed behavior. Stress not only causes discomfort for the animals but also affects the meat quality, e g. DFD- and PSE-meat. DFD (dark, firm, dry) appears due to long-term stress that may be caused by length of transportation. PSE (pale, soft, exudative) appears due to short-term stress such as loading and unloading and because of complications when stunning the animals. Conventional methods of slaughter allow livestock from different environments to be mixed which can result in the spreading of diseases. Mobile abattoirs reduce this risk if strict guidelines for cleaning the abattoir after each visit are followed

    Snus use and risk of schizophrenia and non-affective psychosis

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    AbstractBackgroundRecent studies suggest a possible causal role for smoking in schizophrenia and psychosis. Most studies have focused on cigarette smoking, the most common form of tobacco use, but other forms of tobacco exist, including smokeless products such as Swedish snuff (or “snus”).MethodsWe explored whether snus use is associated with schizophrenia and non-affective psychotic illness in a large Swedish registry data set. The majority of participants were aged 18 or 19 at the time of assessment.ResultsWe observed a positive association between snus use and odds of schizophrenia in all analyses, but the magnitude of the association was small and the confidence interval wide, consistent with no association (fully adjusted HR 1.03, 95% 0.70–1.54). A similar pattern was observed for non-affective psychosis, but the magnitude of the association was somewhat greater and the confidence intervals narrower, so that these analyses provided stronger statistical evidence for this association (fully adjusted HR 1.22, 95% CI, 1.00–1.48).ConclusionsOur results therefore provide modest evidence for an association between snus use and risk for non-affective psychosis. This is consistent with emerging evidence from a range of studies and methodologies that tobacco use may be a risk factor for psychotic illness. However, our results provide some evidence against the hypothesis that it is the burnt products of cigarette smoke that are psychotogenic
