6,085 research outputs found
âNoviceâ sketch : a study on the relationship between drawing and sketch for undergraduate landscape architecture students
Denna uppsats riktar sig till landskapsarkitektstudenter pÄ grundnivÄ och har som syfte att
undersöka förhÄllandet mellan skissen och tiden. Jag vill undersöka vilken betydelse skissandet
har för landskapsarkitekten för att en gestaltningsprocess ska ta sig framÄt samt pÄ vilket sÀtt
fördelning av tid pÄverkar resultatet. Min hypotes Àr att det inte Àr tid man lÀgger pÄ skissen som
har betydelse utan hur man fördelar tiden mellan skiss respektive reflektion. Tiden har stor
betydelse nÀr idé ska bli till verklighet dÄ ett sÄ bra resultat som möjligt vill uppnÄs pÄ kortast
möjliga tid. Vid gestaltning av en plats Àr skissen det första stadiet i processen. I uppsatsen förs ett
resonemang utifrÄn litteratur och egna tankar vad en skiss och skissande Àr, varför den Àr viktig för
en landskapsarkitekt samt utgÄngspunkter för skissprocessen innan gestaltning av en plats kan
I undersökningen undersöktes skissens förhÄllande till tid, dÀr tvÄ gruppers skisser jÀmfördes mot
varandra. BÄda grupperna skissade totalt 25 minuter men med olika fördelning av tiden. Skisserna
utvÀrderades utifrÄn ett antal egenvalda relevanta teman. UtifrÄn min tolkning av skisserna kom
jag fram till att de skisser deltagarna i âTĂ€nkaâ-gruppen skapade baserades pĂ„ en grundidĂ© som
följde med genom alla skisser, dÀr den sista skissen alltid var bÀst. Det var svÄrt att byta idé utan
att ha tid mellan skisserna att reflektera, samt svÄrt att byta idé under tankeprocessen utan att
skissa. Det var endast personer i âGöraâ-gruppen som testade nya idĂ©er under skissprocessen, men
pÄ grund av bytet av idé blev sista skissen inte lika sjÀlvklart den bÀsta.
En vidare undersökning hade behövts för att sÀkerstÀlla slutsatserna jag kom fram till. För att göra
det hade jag behövt fler deltagare och en fördjupad litteraturstudie i kognition.This essay is aimed at undergraduate landscape architecture students and aims to investigate the
relationship between sketching and time. I want to investigate what significance sketching has to a
landscape architect in order for the design process to progress and in what way the distribution of
time can affect the outcome. My hypothesis is that it is not the time you spend on the sketch that is
important, but rather how you distribute time between sketching and reflection. Time is of the
essence when an idea is to turn into reality as the best possible result is to be achieved in the
shortest period of time possible. When designing a place, the sketch is the first stage in the
process. In this essay, a reasoning is carried out based on literature and oneâs own thoughts about
what a sketch and sketching are, why it is important for a landscape architect and starting points
for the sketching process before the design of a place can begin.
In this survey, the sketch's relationship relative to time was examined, where two groups' sketches
were compared against each other. Both groups sketched a total of 25 minutes but with different
distribution of time. The sketches were evaluated based on a few self-selected relevant themes.
Based on my interpretation of the sketches, I concluded that the sketches made by the participants
in the "Think" group were based on a basic idea that followed through all the sketches, where the ast sketch was always the best. It was difficult to change ideas without having time between
sketches to think, as well as difficult to change ideas during the thought process without sketching.
Only people in the "Do" group tested new ideas during the sketching process, but due to the
change of ideas, the final sketch was evidently not the best.
A further investigation would have been needed to ensure the conclusions I arrived at. To do that, I
would have needed more participants and an in-depth literature study in cognition
The Death of a Virtual Muslim Discussion Group : Issues and Methods in Analysing Religion on the Internet
In his article, Göran Larsson discusses and tests the way an Islamic online discussion group could be analyzed. The contribution deals both with theoretical and methodological questions. All the suggested approaches are tested against data taken from the Swedish Muslim discussion group, Sveriges Förenade CyberMuslimer (SFCM), which was the largest Muslim discussion group in Swedish at the time of writing. Larsson argues that it is necessary to develop fresh approaches and combine online research with traditional fieldwork (in particular interviews) in order to be able to use data taken from the Internet. Larsson also demonstrates that analyzing a Swedish Muslim discussion group requires recognition of the significant exchange with the global Muslim community in different languages and on many âglobalâ topics
The Englished Sciascia: translations 1960-2010
Literary translation can cross linguistic and political borders, enticing and enriching the receiving cultures. This essay aims to give an account of the translations of Leonardo Sciasciaâs work into English, over the last five decades. We approach this by way of two contextualizing overviews: firstly, of the translation of fiction in Europe today (Section 2), and secondly, of the translation of Italian literature into English since the 1930s (Section 3). As appropriate to Sciasciaâs case, we focus throughout on the translation of novels and short stories, and conclude with some thoughts on the âartâ of translation.
Con la traduzione letteraria si attraversano confini sia politici che linguistici, con lo scopo ideale di attrarre e arricchire la cultura che lâaccoglie. Questo saggio si prefigge di essere un resoconto delle traduzioni in inglese delle opere di Leonardo Sciascia nell'arco degli ultimi cinquant'anni. Iniziando dal contesto del mercato attuale delle traduzioni di romanzi in Europa e passando per quello della traduzione della letteratura italiana in inglese dagli anni 1930, si arriva poi al resoconto delle traduzioni in inglese delle opere di Sciascia. Come si addice al caso dello scrittore siciliano si punta comunque alla traduzione di romanzi e racconti (e racconti-inchiesta) e si conclude con alcune riflessioni sull' 'arte' del tradurre
Chapter 3: Building an Online Learning Community
The OTiS (Online Teaching in Scotland) programme, run by the now defunct Scotcit programme, ran an International e-Workshop on Developing Online Tutoring Skills which was held between 8â12 May 2000. It was organised by HeriotâWatt University, Edinburgh and The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK. Out of this workshop came the seminal Online Tutoring E-Book, a generic primer on e-learning pedagogy and methodology, full of practical implementation guidelines. Although the Scotcit programme ended some years ago, the E-Book has been copied to the SONET site as a series of PDF files, which are now available via the ALT Open Access Repository. The editor, Carol Higgison, is currently working in e-learning at the University of Bradford (see her staff profile) and is the Chair of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
An analysis of the life, work, and social change created by author Stieg Larsson
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the life of Swedish author Stieg Larsson and how his career as a journalist and activist lead him to create the global phenomenon, The Millennium Trilogy. Through writing about international political themes, Larsson successfully tells a tale of a female heroine, Lisbeth Salander, who overcomes her tragic destiny. Originally written in Swedish, Larsson creates a cultural assimilation through writing about universal themes, such as computer hacking and crimes against humanity. The three novels, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornetâs Nest are together called the Millennium Trilogy, and after only 6 years of publication, sold more than 65 million copies in more than 44 different languages. The novels are additionally the first major block buster books about social networking. Unfortunately, Larsson never saw the success of his novels, having died before their publication. This thesis will search for the truth behind the fiction by using current events that reflect the issues he proposes. It will also explore the idea of writing as a medium for social change by enlightening readers through journalism and literature. Through discussing the international success of the novels, this thesis aims to show the power of universal themes in transcending cultural barriers to create awareness of global issues. The books have not only become a symbol of pop culture, but also a symbol for social justice. The Millennium Trilogy is a series of crime novels that are a delivery system for social activism in the 21st century that incorporates contemporary technology as well as traditional âwho dun itâ story lines
What I Read on My Summer Vacation (Part II)
Moving across the country (from Irvine, California to State College, Pennsylvania) meant that most of my booksâeven the new onesâspent the summer packed in boxes. But alongside a rapid inhalation of all three Stieg Larsson novels, I still did a little China reading. Here, a few recommendations
In Print
Cosmic Dawn: The Search for the First Stars and Galaxies, George Rhee Springer, 2013
Gandhiâs Teachers: Henry David Thoreau Satish, Sharma Gujarat Vidyapith, 2013
A City Within a City: The Black Freedom Struggle in Grand Rapids, Michigan Todd E. Robinson Temple University Press, 2013
The Book of Important Moments, Richard Wiley Dzanc Books, 201
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