20,432 research outputs found

    Systematic monitoring and evaluation of M7 scanner performance and data quality

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    An investigation was conducted to provide the information required to maintain data quality of the Michigan M7 Multispectral scanner by systematic checks on specific system performance characteristics. Data processing techniques which use calibration data gathered routinely every mission have been developed to assess current data quality. Significant changes from past data quality are thus identified and attempts made to discover their causes. Procedures for systematic monitoring of scanner data quality are discussed. In the solar reflective region, calculations of Noise Equivalent Change in Radiance on a permission basis are compared to theoretical tape-recorder limits to provide an estimate of overall scanner performance. M7 signal/noise characteristics are examined

    Letter from S. D. Larsen

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    Letter concerning a special farmer\u27s class at Utah Agricultural College

    Imaging of star clusters in unperturbed spiral galaxies with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. I. The low luminosity galaxy NGC 45

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    We present results from ACS and WFPC observations in the low luminosity galaxy NGC 45. We identified 28 young star cluster candidates. While the exact values of age, mass, and extinction depend somewhat on the choice of SSP models, we find no young clusters with masses higher than a few 1000 Msun for any model choice. We derive the luminosity function of young star clusters and find a slope of alpha=-1.94+-0.28. We also identified 19 old globular clusters and we estimate a specific frequency of globular clusters of S_N=1.4-1.9 which is significantly higher than observed for other late-type galaxies (e.g. SMC, LMC, M33). Most of these globular clusters appear to belong to a metal-poor population, although they coincide spatially with the location of the bulge of NGC 45.Comment: 16 pages,18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    C32, A Young Star Cluster in IC 1613

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    The Local Group irregular galaxy IC 1613 has remained an enigma for many years because of its apparent lack of star clusters. We report the successful search for clusters among several of the candidate objects identified many years ago on photographic plates. We have used a single HST WFPC2 pointing and a series of images obtained with the WIYN telescope under exceptional seeing conditions, examining a total of 23 of the previously published candidates. All but six of these objects were found to be either asterisms or background galaxies. Five of the six remaining candidates possibly are small, sparse clusters and the sixth, C32, is an obvious cluster. It is a compact, young object, with an age of less than 10 million years and a total absolute magnitude of M_V = -5.78+/-0.16 within a radius of 13 pc.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in the May 2000 issue of the PAS

    Analysis of data systems requirements for global crop production forecasting in the 1985 time frame

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    Data systems concepts that would be needed to implement the objective of the global crop production forecasting in an orderly transition from experimental to operational status in the 1985 time frame were examined. Information needs of users were converted into data system requirements, and the influence of these requirements on the formulation of a conceptual data system was analyzed. Any potential problem areas in meeting these data system requirements were identified in an iterative process

    On The Progenitor of the Type II-Plateau Supernova 2003gd in Messier 74

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    HST WFPC2 archival F606W and F300W images obtained within one year prior to the explosion of the nearby Type II supernova (SN) 2003gd in Messier 74 (NGC 628) have been analyzed to isolate the progenitor star. The SN site was located using precise astrometry applied to the HST images. Two plausible candidates are identified within 0.6" of the SN position in the F606W image. Neither candidate was detected in the F300W image. SN 2003gd appears to be of Type II-plateau (II-P), with age ~87 d on June 17 UT and with low reddening [E(B-V) = 0.13 mag]. The most likely of the two progenitor candidates has M_V_0 ~ -3.5 mag (for an extinction-corrected distance modulus of 29.3 mag) and, based on additional color information derived from a high-quality, archival ground-based I-band image, we estimate that this star was a red supergiant with initial mass M_ZAMS ~ 8 -- 9 Msun. This mass estimate is somewhat lower than, but relatively consistent with, recent limits placed on the progenitor masses of other SNe II-P, using HST data. Future HST imaging with the Advanced Camera for Surveys, when the SN has faded considerably, will be extremely useful in pinpointing the exact SN location and securing identification of the progenitor. If our proposed candidate is confirmed, it will be only the sixth SN progenitor ever directly identified.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to appear now in PASP, 2003 Nov. This update includes more detailed light and color curves for the S

    The [alpha/Fe] Ratios in Dwarf Galaxies: Evidence for a Non-universal Stellar Initial Mass Function?

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    It is well established that the [alpha/Fe] ratios in elliptical galaxies increase with galaxy mass. This relation holds also for early-type dwarf galaxies, although it seems to steepen at low masses. The [alpha/Fe] vs. mass relation can be explained assuming that smaller galaxies form over longer timescales (downsizing), allowing a larger amount of Fe (mostly produced by long-living Type Ia Supernovae) to be released and incorporated into newly forming stars. Another way to obtain the same result is by using a flatter initial mass function (IMF) in large galaxies, increasing in this way the number of Type II Supernovae and therefore the production rate of alpha-elements. The integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF) theory predicts that the higher the star formation rate, the flatter the IMF. We have checked, by means of semi-analytical calculations, that the IGIMF theory, combined with the downsizing effect (i.e. the shorter duration of the star formation in larger galaxies), well reproduces the observed [alpha/Fe] vs. mass relation. In particular, we show a steepening of this relation in dwarf galaxies, in accordance with the available observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the JENAM 2010 Symposium on Dwarf Galaxies (Lisbon, September 9-10, 2010

    Spectroscopic Constraints on the Form of the Stellar Cluster Mass Function

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    This contribution addresses the question of whether the initial cluster mass function (ICMF) has a fundamental limit (or truncation) at high masses. The shape of the ICMF at high masses can be studied using the most massive young (<10 Myr) clusters, however this has proven difficult due to low-number statistics. In this contribution we use an alternative method based on the luminosities of the brightest clusters, combined with their ages. If a truncation is present, a generic prediction (nearly independent of the cluster disruption law adopted) is that the median age of bright clusters should be younger than that of fainter clusters. In the case of an non-truncated ICMF, the median age should be independent of cluster luminosity. Here, we present optical spectroscopy of twelve young stellar clusters in the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 2997. The spectra are used to estimate the age of each cluster, and the brightness of the clusters is taken from the literature. The observations are compared with the model expectations of Larsen (2009) for various ICMF forms and both mass dependent and mass independent cluster disruption. While there exists some degeneracy between the truncation mass and the amount of mass independent disruption, the observations favour a truncated ICMF. For low or modest amounts of mass independent disruption, a truncation mass of 5-6*10^5 Msun is estimated, consistent with previous determinations. Additionally, we investigate possible truncations in the ICMF in the spiral galaxy M83, the interacting Antennae galaxies, and the collection of spiral and dwarf galaxies present in Larsen (2009) based on photometric catalogues taken from the literature, and find that all catalogues are consistent with having a (environmentally dependent) truncation in the cluster mass functions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, in press, A&A Research Note

    Instantaneous Pair Theory for High-Frequency Vibrational Energy Relaxation in Fluids

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    Notwithstanding the long and distinguished history of studies of vibrational energy relaxation, exactly how it is that high frequency vibrations manage to relax in a liquid remains somewhat of a mystery. Both experimental and theoretical approaches seem to say that there is a natural frequency range associated with intermolecular motions in liquids, typically spanning no more than a few hundred cm^{-1}. Landau-Teller-like theories explain how a solvent can absorb any vibrational energy within this "band", but how is it that molecules can rid themselves of superfluous vibrational energies significantly in excess of these values? We develop a theory for such processes based on the idea that the crucial liquid motions are those that most rapidly modulate the force on the vibrating coordinate -- and that by far the most important of these motions are those involving what we have called the mutual nearest neighbors of the vibrating solute. Specifically, we suggest that whenever there is a single solvent molecule sufficiently close to the solute that the solvent and solute are each other's nearest neighbors, then the instantaneous scattering dynamics of the solute-solvent pair alone suffices to explain the high frequency relaxation. The many-body features of the liquid only appear in the guise of a purely equilibrium problem, that of finding the likelihood of particularly effective solvent arrangements around the solute. These results are tested numerically on model diatomic solutes dissolved in atomic fluids (including the experimentally and theoretically interesting case of I_2 in Xe). The instantaneous pair theory leads to results in quantitative agreement with those obtained from far more laborious exact molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 55 pages, 6 figures Scheduled to appear in J. Chem. Phys., Jan, 199

    Potential formation sites of super star clusters in ultra-luminous infrared galaxies

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    Recent observational results on high spatial resolution images of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs) have revealed very luminous, young, compact, and heavily obscured super star clusters in their central regions, suggested to be formed by gas-rich major mergers. By using stellar and gaseous numerical simulations of galaxy mergers, we firstly demonstrate that the central regions of ULIGs are the most promising formation sites of super star clusters owing to the rather high gaseous pressure of the interstellar medium. Based on simple analytical arguments, we secondly discuss the possibility that super star clusters in an ULIG can be efficiently transferred into the nuclear region owing to dynamical friction and consequently merge with one another to form a single compact stellar nucleus with a seed massive black hole. We thus suggest that multiple merging between super star clusters formed by nuclear starbursts in the central regions of ULIGs can result in the formation of massive black holes.Comment: 12 pages 4 figures, 2001, accepted by ApJ
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