908 research outputs found

    Pulmonary Toxicity and Adjuvant Effect of Di-(2-exylhexyl) Phthalate in Ovalbumin-Immunized BALB/c Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Asthma is a complex pulmonary inflammatory disease, which is characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness, variable airflow obstruction and inflammation in the airways. The majority of asthma is allergic asthma, which is a disease caused by type I hypersensitivity mediated by IgE. Exposures to a number of environmental chemicals are suspected to lead to asthma, one such pollutant is di-(2-ethylheyl) phthalate (DEHP). DEHP is a manufactured chemical that is commonly added in plastic products to make them flexible. Epidemiological studies have revealed a positive association between DEHP exposure and asthma prevalence. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The present study was aimed to determine the underlying role of DEHP exposure in airway reactivity, especially when combined with allergen exposure. The biomarkers include pulmonary histopathology, airway hyperresponsiveness (lung function), IgE, IL-4, IFN-γ and eosinophils. Healthy balb/c mice were randomly divided into eight exposure groups (n = 8 each): (1) saline control, (2) 30 µg/(kg•d) DEHP, (3) 300 µg/(kg•d) DEHP, (4) 3000 µg/(kg•d) DEHP, and (5) ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized group, (6) OVA-combined with 30 µg/(kg•d) DEHP, (7) OVA-combined with 300 µg/(kg•d) DEHP, and (8) OVA-combined with 3000 µg/(kg•d) DEHP. Experimental tests were conducted after 52-day DEHP exposure and subsequently one week of challenge with aerosolized OVA. The principal findings include: (1) Strong postive associations exist between OVA-combined DEHP exposure and serum total IgE (T-IgE), as well as histological findings. These positive associations show a dose-dependent low dose sensitive effect of DEHP. (2) IL-4, eosinophil recruitment and lung function are also indicators for adjuvant effect of DEHP. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results suggest that except the significant changes of immunological and inflammatory biomarkers (T-IgE, IL-4, IFN-γ and eosinophils), the pulmonary histological (histopathological examination) and physiological (lung function) data also support that DEHP may promote and aggravate allergic asthma by adjuvant effect

    Searching for globular cluster chemical anomalies on the main sequence of a young massive cluster

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    The spectroscopic and photometric signals of the star-to-star abundance variations found in globular clusters seem to be correlated with global parameters like the cluster’s metallicity, mass, and age. Understanding this behaviour could bring us closer to the origin of these intriguing abundance spreads. In this work we use deep HST photometry to look for evidence of abundance variations in the main sequence of a young massive cluster NGC 419 (∼105 M⊙, ∼1.4 Gyr). Unlike previous studies, here we focus on stars in the same mass range found in old globulars (∼0.75–1 M⊙), where light elements variations are detected. We find no evidence for N abundance variations among these stars in the Un − B and U − B colour–magnitude diagrams of NGC 419. This is at odds with the N variations found in old globulars like 47 Tuc, NGC 6352, and NGC 6637 with similar metallicity to NGC 419. Although the signature of the abundance variations characteristic of old globulars appears to be significantly smaller or absent in this young cluster, we cannot conclude if this effect is mainly driven by its age or its mass

    Intertwining Relations for the Deformed D1D5 CFT

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    The Higgs branch of the D1D5 system flows in the infrared to a two-dimensional N=(4,4) SCFT. This system is believed to have an "orbifold point" in its moduli space where the SCFT is a free sigma model with target space the symmetric product of copies of four-tori; however, at the orbifold point gravity is strongly coupled and to reach the supergravity point one needs to turn on the four exactly marginal deformations corresponding to the blow-up modes of the orbifold SCFT. Recently, technology has been developed for studying these deformations and perturbing the D1D5 CFT off its orbifold point. We present a new method for computing the general effect of a single application of the deformation operators. The method takes the form of intertwining relations that map operators in the untwisted sector before application of the deformation operator to operators in the 2-twisted sector after the application of the deformation operator. This method is computationally more direct, and may be of theoretical interest. This line of inquiry should ultimately have relevance for black hole physics.Comment: latex, 23 pages, 3 figure

    Searching for Multiple Populations in the Integrated Light of the Young and Extremely Massive Clusters in the Merger Remnant NGC~7252

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    Recent work has shown that the properties of multiple populations within massive stellar clusters (i.e., in the extent of their abundance variations as well as the fraction of stars that show the anomalous chemistry) depend on the mass as well as the age of the host cluster. Such correlations are largely unexpected in current models for the formation of multiple populations and hence provide essential insight into their origin. Here we extend or previous study into the presence or absence of multiple populations using integrated light spectroscopy of the 600\sim600~Myr, massive (107108\sim10^7 - 10^8~\msun) clusters, W3 and W30, in the galactic merger remnant, NGC 7252. Due to the extreme mass of both clusters, the expectation is that they should host rather extreme abundance spreads, manifested through, e.g., high mean [Na/Fe] abundances. However, we do not find evidence for a strong [Na/Fe] enhancement, with the observations being consistent with the solar value. This suggests that age is playing a key role, or alternatively that multiple populations only manifest below a certain stellar mass, as the integrated light at all ages above 100\sim100~Myr is dominated by stars near or above the main sequence turn-off

    New Penrose Limits and AdS/CFT

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    We find a new Penrose limit of AdS_5 x S^5 giving the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background with two explicit space-like isometries. This is an important missing piece in studying the AdS/CFT correspondence in certain subsectors. In particular whereas the Penrose limit giving one space-like isometry is useful for the SU(2) sector of N=4 SYM, this new Penrose limit is instead useful for studying the SU(2|3) and SU(1,2|3) sectors. In addition to the new Penrose limit of AdS_5 x S^5 we also find a new Penrose limit of AdS_4 x CP^3.Comment: 30 page

    Constructing near-horizon geometries in supergravities with hidden symmetry

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    We consider the classification of near-horizon geometries in a general two-derivative theory of gravity coupled to abelian gauge fields and uncharged scalars in four and five dimensions, with one and two commuting rotational symmetries respectively. Assuming that the theory of gravity reduces to a 3d non-linear sigma model (as is typically the case for ungauged supergravities), we show that the functional form of any such near-horizon geometry may be determined. As an example we apply this to five dimensional minimal supergravity. We also construct an example of a five parameter near-horizon geometry solution to this theory with S^1 X S^2 horizon topology. We discuss its relation to the near-horizon geometries of the yet to be constructed extremal black rings with both electric and dipole charges.Comment: Latex, 30 pages. v2: discussion in section 5 modified and improved, other minor changes, references adde

    Importance of meteorological variables for aeroplankton dispersal in an urban environment

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    Passive wind dispersal is one of the major mechanisms through which organisms disperse and colonize new areas. The detailed comprehension of which factors affect this process may help to preserve its efficiency for years to come. This is especially important in the current context of climate change, which may seriously alter weather regimes that drive dispersal, and is crucial in urban contexts, where biodiversity is dramatically threatened by pollution and fragmentation of natural patches. Despite its interest, the analysis of factors affecting aeroplankton dispersal in urban environments is rare in literature. We sampled aeroplankton community uninterruptedly every 4 hours from 17th May to 19th September 2011 in the urban garden of Parco d'Orléans, within the campus of the University of Palermo (Sicily). Sampling was performed using a Johnson-Taylor suction trap with automatized sample storing. Weather variables were recorded at a local meteorological station. Overall, 11,739 insects were caught during the present study, about 60% of these belonged to the order Hymenoptera, with particular presence of families Agaonidae and Formicidae. The suction trap also captured specimens of very small size, and in some cases, species caught were new records for Italy. Composition and abundance of aeroplankton community was influenced by alternation day/night, as well as by daily fluctuations of climatic variables, for example fluctuating temperature . The diversity of samples was also studied and resulted higher when wind blew from the nearby green area. Our findings confirm that passive transport of arthropods strictly depends on weather conditions, and that the presence of natural areas within the urban environment significantly contribute to raise aeroplankton diversity, eventually fuelling overall biodiversity at a local scale. We discuss how climate change may affect future dispersal of these organisms

    Assessing the capacity of local ecosystems to meet industrial demand for ecosystem services

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    Despite the importance of ecosystems, engineering activities continue to ignore or greatly undervalue their role. Consequently, engineered systems often overshoot nature's capacity to support them, causing ecological degradation. Such systems tend to be inherently unsustainable, and they often fail to benefit from nature's ability to provide essential goods and services. This work explores the idea of including ecosystems in chemical processes, and assesses whether such a techno-ecological synergistic system can operate within ecological constraints. The demand for ecosystem services is quantified by emissions and resources used, while the supply is provided by ecosystems on the manufacturing site. Application to a biodiesel manufacturing site demonstrates that ecosystems can be economically and environmentally superior to conventional technologies for making progress toward zero emissions and net positive impact manufacturing. These results highlight the need for shifting the paradigm of engineering from that of dominating nature to embracing nature and respecting its limits

    Leveraging HST with MUSE: II. Na-abundance variations in intermediate age star clusters

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    Ancient (>>10 Gyr) globular clusters (GCs) show chemical abundance variations in the form of patterns among certain elements, e.g. N correlates with Na and anti-correlates with O. Recently, N abundance spreads have also been observed in massive star clusters that are significantly younger than old GCs, down to an age of \sim2 Gyr. However, so far N has been the only element found to vary in such young objects. We report here the presence of Na abundance variations in the intermediate age massive star clusters NGC 416 (\sim6.5 Gyr old) and Lindsay 1 (\sim7.5 Gyr old) in the Small Magellanic Cloud, by combining HST and ESO-VLT MUSE observations. Using HST photometry we were able to construct ''chromosome maps'' and separate sub-populations with different N content, in the red giant branch of each cluster. MUSE spectra of individual stars belonging to each population were combined, resulting in high signal-to-noise spectra representative of each population, which were compared to search for mean differences in Na. We find a mean abundance variation of Δ\Delta[Na/Fe]=0.18±0.04=0.18\pm0.04 dex for NGC 416 and Δ\Delta[Na/Fe]=0.24±0.05=0.24\pm0.05 dex for Lindsay 1. In both clusters we find that the population that is enhanced in N is also enhanced in Na, which is the same pattern to the one observed in ancient GCs. Furthermore, we detect a bimodal distribution of core-helium burning Red Clump (RC) giants in the UV colour magnitude diagram of NGC 416. A comparison of the stacked MUSE spectra of the two RCs shows the same mean Na abundance difference between the two populations. The results reported in this work are a crucial hint that star clusters of a large age range share the same origin: they are the same types of objects, but only separated in age

    A General Black String and its Microscopics

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    Using G2(2) dualities we construct the most general black string solution of minimal five-dimensional ungauged supergravity. The black string has five independent parameters, namely, the magnetic one-brane charge, smeared electric zero-brane charge, boost along the string direction, energy above the BPS bound, and rotation in the transverse space. In one extremal limit it reduces to the three parameter supersymmetric string of five-dimensional minimal supergravity; in another extremal limit it reduces to the three parameter non-supersymmetric extremal string of five-dimensional minimal supergravity. It also admits an extremal limit when it has maximal rotation in the four-dimensional transverse space. The decoupling limit of our general black string is a BTZ black hole times a two sphere. The macroscopic entropy of the string is reproduced by the Maldacena-Strominger-Witten CFT in appropriate ranges of the parameters. When the pressureless condition is imposed, our string describes the infinite radius limit of the most general class of black rings of minimal supergravity. We discuss implications our solution has for extremal and non-extremal black rings of minimal supergravity.Comment: 35 pages; 3 figures; v2 section 4.1.1 rewritten + minor changes + ref adde