18,505 research outputs found

    Entropy of Thermally Excited Black Rings

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    A string theory description of near extremal black rings is proposed. The entropy is computed and the thermodynamic properties are derived for a large family of black rings that have not yet been constructed in supergravity. It is also argued that the most general black ring in N=8 supergravity has 21 parameters up to duality.Comment: 17 pages; v2: minor edits and refs adde

    A dynamical and kinematical model of the Galactic stellar halo and possible implications for galaxy formation scenarios

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    We re-analyse the kinematics of the system of blue horizontal branch field (BHBF) stars in the Galactic halo (in particular the outer halo), fitting the kinematics with the model of radial and tangential velocity dispersions in the halo as a function of galactocentric distance r proposed by Sommer-Larsen, Flynn & Christensen (1994), using a much larger sample (almost 700) of BHBF stars. The basic result is that the character of the stellar halo velocity ellipsoid changes markedly from radial anisotropy at the sun to tangential anisotropy in the outer parts of the Galactic halo (r greater than approx 20 kpc). Specifically, the radial component of the stellar halo's velocity ellipsoid decreases fairly rapidly beyond the solar circle, from approx 140 +/- 10 km/s at the sun, to an asymptotic value of 89 +/- 19 km/s at large r. The rapid decrease in the radial velocity dispersion is matched by an increase in the tangential velocity dispersion, with increasing r. Our results may indicate that the Galaxy formed hierarchically (partly or fully) through merging of smaller subsystems - the 'bottom-up' galaxy formation scenario, which for quite a while has been favoured by most theorists and recently also has been given some observational credibility by HST observations of a potential group of small galaxies, at high redshift, possibly in the process of merging to a larger galaxy (Pascarelle et al 1996).Comment: Latex, 16 pages. 2 postscript figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. also available at http://astro.utu.fi/~cflynn/outerhalo.htm

    Young and intermediate-age massive star clusters

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    An overview of our current understanding of the formation and evolution of star clusters is given, with main emphasis on high-mass clusters. Clusters form deeply embedded within dense clouds of molecular gas. Left-over gas is cleared within a few million years and, depending on the efficiency of star formation, the clusters may disperse almost immediately or remain gravitationally bound. Current evidence suggests that a few percent of star formation occurs in clusters that remain bound, although it is not yet clear if this fraction is truly universal. Internal two-body relaxation and external shocks will lead to further, gradual dissolution on timescales of up to a few hundred million years for low-mass open clusters in the Milky Way, while the most massive clusters (> 10^5 Msun) have lifetimes comparable to or exceeding the age of the Universe. The low-mass end of the initial cluster mass function is well approximated by a power-law distribution, dN/dM ~ M^{-2}, but there is mounting evidence that quiescent spiral discs form relatively few clusters with masses M > 2 x 10^5 Msun. In starburst galaxies and old globular cluster systems, this limit appears to be higher, at least several x 10^6 Msun. The difference is likely related to the higher gas densities and pressures in starburst galaxies, which allow denser, more massive giant molecular clouds to form. Low-mass clusters may thus trace star formation quite universally, while the more long-lived, massive clusters appear to form preferentially in the context of violent star formation.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. To appear as invited review article in a special issue of the Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A: Ch. 9 "Star clusters as tracers of galactic star-formation histories" (ed. R. de Grijs). Fully peer reviewed. PDFLaTeX, requires rspublic.cls style fil

    Circular String-Instabilities in Curved Spacetime

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    We investigate the connection between curved spacetime and the emergence of string-instabilities, following the approach developed by Loust\'{o} and S\'{a}nchez for de Sitter and black hole spacetimes. We analyse the linearised equations determining the comoving physical (transverse) perturbations on circular strings embedded in Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m and de Sitter backgrounds. In all 3 cases we find that the "radial" perturbations grow infinitely for r→0r\rightarrow 0 (ring-collapse), while the "angular" perturbations are bounded in this limit. For r→∞r\rightarrow\infty we find that the perturbations in both physical directions (perpendicular to the string world-sheet in 4 dimensions) blow up in the case of de Sitter space. This confirms results recently obtained by Loust\'{o} and S\'{a}nchez who considered perturbations around the string center of mass.Comment: 24 pages Latex + 2 figures (not included). Observatoire de Paris, Meudon No. 9305


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    High resolution Ge/Li/ spectrometer reduces rate-dependent distortions at high counting rates

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    Modified spectrometer system with a low-noise preamplifier reduces rate-dependent distortions at high counting rates, 25,000 counts per second. Pole-zero cancellation minimizes pulse undershoots due to multiple time constants, baseline restoration improves resolution and prevents spectral shifts

    Exact Microscopic Entropy of Non-Supersymmetric Extremal Black Rings

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    In this brief note we show that the horizon entropy of the largest known class of non-supersymmetric extremal black rings, with up to six parameters, is exactly reproduced for all values of the ring radius using the same conformal field theory of the four-charge four-dimensional black hole. A particularly simple case is a dipole black ring without any conserved charges. The mass gets renormalized, but the first corrections it receives can be easily understood as an interaction potential energy. Finally, we stress that even if the entropy is correctly reproduced, this only implies that one sector of chiral excitations has been identified, but an understanding of excitations in the other sector is still required in order to capture the black ring dynamics.Comment: 7 pages. v2: minor improvements, ref adde

    Stable and Unstable Circular Strings in Inflationary Universes

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    It was shown by Garriga and Vilenkin that the circular shape of nucleated cosmic strings, of zero loop-energy in de Sitter space, is stable in the sense that the ratio of the mean fluctuation amplitude to the loop radius is constant. This result can be generalized to all expanding strings (of non-zero loop-energy) in de Sitter space. In other curved spacetimes the situation, however, may be different. In this paper we develop a general formalism treating fluctuations around circular strings embedded in arbitrary spatially flat FRW spacetimes. As examples we consider Minkowski space, de Sitter space and power law expanding universes. In the special case of power law inflation we find that in certain cases the fluctuations grow much slower that the radius of the underlying unperturbed circular string. The inflation of the universe thus tends to wash out the fluctuations and to stabilize these strings.Comment: 15 pages Latex, NORDITA 94/14-

    From p-branes to Cosmology

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    We study the relationship between static p-brane solitons and cosmological solutions of string theory or M-theory. We discuss two different ways in which extremal p-branes can be generalised to non-extremal ones, and show how wide classes of recently discussed cosmological models can be mapped into non-extremal p-brane solutions of one of these two kinds. We also extend previous discussions of cosmological solutions to include some that make use of cosmological-type terms in the effective action that can arise from the generalised dimensional reduction of string theory or M-theory.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, no figur
