524 research outputs found

    Host Community Voices and Community Experiences: Tanzanian Perspectives on a Teacher Education International Service-Learning Project

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    Teacher education programs are increasingly integrating aspects of international service-learning (ISL) into student experience. While studies about teacher-candidate experiences are published, less is known about the effects of these ISL initiatives on the host communities. There is a need to hear from and integrate host community voices into all dimensions of the ISL experiences. We honor the voices of ISL host participants by turning our attention to those involved in an ongoing ISL project in Tanzania. Our analysis is grounded in our experiences as ISL practitioners and teacher educators. We utilize the concepts of Freire and Dewey to provide an understanding of ISL in teacher education that emphasizes how dialogue with host participants increases understanding of local contexts and promotes reciprocity as a form of learning from one another. This study concludes with the implications, both negative and positive, associated with integrating ISL into teacher education programs

    Proofs and refutations in the undergraduate mathematics classroom

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    Abstract In his 1976 book, Proofs and Refutations, Lakatos presents a collection of case studies to illustrate methods of mathematical discovery in the history of mathematics. In this paper, we reframe these methods in ways that we have found make them more amenable for use as a framework for research on learning and teaching mathematics. We present an episode from an undergraduate abstract algebra classroom to illustrate the guided reinvention of mathematics through processes that strongly parallel those described by Lakatos. Our analysis suggests that the constructs described by Lakatos can provide a useful framework for making sense of the mathematical activity in classrooms where students are actively engaged in the development of mathematical ideas and provide design heuristics for instructional approaches that support the learning of mathematics through the process of guided reinvention

    Pflegerische Interventionen bei Substanzentzug im Akutspital

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    Darstellung des Themas: Schweizweit wurden 2017 12.2% der Bevölkerung hospitalisiert, 0.92% (2013: 0.83%) aufgrund einer substanzbedingten Störung (Bundesamt für Statistik, 2019b). Im europäischen Vergleich ist der Kokain-, Ecstasy- und Crystal-Meth-Konsum in Schweizer Städten sehr hoch. Von 2015 bis 2017 verdoppelte sich der Kokainkonsum in Zürich (Lahrtz, 2018). Akutspitäler werden folglich zunehmend mit substanzabhängigen Personen konfrontiert. Pflegerische Interventionen zur Linderung von Entzugssymptomen werden unbedingt benötigt. Ziel: Pflegerische Interventionen zur Linderung von im Akutspital auftretenden Entzugssymptomen ermitteln. Methode: Mittels systematisierter Literaturrecherche in fünf Datenbanken vom 07.2019 bis 02.2020 wurden fünf Fachartikel und sechs quantitative Studien gefunden. Relevante Ergebnisse: Ohrakupressur und integrative Meditation verringern Entzugssymptome und verbessern Behandlungsretentionsraten. Assessmentinstrumente, Kunsttherapie, Musiktherapie, Bewegung, Kommunikationstechniken und Umgebungsgestaltung zeigen ebenfalls einen positiven Effekt. Substanzmittelabhängige Personen profitieren von einer professionellen Beziehungsgestaltung durch Pflegende. Behandlungsverträge sind hingegen kontraproduktiv. Pflegende und Gesundheitsinstitutionen fühlen sich unzureichend für die Behandlung gerüstet. Zum Beleg der Wirksamkeit der Interventionen wird mehr Forschung benötigt. Schlussfolgerungen: Es existieren kostengünstige, effektive und praktikable Ansätze pflegerischer Interventionen. Pflegende spielen bei der Betreuung im Akutspital eine entscheidende Rolle, sollten aber im Umgang mit dieser Patientengruppe durch Sensibilisierung, Aus- und Fortbildung gestärkt werden

    Global challenges: South African and Australian students’ experiences of emergency remote teaching

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    The COVID-19 pandemic forced universities worldwide to move their teaching online within an unprecedentedly short timeframe. Whilst the move online learning has increased the reach of tertiary educational delivery it has also raised significant issues of equity, accessibility and student engagement. This includes concerns around access to technology and reliable internet connectivity, academic and digital literacy, and other factors such as mental health and work-life balance. This paper examines two studies of student engagement with online learning during 2020 when then pandemic began. One study was conducted in South Africa the other in a small regional university in South-Eastern Australia. A mixed method approach was used in both studies and then student responses were analysed using the student engagement framework presented by Kahu and Nelson (2018). A key focus in this analysis is the critical importance the educational interface and shared mutually formative experience of learning between students and universities. Findings show that despite the two different contexts, student concerns around digital literacy and engagement in an online learning environment share many similarities

    Using both principal component analysis and reduced rank regression to study dietary patterns and diabetes in Chinese adults

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    Abstract Objective We examined the association between dietary patterns and diabetes using the strengths of two methods: principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the eating patterns of the population and reduced rank regression (RRR) to derive a pattern that explains the variation in glycated Hb (HbA1c), homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and fasting glucose. Design We measured diet over a 3 d period with 24 h recalls and a household food inventory in 2006 and used it to derive PCA and RRR dietary patterns. The outcomes were measured in 2009. Setting Adults ( n 4316) from the China Health and Nutrition Survey. Results The adjusted odds ratio for diabetes prevalence (HbA1c≥6·5 %), comparing the highest dietary pattern score quartile with the lowest, was 1·26 (95 % CI 0·76, 2·08) for a modern high-wheat pattern (PCA; wheat products, fruits, eggs, milk, instant noodles and frozen dumplings), 0·76 (95 % CI 0·49, 1·17) for a traditional southern pattern (PCA; rice, meat, poultry and fish) and 2·37 (95 % CI 1·56, 3·60) for the pattern derived with RRR. By comparing the dietary pattern structures of RRR and PCA, we found that the RRR pattern was also behaviourally meaningful. It combined the deleterious effects of the modern high-wheat pattern (high intakes of wheat buns and breads, deep-fried wheat and soya milk) with the deleterious effects of consuming the opposite of the traditional southern pattern (low intakes of rice, poultry and game, fish and seafood). Conclusions Our findings suggest that using both PCA and RRR provided useful insights when studying the association of dietary patterns with diabetes

    Survival of a wild ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) with abdominal trauma in an anthropogenically disturbed habitat

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    Soft tissue injuries are rarely reported in wild primates as these heal fast, are not obvious, and are rapidly scavenged or decompose after death. An adult female ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) was found to have a chronic gastrointestinal fistula in Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar. She was observed monthly for 13 months until her remains, which showed evidence of dog predation, were found. Until then, she was in good body condition, had gained weight from the previous year and was observed to exhibit normal behaviour and produce an infant. This report documents a wild strepsirrhine primate able to survive significant soft tissue injury in an anthropogenically disturbed habitat.  RÉSUMÉ Il est rare que des blessures dans les tissus mous soient signalés chez les primates vivant à l’état sauvage car ces blessures guérissent rapidement, sont moins visibles ou que les animaux eux-mêmes se décomposent ou sont rapidement mangés par d’autres animaux après leur mort. Une femelle adulte de lémur catta (Lemur catta) a été trouvée avec une fistule gastro-intestinale chronique. Elle avait été observée vivante tous les mois pendant 13 mois avant que nous ne trouvions son cadavre, qui montrait des signes de prédation par des chiens. Jusque-là, elle était en bonne condition physique, avait pris du poids par rapport à l’année précédente, montrait un comportement normal et avait donné naissance à un petit. Ce rapport documente une lésion grave des tissus mous sur un Prosimien qui a été capable de survivre dans un habitat perturbé par l’homme

    Det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet - Har sjefen all makten?

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    Arbeidsmiljø er en del av alle arbeidsplasser og blir påvirket av en rekke ulike faktorer. Vi tror at en av de største, om ikke den største påvirkningen, på det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet kommer fra ledere. Denne påstanden baserer vi på at ledere berører alle aspekter av arbeidsmiljøet, de kan forårsake stress eller de kan være med på å minske stress. De kan bidra til positive sosiale samspill eller være dem som utøver mobbing. Det er leders ansvar å håndtere konflikter, å sørge for at arbeidsmiljøloven blir fulgt og at det ikke forekommer brudd på arbeidskontrakter. Det er også ledere som har som ansvar å følge opp avvik, gi ris og ros, veiledning og videre oppfølging. De har et stort ansvar og det er nettopp dette som gjør at de er en så viktig del for det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet. I denne oppgaven ser vi nærmere på dette og tar for oss sammenhengen mellom hvordan ledere og ansatte opplever leders påvirkning på det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet. Her sammenligner vi svar fra intervjuer med ledere og svar fra en spørreundersøkelse rettet mot ansatte med 117 respondenter. Her ser vi på hvor motiverende, inspirerende og støttende ledere er, hva ansatte mener om leders påvirkning på arbeidsmiljøet, hvordan de håndterer konflikter og mye mer. Et av de kanskje viktigste spørsmålene vi har stilt handler om hvor mange som har vurdert å si opp eller faktisk har sagt opp på grunn av sitt forhold til en leder. Gjennom spørreundersøkelsen har vi fått mange urovekkende svar. Blant annet en mye høyere prosentandel enn forventet som har sagt opp en jobb på grunn av en leder, og som har opplevd mobbing på arbeidsplassen - særlig uten at leder har håndtert situasjonen riktig. Vi har også fått mange positive svar. Omtrent 86% av respondentene i spørreundersøkelsen kan fortelle at de trives i sin nåværende stilling, og av disse kommer godt arbeidsmiljø, gode kolleger og gode ledere frem som årsaker til at disse respondentene mener at de trives. Alt dette stemmer overens med vår antakelse om at en av de største påvirkningene på det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet kommer fra ledere. Det vi ser til slutt at det er en stor glipe mellom den påvirkningen leder tror de har, i motsetning til den påvirkningen leder faktisk har på de ansatte sitt psykososiale arbeidsmiljø