576 research outputs found

    Sammentrængt Udtog af de til Landhuusholdningsselskabet indkomne Afhandlinger om Midlerne til HesteavlensFremme.

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    Sammentrængt Udtog af de til Landhuusholdningsselskabet indkomne Afhandlinger om Midlerne til HesteavlensFremme

    Are sell it yourself-services a threat towards traditional real estate broking?

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    Bacheloroppgave i eiendomsmegling 2017I media har det den siste tiden vært mange artikler og uttalelser som retter seg mot privat salg og eiendomsmeglers rolle. Dette har sitt utspring i de mange nye trender og tjenester som er på vei inn i markedet. Vi har i hovedsak rettet fokuset mot tjenesten Propr, da dette er den tjenesten som er mest synlig i markedet etter vår mening. Det spekuleres i om privat salg er risikosport, eller om det er en trygg løsning for forbrukere. Holdningene til eiendomsmeglere har endret seg mye i løpet av de siste årene, men vi mener at bransjen fortsatt har en lang vei å gå. Lovendringen i 2007 har hatt stor betydning for disse holdningsendringene og bransjens overordnede omdømme. Den største endringen som følge av denne loven, var økte kompetansekrav til eiendomsmeglere. Dette skulle sikre en tryggere bolighandel, og fjerne useriøse aktører i markedet. De fremtidige utfordringene til bransjen blir å holde tritt med de teknologiske nyvinningene, automatisere og effektivisere tjenesten, samt jobbe videre med å bygge opp et bedre omdømme og troverdighet hos forbrukerne. Vi har sett på tidligere forskning og artikler, alt dette materialet har vi tatt med oss videre inn i våre analyser. Videre har vi rettet fokuset mot årsakene som er bakenforliggende for om en forbruker ønsker å benytte seg av eiendomsmegler eller privat salg. Problemstillingen vår er: Er selg det selv tjenester en trussel for tradisjonell eiendomsmegling? Oppgaven vår tar utgangspunkt i om disse tjenesten kan regnes som eiendomsmegling, hvordan kravene som stilles er ulike for eiendomsmegling og privat salg, hva som er de viktigste årsakene til å benytte seg av eiendomsmegler og privat salg, og hvordan bransjen kan møte konkurransen fra de nye tjenestene. Den teoretiske bakgrunnen for vår studie av emnet er sekundære datakilder som fagrapporter, artikler, brev fra finanstilsynet, lærebøker og lovverk. Gjennom metodetriangulering, vil vi kombinerer kvalitativ og kvantitativ metode for å danne oss et tydelig bilde av omgivelsene vi studerer. Vi lagde en anonym nettbasert spørreundersøkelse for et generelt utvalg. Denne la vi ut på personlige plattformer i sosiale medier og sendte den ellers til en del bekjente. I tillegg til dette gjennomførte vi et semistrukturert dybdeintervju med en erfaren aktør i bransjen. Vår oppfatning av våre funn er at de er interessante i sammenheng med studiet. I spørreundersøkelsen fikk vi et bilde av hvordan holdningene til bruk av eiendomsmegler og selg det selv-tjenester var. I intervjuet fikk vi gode svar med tanke på problemstillingen og spørsmål vi satt igjen med etter spørreundersøkelsen. Vi er kommet frem til en rekke årsaker for valg av tjeneste, hvor mange som benytter seg av de ulike tjenestene og hvilke tiltak bransjen kan innføre for å møte konkurransen. Avslutningsvis konkluderer vi med ulike funn, supplert med egne synspunkt og meninger.Engelsk sammendrag (abstract) Lately, there have been a lot of articles and statements in the media directed at sale of housing, with or without a real estate broker. The reason is that there is a lot of new trends and services rising in the market. Our focus is directed mainly at the service Propr, because this is the most visible service in the market. It is speculated whether housing sales without a real estate broker are high risk or a safe solution for consumers. The attitudes towards real estate brokers have changed a lot over the last years, but in our opinion there is still a long way to go. The legislative amendment of 2007 had a major impact towards the change in attitude and the overall reputation of the real estate industry. The biggest alteration as a result of the legislative amendment was increased requirements to real estate broker’s competence. This would ensure safer sales of housing, and remove reckless behavior in the industry. Future challenges for the real estate industry will be to keep up with new developments in technology, make services automated and more efficient, in addition to build a better reputation and credibility in the consumers’ minds. We have looked at previous research and articles, and brought all of this material into our analysis. Further on we have directed our focus to underlying attitudes towards why consumers want to use real estate broker’s services or private sale. Our main question for this thesis: are sell it yourself-services a threat towards traditional real estate broking? The thesis is based on whether or not these services can be considered real estate broking, how requirements are different for real estate brokers and private sales, what the most important causes for choosing real estate brokers and private sales are, and how the real estate industry can face the competition from the new services. The theoretical background of the thesis is based on secondary sources, such as technical reports, articles, letters from the financial supervisory authority, textbooks and the legislation. Through triangular method, we will combine qualitative and quantitative methods to form a clear image of the environment we are studying. We made anonymous questionnaires for our general selection. We posted the questionnaire on personal platforms in social media and sent it to some acquaintances. In addition to this, we conducted a semi-structured in-depth interview with an experienced person working in the industry. In our opinion our findings are interesting in context of the study. The questionnaire helps us build up an image of how attitudes towards hiring a real estate broker and sell it yourself-services are. In the interview we got some good answers considering our main issues and unanswered questions after the questionnaire. We have concluded with numerous causes for choice of service and which measures the industry can insert to meet the competition. Finally we conclude with different findings, supplemented with our own views and opinions

    Mechanical and free living comparisons of four generations of the Actigraph activity monitor.

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    BACKGROUND: More studies include multiple generations of the Actigraph activity monitor. So far no studies have compared the output including the newest generation and investigated the impact on the output of the activity monitor when enabling the low frequency extension (LFE) option. The aims were to study the responses of four generations (AM7164, GT1M, GT3X and GT3X+) of the Actigraph activity monitor in a mechanical setup and a free living environment with and without enabling the LFE option. METHODS: The monitors were oscillated in a mechanical setup using two radii in the frequency range 0.25-3.0 Hz. Following the mechanical study a convenience sample (N = 20) wore three monitors (one AM7164 and two GT3X) for 24 hours. RESULTS: The AM7164 differed from the newer generations across frequencies (p  0.05 for differences between generations) thus attenuated the difference in mean PA (p > 0.05) when the LFE option was enabled. However, it did not attenuate the difference in time spend in vigorous PA and it introduced a difference in time spend in moderate PA (+ 3.0 min (95% CI 0.4 to 5.6)) between the generations. CONCLUSION: We observed significant differences between the AM7164 and the newer Actigraph GT-generations (GT1M, GT3X and GT3X+) in a mechanical setup and in free-living. Enabling the LFE option attenuated the differences in mean PA completely, but induced a bias in the moderate PA intensities.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Clustering of Sun Exposure Measurements

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    Towards increased reliability of resistance welded joints for aircraft assembly

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    This study focuses on the opportunities and challenges of applying the static resistance welding process to a full scale upper shell fuselage demonstrator. An adapted resistance welding setup and process which produces high quality welds over the whole welding surface with a defined weld seam is described. The effects of scaling and the challenges that arise during the welding of the demonstrator are discussed. Approaches to solutions are presented to meet the required reliability of resistance welded joints in application

    Simulation based draping of dry carbon fibre textiles with cooperating robots

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    Carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) is a promising material for aircraft and other lightweight applications. To be competitive with low-cost metal based solutions highly effective and flexible production technologies are required. For this purpose production systems comprising automated fibre placement or automated tape laying technology are on the market for several years and widely spread. However, there is still a lack of automated systems capable of producing preforms efficiently and flexibly from textile semi-finished goods. Non-crimp fabrics (NCF) and weaves have to undergo considerable shear and reshaping during the layup of 3D-curved preforms in order to properly fit the 2D cut pieces to the moulds. At the Center for Lightweight Production Technology (ZLP) a digital and automated process for the easy draping of large NCF and weave cut pieces with several robots according to the previous draping simulation has been set up and tested in a robotic work cell. The details of converting the draping simulation into correct and easy to setup motions for cooperating robots and how to execute the entire process autonomously, i.e. without teaching the robots, are described. On the basis of preliminary tests the system’s capabilities on a large scale demonstrator part resembling an airplane’s rear pressure bulkhead are evaluated. An overview of the system’s architecture from simulation based planning to detecting, correct gripping, collision free autonomous transport and laydown of the cut pieces is also given
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