744 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search

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    We prove an Ω(dlgn/(lglgn)2)\Omega(d \lg n/ (\lg\lg n)^2) lower bound on the dynamic cell-probe complexity of statistically oblivious\mathit{oblivious} approximate-near-neighbor search (ANN\mathsf{ANN}) over the dd-dimensional Hamming cube. For the natural setting of d=Θ(logn)d = \Theta(\log n), our result implies an Ω~(lg2n)\tilde{\Omega}(\lg^2 n) lower bound, which is a quadratic improvement over the highest (non-oblivious) cell-probe lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN}. This is the first super-logarithmic unconditional\mathit{unconditional} lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN} against general (non black-box) data structures. We also show that any oblivious static\mathit{static} data structure for decomposable search problems (like ANN\mathsf{ANN}) can be obliviously dynamized with O(logn)O(\log n) overhead in update and query time, strengthening a classic result of Bentley and Saxe (Algorithmica, 1980).Comment: 28 page

    «Suelta mi manso, mayoral extraño»: Pastores y ovejas en un ciclo poético de Lope de Vega.

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    En el ciclo de tres sonetos aquí estudiados, Lope de Vega se vale de una irónica alegoría pastoril para aludir a algunos aspectos de su vida panicular. Pero con frecuencia sus alusiones se desarrollan en el contexto de paralelas referencias igualmente irónicas a varios pasajes bíblicos de ambos Testamentos, en especial cienos incidentes narrados en las historias de Jesucristo y del Rey David, entre otros. Resulta así una yuxtaposición del loco y del buen amor, de eros y eculesia. en la que Lope lamenta la pérdida de su amante, Elena Osorio, y ataca al rival que se la robó, Granvela, mientras que parece compararse incluso al Buen Pastor. De este modo, el poeta ilumina su práctica estética y su estado mental, su arte y su vida. No deja de lograr una expresión poética tan contradictoria, pero brillante, como era él mismo

    Some New Insights and a Note Regarding Alexander Jannaeus Anchor/Star (TJC Group L) Coins

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    Dieser Artikel untersucht einen spezifischen Münztyp, der von Alexander Jannaeus und wahrscheinlich von seinen Nachfolgern im 1. Jh. v. Chr. geprägt wurde. Neue Varianten und unpublizierte Exemplare werden diskutiert, einhergehend mit dem Vorschlag, diesen Münztyp in vier Untertypen aufzugliedern. Daneben wird die Herstellung der Stempel berücksichtigt, mit denen die kleinsten Exemplare dieses Typs geprägt wurden. Schließlich machen die Autoren einen Vorschlag, welches  Nominal diese Münzen im judäischen Zahlungsverkehr einnahmen.The article examines one specific type of coin that was minted by Alexander Jannaeus and probably by his successors, during the first century BCE. New variants and unpublished specimens are discussed along with a proposal that this coin type may be divided into four subtypes. The article also considers the preparation of the dies used to mint the smallest of this type of coin. Finally, the article proposes the denomination that these coins had in the ancient Judean marketplace

    The effect of body armor on performance, thermal stress, and exertion : a critical review

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    Armed forces worldwide utilize some form of body armor as part of their personal protective system. This is particularly essential in recent times because of the increased sophistication of weapons employed during modern warfare and the advent of unconventional combat methods (such as the increased use of improvised explosive devices). There is some evidence to show, however, that the usage of military body armor impairs physical performance. This review of the literature will focus on the effect of body armor on the performance of, and physiological and subjective responses during, military-style physical tasks. Because of the paucity of research investigating body armor, this review will also draw upon more generalized personal protective clothing and equipment literature from a range of physically demanding occupations (i.e., firefighting and other emergency services). The review will conclude with suggested directions for future research in this area

    Size and Scope of Garfield County Agriculture 2019

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    This fact sheet profiles the size and scope of agriculture in Garfield County, Utah. It includes location, land ownership, growing season, crop and livestock production, and farm income and age of operator

    The Significance of Water-Deities Subjugated by Tyche on the City-Coins of Syria-Palaestina and Arabia during the 2nd and 3rd century CE

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    Im folgenden Artikel wird die These aufgestellt, dass die Städte in der südlichen Levante, die im zweiten und dritten Jahrhundert n. Chr. Münzen prägten, auf denen Tyche mit einer Wassergottheit zu ihren Füßen abgebildet ist, bedeutende Wasserversorgungssysteme errichtet hatten. Im Stolz auf diese technischen Errungenschaften ehrten die städtischen Honoratioren ihre Tyche, die durch die Bereitstellung von reichlich Wasser ihre Grundbedürfnisse deckte.The article proposes that the cities of the Southern Levant, which minted coins in the second and third centuries CE, depicting Tyche subjugating a water-deity had constructed significant water supply systems. Proud of such achievements, civic leaders were honoring Tyche who supplied their basic needs by providing plentiful water

    Size and Scope of Kane County Agriculture 2019

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    Kane County is located on the southern border of Utah. It borders Arizona on the south. Other surrounding Utah counties include Washington, Iron, Garfield, and San Juan. The economy consists of tourism, services, and agriculture. Some points of interest in Kane County are Lake Powell along the eastern border, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. As of 2017, the population was estimated at 7,567. This fact sheet details the growing season, farm income, and crop and livestock production of Kane County