126 research outputs found

    The Zulu traditional birth attendant An evaluation of her attitudes and techniques and their implications for health education

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    Some of the important practices of Zulu traditional birth attendants in their care of pregnant women are summarized. This. information is valuable in constructing the format/content of appropriate antenatal health education for women from rural areas. The target group for antenatal health education should include the opinion-formers of the community

    Termination of pregnancy using extra-amniotic prostaglandin F2a - experience in a peripheral hospital.

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    A CAJM clinical report on medically induced pregnancies in a rural hospital in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.The need for termination of pregnancy, particularly for intra-uterine death, is a common problem facing doctors working in rural hospitals. It is probable that the spread of infection with the Human Immune Deficiency Virus will increase the numbers of pregnancies complicated by intra-uterine death and increase the demand for a safe and effective method of termination of pregnancy which can be used by general practitioners where the services of obstetricians are not available. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether extra-amniotic injections of Prostaglandin F2a is such a method

    Maternal mortality in hospitals in Zululand, July 1993 - June 1994

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    The management and prevention of post partum Haemorrhage in a clinic

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    Post-partum haemorrhage is best defined as excessive blood loss from the genital tract following the birth of the fetus. For statistical purposes, the definition of excessive blood loss is 600 ml or more. Traditionally, post-partum haemorrhage is divided into primary PPH which is bleeding occurring within 24 hours of delivery, and secondary PPH which is bleeding occurring after that time

    A technique combining neurolept·analgesia with local analgesia for caesarean section

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    A technique of combining neurolept-analgesia and local anaesthesia for caesarean section is described, together with the necessary modifications in surgical technique. The results of a small series are analysed. This is found to be a safe and useful technique, and is regarded by the authors as being preferable to general anaesthesia where the services of a skilled anaesthetist are not always to hand

    The management of high risk labours by midwives with advanced training

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    A survey undertaken in 1977' demonstrated that 53,3 percent of women delivering in a rural obstetric unit had high risk factors demanding hospital delivery. The present shortage of medical staff available in such areas demands that even patients with high risk factors must often be delivered by midwives. Midwives are however, usually trained on the understanding that all patients with significant risk factors should be delivered by medical staff, and thu

    Prevention of folate deficiency by food fortification

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    Red cell folate levels were measured for 6 weeks in an index member and the oldest member of each of 6 families who had been given folic acid-fortified maize meal for use in the home. Five of the index subjects were pregnant and one was lactating. The amount of folic acid added to the maize was calculated so that each adult would receive 500 /Lg folic acid daily. In the index subjects of 5 of the 6 families studied, red cell folate levels rose significantly. The changes in red cell folate levels suggest that pregnant women consume more maize meal than elderly subjects. This possibility would tend to increase the margin of safety when folic acid-fortified foods are consumed by populations in which vitamin B12 deficient megaloblastic anaemia is found.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1763 (1974)

    En empirisk studie av forløperidentifisering og responsklasse-hierarkier

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    I studien benyttet vi velkjente prosedyrer for å identifisere forløpere til utfordrende atferd, vi gjennomførte sjekk på samvariasjon mellom forløpere og utfordrende atferd, og undersøkte om det var felles opprettholdende konsekvenser. Et ytterligere siktemål var å gjennomføre en ekstinksjonsprosedyre for å undersøke om forløpere var etablert som et responsklasse-hierarki. Data viser at det er mulig å identifisere forløpere til utfordrende atferd ved hjelp av intervju. Samvariasjon mellom forløpere og utfordrende atferd ble funnet hos en av to deltagere. Hos deltakeren der det ikke ble funnet samvariasjon var den utfordrende atferden lavfrekvent. Hos denne deltakeren var det imidlertid mulig å demonstrere ett responsklasse-hierarki av forløpere. Funksjonelle analyser ble gjennomført, men atferdsfunksjon ble avdekket kun hos en av deltakerne. Flere studier av forløpere som medlemmer av responsklasse-hierarkier er ønskelig