121 research outputs found

    Increasing and Detecting Memory Address Congruence

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    A static memory reference exhibits a unique property when its dynamic memory addresses are congruent with respect to some non-trivial modulus. Extraction of this congruence information at compile-time enables new classes of program optimization. In this paper, we present methods for forcing congruence among the dynamic addresses of a memory reference. We also introduce a compiler algorithm for detecting this property. Our transformations do not require interprocedural analysis and introduce almost no overhead. As a result, they can be incorporated into real compilation systems. On average, our transformations are able to achieve a five-fold increase in the number of congruent memory operations. We are then able to detect 95% of these references. This success is invaluable in providing performance gains in a variety of areas. When congruence information is incorporated into a vectorizing compiler, we can increase the performance of a G4 AltiVec processor up to a factor of two. Using the same methods, we are able to reduce energy consumption in a data cache by as much as 35%.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands: responses to climatic and environmental changes

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    In this study, we compare annual fluxes of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and soil respiratory carbon dioxide (CO2) measured at nine European peatlands (n = 4) and shrublands (n = 5). The sites range from northern Sweden to Spain, covering a span in mean annual air temperature from 0 to 16 �C, and in annual precipitation from 300 to 1300mmyr−1. The effects of climate change, including temperature increase and prolonged drought, were tested at five shrubland sites. At one peatland site, the long-term (>30 yr) effect of drainage was assessed, while increased nitrogen deposition was investigated at three peatland sites. The shrublands were generally sinks for atmospheric CH4, whereas the peatlands were CH4 sources, with fluxes ranging from −519 to +6890 mgCH4-Cm−2 yr−1 across the studied ecosystems. At the peatland sites, annual CH4 emission increased with mean annual air temperature, while a negative relationship was found between net CH4 uptake and the soil carbon stock at the shrubland sites. Annual N2O fluxes were generally small ranging from −14 to 42 mgN2O-Nm−2 yr−1. Highest N2O emission occurred at the sites that had highest nitrate (NO− 3 ) concentration in the soil water. Furthermore, experimentally increased NO− 3 deposition led to increased N2O efflux, whereas prolonged drought and long-term drainage reduced the N2O efflux. Soil CO2 emissions in control plots ranged from 310 to 732 gCO2-Cm−2 yr−1. Drought and long-term drainage generally reduced the soil CO2 efflux, except at a hydric shrubland where drought tended to increase soil respiration. In terms of fractional importance of each greenhouse gas to the total numerical global warming response, the change in CO2 efflux dominated the response in all treatments (ranging 71–96 %), except for NO− 3 addition where 89% was due to change in CH4 emissions. Thus, in European peatlands and shrublands the effect on global warming induced by the investigated anthropogenic disturbances will be dominated by variations in soil CO2 fluxes

    Shrubland primary production and soil respiration diverge along European climate gradient

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    Above- and belowground carbon (C) stores of terrestrial ecosystems are vulnerable to environmental change. Ecosystem C balances in response to environmental changes have been quantified at individual sites, but the magnitudes and directions of these responses along environmental gradients remain uncertain. Here we show the responses of ecosystem C to 8–12 years of experimental drought and night-time warming across an aridity gradient spanning seven European shrublands using indices of C assimilation (aboveground net primary production: aNPP) and soil C efflux (soil respiration: Rs). The changes of aNPP and Rs in response to drought indicated that wet systems had an overall risk of increased loss of C but drier systems did not. Warming had no consistent effect on aNPP across the climate gradient, but suppressed Rs more at the drier sites. Our findings suggest that above- and belowground C fluxes can decouple, and provide no evidence of acclimation to environmental change at a decadal timescale. aNPP and Rs especially differed in their sensitivity to drought and warming, with belowground processes being more sensitive to environmental change

    Few multiyear precipitation-reduction experiments find a shift in the productivity-precipitation relationship

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    Well-defined productivity–precipitation relationships of ecosystems are needed as benchmarks for the validation of land models used for future projections. The productivity–precipitation relationship may be studied in two ways: the spatial approach relates differences in productivity to those in precipitation among sites along a precipitation gradient (the spatial fit, with a steeper slope); the temporal approach relates interannual productivity changes to variation in precipitation within sites (the temporal fits, with flatter slopes). Precipitation–reduction experiments in natural ecosystems represent a complement to the fits, because they can reduce precipitation below the natural range and are thus well suited to study potential effects of climate drying. Here, we analyse the effects of dry treatments in eleven multiyear precipitation–manipulation experiments, focusing on changes in the temporal fit. We expected that structural changes in the dry treatments would occur in some experiments, thereby reducing the intercept of the temporal fit and displacing the productivity–precipitation relationship downward the spatial fit. The majority of experiments (72%) showed that dry treatments did not alter the temporal fit. This implies that current temporal fits are to be preferred over the spatial fit to benchmark land-model projections of productivity under future climate within the precipitation ranges covered by the experiments. Moreover, in two experiments, the intercept of the temporal fit unexpectedly increased due to mechanisms that reduced either water loss or nutrient loss. The expected decrease of the intercept was observed in only one experiment, and only when distinguishing between the late and the early phases of the experiment. This implies that we currently do not know at which precipitation–reduction level or at which experimental duration structural changes will start to alter ecosystem productivity. Our study highlights the need for experiments with multiple, including more extreme, dry treatments, to identify the precipitation boundaries within which the current temporal fits remain valid

    Modafinil’s effects on cognition and sleep quality in affectively-stable patients with bipolar disorder: a pilot study

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    IntroductionDespite advances in the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD), most patients do not achieve complete inter-episode recovery and functional disability is common. During periods of relative remission, many patients continue to experience neurocognitive dysfunction, reduced daytime activity levels, and sleep disturbances. This 8-week, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study evaluated the feasibility, safety and preliminary efficacy of the wake-promoting drug, modafinil (Provigil®), on neurocognitive functioning, daytime sleepiness, and sleep quality in affectively-stable BD patients.MethodsTwelve individuals with affectively-stable BD were recruited and randomized to a flexible dose of modafinil (100 to 200 mg/day) or placebo, adjunctive to a therapeutic dose of a mood stabilizer. Weekly in-person visits tracked sleep quality and daytime sleepiness as well as side effects and mood symptoms. Neurocognitive functioning was assessed at baseline, week 4, and week 8.ResultsNo serious adverse events were reported. Newly emergent side effects in the modafinil group included heart palpitations, itching, fatigue, and decreased energy. Two patients discontinued modafinil owing to side effects and one of these patients withdrew from the study. One patient discontinued placebo and was withdrawn from the study. Preliminary evaluations of clinical efficacy showed a marginally significant interaction between treatment group and time in two cognitive domains (speed of processing and verbal learning), indicating greater improvement in the modafinil group versus placebo. Additionally, there was a marginally significant effect of treatment group on daytime sleepiness, suggesting lower daytime sleepiness in the modafinil group versus placebo. Counterintuitively, we found a significant treatment group by time interaction effect on sleep quality, suggesting greater improvement in sleep quality in the placebo group versus the modafinil group.DiscussionResults suggest that modafinil is a relatively safe medication for affectively-stable BD patients when given with adjunctive mood stabilizers. Results are suggestive of cognitive benefit and improved daytime sleepiness, but worse sleep quality in those patients prescribed modafinil. A fully powered clinical trial is warranted with specific attention to the characteristics of patients who are most likely to benefit from treatment with modafinil and other methodological lessons learned from this pilot.Clinical trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT01965925

    Long-term and realistic global change manipulations had low impact on diversity of soil biota in temperate heathland

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    In a dry heathland ecosystem we manipulated temperature (warming), precipitation (drought) and atmospheric concentration of CO(2) in a full-factorial experiment in order to investigate changes in below-ground biodiversity as a result of future climate change. We investigated the responses in community diversity of nematodes, enchytraeids, collembolans and oribatid mites at two and eight years of manipulations. We used a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach analyzing the three manipulations, soil moisture and temperature, and seven soil biological and chemical variables. The analysis revealed a persistent and positive effect of elevated CO(2) on litter C:N ratio. After two years of treatment, the fungi to bacteria ratio was increased by warming, and the diversities within oribatid mites, collembolans and nematode groups were all affected by elevated CO(2) mediated through increased litter C:N ratio. After eight years of treatment, however, the CO(2)-increased litter C:N ratio did not influence the diversity in any of the four fauna groups. The number of significant correlations between treatments, food source quality, and soil biota diversities was reduced from six to three after two and eight years, respectively. These results suggest a remarkable resilience within the soil biota against global climate change treatments in the long term

    Increased sensitivity to climate change in disturbed ecosystems

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    Human domination of the biosphere includes changes to disturbance regimes, which push many ecosystems towards early-successional states. Ecological theory predicts that early-successional ecosystems are more sensitive to perturbations than mature systems, but little evidence supports this relationship for the perturbation of climate change. Here we show that vegetation (abundance, species richness and species composition) across seven European shrublands is quite resistant to moderate experimental warming and drought, and responsiveness is associated with the dynamic state of the ecosystem, with recently disturbed sites responding to treatments. Furthermore, most of these responses are not rapid (2–5 years) but emerge over a longer term (7–14 years). These results suggest that successional state influences the sensitivity of ecosystems to climate change, and that ecosystems recovering from disturbances may be sensitive to even modest climatic changes. A research bias towards undisturbed ecosystems might thus lead to an underestimation of the impacts of climate change
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