425 research outputs found


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    Humble Hopes in Mentorship and Education: Thinking with Temporality

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    This article juxtaposes mentoring with an extended concept of time, arguing against the idea of mentoring as a unilaterally forward-moving progression. We discuss how time and temporality unfold in mentoring in the teaching profession. We further explore how temporality might create different potentialities of hope. Ultimately, we suggest the necessity of destabilising narratives of mentoring as constant and linear improvements. We use an example of an inheritance from the past as an analogy in order to provide a thematic starting point for our discussion. This example supports the exploration of how mentorship programme assignments are experienced as well as how conversations are constantly filtered through time. The article builds on the empirical elements of a study of a mentorship programme to explore potentialities that are of importance in mentorship and education.publishedVersio

    Identifying drivers for the direct rebound when energy efficiency is unknown. The importance of substitution and scale effects.

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    The cost reduction resulting from energy efficiency initiatives may induce behavioural changes, which may undermine the energy savings effort embedded in the initiative (referred to as rebound effects). We develop a novel empirical method for illustrating contributions to the direct rebound for cases where the energy efficiency of the equipment is unobservable. Our focus is on substitution and scale effects in cases where more than one type of equipment may be used to produce the same service. We apply the model on a random sample of 1111 households from the Norwegian Survey of Consumer Expenditure for the year 2009 to identify components of the energy savings and rebound effects of household heat pumps. The results show that the electricity savings are completely offset by the rebound effects due to changes in demand, including changes in the mix of energy goods consumed and increased service production. However, the overall energy efficiency has risen, and total energy consumption is reduced.publishedVersio

    rRNA-mRNA base pairing stimulates a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift

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    Journal ArticleBase pairing between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and mRNA is shown to be important for the programmed -1 frameshifting utilized in decoding the Escherichia coli dnaX gene. This pairing is the same as the Shine-Dalgarno pairing used by prokaryotic ribosomes in selection of translation initiators, but for frameshifting the interaction occurs within elongating ribosomes. For dnaX -1 frameshifting, the 3' base of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is 10 nucleotides 5' of the shift site. Previously, Shine-Dalgarno rRNA-mRNA pairing was shown to stimulate the +1 frameshifting necessary for decoding the release factor 2 gene. However, in the release factor 2 gene, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is located 3 nucleotides 5' of the shift site. When the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is moved to the same position relative to the dnaX shift site, it is inhibitory rather than stimulatory. Shine-Dalgarno interactions by elongating ribosomes are likely to be used in stimulating -1 frameshifting in the decoding of a variety of genes

    Teaching in higher education: organic methodologies

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    In this paper, we use process philosophy to address the increased feeling of alienation and resignation among students and teachers in Norwegian academia. By trusting the generative forces of childhood, as Deleuze and Guattari suggest, we explore changemaking potentialities in what we label ‘organic methodologies’ in higher education. Our question is as follows: What educational potentialities might evolve if we educationalised ‘Babette’s Feast’ as a collective explorative act of feminist resistance in the academic system? As a starting point, we briefly present the short story Babette’s Feast, written by the Danish author Karen Blixen. We experimentally educationalise the imaginary of Babette’s feast and transform it into a contemporary feminist feast, facilitated through our master’s program Toddler Science (0–3 years). After a brief presentation of some elements in the feminist feast, we point to processual tendencies within the feast, using Manning’s logics of major/minor gestures and Massumi’s concept of the trans-individual.publishedVersio

    The role of heterogeneous demand for temporal and structural aggregation bias

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    Abstract: Differences in estimated parameters depending on the frequency of aggregate data have been reported in several fields of economic research. Some differences are due to seasonal variations in demand, but temporal aggregation bias is reported even in seasonally adjusted models. These biases have been explained by time-nonseparable preferences and excluded dynamic components. We show that it is possible to observe temporal aggregation bias in a seasonally adjusted static model even when preferences are time-separable. This is because of changes in the distribution of exogenous factors describing the variation in seasonal demand across consumers. To show this, we develop a method for aggregation based on an Almost Ideal Demand System, where demand response varies across both consumers and time . Keywords: Temporal aggregation, Consumer demand, Heterogeneit

    A Fourteen Year Follow-Up Study of Health Promoting Schools in Norway: Principals` Perceptions of Conditions Influencing Sustainability

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    In this study, we examined the sustainability of health-promoting practices in Norwegian schools that were enrolled in the European Network of Health-Promoting Schools from 1993 to 2003. The research questions were: How do the principals perceive that health-promoting practices have been sustained in the schools following the schools' membership of the health-promoting schools network? In what way is school leadership related to the sustainability of health promotion? The study draws on qualitative data consisting of interviews with seven principals in 2008 and school documents. The schools determined their own priorities for action based on assessment of needs in 1994. After 14 years, health promotion practices were sustained in six of the seven schools. Two factors emerged as vital for sustained health promotion practices: the health-promoting school experience and the maintenance and development of practice. The health-promoting school experience relates to staff who internalized the potential link between health promotion practices, school satisfaction, and learning. This also emphasizes the importance of the transfer of experience in sustaining health promotion practices as the staff turned over. The maintenance of vision and practice relates to the principals' commitment to school health promotion, leadership practices that encourage health promotion practices, and external collaboration with the surrounding community in health promotion.publishedVersio

    Hvordan utnytte resultater fra mikroøkonometriske analyser av husholdningenes energiforbruk i makromodeller? : En diskusjon av teoretisk og empirisk litteratur om aggregering

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    Litteraturen om energietterspørsel viser at det er systematiske forskjeller i inntekts- og priselastisiteter fra analyser basert på makrodata og mikrodata. Selv om man estimerer modeller med de samme forklaringsvariablene, kan resultatene bli forskjellige med hensyn til estimert pris- og inntektsfølsomhet. Disse forskjellene kan skyldes problemer med overføring av mikroegenskaper til makro, eller at de estimerte makrosammenhengene ikke har tatt tilstrekkelig hensyn til at husholdninger har ulik adferd når det gjelder energietterspørsel. Politiske målsettinger er ofte rettet mot hele husholdningssektoren. Partielle mikromodeller fanger ikke opp viktige likevektseffekter og tilbakevirkninger gjennom energimarkedene og økonomien generelt. Det er derfor av stor politisk og forskningsmessig interesse å foreta makroøkonomiske modellanalyser av ulike politikk-tiltak som påvirker energiforbruket. Resultater av adferdsanalyser, hvor man søker kunnskap om heterogeniteten i energietterspørselen, må imidlertid basere seg på informasjon om enkelthusholdninger. Det er ikke trivielt å aggregere egenskapene til etterspørselen estimert på basis av mikrodata til en total etterspørselsfunksjon for hele husholdningssektoren dersom ulike husholdningsgrupper har ulik adferd. Slik heterogenitet i adferden kan f.eks. oppstå dersom husholdninger i ulike regioner har ulikt oppvarmingsutstyr som følge av regionale variasjoner i elektrisitetsprisene eller andelen av husholdninger i ulike grupper for adferd endres over tid. Temaet aggregering oppstår straks man vil trekke slutninger om husholdningssektoren på grunnlag av opplysninger om enkelthusholdninger, enten det gjelder hele populasjonen eller et utvalg av husholdninger. Aggregering er derfor aktuelt innenfor et bredt spekter av problemstillinger
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