1,406 research outputs found

    Pedagogiske atmosfærer i møter med posthumane perspektiver i barnehager

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    Sammendrag Denne masterundersøkelsen har som mål å prøve ut en empirisk og teoretisk forskyvning koblet til pedagogiske atmosfærer som relasjonsteoretisk fenomen i barnehagefeltet. Masterundersøkelsens søkelys på pedagogers handlingsalternativer reiser sentrale spørsmål koblet til antroposentrisk og post-antroposentriske individposisjoneringer når barnehagefaglige relasjonsteorier settes i sving. Fra en avventende pedagogposisjon, inspirert av posthumane perspektiver, utforsker undersøkelsen med autoetnografi som metodologi. Masterundersøkelsen eksperimenterer med forskerens egne, og begrensede antall fortellinger (innsmett) som empiri. Ved å prøve ut barnehagefaglig relasjonsteorier, empiri (innsmett) og antroposentriske og-post-antroposentriske individposisjoner søker forskeren å bevege seg ´bortenfor´ (Lenz Taguchi, 2010) nære samspillsrelasjoner. De empiriske innsmettene er konstruert på bakgrunn i hendelser fra forskerens egne møter med atmosfæriske tiltrekningskrefter, som ikke har latt seg forklare med relasjonsteorier fra egen barnehagelærerutdanning. Masterundersøkelsen utforsker hva ulike begreper om atmosfærer kan generer i lesninger av hendelser i barnehagefeltet. Ikke for å finne løsninger, men for å skape bevegelse og utvidelser av relasjonsteoretiske og atmosfæriske tiltrekningskrefter i barnehagefeltet (Andersen, 2023, s. 150). Her utforskes hva pedagogiske handlingsalternativer kan bli når mer-enn-menneskelige og materialiteter medregnes som aktive agenter på lik linje som individet (Barad, 2007; Lenz Taguchi, 2010). Masterundersøkelsens formål er koblet til ´bortenfor´-spørsmål, av atmosfæriske tiltrekningskrefter og affektive tilstander.Summary This thesis aims to examine an empirical and theoretical shift connected to educational atmospheres as a relational theoretical phenomenon in the field of kindergartens. The aim of this research on the pedagogues' room for action and repertoire of action raises key questions linked to anthropocentric and post-anthropocentric individual positioning when relational theories in kindergarten are put into motion. From a waiting pedagogic position, influenced by posthuman perspectives, the investigation explores with autoethnography as methodology. The thesis experiments with the researcher's own stories as empirical evidence. By trying out kindergarten relational theories, empiricism and anthropocentric and post-anthropocentric individual positions, the researcher seeks to move 'beyond' (Lenz Taguchi, 2010) close interaction relationships. The empirical input stories are constructed on the basis of events from the researcher's own encounters with atmospheric forces of attraction, which have not been able to be explained with relational theories from the researcher´s own early childhood education. The thesis explores the effect that different concepts of atmosphere can generate in readings of events in the kindergarten field, not to find solutions, but to create movement and expansions of relational and atmospheric forces of attraction in the kindergarten field (Andersen, 2023, p. 150). Here the thesis explores what educational room of action can become when more-than-human and materialities are included as active agents on an equal footing with the individual (Barad, 2007; Lenz Taguchi, 2010). The purpose of the thesis is connected to 'beyond' questions, of atmospheric attractive forces and affective states

    Pharmacokinetics of iron isomaltoside 1000 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Kim Nordfjeld, Hans Andreasen, Lars L ThomsenPharmacosmos A/S, Holbaek, DenmarkBackground: Iron isomaltoside 1000 is a novel injectable iron compound which offers potential advantages in the treatment of subjects with iron-deficiency anemia. We studied the pharmacokinetics (PK) of this novel compound in subjects with mild-to-moderate inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Methods: This open-label, crossover, single-center trial was conducted in 12 subjects with IBD who were allocated to one of the two single intravenous (IV) bolus sequences of iron isomaltoside 1000: 100 mg followed by 200 mg, or vice-versa. PK variables were analyzed according to a single-compartment model.Results: The concentration-versus-time relationship for isomaltoside-bound iron (IBI) and total iron (TI) showed first-order kinetics with small deviations from dose-linearity. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) values in h * µg/mL for IBI following 100 mg and 200 mg doses were 888 and 2141 respectively, and for TI following 100 mg and 200 mg doses, the AUC values were 1010 and 2319 respectively. The corresponding maximum serum concentration (Cmax) values in µg/mL were 35.6 and 68.6 for IBI, and 37.3 and 71.1 for TI. The half-life (T½) values for IBI and TI were between 20.8–23.5 hours. The apparent volume of distribution (VD) ranged from 3.0–3.5 L. Only approximately 1% of the doses administered were excreted in the urine. No serious adverse event (SAE) was reported. One subject was withdrawn after the 100 mg dose due to abdominal pain and flushing.Conclusion: At the administered doses, iron isomaltoside 1000 showed first-order PK, and did not raise safety concerns in patients with IBD. The PK parameters for IBI were close to those of TI.Keywords: inflammatory bowel disease, iron deficiency anemia, iron treatment, iron isomaltoside, pharmacokinetic

    Regrowth of Cirsium arvense from intact roots and root fragments at different soil depths

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    In the present work we measured the shoot rate from intact roots and from root fragments of Cirsium arvense at different digging depths and the number of leaves were used as estimate of minimum regenerative capacity. The experiments were performed on four sites with three or four repetitions of each treatment. On each site plot, the soil was removed down to a given depth within a 1 x 1 m square. All plant parts was excavated from the soil and the soil was either replaced without any root material, or roots of C. arvense was cut into 10 cm long fragments and replaced into the source hole. Shoot number, aboveground biomass and number of leaves were measured. Digging depth and time explained 50% - 60% of the variation in biomass (P<0.001). Replacement of root fragments increased the shoot number in one out of four treatments but did not affect biomass produced compared to production from undisturbed root systems. Number of leaves showed that shoots from all digging depths passed the level of minimum regenerative capacity. We conclude that the intact root system from all depths was able to regenerate within one season and it has a high contribution to the produced biomass compared with root fragments in the upper soil layers.Keywords: Biomass, compensation point, number of leaves, root systemAufwuchs von Cirsium arvense aus intakten Wurzeln und Rhizom-Fragmenten aus verschiedener BodentiefeZusammenfassungIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Sprossbildung aus intaktem Wurzelsystem und aus Wurzelfragmenten von Cirsium arvense bei verschiedenen Bodentiefen gemessen. Die Anzahl der Blätter diente zur Schätzung der minimalen Regenerationsfähigkeit. Die Experimente wurden an vier Standorten mit drei oder vier Wiederholungen der einzelnen Behandlungen durchgeführt. Auf jeder Versuchsparzelle wurde der Boden bis zu einer bestimmten Tiefe in einem 1 x 1 m-Quadrat entfernt. Alle Pflanzenteile wurden aus dem Boden entfernt, und der Boden wurde entweder ohne Wurzel oder mit 10 cm langen Wurzelteilen von C. arvense in den Boden zurückgegeben. Die Anzahl der Sprosse, die oberirdische Biomasse und die Anzahl der Blätter wurden gemessen. 50-60 % der Variationen der Biomasse erklärten sich aus Bodentiefe und Zeit (P < 0,001). Beim Einbringen der Wurzelfragmente stieg die Sprossdichte in einer von vier Behandlungen an, hatte aber keine Auswirkungen auf die Biomasse im Vergleich zur Produktion aus ungestörtem Wurzelsystem. Anhand der Anzahl der Blätter zeigte sich, dass Sprosse aus allen Bodentiefen die regenerative Mindestkapazität überstiegen. Wir schließen daraus, dass sich das intakte Wurzelsystem aus allen Bodentiefen innerhalb einer Saison regenerieren konnte und in hohem Maße zur produzierten Biomasse im Vergleich mit der aus Wurzelfragmenten in den oberen Bodenschichten beiträgt.Stichwörter: Anzahl der Blätter, Biomasse, Kompensationspunkt, Wurzelsyste

    Wet Oxidation as an enabling technology for hydrthermal liquefaction

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    Laurids Rosendahl - en ildsjæl i fangeskab

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    UniKrak 2

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    LibQual: MĂĄling af servicekvalitet

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