134 research outputs found

    Integrating Economics and Ecology

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    SupplementThis report documents the results from an analysis of policy measures to reduce losses of nitrogen, phosphorus and soil from the agricultural sector to the environment. These kinds of losses are nonpoint, and standard emission oriented policy measures like effluent taxes are prohibitively costly to use. The policy altematives are therefore to regulate the input of potentially polluting substances - in this case reduce the use of fertilizers, to prescribe changes in agronomic practices as conducted on the farm or to change product prices. Principally this study analyzes the effects of these types of regulations, their ability to reduce losses of nutrients and soil, and the private and social costs thereby invoked

    Rapid Succession of Actively Transcribing Denitrifier Populations in Agricultural Soil During an Anoxic Spell

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    Denitrification allows sustained respiratory metabolism during periods of anoxia, an advantage in soils with frequent anoxic spells. However, the gains may be more than evened out by the energy cost of producing the denitrification machinery, particularly if the anoxic spell is short. This dilemma could explain the evolution of different regulatory phenotypes observed in model strains, such as sequential expression of the four denitrification genes needed for a complete reduction of nitrate to N2, or a “bet hedging” strategy where all four genes are expressed only in a fraction of the cells. In complex environments such strategies would translate into progressive onset of transcription by the members of the denitrifying community. We exposed soil microcosms to anoxia, sampled for amplicon sequencing of napA/narG, nirK/nirS, and nosZ genes and transcripts after 1, 2 and 4 h, and monitored the kinetics of NO, N2O, and N2. The cDNA libraries revealed a succession of transcribed genes from active denitrifier populations, which probably reflects various regulatory phenotypes in combination with cross-talks via intermediates (NO2−, NO) produced by the “early onset” denitrifying populations. This suggests that the regulatory strategies observed in individual isolates are also displayed in complex communities, and pinpoint the importance for successive sampling when identifying active key player organisms

    Regulation of denitrification at the cellular level: a clue to the understanding of N2O emissions from soils

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    Denitrifying prokaryotes use NOx as terminal electron acceptors in response to oxygen depletion. The process emits a mixture of NO, N2O and N2, depending on the relative activity of the enzymes catalysing the stepwise reduction of NO3− to N2O and finally to N2. Cultured denitrifying prokaryotes show characteristic transient accumulation of NO2−, NO and N2O during transition from oxic to anoxic respiration, when tested under standardized conditions, but this character appears unrelated to phylogeny. Thus, although the denitrifying community of soils may differ in their propensity to emit N2O, it may be difficult to predict such characteristics by analysis of the community composition. A common feature of strains tested in our laboratory is that the relative amounts of N2O produced (N2O/(N2+N2O) product ratio) is correlated with acidity, apparently owing to interference with the assembly of the enzyme N2O reductase. The same phenomenon was demonstrated for soils and microbial communities extracted from soils. Liming could be a way to reduce N2O emissions, but needs verification by field experiments. More sophisticated ways to reduce emissions may emerge in the future as we learn more about the regulation of denitrification at the cellular level

    Phylogenetic and functional potential links pH and N2O emissions in pasture soils

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    This work was funded by the New Zealand Government through the New Zealand Fund for Global Partnerships in Livestock Emissions Research to support the objectives of the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (Agreement number: 16084) awarded to SEM and the University of Otago.peer-reviewedDenitrification is mediated by microbial, and physicochemical, processes leading to nitrogen loss via N2O and N2 emissions. Soil pH regulates the reduction of N2O to N2, however, it can also affect microbial community composition and functional potential. Here we simultaneously test the link between pH, community composition, and the N2O emission ratio (N2O/(NO + N2O + N2)) in 13 temperate pasture soils. Physicochemical analysis, gas kinetics, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, metagenomic and quantitative PCR (of denitrifier genes: nirS, nirK, nosZI and nosZII) analysis were carried out to characterize each soil. We found strong evidence linking pH to both N2O emission ratio and community changes. Soil pH was negatively associated with N2O emission ratio, while being positively associated with both community diversity and total denitrification gene (nir & nos) abundance. Abundance of nosZII was positively linked to pH, and negatively linked to N2O emissions. Our results confirm that pH imposes a general selective pressure on the entire community and that this results in changes in emission potential. Our data also support the general model that with increased microbial diversity efficiency increases, demonstrated in this study with lowered N2O emission ratio through more efficient conversion of N2O to N2.New Zealand Fund for Global Partnerships in Livestock Emissions Researc

    High-Resolution Denitrification Kinetics in Pasture Soils Link N2O Emissions to pH, and Denitrification to C Mineralization

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    peer-reviewedDenitrification in pasture soils is mediated by microbial and physicochemical processes leading to nitrogen loss through the emission of N2O and N2. It is known that N2O reduction to N2 is impaired by low soil pH yet controversy remains as inconsistent use of soil pH measurement methods by researchers, and differences in analytical methods between studies, undermine direct comparison of results. In addition, the link between denitrification and N2O emissions in response to carbon (C) mineralization and pH in different pasture soils is still not well described. We hypothesized that potential denitrification rate and aerobic respiration rate would be positively associated with soils. This relationship was predicted to be more robust when a high resolution analysis is performed as opposed to a single time point comparison. We tested this by characterizing 13 different temperate pasture soils from northern and southern hemispheres sites (Ireland and New Zealand) using a fully automated-high-resolution GC detection system that allowed us to detect a wide range of gas emissions simultaneously. We also compared the impact of using different extractants for determining pH on our conclusions. In all pH measurements, soil pH was strongly and negatively associated with both N2O production index (IN2O) and N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio. Furthermore, emission kinetics across all soils revealed that the denitrification rates under anoxic conditions (NO+N2O+N2 ÎŒmol N/h/vial) were significantly associated with C mineralization (CO2 ÎŒmol/h/vial) measured both under oxic (r2 = 0.62, p = 0.0015) and anoxic (r2 = 0.89, p<0.0001) conditions.This work was funded by the New Zealand Government through the New Zealand Fund for Global Partnerships in Livestock Emissions Research to support the objectives of the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (Agreement number: 16084) awarded to SEM and the University of Otago

    Genetic analysis of quantitative phenotypes in AD and MCI: imaging, cognition and biomarkers

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    stairs and fire

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