42 research outputs found

    Das Scheitern des Neuen Steuerungsmodells

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    Das Neue Steuerungsmodell in Deutschland ist in besonderem Maße von einem inhärenten theoretischen Widerspruch geprägt. Die tradierten Entscheidungsstrukturen, in denen nutzenmaximierende Fachverwaltungen und Politiker zur Budgetexpansion tendieren, werden aus einer Rational-Choice-Perspektive kritisiert. Dem wird das Neue Steuerungsmodell gegenübergestellt, in das sich nun ausgehend von einem optimistischen Menschenbild die zentralen Akteure entsprechend ihren radikal neu definierten Rollen einfügen und dem Primat der Haushaltskonsolidierung unterordnen. Nach 15-jähriger Implementationspraxis in Deutschland kann konstatiert werden, dass das Neue Steuerungsmodell auch an diesem Widerspruch auf konzeptioneller Ebene gescheitert ist. Das Scheitern kann aus einer konsequenten Rational-Choice-Perspektive als eine "rationale Abwahl" im Vollzug interpretiert werden.The New Steering Model (Neue Steuerungsmodell) as the German version of the international New Public Management movement is characterised by an inherent theoretical contradiction. On the one hand, traditional decision-making structures are criticised from a rational-choice perspective, in which advantage-seeking departmental services and politicians attempt to increase their budget. But on the other hand, when presenting the New Steering Model, far more optimistic assumptions about human behaviour are taken for granted. Main actors are expected to adapt to their newly defined roles and to endorse the primacy of budget consolidation. 15 years after the beginning of the New Steering Model's implementation, its miscarriage may be partially ascribed to this inherent contradiction

    Lokale Bürgerbeteiligung in der Haushaltskrise

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    Entgegen der "Local Governance"-Hypothese ist in der kommunalen Haushaltskrise seit den 2000er Jahren kein Trend zu mehr dialogorientierter Bürgerbeteiligung erkennbar. Vielmehr führen die begrenzten Ressourcen und die Kosten-Nutzen-Kalkulationen der Akteure zu einem Rückgang der Bürgerbeteiligung. Die geringe Umsetzung von Beteiligungsergebnissenin der Haushaltskrise fördert die Politikverdrossenheit der Bürger, die bei hohem Aufwand nur wenig Nutzen aus ihrer Beteiligung ziehen und deshalb häufiger die Exit-Option wählen. Für die kommunalen Entscheidungsträger ist der Einsatz von Bürgerforen und Bürgerhaushalten ebenfalls wenig lohnend, weil diese wenig zur Haushaltskonsolidierung beitragen und viele Ressourcen der Verwaltung binden. Stattdessen setzen die Kommunen auf hierarchisch koordinierte, eng zugeschnittene und nichtdialogorientierte Beteiligungsverfahren wie den "Sparbürgerhaushalt".In contrast to the "Local Governance"-hypothesis there is no apparent trend towards more dialoguebased civic participation in the municipal budgetary crisis since the 2000s. In fact, limited resources and cost-benefit calculations by involved actors cause a decline of civic participation. Low level of implementation of participation results in the budgetary crisis promotes people’s disenchantment with politics. As their participation comes at great expense but nets them little benefit, in consequence they select increasingly the "Exit-Option". For local policymakers, the use of citizens’ forums and participatory budgets is also unrewarding, because it contributes little to the budget consolidation and ties up many of the administration’s resources. Instead, the municipalities focus on hierarchically coordinated, closely tailored and non-dialogue-based procedures of participation like the "Sparbürgerhaushalt.

    Die "armen Städte": ein Problemaufriss

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    Politische Repräsentanz von Frauen in der Kommunalpolitik

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    "In der politikwissenschaftlichen Analyse stehen vor allem die Bundesländer und der Bund im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit, wenn es um die Repräsentanz von Frauen in der Politik geht. Der kommunalen Ebene wird dagegen eher marginale Bedeutung seitens der Wissenschaft zugemessen. Allerdings ist die kommunale Ebene nicht nur jene, auf der die größte politische Praxisnähe herrscht, sondern hier rekrutieren Politik und Parteien auch ihren Nachwuchs für politische Führungspositionen. Insofern erhält die lokale Ebene eine zentrale Funktion, wenn es um mehr Frauen in der Politik und um Geschlechtergerechtigkeit geht. Zum einen zeigt die hier vorgestellte Studie, wie stark Frauen in deutschen Großstadtparlamenten unterrepräsentiert sind, zum anderen sucht sie nach den Ursachen und arbeitet Maßnahmen zum Abbau der Unterrepräsentanz heraus. Dabei stehen weniger die Frauen im Fokus der Analyse als vielmehr die Parteien und die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen." (Autorenreferat)"When it comes to women's political representation, it is the state and the national level that are the focal point for political science analysis, while the local level plays a rather marginal role. However, this is the level where politics is closest to the people and where politics and political parties recruit talents for political leadership positions. Thus the local level plays a central role in increasing the number of women in politics and in supporting gender equity. The present study shows the large extent to which women are underrepresented in German city parliaments, analyses the underlying causes and points out ways to improve female representation on the local level. The focus of the analysis is political parties and institutional conditions rather than the women themselves." (author's abstract

    Frau Doktor steht zur Wahl: eine quantitative Analyse des bundesdeutschen Wahlverhaltens auf lokaler Ebene aus der Genderperspektive

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    "Dieser Beitrag geht zwei grundlegenden Fragen nach: zum einen, ob Frauen bei Kommunalwahlen, bei denen Kumulieren und Panaschieren möglich ist, gezielt nach unten gewählt -und somit durch die Wählerschaft diskriminiert- werden, und zum anderen, ob ein vorhandener Doktortitel der KandidatInnen den Wahlerfolg, unabhängig vom Geschlecht, im Vergleich zu Nicht-Promovierten erhöht. Die Analysen der Kommunalwahlen in 74 Klein- (20 000 bis 50 000 EinwohnerInnen) und Großstädten (mehr als 100 000 EinwohnerInnen) anhand der Parteilisten mit fast 16 000 KandidatInnen zeigen eine Benachteiligung von Frauen gegenüber den (männlichen) Kandidaten durch die Wählerschaft, die sich allerdings nur in Kleinstädten, nicht jedoch in Großstädten äußert. Ein Doktortitel begünstigt den relativen Wahlerfolg von Frauen und Männern gegenüber Nicht-Promovierten wie erwartet, wobei es keine signifikanten Differenzen im Wahlerfolg zwischen Frauen und Männern mit Doktortitel gibt. Die Annahmen und Ergebnisse werden im Spiegel aktueller Forschungsergebnisse diskutiert." (Autorenreferat)"This article addresses two basic issues: Whether women are discriminated by voters in local elections when the electoral system allows accumulation and cross-voting and whether candidates with a PhD achieve better relative electoral success than candidates without a PhD, regardless of the candidate's gender. An analysis of local elections in 74 small towns (20 000 up to 50 000 residents) and large cities (more than 100 000 residents) with nearly 16 000 candidates showed that women are discriminated by voters in small towns, but not in big cities. Candidates with a PhD are more successful in elections than candidates without a PhD. However, there are no significant differences between the electoral success of women and men with a doctorate. The hypothesis and results will be discussed as reflected in current research results." (author's abstract

    Genetic and antigenic characterization of complete genomes of Type 1 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome viruses (PRRSV) isolated in Denmark over a period of 10 years

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    AbstractPorcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) caused by the PRRS virus (PRRSV) is considered one of the most devastating swine diseases worldwide. PRRS viruses are divided into two major genotypes, Type 1 and Type 2, with pronounced diversity between and within the genotypes. In Denmark more than 50% of the herds are infected with Type 1 and/or Type 2 PRRSV. The main objective of this study was to examine the genetic diversity and drift of Type 1 viruses in a population with limited introduction of new animals and semen. A total of 43 ORF5 and 42 ORF7 nucleotide sequences were obtained from viruses collected from 2003 to February 2013. Phylogenetic analysis of ORF5 nucleotide sequences showed that the Danish isolates formed two major clusters within the subtype 1. The nucleotide identity to the subtype 1 protogenotype Lelystad virus (LV) spanned 84.9–98.8% for ORF5 and 90.7–100% for ORF7. Among the Danish viruses the pairwise nucleotide identities in ORF5 and ORF7 were 81.2–100% and 88.9–100%, respectively. Sequencing of the complete genomes, including the 5′- and 3′-end nucleotides, of 8 Danish PRRSV Type 1 showed that the genome lengths differed from 14,876 to 15,098 nucleotides and the pairwise nucleotide identity among the Danish viruses was 86.5–97.3% and the identity to LV was 88.7–97.9%. The study strongly indicated that there have been at least two independent introductions of Type 1 PRRSV in Denmark and analysis of the full genomes revealed a significant drift in several regions of the virus

    Improved upper limb function in non-ambulant children with SMA type 2 and 3 during nusinersen treatment: a prospective 3-years SMArtCARE registry study

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    Background The development and approval of disease modifying treatments have dramatically changed disease progression in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Nusinersen was approved in Europe in 2017 for the treatment of SMA patients irrespective of age and disease severity. Most data on therapeutic efficacy are available for the infantile-onset SMA. For patients with SMA type 2 and type 3, there is still a lack of sufficient evidence and long-term experience for nusinersen treatment. Here, we report data from the SMArtCARE registry of non-ambulant children with SMA type 2 and typen 3 under nusinersen treatment with a follow-up period of up to 38 months. Methods SMArtCARE is a disease-specific registry with data on patients with SMA irrespective of age, treatment regime or disease severity. Data are collected during routine patient visits as real-world outcome data. This analysis included all non-ambulant patients with SMA type 2 or 3 below 18 years of age before initiation of treatment. Primary outcomes were changes in motor function evaluated with the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded (HFMSE) and the Revised Upper Limb Module (RULM). Results Data from 256 non-ambulant, pediatric patients with SMA were included in the data analysis. Improvements in motor function were more prominent in upper limb: 32.4% of patients experienced clinically meaningful improvements in RULM and 24.6% in HFMSE. 8.6% of patients gained a new motor milestone, whereas no motor milestones were lost. Only 4.3% of patients showed a clinically meaningful worsening in HFMSE and 1.2% in RULM score. Conclusion Our results demonstrate clinically meaningful improvements or stabilization of disease progression in non-ambulant, pediatric patients with SMA under nusinersen treatment. Changes were most evident in upper limb function and were observed continuously over the follow-up period. Our data confirm clinical trial data, while providing longer follow-up, an increased number of treated patients, and a wider range of age and disease severity

    Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf alte Probleme von Verwaltungsreformen

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    Inspired by managerial insights, administrative scholars produce ever new reform agendas of limited validity. Empirical evaluation surveys, however, ascertain implementation problems which increase from one public sector reform to another. At the same time, administrative scholars and practitioners seem to lack a “reform memory“. Thus, neither their brand-new approaches nor those proposals that pop up time and again are evaluated against the backdrop of experiences that have been made with previous reforms. In this article, a new governance approach is presented to bridge the dissatisfying gap between promising would-be concepts and the sobering analysis of the status quo. The analytical dimension of the governance concept is used as a heuristic device to understand the most important reform agendas of the last decades as well as their implementation. Based on systematically assessed achievements, it is attempted to develop more realistic and pragmatic recommendations for administrative reforms

    Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft

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